star ark

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Everything posted by star ark

  1. I do know about benzo addiction and I do know that you cannot become dependent in any way after one day of use. That's like calling everything possibly addictive because someone may enjoy it. Physical withdrawal takes at least 2 weeks, and that would simply be difficulty sleep and a slightly lower mood for a short time. You seem to have a romantic view of shrooms, you are going to have a really bad time eventually. LSD, shrooms, DMT are all much harder and dangerous than xanax, and just one trip is putting an insane amount of stress on your mind. Yes it may relive stress, but it may really really destroy you. I will never change my view, and I believe are being dangerous by claiming I am offering dangerous advice. I have no personal problem with you however and I understand you think you are right, but I think I am right.
  2. In what way? I truly think a method of removing the trip if things go south is very very important A xanax is the most common drug for people suffering a panic attack, and a bad trip is HELL. Trips are not pure rainbows and pixies, and one day, it could be your 5th trip or your 50th, you will have a bad time. You will not be able to go to work after your bad trip. You will become pretty messed for a long time after that bad trip. You may lose a lot after that bad trip, I've seen people end up in public housing after one bad trip - they can no longer take care of themselves. Or you may do it to a friend by recommending substances to someone you decide is ready for the trip who is not , and then you really fucked up and it's entirely on you. Source one xanax bar, if it take you months to do use that time to get excited for the trip. If I was trying to fast forward you self actualization progress with drugs I would be questioning whether I truly want to self inquire or if I just want to party. You don't need to take the xanax, you just have it there in case you have hit the point where people are considering calling for an ambulance. Don't EVER think you have mastered the shrooms or whatever your poison is
  3. There is no interaction with benzos and mushrooms, if you are having a bad trip that could leave you scarred for life, 1 xanax will make you wake up feeling tired and not caring about anything, for a few hours and that's it. If you take xanax for a month every day then you have a problem If a family member died and you were insane with grief and potentially doing crazy things a doctor would pump you full of benzos to calm you down. , One xanax to stop a bad trip is soooooo much safer than going insane on the trip. Sid Barret didn't pop a xanax and go mental, but i bet if every time he was going insane on the drugs he actually had a xanax to bring him back to earth he would never have gone mental in the first place and Pink Floyd would have a whole other story. Tea won't do shit, if you're in hell - bad trip reality - you cannot make a tea. You can lose your body and identity on a trip but be terrified (worse than a panic attack) and virtually catatonic. You need that sitter to basically put that xanax under you tounge for you because you are seriously that messed up. Mushrooms are as beautiful as the users make it out to be but also hideous. There are moments of intense beauty and moments were you will think "Hhhmmm, I seem to shit my pants, am I urinating out of my eye sockets?" That's when a sitter realizes, maybe I should keep my eye on this one. You can encounter the nothingness on mushrooms but not in a good way. A sitter who cares for you and wants to try and show you the "TRUTH" needs to dose you high, and there are dangers to it. No danger in one xanax.
  4. Fear of becoming worm food is god. God is the logical conclusion to the question "Where did we come from? Eternity is eternal, forever there, and the only answer that even slightly makes sense regarding the chicken and the egg. We come from it, we return to it, it will be there absolutely forever. What purpose, truth or application does the pursuit of eternity hold? Are we not here, somehow removed from the eternal, specifically as humans for a finite time? Do we not return to the everything, and regain our place, out eternal memory, the feeling of complete oneness that the revelatory meditative, religious and psychedelic expeirences hint at? Are we squandering our one chance at the human experience by over analysis?
  5. We all suffer, most people cover it up, those that wear there hearts and worries on their sleeve are plain as day to regular people - we stand out. True artists display and examine their suffering which is why it becomes such compelling art. They usually analyse their suffering which is quite often a symptom of the human condition, and everyone understands the human condition. Others view the artist who bears their soul as courageous but stupid, don't reveal a weakness when enemies lurk everywhere. Protect yourself and your financial security by playing the game etc All my old mates love to catch up with me and have a fun artistic night away from the wives, I'm their crazy trippy muso friend, and they think I'm borderline insane. They all look 10 years older than me, have weird aches and pains, view every meal as a reward for working sensible jobs, most of them are overweight rich tradesmen who lift heavy stuff all day but are somehow so out of shape with ruined backs and sleeping schedules that look toxic. etc I see their life as suffering, they see my life as suffering.
