Heart of Space

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Everything posted by Heart of Space

  1. Conscious capitalism? He'll have to justify those 5 dollar boxes of strawberries first and then maybe I'll listen.
  2. Yea, I'm being a bit harsh most likely. I haven't really watched much of his stuff, it just never appealed to me. To each their own.
  3. I've never liked JP's video's because it always felt like he had a smug sense of superiority over the types of people he criticizes. I don't personally feel attacked by them, but I get the sense there's a bit of narcissism in his brand of comedy. And then of course, he shields himself from any criticism completely by claiming that everything he says is parody.
  4. Great post, man. Exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. Seems there are a tremendous number of things to read about. I appreciate you enlightening me on some avenues to go down. I've spent a fair amount of time studying monetary economics. Especially in regards to centralized banking and MMT. My interest in economics really began in my quest to learn whether or not different social programs like UHC or free college where economically viable. Economics always seemed like the one last bastion of legitimacy the conservative ideology had when I was younger.
  5. You've studied economics, right? What are your favorite countries to read about in terms of economic case studies? For example, when I was trying to understand national debt I looked at Japan and Greece which was fascinating and very educational on that subject.
  6. I'm pretty sure most people idealize Marx, because socialism itself was born out of his economic philosophy. Marx viewed society as a progression towards the abolishment of socioeconomic classes. There's a lot of really good idea's there. I believe that Marx's ideas actually came way too early and that he was ahead of his time. Capitalism > Socialism > Communism A big part of economic philosophy and the success in its application is beholden to the development of the people within that economic system. Which is why its important that certain idea's are only applied in a society that is properly developed and ready for them. Edit: Man, some of you guys are so hung up on spiral dynamics you should start a religion around it. Why can't you just have a conversation rather than get hung up on categorizing absolutely everything to a color? @nitramadas A quick glance at your post history shows that pretty much every post you make mentions SD. Which color/stage gets so obsessed and hung up on a conceptual framework that literally everything they say is rooted in said conceptual framework? Just curious. Your posts are like the quintessential example of someone who uses SD to act as if the content of your posts are of some sort of higher tier caliber. It's literally the SD version of holier than thou.
  7. It's like the new age version of the Christians who always say this is the president that ushers in the end times.
  8. I've never really understood the mentality of blaming the entirety of the sins of a massive complex multigenerational system on a person. From your point of view every American president is some sort of abject genocidal maniac. The geopolitical context of all conflict is extremely complex. Obama wasn't in the middle east somewhere shoveling Arab babies into a literal meat grinder.
  9. Psychedelic experience fundamentally breaks down and makes you question the narrative of how reality works and what it is. Conspiracies also sort of overturn that same narrative, but replace it with something even more complex and delusional. It's easy to see how someone could be mislead down that path.
  10. Idk why, but I've been binging videos of Obama lately. Really interesting stuff if you closely analyze his behavior. He's extremely practiced and has extreme mental fortitude to constantly act as calm as he does in every situation.
  11. Lol he's the absolute worst. One minute he's like, ok guys we have to be careful how we criticize Biden because I care about educating and convincing people and then literally in the next breath, "All republicans are part of a nazi death cult, they hate black people and they want you to die." He literally says that stuff, I shake my head every time. Maybe I'll call into his show and debate him over it, with love of course.
  12. I agree with this so hard. Vaush is a smart guy, but cot dam does he overuse the word "fascist." He also calls people nazi's and racists way too much. He constantly refers to Republicans as being part of a death cult. All that and then he turns around and acts as if his channel is there to convince people to change their view to his. Bro, you can't constantly use all those labels and expect people to be willing to listen to you. In that sense he's a doofus, but I still like his content.
