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About Aquarius

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  • Birthday January 21

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  1. Can I heal from brain damage caused by antipsychotic?
    Can I heal from brain damage caused by antipsychotic?
    I have these saved from research i done a while back. You will have to research each individually for more information/explanation.
    Vitamin D
    Vitamin B-12
    Vitamin  K2
    Omega 3s
    Bacopa/Gotu kola/Gingko/GInsengs
    Medicinal Mushrooms
    Vitamin E
    Astaxanthin, Cacao, Tulsi, Hemp, CBD and Coconut oil, Ginger, Shilajit, Cinnamon, GSE, L-Theanine. Choline, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, DHA and B-Vitamins should also can help from what i remember and essential oils like rosemary, pine oils, peppermint and basil.
    This is a good read on fighting radiation exposure naturally,
    Most of those should also help reach optimal health and faster regeneration. Do this for a while and while eating lots of fruits and being physically active then when you feel ready to fully reset then do a 7 - 14 day water fast on distilled water and meditate and spend time in nature as much as possible, its like a quantum reset.
    Saunas and IF also help leading up to and after the fast.

  2. differences between two partners
    Can an actualized person be in a successful relationship with a low-consc. one?
    Just a disclaimer: My views are merely inandated insights of my own studies and self reflections. I do not look at them as sheer facts. Just personal perspectives. As I am young and have much to learn, thankyou.
    For me It depends on the context of their unconscious behaviour and the extent. I'm in a relationship at the moment which exercisises unconscious behaviour but at the same time you have to put this into context. Realistically speaking a small portion of societies in my opinion are highly unconscious or at the very least partly which means the chances of meeting an unconscious being at first is much higher, especially in western demographics. It's something that should not be rationalised too quickly. Due to actualisation being a personal endeavour, from my perspectives of learning. if you enforce your growth on someone else who doesn't see need to it they will never see the beauty of it, although if you have a sense of unconditional and unsubjective energy around you they may follow by their own accord. If they do, enjoy the experience. If not, respectfully continue yours. The ambiance that should be coming from you should be enough of an invitation so you should not need to ask. Most importantly two individuals should be connected by much more then on a level of personal interests and metaphysicality. If not your intentions may be ego and outward based.
    I feel the biggest obstacle is the ego. Due to the sheer factor that human connection is largely outward bound, unless brought into existential and conscious context. Be careful because when your ego says something is good or something is bad, it's drawing distinctions which can be signs of self delusion. If the ego sees little clarity of something similar to its movements it over rationalises it. It draws boundaries between things that aren't of its same nature. This is the nature of the ego. So when you deeply grow a larger understanding of life it is all deeply interconnected. This can bring down the barriers of dichotomy. From the earths elements that constitute all our material objects and infustructures to the  ecosystems that incubate our very being. I feel this one of the most undermined thoughts on life. Such beauty in what we walk past and overlook. Everything is deeply connected, even the things or those who put such tremendous havoc upon the world. They contribute to the environment to similar extents as you do and there fore are necessary to co exist and be part of in many ways. This is a very liberating way to look at life. Try to empathise and look at things larger then you currently do it will amaze you how deep you can go.
    As for personal experience. I have deeply contimplated this due to my circumstances. Within my situation my partner is very respectful and understanding. Although there is a age gap in my situation, herself twenty myself twenty five. I have to expect these kinds of low interest in this this type of lifestyle. Along with being nine months into the Relationship, quite early. Plenty of growth to be had. Though we have little interests that align and are in different stages of life that can be expected with largely different ages and influences. Those things can change in a maturing relationship. Communication is key. We have spoken on our direction and understand it may be the only thing that parts our paths individually but hope to see our seperate paths continue next to each other. So if you can speak to the person deeply on the possible disalignments and establish clear lies between you I don't see the reason for escaping. If the person is respectful of your journey you shouldn't need them to follow. Chances are they may in the future the more relevancy this material is put within society. I personally find my relationship a pleasant experience mostly even though the large differences. The more I become aware the more I enjoy everyday experiences along with my relationships. I feel closer and more inter wedded the further I progress. If you feel more separation the more you develop, you should consider your methods of development and consider is it serving you justice or not. It should be a liberating experience I feel.
    A powerful quote I truely see truth in "Two beings that truely love each other, can live without each other but choose to be together"
    I also feel these days people have such an expectency on a relationships wether intimate or not. From cultural demographics to personal influences. We draw so many unnecessary dichotomies and assumptions. This gives us a very narrow perception of that which we perceive and interact with. Rather then inspect that which is not of our nature we push it aside and focus elsewhere. I feel this to be a delusion. Everyone is individual and unique so in categorising that in turn ignorantly dismisses the space for authentically learning about them. Take good time to listen to others, you can lean more then you may first intend. It's a beautiful and unconditional way to live life I feel.
    Apologies for the long post, such a deep topic and much that can be covered. Would love to hear more views on this ?

  3. How to stop overthinking about everything ?
    How to stop overthinking about everything ?
    I agree with Vingger. You really have to ask yourself how much of that overthinking leads to results. 
    Besides that, I would recommend having a thought journal, or just having a few blank print papers to fill up with thoughts, then throw them away if you want. But the best is having a note-taking app, and every time you have a need to overthink, just write, and write, and write... Write your heart out. And see what conclusions you got.
    That, combined with 10-30 minutes of meditation daily can be helpful. Good luck to you!

