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Everything posted by tatsumaru

  1. As long as you don't really know what you are, you can come up with all kinds of belief systems about what the world is and how it works. You could say that everyone else is projecting you and everyone else is real except for you - certainly some disassociated states can feel like this. You could say the world is a simulation. You could say the world is the brain of a demon and we are all his thoughts. Bla bla bla. All beliefs are false. When you switch to direct experience you simply experience and there's no even such distinction as dream or real. What's real about a dimension in which everything is empty and forever transforming? Solipsism is just an extreme form of egoism which claims that nothing but the Ego can be known.
  2. There's no how to letting go, as there is no how to seeing or hearing. It's just something you can do. Imagine like you are holding something really heavy with your hand and because of that you can't move, someone comes along and tells you 'why don't you just let it go?' and you are like 'I don't know how to let it go'. That's what's happening right now. You are looking for some formula when instead you need to make a choice to let it go and let it go. It's all about giving yourself permission to let it go so you have to ask yourself why am I not giving myself permission to let it go? If you need more help with that check out a book called "The Sedona Method". Although for some reason based on your replies I feel like you want to keep digging for some reason. Maybe you like suffering.
  3. This reeks of desperation. "Every lead counts" = "No lead converts". You need to realize that you don't fix yourself by getting the girls. You get the girls by fixing yourself. Seeking external validation is a downward spiral which ends in hell. Check out a book called "The way of the superior man" by David Deida. I know what desperation is trust me, you have to let it go, your life isn't about getting laid, and if you think it is you will be extremely disappointed and underwhelmed if you manage to attract some desperate gal. Start by accepting that it's okay to never get laid in life (again) and trace your way back to sanity. Focus on what your life purpose is and everything else will fall into place. Right now you are just a beggar who begs girls for a free pass. You might not be doing it explicitly but implicitly that's what you are expressing. Is it attractive to you when a girl is desperate and needy? Even though looks matter, no amount of looks can compensate for not having uncovered your purpose in life.
  4. Obviously it's possible. There are plenty of guys who never had sex in their lives. It is thought that Isaac Newton never had a sexual partner. Most people settle for some lame partner just because they are too afraid to be alone which is definitely not a matching of types just some form of desperation. Truth is if you aren't self-actualized you aren't really a type, you are just a simulacrum who tries to be "normal" and you are going to settle for some other fake person and watch TV together and wait to die together pretending you have a life. Technically speaking if you can transform into whatever you want or switch bodies and have no problem lying and acting all the time you will probably be able to get any girl you want. Most of pickup is pretending you are a different type anyway (not saying that being a loser is a type though). In my opinion if you are self-actualized then there will be a girl that wants exactly what you have to offer this world, it's just how duality works, like attracts like. However even if such girls exist you may never find them if you don't go to where they are. It's not that hard really, just actualize and do the things you enjoy and you will meet other people there who enjoy the same stuff and some of them will be girls who are a good match for you.
  5. Freud suggested that low “self-regard” was caused by a child’s discovery that he or she could not have sexual intercourse with Mother or Father, which resulted in the helpless feeling, “I can do nothing.”. it isn't too hard to understand why a girl might be sexually attracted to her father. From an evolutionary perspective he was the first male that imprinted on her what reliability is. He provided for the family, he defended the family and made them feel safer and he often made love to the mother in front of the children since there were no rooms then. Also it's easy to think of your father as someone who is less likely to let you down or betray you or take advantage of you as opposed to some random brute on the plains. On the boy's side the mother was the first woman who loved him and let him touch her body and suck on her nipples. Also when species are critically endangered they are wired to procreate with their relatives in order to survive since from an evolutionary perspective it's worse to disappear as a species than to take the risk of generating a genetic disorder and it's not like they rationalized it, they just knew that if there was no one else left to mate with, you might as well do your sister or w/e. Actually there is something called the Toba catastrophe theory which suggests that around 70k years ago a megamassive supervolcano errupted in what is present day Indonesia and basically destroyed a massive amount of biological life throughout the whole world. It's estimated that only 2000-10000 people were left on the whole planet. Geneticists have noticed the curious fact that any two humans have almost identical DNA. By contrast, any two chimpanzees can have more genetic variation between them than is found in the entire human population. Mathematically, one theory to explain this phenomenon is to assume that, at the time of the explosion, most humans were wiped out, leaving only a handful of us —about two thousand people. Remarkably, this dirty, raggedy band of humans would become the ancestral Adams and Eves who would eventually populate the entire planet. I bet girls back then had plenty of daddy issues, lol. Whether you like it or not is irrelevant, nature doesn't care about the latest political trends in social psychology or about your fabricated ideas of normalcy and depravity. Isn't that patriarchy stuff actually Blue? Or maybe I am not getting what you mean.
