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Everything posted by tatsumaru

  1. I know that a lot of psychopaths are made through environment, but are there ones that were simply born this way? Can someone be born so called evil? If so are they fucked up beyond repair? Can a psychopath transcend psychopathy and feel empathy? I mean Buddha taught a serial killer successfully so why not?
  2. To accept things that are not in your experience is to create belief systems. If being God is not in your experience, accepting it won't change anything but confuse you further. Drop your beliefs and see how it is for yourself. The Buddha said "No acceptance and no non-acceptance."
  3. Recently I've been listening to Imagine a lot. When I was at stage orange I was like "It's your fault if you are poor. You made a bunch of bad decisions and now you are paying the consequences.". Now I am feeling more and more of this all encompassing compassion and willingness to help anyone in any kind of situation as if they were my own children. Before at orange when I was eating meat I was like - "It's important to eat healthy meat.", now I treat the animals I eat like a Native American with respect and appreciation, often giving thanks for the flesh and being aware of the life being lost and the importance of transmuting it into a higher possibility.
  4. Am I making my own thoughts or am I picking them up like a radio from somewhere else? Sometimes I get the most weird thoughts and I have no clue where they even popped from literally useless noise. And sometimes I get high quality deliberate thoughts that make my life better. Sometimes thoughts are automatic and reactionary and sometimes thoughts arrive on demand when I want them to. It's almost like my brain is both a radio and a signal tower. Like an interdependent communication node in a sea of mysterious communication. Has anyone solved this already?
  5. Yet another dose of lazy nihilism masquerading as wisdom. For some, the claim of enlightenment or being enlightened is simply a belief in the concept of Oneness, taken to be Non-duality, such as in the Non-dual or neo-Advaita movements; through which you’re enlightened if you say you’re enlightened, and don’t challenge those within the Oneness meme. Thus for example, there are tens of thousands of “enlightened” neo-Advaita/Non-dual beings in the America’s and Europe.
  6. I watched 10 mins of that Teal Swan video and I didn't like how she was leading the audience and then acting as if they came up with those ideas and answers originally. She was asking that girl about what was the cause of the self-hate and since the girl couldn't figure it out TS literally ran out of patience and convinced her it was the parents because that was the story that she knew how to unpack.
  7. I agree, but following that logic junk food is like heroin as well, because it's just a sugar addiction that we use to boost serotonin due to internal serotonin deficiencies. And suddenly it turns out that it's not so simple as "just do whatever you want". It's way more closer to "let go of self-hate and trauma and see what you will want to do afterwards".
  8. So if you want to take heroin, are you saying you should take heroin from time to time, to satisfy both parts?
  9. read what I said before making accusations. I never said love wasn't fine or that listening to your heart wasn't fine. All I said is that asking the question "what's the worst that could happen" is simply a fool's game. Of course I am resonating with the idea of following your heart. As for trying to do what I've wanted of course I tried, and I've been fat, sick and on a miserable job and that certainly didn't make me happy. There are prices to pay for stupid decisions. Yes, not beating yourself up after eating a hamburger helps not to spiral out of control sure. So it's not as easy as doing what you want to do. Certain impulses are compulsions, certain desires come from the heart and not all of the impulses are worth following.
  10. "What's the worst that could happen?" isn't a good question in my opinion. We really don't know what's the worst that could happen, because we aren't aware of all the things that could happen. Maybe you just end up homeless, or maybe you end up obese with cancer and diabetes homeless or maybe you go to a Buddhist hell where demons peel your skin for 10 aeons who knows. I never thought this was a good exercise. If I simply do what I want to do it will be a mix of following my inspiration and taking drugs, eating burgers and descending into madness. I can't allow myself that second part. I don't want to be sick and fat and tired all the time not able to tie my own shoes etc.
  11. This is how a woman I could love thinks like.
  12. I've never understood the ideas of marriage and commitment. Trying to force static ideas onto a dynamic reality has always resulted in cognitive dissonance for me. In my mind the only reason people are getting married is because their parents got married or because girls get to wear some fancy dress that they don't have a permission to wear on other days. And eventually after the excitement of the fancy holiday dissipates the couple realizes that they are just the same two people like before, that they haven't become one any more than they were before the marriage, but now they have this embarrassing contract they made with the government which basically claims that they are not allowed to change their mind anymore or else they are failures. So essentially they traded a lifelong experience of suffering for an arguably nice party. Why do you have to make promises such as "I want to spend the rest of my life with you" that you don't really know if you can keep or not. Considering that the future is uncertain, making promises like that is clearly a lie. Why would you want to marry someone who lies to you? The whole concept is a paradox designed to fail. That's not to say that you can't or shouldn't spend your life with one person, but if you do, you should do it because you want to, not because you are forced to by a contract or because you don't want to break your promise. And if you really want to you don't need any contracts to keep you together. In fact I would argue that it's way more likely that a person who is with you without being bound by any contracts or promises but simply because they choose to every minute of every day, is actually in love with you and wants to be there. I feel like people who desperately want to get married have some sort of borderline personality disorder where they don't know who they are if they are not married and they derive some sort of identity out of the abstraction of marriage. I feel like making promises or asking for guarantees is a conspiracy for mediocrity which obscures and tries to suppress resonance and direct experience. Punchline: You only need to marry the wrong person.