  4. pros of veganism
    Discussion : Being Vegan - VS - not Being Vegan
    I like being vegan. 
    My body feels great and light. I actually feel like jumping and running all the time. Because of this I got inspired to pick up Freerunning and do Calisthentics I love animals and feel more connected to them than ever before Vegans eat real good, like REAL GOOD. Meals are so damn tasty. Food gives me energy and I look forward to eating, rather than taking time out of my day to eat and waiting long before it has settled to start being productive again I learned to cook my own food and I feel really excited to find more recipes and explore stuff Fuck being vegan is awesome

  5. pros and cons of veganism
    Discussion : Being Vegan - VS - not Being Vegan
    I am going to assume that by Vegan you mean wholefood plant based because Vegan can be terrible junk diet filed with Coke, oreos, bread and dairy free cookies. 
    Downsides of being Plant Based
    very little dietary B12, absolutely need to supplement (every single vegetarian or vegan) could become Omega 3 deficient (easily preventable) could become anaemic or very skinny if careless and deficient on B12, Iron, B9 and calories generally and need to lift weights) not all places are Vegan Friendly Need to do more cooking at home will face mockery and emotional manipulation  will be asked same questions all the time  will have a tendency to judge meateaters family and friends usually unsupportive could become more expensive Benefits
    Higher prevention from top killer diseases of humans world wide.  Shorter recovery time from flu, cold etc ... Vitality increased Consciousness increased and mind fog lifted Libido increased along with sexual health  Digestive improvement Easy weightloss for obese people no more dieting, no more food restrictions, discovering new foods, spices, herbs... contribution to health of the planet not more participation on un-humane slaughter and animal holocaust reduction of medical bills later on in life.  (potentially) for ladies less painful periods  
    I have been on plant based diet for around a year and never felt better in my life, gained some muscle mass without problem and got rid of asthma, indigestion and few extra kilos along with brain fog and occasional depressions. 

  6. Ideas on taking notes
    Taking notes on personal-development material.
    Here are things that I do that make my notes shorter and better
    Focus on his main ideas and center your notes around these ideas. Look up the outline method of note-taking and use bulleted and numbered lists. As you start to do this more and more, the more you will start to notice that Leo's videos are centered around certain ideas. Remove the fluff. What you think isn't important and is self-explanatory, just don't write it down. In some way highlight some things that are important to you. It may be some food for thought, super-duper important points and insights. Go back and add new definitions of / points about a certain thing. Review your notes after taking them. Copy and paste the link to the video in case you need to watch/review it again Explain things using your own words. Quotes can be useful but only if you understand them and if they are important. Here are some of my notes so you can have a clear idea of what I am talking about:


    These are notes I took while listening to Advice For High School & College Students - The Keys To Mastering Life:

  7. Key elements of self-actualization
    What Is Self-Actualization?
    The concept of self-actualization comes to us from the humanistic psychologist, Abraham Maslow. Maslow defined the self-actualizing human being as follows.
    Self-actualization is the expression of your true self, your fullest potential, and your great capacities. Self-actualizing people exhibit the following traits:
    Have a superior perception of reality — they see things in an objective, accepting way without intruding themselves upon what is being perceived. Have an increased acceptance of self, others, and nature. Have increased spontaneity in behavior — they can be unpredictable and outrageous. Are more focused on the problem than themselves. Have increased detachment and desire for privacy. Have increased autonomy and sense of individuality — take full responsibility for how their lives unfold. Are resistant to social conditioning. World-citizens not beholden to any one culture. Pick and choose what they like from culture. Are comfortable being themselves even if that means being unpopular. Have a good sense of what is real and unreal. Value truth and facts over beliefs. Have great freshness of appreciation and richness of emotional reaction. Have higher frequency of peak experiences. Being in flow state more often. Have an increased identification with the human species. Have improved interpersonal relationships. Have a more democratic character structure. Have greatly increased creativeness. Have a deep knowledge of themselves. Are constantly moving toward unity and integration of their personality and world view. Are actively nurturing their talents. Place great value on truth, beauty, goodness, uniqueness, wholeness, justice, simplicity, richness, effortlessness, and playfulness. Are driven by positive, intrinsic motivation, not by lack. Generally enjoy most aspects of life, not just achievement, triumph, or peak experiences. Take pleasure in functioning at their prime. Take a non-valuing, non-judging, non-interfering, non-condemning attitude towards others. Are more loving. They need love less but are able to give love more. Embrace conceptual dichotomies, polarities, and conflicts by fusing, transcending, or resolving. Are comfortable with paradox, contradiction, and not knowing. Have desires and impulses that correlate with what's good for them. Have solid psychological health. Live on purpose with a sense of mission. Work is a precious cause. Involved in improving the world. Willing to admit and correct mistakes. Have an easy self-discipline which comes hard to average people. Duty and pleasure are the same. Gratify themselves moderately rather than abstaining through harsh self-discipline. Express impulses more yet use less control. Controls are less rigid or anxiety-driven. Are able to express their aggression in a healthier way, as a sort of righteous indignation rather than a lashing out. Have a different, new set of concerns: being-challenges vs needs-challenges. Live to experience joy rather than avoid pain. Live in the present moment. Make more conscious decisions.  
    Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: