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Everything posted by Elzhi

  1. Just speaking from personal experience, I doubt Leo would agree with what I'm saying because he seems to believe in or at least perpetuate the idea of enlightenment being a pleasurable experience, which I now realize is not. Over the past several weeks, through much contemplation and certain insights I have gained through other supposedly enlightened teachers, I've triggered a few epiphanies in the process. For one thing, Leo is absolutely right when he said that your ego is actually the entire llfe that you have lived. Every influence, major or miniscule is factored into the aggregate of influences that sums up your ego. I'm talking all the way back to your broken leg and the birds chirping outside your window when your were six years old. The more substantial influences, are obviously your parents or friends. I haven't smoked weed in years on account of the fact that it's what first triggered the unraveling of my reality. I was never the same since I first saw through myself and everyone else. I don't even remember what exactly I saw but whatever it was, it made me question everything I ever believed in and transformed me in the aftermath. Now, revisiting the drug, I saw an incredibly stark difference in my mode of thought while high as opposed to when I'm sober. This seems obvious but the point I'm trying to make comes from the fact that my thought patterns were based on religious precepts while I was high and were entirely secular when I wasn't. I'm quite disgusted by religion in general so why would I think thoughts about God, Satan, etc. all of a sudden. I thought about this for days until I realized that those weren't my thoughts, they were my mother's thoughts. My mother is deeply religious and her deeply ingrained influence still lies dormant within my mind regardless of how I feel about religion. However, because those thoughts weren't mine, the same had to be true of my more secular thought patterns that have been conditioned through various influences. None of my thoughts are mine at all. Everything I think each and every day is a replay of a soundbyte that I've heard from someone or something else at some point throughout my life. That soundbyte came from whoever that person got it from and the next and the next and so on. Ego is seemingly endless. There's no real telling where it starts and ends, although it's not infinite in the same way reality is. Going even further, I realized that to be "ego-less" i.e. "enlightened" I would have to systematically unlearn every belief I have about everything and denounce every single life experience I've ever had. This is why so few people become enlightened. You have to be insane to want something like this or incredibly unlucky. You have to hate ego so much to the point where your willing to burn every bridge with the people in your life and figuratively burn yourself alive. This is hell. Most people don't even have the mental strength to question their beliefs. Think about the idea of systematically destroying everything you hold to be true. That can drive a person insane. This is also why psychedelics can be incredibly unpleasant experiences for people (see horrific trip reports). I would imagine that the most psychedelics rip you out of your own body except without your permission and it's no holds barred. There's no pause button, you can't tap out. It's surrender or suffer. There's also no free will as a result because what you are and what everyone else is is a phantom. There's no telling where the thoughts that you're thinking came from to begin with. Everything that you are is a consequence of biological drives, life experiences, and outside influences, none of which you were directly responsible for. You can take control to an extent by exposing yourself to different influences but you are ultimately at their mercy and at the mercy of the influences which came before. In any case, because reality is infinite, none of this even matters. Everything that could happen or could have happened to you in your life is already happening in this reality or another. It doesn't matter what decisions you make, there's no such thing as "fate". Everything is a coincidence, a logical consequence of an infinite number of permutations. There is no such thing as "death". You are always existing all the time somewhere somehow. Do whatever the fuck you want. Also, Jed Mckenna is right, why the fuck would you want to be enlightened? Enlightenment isn't this blissful, lofty state that spirituality has made it out to be. If you were truly "enlightened" i.e. the "truth-realized state" or "untruth-unrealized" then you wouldn't be able to function within society. YOU DON'T WANT THIS. There's nothing to be gained. Meditation is a waste of time, at least in my opinion. Self-inquiry and contemplation is more fruitful, but nonetheless there's nothing to seek out. Stop wasting your time seeking enlightenment. Just try to enjoy your life. I know Leo is trying to sell you all something and may hate me for this but that's the truth.
  2. @Phil lol I stopped doing meditation several months ago after meditating for two years. Really, you're just masturbating. What you REALLY need is silence.