  6. Source some xanax and go nuts. If it get's too much have a sitter there who gives you the full xanax bar, normally a quarter kills a panic attack in 10 minutes but on psychedelics you may need a little more help. And no, one largish dose of xanax will do nothing bad in the long term but one bad trip could scar you for life. The thing is your trip will probably include incredibly scary and powerful moments along with the bliss, so waiting out the storm - especially the come on and body rush distortions - is necessary to reaching the eye of the storm and if you pop the xanax you will never fully break through.
  7. Perfect timing, I bought a yoga mat and borrowed a few books at the library just 2 days ago. Honestly I'm struggling to just stay balanced doing the tree pose which my book consider the 2nd easiest pose! Long way to go for me, this is quite the inspiration. Thank you for sharing.
  8. But are we just enjoying the beauty by coming here? Are we really smelling the roses right now, or just dicing them up and shoving them under a microscope to suit an ego who has fooled us into believing it has gone? That actually sounds like the bible telling us the greatest trick the devil played on us was convincing us he was gone, the ego = devil perhaps? See, now I'm contemplating something else in an attempt to not question over analysis! Lol it never ends As for how something limited can capture the infinite, how are you returning from your trips to the absolute via whatever means you utilize and bringing back the knowledge that it was the absolute truth that you experienced? After the fact you are back in some form of solid reality and within your "limited" self again, and in these moments we reflect on the past experience. So we analyse our experience of "oneness" every single time through the limitations of being a body and not the bodyless infinite, the infinite is now yet we reflect on what happened before through another limitation which is time. We can never do more than feel the "oneness" and return to its "familiar" embrace and then trust via our limitations that it was all true. I understand how this simple "just feel it" answer works for most people, and I do "feel it" every day now as my meditation benefits compound. Going with the flow offers stress relief and the ability to see the truth like "I see ego at work in people clearly", "I see how my negative thought patterns harm me and others" but that is a different truth. That isn't the "TRUTH", sometimes I worry people get those 2 confused and one person is talking the "TRUTH" no brains etc, while another person means the "truth" they see ego at work in man kind. Clearly I analyse too much, but I have yet to satisfy myself with this question.
  9. I'm truly jealous! Well done you lucky bastard
  10. I always felt like it was the BS pack mind thing more than just ego. Like groups always seem to try and include you in their circle of friends by pointing out the fault in other groups. You might be with one group of friends and everyone is just bad mouthing someone who would normally be at the social gathering but couldn't make it for what ever reason. They always say things like "I love the guy, but here's 15 reasons why he's a complete idiot" and try and both appear humble and caring but also because you may agree with this person's assessment you AND the assessor are somehow better than the assessed. Or groups that you don't know, I'm constantly being included in conversations with musicians where the group basically expects me to ridicule certain famous musos, let's say Lars and Kirk from Metallica, and be doing so the group is reaffirming their group mentality that they are all in fact better and more important than the most successful metal/rock band of all time. The sad thing is these egos that are demanding you agree with them are actually trying to be friendly and believe they are being good people in that moment, so you are going to struggle in maintaining these group friendships I suspect. Anyone posting on this site probably would.
  11. In all honesty that was one of the most benign and respectable internet arguments I've come across in a long time. I don't know if anyone here should be lecturing others on ego in such specific terms, and advertising spiritual services on Leo's site isn't really respecting what Leo has put in here as this site alone would be a massive financial and metal stress. Also false idols need to be questioned, everyone is a suspect, trusting everything is not the way to survival and once you are dead that could be it for human existence so don't blindly trust everything because you believe you have eternal being waiting for you. If a killer follows their heart and trust they go and kill people, trust and truth are not some absolute morality.
  12. I'm 33, i stopped drinking milk 6 months ago and a collection dormant cystic pimples I had on certain parts of my face and back of my neck FOR YEARS actually became active a couple of days into no milked, leaked pus for a few hours and cleared up and have not never come back. It sounds like BS but it's true. I also notice I breathe much deeper as my sinuses were actually congested but I was so used to how I had breathed my whole life I didn't even know. Keep in mind this meant less caffine as I was also having 3 or 4 coffees, no breakfast cereal - refined grains - which I was sometimes eating sometimes twice a day, and I was also beginning to meditate. So I cannot pinpoint exactly what did what, or if it was a synergy of effects. It seems like meditation reduces anxiety and stress, refined grains screw with your blood sugar levels and strip your body of vitamin Bs so removing them creates a calmness and balance and finally the hormones in the milk are just plain chemicals mildly poisoning us. I hope you try a number of things, one at a time so you can better determine what each individual thing does, and then report back because I'm intrigued myself.