  6. I broke a couple of hearts a while ago just for sex and I regret it deeply. Back in the days I thought it was just how the world worked and it didn't matter as long as I get what I want, but that was simply rooted in desperation and frustration. I wasn't conscious enough at the time and didn't realize the damage I was actually causing to both of us and the karma I was perpetuating. I thought "she'll get over it" or maybe I didn't even care. It was extremely stupid of me and I've certainly created more work for psychotherapists with my ignorant behavior. I think the main reason this happens with guys is because they aren't honest due to being scared that if they say what they really want they won't get it (which is true in some cases, but is also okay to not get it sometimes) and also because they don't really know who they are and what they want, they are just desperate to relieve their urges. For example in many cases a guy doesn't feel any love and just wants to have sex or is being lonely and needs to feel wanted. He tells some girl that she's different and special (which she is but not to him), or that their future kids would look cute or that he is willing to change his religion for her or that he might marry her one day or whatever she wants to hear to open her legs, and once he's done - bye bye. A lot of men consider this sort of manipulation to be some sort of pickup mastery but it's actually fucking shit. Anyone can be ignorant and lie, there's no mastery there. True mastery lies in knowing who you are and not engaging in relationships that aren't harmonious to your true nature. And if I guy is simply horny and wants to fuck he should go all in on the sexual attraction and not tell any lies, instead he should say "I really want to fuck you right now" and if the girl says "No" (and means it), then it's simply not the right girl or the right time or the right place and the guy should let it go without causing any trauma and suffering and move on.
  7. Let's not start assuming the backgrounds of other people simply because they don't agree with us. I have no idea what you went through and you have no idea what I went through and frankly I don't care because as I stated grounding yourself in your painful me story only leads to a victim mentality regardless of whether you were raped and brutalized or went to a war and had to eat your brother to survive or simply had a boring job. There's no amount of pain that justifies a victim mentality because in choosing to be a victim you are simply quitting on yourself. If someone is trying to kill you then defend yourself, but exploiting the painful memories of mothers has nothing to do with urgency, it's about scheming and plotting for revenge and power. There's nothing wrong with judging as long as it's grounded in compassion. To not judge is to cease to differentiate and to cease to be a human being and it's not even possible because by asking people to not judge you already seeking to judge the judges. This is like seeking to become free of desire only to end up desiring not to have desires. The problem isn't in desire or judgement themselves, it's in ignorance. Spiral Dynamics is simply measuring the level of your understanding of what's going on it's not some set of tools that you switch between based on your environment. In fact if you study it you will recognize that the main catalyst for transcending a level is the understanding of its limitations and not your circumstances. If you have a desire to revert back to red/purple you simply didn't understand why they were inferior. The higher levels are always better than the lower levels despite the circumstances. When the Buddha realizes that separation and survival are illusions does he revert to beige/red when his life is threatened? When the Buddha got poisoned did he restore his health in order to survive or did he happily pass into Mahaparinirvana?