  3. @Kserkkj Again, this was already covered earlier in the thread. We just jacking off at this point. Pretty fun though
  4. @Phil honestly, shut the fuck up. @WaveInTheOcean My initial wording was wrong. Enlightenment is to be disidentified with the ego, not "ego-less". Aside from that, it's obvious that you haven't actually read everything on this thread. I NEVER CLAIMED TO BE ENLIGHTENED. You're literally just repeating everything that I've already said in this thread. Good job. Now we can continue posturing and acting like gurus.
  5. @WaveInTheOcean Language is an artificial, fictional system the same is logic, yet i must use these things to point you in the direction. I can't give you enlightment. Only you can find out for yourself
  6. @iago iriarte arhatha Uhhh...I don't know what the fuck you're talking about but you new-age hippy zombies are actually creeping me the fuck out. Everything I've written is FACTUAL and LOGICAL. The only reason I write in an agressive tone is so you WAKE THE FUCK UP. EVERYONE IS FULL OF SHIT, ME INCLUDED. (As paradoxical as that sounds) We're not in lala fairy land. Don't listen to Tolle, or Leo, or Jed Mckenna, or Spira, Krishnamurti, or anyone. A teacher can only point you in the general direction. They can't GIVE you enlightenment. You wanna keep jacking off to kundalini and chakras, be my guest.
  7. @Deep You and @Dodoster are a good example of the endless delusion in the new-age hippy circle jerk. You guys like masturbating to that new age shit and still aren't enlightened and want to tell me that YOUR method is the correct one or your version of enlightenment is more true. That makes a lot of sense. Nobody has anything you don't already have. It might do you some good to question why you believe in all this nonsense. Question everything. Don't believe me. Don't believe the gurus. Just question everything.
  8. @Dodoster I'm now convinced that you're a lazy shit and you've literally read nothing in this thread. I'm NOT Enlightened nor am I angry. Just really amused and perplexed at how full of shit you are. Clearly you're a lost cause. NEXT!
  9. @Dodoster lol yes I'm now the judgemental forum ghost. My "enlightenment" is obviously no good. What the fuck do I know? It's not like I clearly outlined how destroy your ego which is the definition of "enlightenment". It's not like I've explained to you multiple times that in the nondualistic paradigm there's no distinction between happiness and unhappiness. Tell ya what, you like being high so much? You like floating around and all that cute shit? You like that cosmic shit? Why don't we shoot you and your fairy friends into outer space so you can be with one the clouds?
  10. @Dodoster I have the ULTIMATE and ONLY truth?? Am I not the same person who said you can verify everything I've said for yourself? At what point did I gain ownership over this truth which is accessible to everyone? At what point did I elevate myself above any other being? Good for you, you've evolved into a full-fledged new-age hippy. Please continue to pontificate about becoming enlightened through bullshit sensory experiences. Keep deluding yourself with fairy tales and magic fairy dust instead of seeking truth through empirical logic. I'll clap for you now. Bravo, bravo sir.
  11. @Dodoster "Extra -lighted??" What the fuck?? You really don't listen, do you? All these things you're talking about are sensory sensations. Fullness, emptiness, pleasure pain, anxiety, fear. these words are relative. They have no place in the nondual paradigm. Your body knows these things and will survive regardless but these labels are meaningless in and of themselves.
  12. @Dodoster Did you read any part of this thread? What the fuck is "happiness"? Who is in control of what? What are these "types" of enlightenment you're talking about?? Peak experiences and "cosmic consciousness experiences" are not "enlightenment". You're either "untruth unrealized" or not. You're either in the dualistic paradigm or the non-dualistic paradigm.
  13. @Society of the Spect 1. There's nothing "new" about the falseness of my personality 2. you mean factual, not philosophical/religious. 3. Jed is more like the Obama of Spirituality in the sense that he's trying to do right by people as best he can but he can't really because he's part of the same flawed, corrupt system.
  14. Life Purpose? What the fuck are you talking about? I'm actually laughing at your right now. There is no life purpose. If you wanna argue with me then at least read everything that I've written. And I mean every post on this thread.