  13. If we as individuals are just a piece or fractal of god, then does just one piece have full control of god's free will? Does one atom have a say over the others? Or could it be a synergy of everyone as a piece of god?
  14. first just try magnesium supplements, it could be a simple fix
  15. Just reading is an exercise in internal voice and balancing the mind. Any benign pursuit is building discipline and as long as you aren't pushing yourself too extremely then it could also be a healthy distraction from negative activities. It also creates mindfulness, the more you put into self inquiry the more likely you are to be mindful just out in the mundane day to day life. Looking for a quick crash course is manic behavior, I know, I was manic for a decade.
  16. Prior to language we must have had different thoughts simply for the fact that we could not think in words that do not yet exist. I imagine humans made animal like cries (possibly influence by witnessing other animals do it), left big rocks and drew lines in the ground to leave simple messages etc But eventually a thought pops into someone's head. "Where did this thought come from?" can not be a sentence that came to the first mind speaker as there simply weren't enough words. People perhaps practiced verbalization in groups and slowly these vocal sounds became internal. But we all know how neurotic and ego driven the internal voice is. Didn't these first mind speakers think that was god? Did our brains evolve and expand due to this very thing? Did our non verbal ancestors have silent, content minds? were unable to think in stages, like planning out something complex in their minds? Did they have animal like intuition instead of language? Why do I become somewhat non verbal if I meditate every day over a holiday break but feel so damn good? Is language god, and is the internal voice a blessing to only be utilized conservatively?
  17. Well I think most interpret infinity as a line that goes that way for ever, and then the exact opposite way for ever. I view infinity as an infinite number of lines going an infinite numbers of direction, in directions that i cannot comprehend due to the infinite number of possibilities that spring from infinity. There has to be an exponentially growing number of parallel universes coming from that infinity, infinity is forever expanding faster and faster, at least that is what infinity feels like to my intuition. Whether we choose our parallel dimension or not is a hard one to comprehend, I'm not even convinced that I have ever had a choice ever in all of existence.
  18. A few months to become not only a respected author but one that lives off it? Try and imagine how many people have tried what you are trying with your business, and then think how many failed, and then think how many years did it take for those that succeeded to actually succeed. People tell me I am pessimistic so I apologies if it comes off that way, but really i say you are exceptionally impatient for success atm.
  19. I think you're being too broad. What industry? I don't think a general life lesson will help here, some industries lend themselves to business owners while others don't. Feels like a specific question for your industry.
  20. Also noticing a lot of drink more water posts, I've actually heard the opposite from Eric Berg. He thinks we are letting all the electrolytes out of our bodies from drinking too much water and urinating and other issues are causing you to be thirsty. He suggests to add salts and minerals to your water and fix other areas of your health which are creating a false thirst. It sounds weird but every time you pee there goes your electrolytes, if you drink more water you need more salt. Too much salt though and you retain water, not enough salt and your muscles contract, you get stressed and thirsty and pee more quickly. Basically you salt and electrolyte levels effect how you retain water and how much you crave. Craving water which deplete your electrolytes. I actually view it as more than just a theory, the facts are true, peeing does lose electrolytes so how can drinking water without replacing those salts and minerals be helpful?
  21. I've been slowing making one change at a time to my diet/supplements to determine how each change affects me. If you find yourself in a situation where you are unhappy but not in any terminal way you then making small adjustments can help you pin point what each adjustment is doing for you. Trying a dozen new things at once will be hard to determine the beneficial changes and you are probably manic if you take on too much. I see it everywhere, nootropic users taking stacks of half a dozen supplements and they think a synergy of all those supplements are making them feel a certain way not knowing exactly what is helping. Jumping too quickly into anything is likely to over excite and then under deliver in the short term. For me i tried the following over the last 8 years or so: Valium via dealer: Pure magic, my brain shut up for the 1st time in my life. I felt like i was a baby, i could remember being a baby, i was back in my child mind that hand no internal monologue and i slept and so well for about 3 days. I felt the valium wearing off across a couple of days and it was very educational to study my mind as it gradually sped up across a couple of days. I became obsessed but studied the internet's tales of valium abuse and managed to not get hooked. I found my short lived valium experience so valuable because it forced me to experience a silent mind, but you really don't want to get hooked - it could be for life - and I still see that dealer who sold me this valium and he is virtually beyond salvation at this point. Fish oil: this was after a few years of researching but not taking anything like valium, knowing i could shut up my internal voice with a very dangerous drug was too scary a prospect. 