  8. You must have a really low opinion of yourself if you think you are hurting girls by being with them. This isn't about covertly manipulating girls into believing they should cheat or leave their boyfriends when they don't want to. It's about having the courage to present yourself to the person you are attracted to and respect their choice when that choice might be to be with you instead of their old partner. A girl's made the choice to leave her old boyfriend for you and you reward this by punishing her for being attracted to you and breaking her heart? Wow so mature and selfless. More like some neurotic form of defeatism and self-deprecation. A girl is free to do whatever she wants, she doesn't belong to anyone, she isn't anybody's property. She's not owned by her old boyfriend. If she wants to leave, she leaves. To suggest that this was a mistake on her part is to suggest that she has no right to free will. What is this 2000 B.C. ? You don't choose who you are attracted to or who you love. When you love, you love. You pursue. If she says no, then you leave. If she says yes you take her and love her like there's no tomorrow. Only silly men treat great women as something ordinary that can be passed on. Great people are rare and valuable, there's no abundance there. If you are satisfied with mediocrity then by all means pass on everyone who is in a relationship. Don't mistake this for some sort of chivalry though, it's just being too much of a cuck to admit that you want what you want and allow for things the unfold as she chooses to. (The fact that a bunch of girls lie that they have a boyfriend just to test your resolve is a whole different topic that I am not even going to address here, because right now we are simply focusing on honest communication). If you are making claims like this you have to explain why, otherwise you are just stating your opinions as if they are objective truth and being manipulative. What is irresponsible or petty about it? I would say it's way more irresponsible to treat great women as a commodity and that the actual insecurity is to think of yourself so little that you would think that you are hurting them by being with them instead of some other guy who she chose to leave for you.
  9. Asking about bf is lame, because most great girls have bfs and that shouldn't stop you, but hiding your intentions and suppressing your sexuality will just get you friendzoned. There's no mystery about what men want from women so there's no point in pretending. You have to be clear about what you want. Girls ditch their boyfriends for new ones all the time and their current bfs don't have to be jerks or losers. It's enough for the new one to be much more compatible and then the old one has to go. We are all seeking soulmates and everything that doesn't match that is expendable from our point of view because it's probably a better fit for someone else.
  10. So apparently you aren't into zero ego but into some specific sort of ego that you perceive as healthy. I would say egotistical asses have quite a healthy ego. That's why they are so egotistical. If their ego was frail and sick would it have so much power? Saying that people can't be blamed about their reaction is basically saying that you are not responsible about yourself. And if you really believe that, then why are you asking about claws and fangs in the first place, how are you going to use them if your reactions aren't up to you? How can you ever stop thinking of yourself as a victim if you believe yourself to be a slave to circumstance? It is only when you accept 100% responsibility for your destiny that you can have control, otherwise it's always something else's fault - the thief, the parents, the government, the era, the pope, the aliens, the economy, the education etc. 99% responsibility isn't enough, that 1% will kill you, you have to be all in. Being robbed by a thief isn't the best, but creating a whole life identity around losing $50 in the park 5 years ago is just silly. If you are in a situation where losing a few bucks or your phone is such a tragedy, you have more serious problems than the thief. And maybe you shouldn't carry too much money, jewelry or expensive smart phones in dark corners of the city late at night. Maybe if you got hit by a car you shouldn't have been wearing headphones and not being able to hear what's going on around you. Maybe if you got diabetes you shouldn't have been drinking 1 liter of coke every day for the last 15 years. I am not saying that if you get raped as a baby that's your fault, but choosing to identify as a victim for the rest of your life is. Let it go and move on, maybe learn some martial arts and next time it won't happen. This has nothing to do with exploiting mom's traumas of their dead babies in order to manipulate, plot and scheme against your enemies.
  11. People suffer PTSD because of how they react and relate to their circumstances. I have to admit it's actually a bit funny that you are inviting zero ego guys in your signature while at the same time asking about how to strengthen your ego.
  12. People lived in caves for millions of years, didn't help them be any more spiritual than they are now. There's no such thing as brutal survival, that's just your ego identity crying for attention. How can a fucking cave be a luxury... Green has nothing to do with whether your government is taking care of you or not. It's about what you identify with. Wow, do you really believe that psychological evolution is generated and maintained by your external circumstances? Circumstances have nothing to do with it. You have 1000% enlightened yogis who don't even have $0.10 for food and you have billionaires who are still looking for how to develop claws and fangs. If you still need to play some red/purple games before you wake up then by all means go and play, just don't pretend that it isn't your own choice.
