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Everything posted by Omario

  1. @Shin truly a mind fuck within a mind fuck. But i have to say. what a beautiful thing that is.
  2. @cetus56 Wouldn't say freaking me out. more like fucking hard. Hows it been working out for ya?
  3. @cetus56 So to eliminate your sense of self? i like how you worded it.
  4. @Shin lol Alright you said mindfuck with in mindfuck. I Can't begin to understand what you were trying to say. I was asking for a deeper answer. I litteraly have no clue what spirituality is. Is it some some state you get in? How does it feel like. Where (mentally) is this state and how can you achieve it. Thats what i asked.
  5. @Shin hold up. I want you to defy what it is, how it feels like where it is.
  6. Hey I am still a teenager so I'm still shapeable, Through my young years i remember being very popular, confident,charismatic a natural leader etc. I vividly remember controlling most of the social social interactions that happened in my class; always the one coming up with games to play, always the one in charge, usually the center of attention. But now its taken a 180 turn. I am Neurotic, i am suspicious of everything its as if i cant rest, constantly involved in negative thinking, my self esteem has plummeted, I'm not an introvert but i sure as hell do feel like it, since im analyzing everything about me. I just wanna know a strategic way to start and make the 180 turn again to a full 360 back to where i was personality wise. Are there any strategic plans or ways to go about transforming my personality??
  7. @tinB we were supposed to talk about it. You still there?
  8. @Barbarian Number 8 That answer to my question was probably the most useless advice i have ever heard. Thanks in advance
  9. So I've started to become aware of the origin of many of my negative and worth crushing thoughts. Its the belief that somehow people are different than me and that they think in a way that I do not. That they somehow "get it" and i don't. This puts me in a position where I'm "lower" than they are. I would really like to hear from you. Why do i believe this? How do i start to turn it around?
  10. Wassup fellow fat people. OK... so I'm gonna try a diet where i only consume Steamed Vegetables, fruits and meat with no calorie limits. Nothing else. I will drink only water. Thoughts on this diets? have any of you tried it? Pros, Cons?
  11. so im going to do Lsd and im really curious to what sort of insights im going to get. Could you share some of yours?
  12. Alright, ways to insure a good trip, and ways to prevent a bad trip? Would love to hear from you
  13. @aurum well worded, I get what you're trying to say. my issue is obviously a self esteem issue. lets say i was a 5/10 on the self esteem scale, i would feel Superior to a person with 3/10 self esteem, but even then i find a way to lower my self in order to please them. In the end i feel helpless. I was never like this read my response to @Nathan
  14. @aurum literally i feel superior to no one. sure i can act like it at times to prove that i am but in reality that isnt how i feel.
  15. @Nathan You are a either a genius or really wise, i think both See the thing with me is, i was never the introvert that didn't fit in, was hyper critical, self conscious, negative etc... I always was the leader of my peers and the one that was a hold of most social interactions. I was bullied hard over the years for that very reason, when you live in an ape society like the middle east (where i grew up) people are envious and will go out of their way to physically, emotionally and mentally abuse you, for a problem they them selves feel the need to project onto others. You know it really sucks, I am actually stuck in this super complex mental model of the world i created as a way to manage my anxiety, its as if its rigged against me. Would LOVE to hear more from you
  16. Hey Leo, there are thousands upon thousands of videos on the internet based on charisma. what it is and how you can adopt it. But for me, most if not all these videos have a sense of superficiality, where the don't dive deep and address the main psychological factors that make up a charismatic personality. I know you have come along way when it comes to your personality and charisma, So i was wondering if you could share more of that with us. This topic in and of itself doesn't seem like the type of things you do currently (Your recent videos focus more on enlightenment and very deep and diverse topics) but for a change maybe you could discuss and help us understand CHARISMA. Thanks for all the work you do, i am forever grateful. Omario
  17. @Theplay wow, it cost you a year of your life? what do you mean by that? did you become anxious, scared or depressed?
  18. brother, i have the exact same issue down to the details. Can you msg me so i can talk to you. and discuss this????