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About exhale

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  1. I'd like to hear how/where individuals meditate? In bed? On your floor in your room? Outside? In your car? Also, Does anyone use any form of shrine or routine sensory support (music, incense, crystals, etc.).
  2. @lostmedstudent I can relate on some level, as I am a veterinarian, and had followed a similar, lengthy path to receive my medical training. I was fortunate to obtain the residency I desired, so I can only empathize with your disappointment. I think your feeling of overwhelm, disappointment and displeasure with the system are understandable. Make sure you remind yourself that this pain will reduce with time, there is some relief that comes with knowing the pain will subside. My recommendation would be to reframe the circumstance. Your options (in general) are two. 1) Move forward in family medicine, embrace it as the path that has chosen you. Focus and recognize all of benefits, and except some of the drawbacks. It seems that half of what a family medicine doc does it help people with mental issues (anxiety, depression, etc.). With a special interest in psychology/therapy, you can provide a lot of value for your patients on the front line. Perhaps it isn't what you envisioned, but on some level you can work in a similar capacity and really help your patients. 2) Do the family medicine residency, then continue to pursue a psychology residency. Target two psychiatry programs and spends weeks to months volunteering with their teams. You have to play the game. They will rank you higher if they like you.
  3. I have struggled with a similar mindset. I work in a medical field and I used to get really "up" when I had good patient outcomes. It would boost my ego, and I took it personally. Then, when I had an inevitable negative patient outcome, I would take it personally, and it would deflate my ego, and it would consume me. With time, I continue to tell myself to not take so much credit when there is a good outcome, and not take so much blame when there is a poor outcome. Essentially, I recognized this pattern, and I reframed my self-talk and focused on taking pride in my communication and work ethic opposed to outcome. It doesn't completely excuse my feelings from being engaged, but the magnitude of my emotional engagement has been greatly reduced.
  4. I am not going to waste my time watching the video. Though, as stated before, actualized does have a recipe that is consistent with early cult formation. The idealization and unquestioned acceptance of Leo's teachings by some (not all) is a concerning starting point. As Leo stated, there are cults and cult-like organizations. Actualized is the latter in this situation. I have benefitted greatly from Actualized and Leo, and do not say this with any defamatory intent. But we all need to be careful with how this group moves forward. I believe Leo has also stated this in the past himself.
  5. @Inder That isn't what I said. I said that happiness can be found in any situation, in theory. Though, if you can change your circumstances to a more positive one, you should absolutely do that.
  6. @TheSomeBody Maybe you don't understand my question. You state that "you know the material perfectly", but you "failed" the exam. So, how did this happen? Did you literally hand the exam in thinking that you aced it, but then when you got the grades back, you failed. Or, did you know when you handed the exam in that you probably didn't do well (poor exam performance).
  7. @TheSomeBody Do you have any insight into why your grades are poor, and you feel like you know the material perfectly? What is the disconnect? Do you have text anxiety, or challenges performing on examinations?
  8. @Inder It is possible to find happiness and contentment in any situation. If you have the opportunity to change (improve/upgrade) your employment situation to a more favorable one, you should do that, there is no reason to continue with a unfulfilling job on principle. Though, it should be said that having a fulfilling career isn't a panacea; it helps to improve the quality of your life, but it doesn't cure all.
  9. Is English your second language? Is it possible that some deficiencies with your grammar/spelling and punctuation is a contributing factor to your challenges (lack of success) with examination?
  10. @ROOBIO : Ha! I asked this same question some time ago. I can say that (although I appreciate the input of others) I still don't have clarity on this issue. I do wish Leo would do an episode on it. The thing that is troubling is that I have pursued things that I fear are the wrong decision for me, and they have turned out to be wonderful choices for me. If I would have followed my intuition, I would have not pursued them. Life would have been fine, but I probably would have regret about not doing these things because my intuition told me that it was not the right decision for me. Life is complex
  11. @Annoynymous I believe it is, but I do not know how Canada would relate to other countries. To be successful, your entrepreneurial activity needs to provide value to the consumer. Therefore, it is the quality and uniqueness of your "product" that matters. Shitty generic ideas won't work in even the most entrepreneurial society.
  12. @Annoynymous In Canada, There are very few situations or employers that would request your specific grades, having the distinction (bachelor, masters, phd, etc.) is typically sufficient. How you present with your resume/CE, your writing skills, your language skills, your interpersonal skills and general communication skills are more important than grades.
  13. @StarStruck People are probably more confused by wondering how you financially support yourself without said job, than actually being confused why you don't have a job.
  14. I appreciate your input @loub @Serotoninluv There is always some apprehension that we would be doing a disservice to our kids, in that they would not thrive in a university situation (if that was the path they chose) due to the lack of conventional "grooming".
  15. I am looking at local school options for my child (going into kindergarten). There is a local Waldorf school. In general, I had a really great vibe from this school as being warm and inviting. Also, they seem to focus on creativity, open-mindedness, character development and developing community in their mandate. Though, there is some mystery and peculiar concepts in their pedagogue and history. They are very into mythology, and (according to their wikipedia page) believe in gnomes, and have a philosophy that children shouldn't read until their adult teeth erupt. None of these peculiar items were discussed at the open house. Does anyone have experience they would share about Waldorf Schools? Recognizing that they are all a little bit different, but I want to make sure I am not being misled and am placing my child into a good learning environment. Thanks