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Everything posted by tatsumaru

  1. I feel like if this was true we would have never created the illusion of difference in the first place. How can a perfect happiness originate an illusion of deficiency? My personal intuition is that Harmony is a higher wisdom than indifference and that pain and suffering are simply forms of disharmony which guide us toward happiness and protect us against ignorance. Preemptive rebuttal: No, masochists, don't like pain, they are just using pain to distract themselves from the extreme psychological suffering they are going through and as such pain provides a relief for them which they perceive as pleasure but it is no more pleasure than taking a painkiller for your bad knee. Notice how girls who cut themselves often hate themselves and consider themselves trash or are in an extremely unpleasant family situation. @devoid Do not seek to make up belief systems, that is the old way of humanity (blue/purple stage) and it's already demonstrated its deficiencies, instead seek to let go of all the blocks and resistances you have created towards happiness/love.
  2. "things" in the sleeping dream dimension or in the imagination dimension are not very dense you can change them with the snap of a finger or go through them, but "things" in the waking dream are denser and are harder to change. Why?
  3. I would certainly appreciate a more insightful in-depth explanation than the usual 'just because'.
  4. If you want to gossip gossip, if you want to watch anime watch anime, if you want to actualize actualize. You have to decide what you want and do it. Ask yourself why are you asking this question in the first place. Are you suffering the lack of small talk in your life or are you afraid that you will be all alone in your own universe?
  5. George Gurdjieff claimed there's only one dimension that is worse than this - The Moon.
  6. Why did I ground myself in this dream instead of a less denser one? Have you seen the movie "What dreams may come"? I resonated with it.
  7. Reminds me of Eckhart Tolle's story who after suffering tremendously for a while and almost killed himself realized ' I can't live with myself any longer ' however instead of killing himself he almost by accident noticed that there's an ' I ' and then there's this 'myself' that the I can't live with. He figured out that the 'I' was the awareness while the 'myself' he couldn't stand was the thought-selftalk that he identified with. So he was able to let go/disown/disbelief that self-talk and discover awareness/peace. I think this happens often to people who are migrating from thought-identity to awareness-identity, but in the middle it can be hell.
  8. Great. That must mean we agree on something.
  9. Ignorance isn't an excuse, it's a reason/cause.
  10. Make sure to analyze as you are writing and after you are writing and make sure you are conscious while analyzing. When you are conscious new stuff tends to sink in and update your algorithms, when you are just doing it mechanically nothing changes. Read your sentence, does it sound clear? 'Ah here's why it doesn't. I tend to use too many 'its' and 'thats'. I should be conscious of my using of 'its' and 'thats' and use the actual words instead. Now it's way more clearer'. or 'Hmm my sentences are too long I should be using shorter and clearer sentences or else it becomes to painful to follow my thought.' This sort of reasoning can help you upgrade grammar, style and vocabulary. It's like a word meditation where you obsess over every word. Have you tried Grammarly?
  11. I know laughing at your own jokes is a major turn off, but I can't help it. What's the secret to being able to say something funny and keeping your cool?
  12. Interesting, I always thought that like attracts like (aka introvert attracts introverts).
  13. This is very likely a misinterpretation of what the Buddha actually said. The Buddha would have realized that to seek to let go of desire is also a desire and therefore wouldn't suggest such a fruitless pursuit. Based on my research what the Buddha actually suggested is that 'suffering is a consequence of the desire for things to be other than they are'. So he didn't say 'don't have desires', he said 'don't desire for things to be false'. In other words when your desires are aligned with what is true there's no suffering. Sadhguru's comment on this issue seems to be compatible with my theory.
  14. Assuming both alternatives are authentic behavior (not pretending for others) do you find it more attractive if a guy's funny without laughing at his own jokes (keeping a cool face) or if he's being funny and also laughing at his own jokes?
  15. This is similar to what I was debating with Mu_ here:
  16. Just discovered this lovely term that points towards direct experience which I never knew existed before. It's called reification and it refers to the fallacy of mistaking the abstraction for the real thing or as they say mistaking the map for the territory. It's possible that you already know it, but it's new to me and I am currently feeling waves of appreciation for the existence of this word. What I've noticed for myself is that system thinkers are particularly vulnerable to thinking they've transcended this issue when in effect they have become even more ensnared by it. This is so because with systems thinking the "map" starts to appear more dynamic and alive and it's easy to fool ourselves into believing that this simulation we are running in our thinking minds is actually the territory, however it's no more alive than a marionette being controlled by its puppet master. 99% true is 100% false.
  17. why did you assume that I asked?
  18. my mom plus in my own experience i find other people's jokes funnier when they remain composed
  19. We are helping you out. As you can see we are answering your questions for free. The only reason why you weren't scared taking the PPIs is because you thought that your doctor knew what he was doing. Now you realized that doctors are also people and like other people they can also be stupid idiots and therefore you need to learn about health for yourself and you are overwhelmed. I understand that this is shocking, it was shocking for me too. You lived your whole life with this belief that if something bad happens doctors will protect you but now you realize there's no one to protect you and this truth can be a bitter pill to swallow. Even though you are alone, we are here and we are helping you which is more that can be said for someone who doesn't even know this forum exists and has the same problems. So start by appreciating the fact that you have access to smart people for free who are helping you and then accept your reality that you will have to learn about your health and fix it on your own. Right now you are overwhelmed by all this information - "Do I have SIBO, Do I have SIFO, Do I have H.Pylori. OMG OMG OMG, Where do I start, OMG OMG OMG I am so overwhelmed!!?!?" Listen I get it, in the beginning it's tough, but when you start learning about it you will start making sense of all this and you will see that it's manageable and that you can handle this knowledge. I gave you a simple experiment to try - eat a little bit of well cooked lean meat (20-50g) maybe a piece of steak or a little chicken breast and see how you react to it. Don't eat anything else with it. Have you done this experiment? If so what were the results? Did you get less bloating, acid and gas compared to when you are eating your usual foods? If yes, then you've found a food that you can eat that doesn't cause you as much problems. Once you have this you need to figure out a way to safely wean yourself off of PPIs either with your doctor, or find someone who is an expert with this. For now don't concern yourself with antibiotics and herbal supplements, just try this simple experiment in order to determine what is your safe food. Then you will build from there.