3 caps of fish oil relieved a pressure in my head i didn't realize was there. I slept amazing for a few days and had the most ridiculous appetite. I take fish oil every day since and if i ignore it for approx 5 days my head feels weird and I am almost angry like I'm hung over without the sick stomach. L-Theanine: I came across green tea being good for calmness. Now I knew lame "old lady" remedies like fish oil were indeed very powerful so I moved onto tea. Green tea tastes good without any additive and I teach musical instruments in schools and it is totally acceptable to walk around all day with massive mugs of tea or coffee. So i drank maybe 5 - 8 decaf green teas every day for years. Too much will give me rings under my eyes so keep that in mind if you have an angry resting face lol, doesn't look good around the office. No refined carbs, no bread: whole grain rice is an easy and cheap way to improve your health. Gradually cut back on how much rice you are having and add vegetables that are crunchy, cut them small and you will not even notice that the rice has been substituted with healthy lower carb foods. I noticed changing my first mean from white bread and cheese to brown rice and vegetables resulted in a clearer mind within a couple of days. No dairy: I breath deeper, my nasal passages are wider and I now have no acne. Also think about what foods are commonly dairy filled. Usually they are the junk foods, so this rule cuts out a lot. Probiotic/prebiotic: Gut health has many options. I love miso soup and I like kimchi so that's what i use. These are PRObiotic. Then there is PREbiotic which fertilizes the gut for the good bacteria to grow. Prebiotic is onions, garlic among other things but those 2 alone are enough for me. Then there is RESISTANT STARCH which is cooked rice ,potatoes, peas and corn which if cooked and then refrigerated for approx 12 hours healthy bacteria feeds on the carbs in the rice creating healthy gut bacteria and halving the amount of calories. This sounds weird i know but it is totally true and only a recent discovery. If you leave the rice too long though that healthy bacteria dies off and unhealthy bacteria appears. The Power of Sour: More on probiotics, sour food is said to remove cravings for sugar an salt. It's an oriental thing but I find all the ying yang balancing beliefs to hold a lot of water. I think it worked for me, I only crave bourbon and coke and beef jerky now, but that is a craving for sweet drunken oblivion and not the sugar or salt, I see that now. Intermittent fasting: It works, i was already pretty much doing it but i was eating and sipping alcohol until 2 am for years so it was once i actually stopped all the bad behavior and actually did a 18:6 fast that i realized how much inflammation it cures. It's incredible and you will be able to eat what ever you want at special occasions and never worry. Mental clarity drops for me with every heavy meal. I never noticed until i paid attention. Leo's Soup Video: Since watching his soup video I was inspired and have enjoyed soup almost every day since. I go nuts, I cook it using every weird little trick I can find. A ratio of 16:1 cayenne pepper and tumeric to black pepper apparently boosts certain beneficial components 1000% for example. Sounds ridiculous so I want to find out. If I'm wrong so what? I can just add more black pepper or water down the soup after the fact. The other side of doing little benign experiments is how my mind is now working. I am now thinking purely about food as fuel, I completely remove any form of pleasure and my mind is focused on logic and is therefor in unison with the body. Most animals eat instinctively and their instincts direct them to the right choices. I consider all these dietary and supplement experiments similar to mindfulness, I am placing much importance on diet so when I'm at xmas lunch for example I notice how people eat a huge fattening unhealthy entree, maybe even complain about a texture or flavor but then go back for seconds. It's xmas so therefor they can do dumb unconscious things, not savoring any flavor before shoving more rich food in, getting to that drunken and full stage where they just keep drinking and eating, putting their bodies in a situation where they will be recovering from that one 6 hour xmas celebration for days. You notice the resistance of others too, they can't handle seeing their younger brother be sensible, they try angrily to get you to drink alcohol, they mock you for not eating dairy and start acting like your a tin foil hat wearer. Well eventually i pointed out my weight has never changed since becoming an adult and everybody else is significantly fatter or thinner every time i see them.....what I'm saying is the pursuit of all of this dietary stuff reveals a lot more than just health benefits. You see manipulation of farmers unions to promote unhealthy choices, you see governments allowing it, you see the unconscious being suckered in soooooo easily. But do it all one step at a time, learn it slowly but really understand how each change affects you. Don't make it a talking point with friends, now you are probably boasting, don't strut around in tie dye hippie threads, just do it within, entirely for yourself, and watch how the world reacts to the healthy changes you are making for yourself. Your resistant friends and family members may start hitting you up for health tips, you maybe be able to lead by example. The people around you are fiercely jealous of you - they are just too unconscious to realize that they are. sorry for rant, my first ever post