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Everything posted by F A B

  1. Actually, there is no pain IMO I don't see that. I see something like a passionate look into the unknown. Interesting how everyone has a different vision. I used to think that we are able to read faces in the same way...maybe depends on our own culture and background. Anyway, thank you for sharing. Please continue to answer, I would gather more feedback
  2. Do you see some hidden insecurities or fears?
  3. I think you have integrity when you are aware of your limits and your desires. You have integrity when you follow your passions and you act according to your values. I think you have integrity even when you go astray, but you are conscious of it and you are trying to change. For example, when you are addicted to something that doesn't fit your values, but you are actively trying to quit that.
  4. Because you create excuses. Is it up to you? If yes, then you can act. If no, why even bother?
  5. @7thLetter Wow, I completely understand you! Gym, for me, is a habit. Do you know how many times I've tried to convince friends, parents, and girlfriend to set it as a habit? I tell them it's not about appearance but it's about health. Do you know how many things you can do within a fit body? Do you know how much extra energy you can have when it comes to sex? Yes, this is how I convinced my girlfriend ahaha But I fear that this motivation won't last anyway...
  6. I see it as an addiction, so I tend to criticize those kind of people. I'm courious to know your opinion.
  7. The social network of my dreams would be something without likes, comments, and views. It would be a place where you post for the sake of posting, where you share for the sake of sharing, with nothing in return. A place where you don't need external feedback 'cause you are not selling yourself. You are expressing yourself.
  8. It make no difference (at least in my experience).
  9. You should ask yourself why you are not able to stop girls and start a conversation with them. Fear of rejection?
  10. Hey, they are girls, not tigers. Just relax I've noticed you come from Italy! wow ahah How old are you?
  11. No No No! Yes, we are projecting our vision like you are projecting yours.
  12. Nice paradox I think that if your authentic self wanted a girlfriend, then your authentic self would act in order to get a girlfriend. But it require some changes you don't want to implement, so... ... I can't help you. Probably no one can. Anyway I wish you the best. Good luck ♥
  13. Then your authentic self wants to sty alone.
  14. @XYZ Why are you transcending that? Is it why you are not able to get laid?
  15. @XYZ You don't help someone who wants to taste honey by saying "you don't need that".
  16. What about doing it in water? Have you ever tried?
  17. We learn through observation and direct experience. But then Leo reminds us that our mind is deceptive. I'm lost.
  18. Allow yourself to feel bad. Then, if you really have so mouch love to give, give it to yourself first. Wear a big smile and go out. I'm sure you can
  19. You can be happy by yourself. Ok, I agree, but I think that... ...with the woman you love, everything becomes easier. At least in my experience. Am I wrong?
  20. I don’t know whether I could create exactly the same type of happiness, but surely I would work on that. Anyway, I think I could handle it
  21. I really enjoy reading my old posts to see how stuck I was and how I'm growing over time (especially in some areas like relationships). For example, I can see my path from "Please, help me! I'm 18 and I've never kissed a girl" to now... So, I encourage you to go back and read your old posts on the forum. Then, if you want, share your growth
  22. I agree with you guys. I'm not telling that my happiness depends on others. I'm acknowledging that (for me) happiness arise more easily when I'm with others.
  23. For me, it's easier entering the happiness with her than without her (by myself). Do I have to deny that?
  24. Yes, I don't necessarily mean a lasting relationship, but I think that having experienced love (at least once in your life) can raise your awareness. An experience is more valuable than a non-experience, I guess. Wow, really good insight, thank you My mind becomes like a floating feather in the sky