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Everything posted by docproc

  1. Ive been struggling for a long while to try and find any meaningful direction in my life. I'm currently doing a degree in engineering, which ive grown to dislike. I do want to change into something else but I really don't know what to change into. I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and all I really want is things very low on Maslow's hierarchy (money, sex, social status). But I really want to want to do something impactful but I just don't have the emotional drive for anything else and I feel guilty about not really wanting to do anything of value to the world. No career of that sort really appeals to me. But when I think of having an online business (for example marketing) that could possibly make me alot of money and allow me lots of freedom I get drive to do that. But it would be just for the money. I know intellectually that it won't fulfill me and that if that's all I do in life I will regret it. I've never really excelled at anything, always been quite average. So I don't really have any obvious talents. Should I just pursue money so I can move up the hierarchy? Or wait till I find something better? I've been stuck for a number of years now. I'm am also very interested in meditation and enlightenment, but I'm not sure I'm coming from the right place to persue that yet. I currently really dislike what I'm doing and am craving a clear direction so I can move out of it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers guys.