  13. When I was a kid I used to be able to enjoy playing with my friends or stargazing or going out to the movies or just having fun. Nowadays whenever I try to have fun it's like the volume knob on joy is dialed back to 10% and the other 90% are replaced by 24/7 constant reliving and remembering of the painful me story or simply by some doubts, uncertanties, boredom etc. It's like I can't give myself permission to have fun anymore because I feel like having fun is wasting time (relative to the spiritual journey) or that it is meaningless and if I accept that it's like I gave up on the spiritual journey or I quit or something like this and because of this I've become super neurotic. It's always about pursuing some ultimate truth that is somewhere beyond and I am just this grumpy, sad person who is always needing something else than what's happening, always finding ways to convince everyone that they are idiots (quite successfully unfortunately) and life is no longer enough. I don't even know what I am trying to do really but I know that I am not giving myself permission to simply live. Such a burden.
  14. This is not about any spectrums and isn't about surrendering to abuse either. It's about transcending the whole "us vs them" notion that only perpetuates the drama. Serial killers are usually abused as children or grow up in horrible environments, they have developed plenty of claws and fangs alright, is that what you consider healing? There's no such things as 'normal people' - there's truth and ignorance and it's not a spectrum. Also you seem to be conflating 'selflessness' with 'powerlessness' or some sort of 'learned helplessness' which isn't even remotely similar. Unlike Jesus I never said 'turn the other cheek', I said don't regress into primitive modes thinking you need to retaliate or start some witch hunt (which you are clearly suggesting with your sociopathic post about exploiting mom's traumas about their dead babies). It's one thing to defend yourself and another to develop claws and fangs - claws and fangs belong to predators. The solution is to understand what is going on, not to be building weaponry and going off to wars. The number one principle of self-defense and almost every martial art is to always try to escape and avoid confrontation first because that's the safest solution, fighting is only a last resort for when you are cornered and your life is on the line. And even when fighting you still need to have compassion for your attackers "for they know not what they do". You don't build a healthy society on claws and fangs.
  15. My understanding of the mating process is that not all people are compatible regardless if they are attracted to their biological suits. Therefore it's good to be rejected by the wrong people. I am not saying that everyone who rejects you or who you reject wasn't compatible, but it's important to realize that rejection can also be a friend. In business for example it's very important to disqualify customer leads who don't match the avatar of the ideal client because they are probably inquiring for the wrong reasons and will only be wasting the time of your staff. There are some people like Jordan Peterson who say stuff like "when women reject you they are implying you should not exist because they are literally saying they feel your dna isn't worth propagating" but in my opinion this conclusion is ignorant and is simply rooted in failing to understand that compatibility isn't universal. Of course it's possible to be rejected simply because you are a loser, but you can only be a loser if you aren't self-actualized. Once you realize who you are it's simply a matter of mastering the basics of good communication and seduction and enjoying life. I am not sure that "abundance" is the best way to put it, because that implies that you are only cool because you have enough of something already which implies that you are needy in the first place and your coolness is dependent on external circumstances (i.e. you are only cool because you have money or because you date a ton of girls etc.). You simply have to uncover a reason to be excited and to enjoy life that is deeper than your relationships, friends or sex. Think of the musician who wakes up excited with a new idea about a song or an entrepreneur who is inspired to build the first electric propulsion airplane or whatever. When you are like that you are a giver not a beggar. You share your excitement and happiness with your partner rather than look to your partner for happiness and meaning. This is what's truly attractive. If you are trying to figure this out maybe check out Leo's Life Purpose course. I totally get where you are coming from. Sometimes you are already great and did everything right and it still didn't work out. Sometimes you know you are one in a million and a girl still won't appreciate you. Sometimes you know you are special and a girl still treats you like it's okay to pass on you. You can be angry, you can be sad but realize that sometimes it's the girl's fault for not being aware enough to realize you are great in which case do you really want this relationship anyway (this goes back to my first point)? Girls are human too don't expect them to be perfect. They say shit they