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Everything posted by solr

  1. @OnceMore This sounds really awful. I'm sending you a big hug. <3 - How old are you, and do you live at home? - How was your relationship with your dad before all of this? Were/are you close? - How is your relationship with the rest of the family? Have you talked about this?
  2. Whey protein is not unhealthy. It's an easy source of protein which will build muscle and lower your weight. The reason why whey protein contributes to weight loss is simple. 20-35% of the calories in protein goes to thermic effect. This means if you eat 200 calories worth of protein, your body will use between 40 and 70 of them in digestion. Also. A diet based on a high protein intake will keep you full. Feeling full is extremely important when it comes to losing weight (or maintaining your weight). I'm guessing a high percentage of the members on this forum doesn't eat meat. Whey protein is an amazing source of protein for non meat eaters. High protein diets is highly common here in scandinavia. We don't have a lot of fat people here compared to the UK and US. Probably. There's chemicals in everything though. Even plants. Sure, you'll find dangerous chemicals in a lab, but you'll also find dangerous chemicals within plants in an untouched forest. There's no significant difference in the properties of "natural" and "artificial" chemicals. (1) All foods contain chemicals, and all natural chemicals are toxic in the right amounts. (2) We don't use chemicals in unhealthy amounts when we produce human food - In the same way we don't use toxic plants in our salad.
  3. I recently began reading "The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" by Ouspensky. Quote: "What does it mean that man is a machine? It means that he has no independent movements, inside or outside of himself. He is a machine which is brought into motion by external influences and external impacts. All his movements, actions, words, ideas, emotions, moods and thoughts are produced by external influences. By himself, he is just an automaton with a certain store of memories of previous experiences, and a certain amount of reserve energy." - I'm totally on board with this, but where does non duality fit in this picture? Wouldn't this use of the word "external" indicate some sort of duality?