  20. It's NOT an unsolvable problem. Since it is very likely that it's mostly the carbs that are causing the reflux, gas and food regurgitation in your current situation it's very likely that you will be able to eat just meat without PPIs and still avoid most of your worst symptoms. This will allow you to fix your weight without the need to take your PPIs. However it is possible that you might need to take some enzymes and HCL along with that meat to help you with digestion because you might have hurt your digestion with your PPIs. However you can try a little bit of meat first without enzymes/HCL and see what happens. Instead of panicking simply read what we are telling you and realize that we have already laid a path for you to try and see if it will get you results. What's so hard about it? Also you need to start a meditation/relaxation practice and maybe add some magnesium and ashwagandha for your stress levels because stress/anxiety makes reflux worse. For starters just realize that stress isn't going to help you heal and let it go, you aren't being chased by lions so panic/fear won't help you. You need to calm down, assess your situation and simply try a few things and tweak them around until you figure out a way to get to the next level where things will be slightly better and you will be able to do more improvements and so on. I was scared like you just the same way when I had the problems and thought that there will be nothing left for me to eat and I will die of starvation because I couldn't tolerate most foods. As you can see I am still alive 5 years later and the disease is gone. Do you want to heal or do you want to complain about the horror movies you are directing in your mind?
  21. Think of it this way. When a person gets diarrhea, they are told to stop eating for a bit or to change their diet to help the digestive tract heal and recover. Once it is recovered it can do things that non-healthy digestive tract can't do. Right now you are asking why should I stop eating when I have diarrhea when other people who don't have diarrhea aren't stopping eating? Does this make sense to you? If you have an infection and your doctor gives you an antibiotic do you ask - why should I take an antibiotic for my infection when other people who don't have this infection aren't taking the antibiotic? Your logic is backwards. Wake up, you are sick and the people you are comparing yourself to either aren't sick or are less sick and their digestive tracts can handle things you currently can't. Who gives a shit what your staple diet is. Is your goal to eat your staples or to get healthy? It's not necessarily your staples that are causing your disease, however your staples aren't currently compatible with your disease so you have to stop them and heal first and then eventually you will be able to return some of them back. And it's not even so simple at all - the wheat your grand grand grand grand father was eating isn't the same as the wheat you are eating now. It's been modified genetically and now your genes don't know what to do with it when you eat it and this creates an autoimmune reaction because it's being treated as a foreign object. This is no longer your staple it only looks like it, but the inside of it was changed by idiot scientists who prioritized profits over value. So you have to adapt, you have to recover, you have to heal. Your staples from 5000 years ago no longer exist so if you want to survive you need to figure out what's good for you and avoid the bad. Everything you've tried already has failed, so you have to drop your beliefs about how health works and educate yourself because things are complicated and non-linear and your reasoning is very basic and based on very limited information. People here who've healed these issues are pointing you towards information that is effective and instead you're wasting your time trying to convince us who have healed at least to a certain degree that you who are sick are more aware of what's going on? Come on man, time's ticking. What happens if you eat a poisonous mushroom? You die. What happens if you eat a piece of meat that's infected by a deadly bacteria? You die. What happens if you eat a piece of potato that's been turned into a genetic monster by a scientist? Figure it out... We get the environment that we create. If we poison our waters our waters will be poisoned, if we poison our foods, our foods will be poisoned. We are part of our environment and our actions have consequences. There isn't some mother nature that is independent of people that keeps producing pristine goods regardless of our actions.
  22. @Leo Gura , you are probably aware of a person called Aubrey de Grey who is on a mission to find a way to repair the physiological damages caused by the natural metabolic processes also known as aging. He's a stage green/stage yellow who's thesis is that the human body can be maintained indefinitely as long as it can be continuously repaired just like a car. He's already received some significant funding and even helped develop some early treatments for various causes of aging. His goal isn't immortality but simply to remove the suffering of decay and also to allow people to decide how long they want to live (it's not perfect of course, you still die if you are shot in the head). What do you think about the whole idea? Even though there are hundreds of implications on the micro level (political, social, economic etc.) my intuition is that it is generally a good thing as it will allow many more people to realize their full potential in this dimension before they die. Thanks.
  23. It doesn't matter. It's not in India. It's yet another country where doctors don't know anything and only cause harm to patients. Generally speaking doctors are worthless for chronic health issues almost everywhere. I used to think they were great but realized most of them are idiot sociopaths. Your health has to be your responsibility. It's not an easy journey but it's the truth for this society. No matter how dire the situation is you can cure yourself 100%.
  24. Best way is to search for the labs in your city or nearby city, go to their website or call them and see if they offer these tests. Then go to them and do the tests yourself. You might not be able to test. I live in a country where a test isn't offered and so I cured myself without testing. It's better to test in order to be sure what you have, but it's not the end of the world if you can't test because a lot of the things you are going to learn about gut health help with almost all gut problems.
  25. Yes, feel free to contact me, but first read the resources so that you can ask better questions. All of your basic questions that you can think of right now and more are already answered there.