regret all the time too. They say no when they wanted to say yes, they say yes when they wanted to say no. A lot of them are dealing with trauma or are biased by their previous relationships or self-sabotage. At the end of the day you can't solve all that in one little meeting. I would say that you should always be genuine but that genuineness should be rooted in self-actualization not neediness. You will see that once you aren't as needy it will be okay for things to not work out with a girl because that's not what your life is all about. Girls really hate drama because it reeks of desperation. Don't suppress drama instead realize where it comes from and dissolve the whole shit (hints mentioned above). Also I would suggest to learn to release your attachment to "Yes" before you approach and rather think of it more like you are investigating if that's the right person for you or not - you don't need a Yes from the wrong person and you don't have to worry too much about a No when it's the right person because the attraction is simply too strong. There was this one time when I met one girl online and we were perfectly or near-perfectly compatible. In all my life I've never met anybody like this before. My soul was orgasming listening to every single word she wrote. Tears of joy. We had 1-2h online chat and we were in total harmony. She kept asking stuff like "Are you still there?" even when I went away for 10 secs to check on my meal in the kitchen because we were totally hooked. At the end of all that I said that I wanted to spend more time with her and gave her my IM info and asked her to add me there now and she suddenly became hesitant. She started talking about how she isn't sure if she's ready for something serious bla bla bla, the usual spiel... So I listened to all that nonsense calmly and simply told her that I knew how she felt and how she's the kind of dreamer girl who has these high standards about the man she wants in her life but when she finally meets him she gets scared and sabotages the whole thing because deep down she's actually scared that she isn't good enough for him and so she defaults to mediocrity where she feels superior and in control. Then I went silent for a bit to allow her to process that. Now it's not important what actually happened afterwards because it was too context-specific but suffice it to say I saved the situation by letting go of the outcome and that by allowing her to go without being desperate she actually came back on her own will. Consider this scene from Nocturnal Animals: Now believe it or not this guy is actually not the loser in this situation, she is. She is actually madly in love with him but she dumps him because her mom keeps telling her that she needs to marry a rich guy so she dumps him and gets married for a rich guy and regrets it for the rest of her life. Our guy tells her that "when you love someone, you work it out, you don't just throw it away, you have to be careful with it, you might never get it again..." and that's exactly what happened to her, she was silly and scared and quit on her love for safety and status and she never got it again. You can actually see that when she says "You have to realize that this is not working" the way she's feeling is not at all aligned with what she's saying. She's saying she wants out of the relationship but the way her voice is trembling you know she's already aware she's making a mistake. When she says "I can't do this with you anymore Edward, I just can't" it doesn't feel like she actually means it. You can see that what she's doing is she's actually trying to convince herself of what her mommy told her even though her soul screams "BS!". She's just immature and is too scared of disappointing her mommy and by the time she realizes it it's too late. So you have to realize that a lot of the time girls are being ruled by their fears, not by their love and when this happens you might have to figure out a way to help them realize what they are doing because if they are not careful then well... They might never get it again. P.S. Sorry I know this post is all over the place, it's just how I think, feel free to only take away whatever you resonate with from it. Oh and by the way check a band called ' Cigarettes after sex ' out. Listening to them helps me calibrate, they might work for you too. Slightly melancholic, mostly dreamy and carefree though. Makes you feel like it's all a movie and there's not much to worry about at all.
  16. The meat industry is cruel but killing animals or any life form for food isn't cruel. It's simply the nature of transformation. Believe it or not you can kill with respect and appreciation, just look at the reverence Native Americans have for their hunt. In fact you keep killing all the time whether you want it or not. You kill millions of bacteria as you breathe, you kill millions of insects with your cities and you even kill millions of animals with your plants. As long as you transform one energy form into another that has a higher potential you are fulfilling the purpose of your DNA, but if you are transforming that banana or that steak into a psychopath CEO scheming to rob people of their savings, then you should probably leave any food alone and not survive.
