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Everything posted by F A B

  1. @Hellspeed Tantra? I have never heard this word since my girlfriend mentioned it just two days ago. What a nice coincidence! Where can I get more information about it?
  2. In the book "the way of a superior man" from Deida, the author suggests that ejaculation should be converted into non-ejaculatory orgasm. [chapter 44] Now, I'm able to hold back ejaculation, I can make it last, but I don't understand why I shouldn't ejaculate even after she came several times. I mean, why should I give up ejaculation even after she is satisfied?
  3. And If she asked me why I didn't ejaculate, what am I supposed to say? Because I read it in a book? I don't think so.
  4. Recently I flirted with this girl. We had a couple of dates, but nothing happened. Now I find out that she got involved with an ugly fat unconfident man. I'm shocked. Not to brag, but I think I'm far more attractive than him. I mean, I'm happy for them, but I feel bad about myself. I'm disappointed in me. I miss something here.
  5. What do you think about long distance relationship? I have known this girl for two weeks. We like each other and we already have a good intimacy. I’m 20 and I can see her about six times a year, one of which for a whole month during the summer. Is it sustainable? In general, I’m not looking for a particular serious relationship, I feel I’m too young to engage in that kind of stuff, but I really like her and I know it would be difficult to find someone else who fits me so well.
  6. Actually, I used to think like that too, but now I'm a little confused. She is really attached to me and she wants to commit. She wishes me to call her every day, but I set for about two phone calls a week because I don't want us to be so clingy. Fortunatly, she understood and accepted that. Nice question. You mean scarcity of women, right? I'm a good looking guy and I know lots of girls. Scarcity is not my problem. Quality is my problem.
  7. I wish to state that I’ve never had sex. Last night I was on a beach with a girl. It was dark and no one nearby. After 20 minutes on foreplay we were ready for penetration, but suddenly we heard some friends of her walking toward us. We stopped and rapidly got dressed. Her friends stayed with us for half an hour and then they left. Then I tried to rebuild the atmosphere but when she was completely naked in front of me I couldn’t get another full erection for penetration. I was so close to my “first time”. Now I feel like I miss a huge opportunity and I fear to be impotent next time in the future. Any tips?
  8. Thank you guys. I found out it was just anxiety. Last night I had my first full sexual intercourse. I was amazing, I last very long and she came twice.
  9. I was sober. I never get drunk. I didn’t wear condom because my erection wasn’t hard enough. The girl was nice. (Anyway, I can also add that she have never had sex too and that during the time we were with her friends, we were always attached and I kept erection for half an hour)
  10. Ahahaha nice metaphor. Simple and clear. (Anyway I assure you I'm not that kind of guy) Thank you
  11. @Truth I agree. I lacked in action. @Tistepiste Yes, I'm jealous. I cannot deny that. You are right Very good question. I think I'm too proud, so, if she isn't clearly interested in me, I fear the rejection.
  12. I know it's just a picture, anyway, how would you respond to these simple questions? Do you think she is attracted to him? What are the key aspects that have influenced your answer?
  13. @SFRL I have known her since May 2017. About a year. In the beginning, we used to hang out on Saturday night with some common friends. We had our first "date" after a couple of months. Actually, it wasn't a real date because she was still engaged, but she asks me out anyway. She was going through a difficult period and needs to talk to someone. I don't know why she chose me. I mean, she had many longtime closers friends than me! Then she broke up. We kept going out regularly. I still thought she was lesbian, so for me, she was my best female friend. I had never asked about her sexuality because I didn't want her to feel embarrassed. One day at the end of September, we went to bath in the lake. She praised my body shape. I told her something like "pity you do not like males"... and just found out it wasn't true. Then, from October 2017 to now, I was far from home because of the university. During this time we met just few time (not alone by the way). Now I'm back, I noticed some changes in her. She lost weight and she is more mature. Just I like her.
  14. It's a complicated story ahaha I like her but we are sooo different. In the beginning, when I first met her, I found out she was engaged to a girl! So, I thought she was lesbian. Since we connect a lot, we used to hang out as friends. Then she broke up with her girlfriend and I discover she wasn't actually lesbian. She was bisexual! So she likes both girls and boys. I was astonished! Now I don't know how actually she sees me. Just friends?
  15. I really appreciate how you went beyond the questions shifting the focus from her to what caught your eye. We all know that you cannot say much about an image, but you know what? You are right. Why? BECAUSE THAT GUY IS ME
  16. Is love driven by ego?
  17. What do you think about psychedelic? Do drugs without side effects exists? For example?
  18. How do you get LSD? I know it sounds bad, but I'm just curious. In my country it's illegal and I have no idea how to get that.
  19. How love and ego affect each other. Where love ends and ego begins.
  20. Nervous smile when it comes to kiss? How to take it off ?
  21. Why didn't I realize that earlier?
  22. Last Saturday night I was having a good time with some close friends when a homeless man came into the bar asking for alms. While I was shaking my head like "no, I'm sorry", Tommaso (my best friend) gave him a bunch of coins. Then Tommaso, in front of everybody, told me "you live in a wealthy family, you could have given something to him" I was blown away. I mean, I'm not a spoiled selfish guy, but at that moment I felt like I was. Yes, maybe I'm cheap, but I'm cheap also with myself. For example, I could have iPhones and stuff, but I just settle for an old Wiko. I could ask my parents for designer clothes etcetera, but I don't do that because simply I don't need that. I know these things don't justify my behavior, in fact, I didn't know how to reply to Tommaso. I just shrugged and tried to suppress my thoughts. How would you have reacted?
  23. No, I'm not. I'm just trying to see the situation from my friend's perspective. I'm not mad at him, but I think he should be more careful about some sensitive issues. This is what I'm going to tell him next time we meet.
  24. @Spiral @LiakosN In fact, I will never wash those pajamas again ahahaha