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About lightfruit

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  1. @Solace Thanks Solace!! <3 it's being really helpful reading your posts about love, self-love, heart centeredness. (Saying 'I love You 24/7 is amazing ) With Love
  2. it is an exercise of the LP course.. sure I agree it seems better to let it go. Specially in this kind of values. I wonder if Leo would discover his personal LP by his own course Thanks anyway!
  3. How do I specify this value? I can say "do twice a day metta meditation". But this is not the way I know I'm living the value... I know I am living this value when I'm happy no matter what, when I am not giving a single fuck to what everybody are thinking and when I am not judging others, instead, when I easily pay attention to other people and continue the conversation (or not) with ease and joy. This is specific? It happens the same with some other values... Where what I can specify is a possible way to develop the value, not living it. Did you have the same problem? Am I over complicating?
  4. Love this subject! Congrats for the initiative. I already subscribed I think it will be even better if: 1) no music 2) video more close to your face, Leo style. I think the observer extract more information when the video is recorded with less distractions as possible. Good luck! Keep going!!