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Everything posted by Victoria1234

  1. I find that whenever I'm with people I just can't make conversation. I just don't know how to and it's so difficult and frustrating because it hampers ALL my relationships, even the ones I have with my close family. But no matter how hard I try I just blank out and can't think of things to talk about and go into this quiet zone where I don't say anything. As a result of this I have now become TERRIFIED of talking to people one on one and avoid situations where I would have to be with one person alone. This obviously completely rules out the option of dating or even liking someone for that matter, because I'm always scared that I won't have interesting enough topics to talk about, and there will be awkward silences all along. I always need there to be a third party to lead the conversation. In this whole process, I lose my individuality, my confidence, and feel so lost because I don't know a way out. Please help