What brought me towards personal development?
I was going through a stressful time in my life, where my wife, daughter and I were packing up our life, selling our house and moving to a different country for me to pursue residency training. Amidst the chaos, I noticed my reactivity becoming a harmful force in my life. I could feel my ability to control my emotions slipping. Any minor challenge was magnified and I was catastrophizing everything.
I am not sure how, but I stumbled across actualized.org and listened to "how to control your emotions" and it opened my eyes to the concept of personal development and I have been a devoted student since. I quickly recognized the tremendous value in having a stable disposition in business and life, and that it is a key component of being a leader and role model for anyone watching--particularly my children.
Is the major driver of being addicted to personal development not wanting to accept parts of yourself?
Something that (I believe) I have always been conscious of, is that my goals, my personal development, my passion, my life purpose comes from a place of love. Before I started exploring personal development, I recognized that a characteristic of the human mind is to categorize and separate. By this mechanism, the mind works in a binary fashion: good or bad, love or hate, right or wrong, etc. Therefore, when one identifies something they want to improve in themselves--a flaw, it naturally wants to condemn this trait. The ego uses this condemnation as the catalyst for self-improvement.
But, is it possible to love yourself--love that quality of yourself and simultaneous strive to improve it? I believe so, and that is consistent with my experience.