  13. No one is completely changing the definition of money. The slight inflation only reduces its effectiveness as a store of value over time, it doesn't redefine money. Nor is the definition important, only the actual function as a tool of your economic system. Inflation encourages spending, investing, and using debt as a tool for expansion. Yes, those aforementioned assets are priced in dollars and value is always relative even if your currency is not inflating. Gold and Bitcoin fluctuate in value massively in short periods of time, this has nothing to do with inflation, nor does a 2 % yearly inflation rate make it difficult to understand their value since value is always determined relative to everything else in the economy. You seem to think that by not increasing the money supply over time you will create a stable value in your currency. This is false. Sure, you could have a currency with a stable quantity, but the value of each dollar would still fluctuate relative to everything else in the economy. Value is something that only exists relative to other things of value and dollars are no different. It will be a store of value like gold as long as it is socially accepted as such, but no longer. As a currency it would not work, it would be a step back to the stone ages. Deflationary type currencies are NOT effective for many reasons. We've already tried them.
  14. That's not absurd at all. The purpose of money is to drive behavior and economic activity. The purpose of devaluing money is to incentivize doing something with your money rather than hording it. It also makes it so your debts lessen in value over time as well. If you want a good store of value go invest your money in something that holds or gains value. When you incentivize hording of money what do you think happens? If everyone becomes scared, stops spending and hordes money the value of money goes up and deflation happens in your economy. Debts increase in value in an economy based on debt, companies profits go down the drain because of lack of demand. It can cause what's called a deflationary death spiral, which is what caused the great depression. This is why centralized currency is a necessity. Deflationary currencies like gold or bitcoin would be idiotic to implement.
  15. If the stimulus does what it is supposed to, which is to counteract deflationary pressure, you won't necessarily see absurd levels of inflation. It's the same reason why right now would be a good time to increase spending on public utilities like healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Massive government spending is healthy in times of economic strife. Given that most of the stimulus is top down and that your average person got only 1200 amid a massive crisis where a huge number of people are having their job and finances nuked I don't think you'll necessarily see broad increases in inflation across the entire economy. Now, the equities market will inflate and has, and things like property value and other things rich people buy may sharply increase in value. Our economy is going to be in a weird place for a long time.
  16. I'd go even further. There are no dimensions at all. Existence has no dimensions. Lets say you have a universe with two seperate objects in space and that's all that exists in this universe. Both objects appear to have the dimension of space that separates them. The reality is, the distance is not a property of space, space has no property or dimension it is nothing. The appearance of distance is a property of both objects relative to one another. Each objects existence is purely defined relative to the other object. If each objects existence is only defined relative to one another their existence is dependent on eachother. Both objects are apart of the whole of existence. Bit if a mind fuck if you can actually comprehend what I'm saying.
  17. Anyone can write words. Same reason why this section of the forum is full of twenty somethings who are apparently enlightened gurus after meditating 3 months and had their first psychedelic experience. It's extremely easy to learn how to walk and talk like a spiritual person yet be living in complete delusion. Just like you can be angry neurotic murderer and yet sound like someone who has spiritual understanding.
  18. Or, you know, you could do the whole move into a Bhuddist monastery or something similar which would be infinitely better. I've faced the real possibility of going to jail for a short period over a DUI and had the same thoughts. I've also spent a couple of nights in jail years back over petty alcohol related crimes. And I will tell you it is absolutely not the place to start a spiritual practice like meditation. You are absolutely underestimating the distraction and stress that the environment will put on you. Being in confined spaces is psychological torture on a minor level. You're surrounded by aggressive mentally ill people and extremely egotistical dumb Neanderthals that are the prison staff who get off on feeling like they're better than you. Good fucking luck with your meditation habit in that environment. OP, no offense, but you are incredibly naive.
  19. Ouch, too true, I can confirm. I'm a spiritual retard and a half.
  20. I don't disagree with your fundamental point. I guess I was only expressing that I was less "bullish" so to speak on psychedelics as a tool for spiritual progress or as a catalytist to transform civilization. Perhaps splitting hairs on my part.
  21. I don't blame the psychedelics. I just am opposed to the narrative that they will completely save the world from dipshittery.
  22. You know man, I'm with about half of the way, but I wonder if you've met average people who do psychedelics. Most of them are complete dipshits, I know I used to be one to a degree. Most of them aren't serious spiritual seekers who have an intelligent understanding of the world. I've met some serious degenerates who've done psychedelics. Just unleashing psychedelics into the world alone is not enough.
  23. Personally, as a single celled organism I look forward to reaching the enlightened stage of brown myself.