  13. Make up your mind first and then we can talk.
  14. By commitment I mean what commitment means: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/commitment You don't stay with someone because you are committed, you stay because you don't want to leave. Saying that commitment is what keeps two people together is basically saying that you need discipline to remain in a loving relationship, but we already know that we need discipline to do the things we don't want to do, not the other way around. The same way a kid doesn't need discipline to eat their sweets, people who love each other don't need any readiness/willingness to be attracted to each other and spend time together. Feelings are not about choices. In the context of relationships commitment is the promise of staying if you don't feel like it. You could certainly maintain some sort of mechanical relationship through commitment, but that's no love, that's just occupying a close space together. That all being said I think your understanding of commitment might relate to something different that I have experienced. Sometimes when you are in love with the right person there's a certain sense of completeness, of that person being enough for you and being satisfied and not needing anymore. That feeling dissolves your tendency to look around for a better partner. I don't consider this commitment though for there was no choice or decision made to make it happen it simply happened because of harmony. The way I see it, it boils down to whether a relationship is being guided by each partner's fear of not being left for someone else or it's being guided by seeking harmony between partners. First type is low-tier/survival, second one is high-tier/harmony/inspiration.
  15. This isn't about fidelity, cheating or loyalty. This is about the realization of the simple fact that if you want to be with someone you will be with that someone and if you don't want to be with someone, being with them is no longer love, it's torture. What you are saying sounds like you are just afraid that if someone doesn't commit in some official manner, either by contract or by promise, they will leave you and you will be hurt. Do magnets need commitment to attract each other? Is their attraction not real? If anything commitment suppresses true love because it suggests that feelings alone can't be trusted and a promise needs to be made. Being afraid you will be dumped and trying to hold on to someone isn't love, that's just addiction. True love is just true love, it doesn't need safeguards. Commitment is about resistance, it's about resisting the desire to move on, it's about lying that you will be there forever even though soon you will be dead and this short adventure would be over. Love is about harmony, not about concepts. Does harmony require commitment? All of the feelings that you are describing require no commitment whatsoever, they happen on their own. Do you think a little child loves its mother because of its commitment to her? Love transcends societal agreements and traditions. If it doesn't reach that level, then it doesn't reach it. That's fine. You can't make it better through commitment. Certain chemical reactions are just weaker. When you allow your partner freedom you give them the chance to stay for no reason whatsoever other than their desire to stay. Everything else is baggage. Ask yourself why would you take that freedom away and realize it's rooted in fear, not love. "Tie two birds together and though they have four wings now, they cannot fly." - Rumi
  16. Actually I have very little habits. Most of my daily life is improvisation or just mindless time wasting.
  17. You are contradicting yourself. According to your definition of commitment, it's an inherent part of love, but there's also love without commitment.
  18. Commitment is a promise, a choice. Real love is not a choice and hence doesn't require making commitments or promises. It simply is. When it's gone no commitment can restore it.
  19. I don't find sex bogus. I think you might be confusing commitment for love.
  20. Over the years I've met and dated a couple of girls who told me that they felt empty inside. A feeling that they felt either most of the time or some of the time. Even though I've had personal experience with depression I was never able to relate to the particular feeling of emptiness and never knew what to say when a person would share something like that with me. Some of those girls would hurt themselves "just to feel alive". On a side-note I've also heard about people on anti-depressants who claimed that it made them like zombies and they couldn't feel anything anymore. Not sure if that's the same kind of emptiness though. Regardless I always thought to myself that if they are hurting about whatever is happening then by definition it isn't emptiness/nothingness and probably something closer to meaninglessness and depression or an awareness of not being able to derive much joy out of life. Does anybody have experience with this type of feeling of emptiness and any understanding of what causes it and how to address it? Is it a lack of purpose in life or a physiological issue or some sort of self-hate? I'd like to learn more about it. Thanks.
  21. When I drop the junk food and excessive carbs from my diet I feel on edge. It's like as if I was taking antidepressants and stopped them cold turkey. Could this be sugar withdrawal?
  22. Interesting. Charles Haanel suggested, “The mind cannot comprehend an entirely new idea until a corresponding vibratory brain cell has been prepared to receive it.”
  23. Quite interesting indeed.
  24. The only way to become confused is to be delusional in the first place. Only a person grounded in beliefs can lose the ground beneath his feet.