  17. You probably already know that, but for some reason these things tend to work out better when you don't care if they are going to work out or not. If you need her in your life you become needy, if you want her in your life you are just cool. You should only need stuff from yourself and not become a slave to circumstance or other people's whims. Try not asking for a phone at all sometimes and just say 'thanks, it was a pleasure' smile and leave and see how powerful it is for her to see you are simply enjoying her company and your life. Next time when you go there and see her again she will remember that you aren't needy and desperate and she might offer you her phone herself. Or she might not. As long as you are enjoying the ride it doesn't really matter.
  18. Personally I feel that if you have transcended selfishness you are actually superior to most. Selfishness arises out of ignorance and is why people hurt you in the first place. You can only be selfish if you identify with something that you are not. While it's good to protect yourself from parasites be careful not to become cynical an closed off. You are just a butterfly in a world of caterpillars and most can't appreciate you for they can't see beyond their limitations. Realizing that other people's attempts to hurt you are rooted in ignorance can be quite empowering and may even make you feel sorry for them when you realize how far they are from actual happiness. My intuition says that you might resonate with the feminine deity Vajrayogini who said: “I am not suited to polite society, to social striving, upward mobility, and making good impressions. I am radically honest, sensitive, brilliant, and blunt. I hold up a mirror to the best and worst facets of human life.” Don't let them drag you back into their nonsense, instead you bring light to humankind as it needs you desperately.
  19. Well mivafofa, Aging is a disease so there's nothing romantic about it. That being said if one takes good care of their body they can age gracefully and live a relatively disease-free life all they way until the end. In my experience they can even remain sexy and attractive almost forever - for example I find certain actresses who are into their 60s incredibly sexy and attractive e.g. Julianne Moore or Michelle Pfeiffer to name a few. They are both 30 years older than me and I would still definitely date them if I had the chance. Hot hot hot... Actually you might want to look Aubrey de Grey up on youtube. He's a really smart biologist and computer scientist who's currently working actively to solve aging. He's received significant funding from major companies and investors and his and his team's efforts are already resulting in certain therapies which seem promising. There's speculation that aging will be solved within the next 50 years, so if you survive another 50 years there's a good chance you will be able to reverse your age and remain 20 indefinitely. This isn't science-fiction, look it up. (For more details: the book "Ending Aging" or "Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don't Have To"). As a nutritionist, I can say that the best nutritional remedies for skin health, elasticity and anti-aging that are scientifically proven to work so far are collagen, vitamin C, resveratrol, fasting and an overall good diet. Getting a good night's sleep seems to be critical too. None of these can reverse aging like what Aubrey de Grey is trying but they can slow it down. Add some cosmetic therapies to your regimen and a good mindset and you might look like Jennifer Anniston or better in your 60s. Good luck.
  20. When I used to think that life is about life then I used to have fun, once I started thinking that life is just a tool to reach enlightenment then being invested in life stopped making any sense to me, now it's just some dream that I want to wake up from. I feel like I will not be able to rest or give myself permission to have fun and relax before I've found IT. One thing that I like to do for fun now is just assembling computer systems - it's like repairing your motorcycle or something like that. I can spend a whole day assembling a PC without even turning it on, just making sure every cable is optimally attached and minimally exposed. I really wish I could get into some hobby like DIY engineering but my spiritual training keeps screaming "DISTRACTION DISTRACTION! WHAT'S MORE IMPORTANT, SOLDERING OR TRUTH????" I know how to feel my inspiration as I've contemplated inspiration for a while now. I did Leo's Life Purpose course which was pretty cool too. Unfortunately what's really bothering me isn't not knowing how to follow it but that when I want to follow it I get this voice in me screaming DISTRACTION! WAKE UP! 70 YEARS WILL BE OVER SOON!
