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Everything posted by Driven62

  1. Hi, I'm writing this in need of help and advice. I've watched Leo's videos on YouTube. He seems knowledgeable and genuine and so does this little community. It seems like people here genuinely want to help people and have empathy for others coming on here. My issue I think in a nutshell is an intense fear of being ridiculed. It obviously affects my social life and oddly enough affects the ability to drive out of my comfort zone. I only drive within this small 5 mile radius. If I even think of driving out of that area I get immediate stomach butterfly feelings, labored breathing, dry mouth, shaking hands, etc. Same goes if I think about putting myself out there and joining a club or something to meet people. These physical feelings prevent me from doing these things. The result of this? Getting up, going to work, come home and wait to go to bed. I want a life. I want a girlfriend. I want hobbies and interests. I've tried hypnosis with countless hypnotherapists, NLP phone sessions, countless self help methods, etc. I can honestly say the thing that has made the most sense to me is present moment living. The whole concept seems like it solves so many issues all at once. However, as hard as I have tried I just can't get into it for more than small amount of time. I'll be all gung ho about it for a day and then drift away from it the next day. I also have an issue wrapping my head around the concept of how do I work on my confidence and live in the mindful lifestyle at the same time. I know an huge increase in confidence will help but aren't you supposed to eliminate your ego if you want to be present? I don't get it. Please help with any advice. I guess my question to you guys would be...what would you do if you were in my situation? Try to do an combination of NLP for my confidence and present moment thinking?