  21. This isn't how I interpret the situation. As far as I can understand you, it sounds to me that you are preoccupied with the sensation of borderlessness that awareness has and calling it infinity/reality. I could be wrong. Doesn't seem like we are talking about the same thing. I think you are referring to Oneness while I am referring to Tao which are not equivalent or similar. Regardless if you starting to experience that spearation is an illusion then I don't disagree as long as that is not being contexted like some other sort of separation like space or infinity. Just to be clear I am not looking to wage war against concepts. I think some concepts are useful and that we might even need to create new concepts that currently don't exist in order to point to what's real more efficiently. A large portion of current concepts are rooted in abrahamic religions and materialism and because of this are insufficient or wrong, they are still useful though. Also I am not suggesting some sort of nihilism where nothing can be said about anything. Even Lao Tzu spent his whole life trying to point to the Tao through words. The Indian poet Ashvaghosa said "We use words to become free from words until we reach the pure wordless essence." So words are fine. I am however concerned about misrepresentation of reality through incorrect or irrelevant concepts though such as saying that reality is God or infinity or Oneness or Brahman.
  22. Just because you need to use concepts doesn't mean that you have to use concepts that are in no way related to the verity of the relative realm. For example points are static and no amount of them even infinite can turn their static nature into dynamic one. Waves are a much cleaner concept that lives nearer to the nature of relativity. With waves there are no points and differences occur due to frequency not due to quantity of static objects. Space (yin) is just the opposite mate of Form (yang) so if you are thinking about space or infinity you aren't transcending duality and duality is just a magic show that contains no causes whatsoever. If you are thinking about space you are just observing the nature of the eye organ, however eyes also belong to the realm of relativity so they too are dynamic and are not of the source. If you actually discover something static I would come personally to congratulate you and be your slave for 1 year for you've transcended space and duality itself.
  23. Not really playing a war over vocabulary. I am simply pointing out the fact that insights rooted in mental masturbation aren't really insights and aren't any sort of wisdom. I am also pointing out that without math you will not have the concept of infinity and you wouldn't even think to use it in any context be it mathematical or non-mathematical. I understand that certain people paying meditative attention to the present moment and to direct experience will uncover the falsity of borders and that this falsity was indeed created due to conceptual pursuits. However to start talking about infinities and division of infinities is simply more conceptual nonsense. Directly observing and experiencing what is, as is, isn't infinite. Once you realize that space isn't real you won't even think that consciousness is infinite. What I am saying here is that this idea of infinity is still grounded in beliefs, assumptions and concepts, it's still not real enough. Drop all beliefs, drop space, time, centers, beginnings, endings, above, below and see if there's any infinity still. The only thing you proved is that you can do something with your imagination.
  24. Taoism teaches that feminine (yin) is masculine (yang) and masculine (yang) is feminine (yin). Buddhism teaches that emptiness (yin) is form (yang) and form (yang) is emptiness (yin). So in other words the reality of duality is being governed by a balanced interchange between two opposites. Night/Day, Death/Life, Empty/Form, Centrifugal/Centripetal, Radiation/Generation, Levity/Gravity... I can go on like this. I even think that there's no such thing as a male or female but simply a ratio between masculine and feminine which depending on the ratio can yield different outputs/transformations. It's even said that the male boddhisattva Avalokitesvara transformed into a feminine version called Guan Yin. So with that being said I am curious what does aging mean from a Taoism / Qigong point of view. According to Aubrey de Grey there are 7 main reasons which are the causes of aging and all of them are types of damage or depletion that can be addressed successfully. One of them is uncontrolled growth for example (cancer). Interestingly enough Sadhguru claims that fasting is anti-cancerous and this claim seems to be somewhat supported by science. Does this mean that cancer is caused by too much yang and too little yin? If so what are old damaged cells? What is stem cell depletion? Also I am curious what is physical growth? Why are children able to grow, but adults aren't? I know that from a biochemistry perspective there are just growth plates which close down, but that doesn't really explain the cause, only what happened and therefore is of little value. For some reason I feel like qigong holds the secrets to dealing with aging (not death). any insights here? Thanks.