  15. @aurum Entertainment. It's all just entertainment. I want some sort of significance remember? I want people to agree with me. And yes I am emotionally invested because how could I, an egoic being, not feel some sort of frustration about the seeminly endless delusion that I'm seeing in others, and myself. How could I NOT be annoyed? My version of "being struck by lightening" was smoking weed in high school. I'm definitely not psychotic, although I might be moving in that direction Jed needed some money, apparently the universe told him to write the books and it's kinda fun really, so why not? What else is there to do. I don't say that this conversation is pointless because I want it to stop necessarily. I say that in support of the fact that everything is futile and encourage people to be a bit more nihilistic. Oh and yes, I used to follow RSD, although now it's not quite as entertaining. Who knows, I might go back to doing pickup some day. There's no telling what will become of me.
  16. ARE YOU JOKING? Everything that you just wrote is bullshit. Snap out of it. Why the fuck would you need to stop stealing, practicing nonviolence. and accepting gifts? You don't even need to meditate. All you need to do is to start questioning everything about yourself and your life. The answers are right in your face, every day all the time. You don't need a fucking teacher or method. You can know this through your own experience
  17. @aurum The things that I've written are for other people to stop wasting their time and bullshitting themselves. I'm not saying that I'm going to stop. I'm most likely past the point of no return so yes I know what you mean by 'further'. One way or another, it doesn't make any difference. Become, enlightened or don't, it's all the same.
  18. @aurum 1. I haven't bought into anything. You can realize all these things just by questioning the nature of your existence. And like I said, I understood logically what he was talking about at first and left his teachings behind because it sounded so terrifying and continued to instead mindlessly chase vagina. Over time I gradually become more and more disillusioned doing pickup (both disappointed and free of illusion) and the things that I read in Jed's first book began to make sense emotionally. I understood those things through my own experience. Afterwards, I read the next two books which I also understood logically and then now i understand emotionally. 2. Yes I realize that the same person who is saying enlightenment is "bad" would not say the same if he were enlightened because then there would no longer be a context in which to do so. I, MYSELF have decided that it's a fruitless pursuit within the context of the FINITE reality. Remember, I said that I sought out enlightenment for quite some time too, meaning that I didn't just outright listen to Jed and stop seeking because it was scary. 3. The reason why I say that you have to be psychotic or get struck by lightening (sudden realization through psychedelics or spontaneous triggering) is because its factually true based on logic. Go back and re-read the last few paragraphs of my first post and then all the others Furthermore, if Jed said Enlightenment was a GOOD deal, then why would I be railing against it now? I'm blindly following Jed like you said, right? Think twice. You're contradicting yourself within the same argument. 3. This conversation is pointless because there is nothing to talk about. This is just entertainment at best.
  19. @aurum I found out about Jed Mckenna nearly a year ago. I read Damndest during that which I was a pickup artist. I finished the rest of the trilogy nearly two months ago. I understood logically what he was talking about before, but now I can truly SEE it, FEEL it after a series of emotional epiphanies which began three moths ago. I swear it's almost as if you're not even reading what I wrote. Even Jed Mckenna who is supposedly enlightened says that you should not seek this out. I still sought out enlightenment regardless but now, nearly a year later, i've realized that there is no point, nothing to be gained from it. People who become enlightened are a lot like the person who ransacks, vandalizes and burns an entire house in a psychotic rage or like someone who gets struck by lightening. Read my words very closely because there should be no confusion. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about or@Neo and it's not important because there are no questions left to be asked. I've laid it all out for you. The truth is there right in your face. Am I defending my ego? Yes. That's what I'm always doing, what you're doing and what everyone else is constantly doing. But I JUST DOESN'T MATTER. IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER. IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER.
  20. @Neo I don't really understand what sort of critique you are making. Everything that I have written here is about truth. It seems as though English is not your first language based on what you've written and aside from that you've entirely missed the point. You may want to reread or perhaps have a native speaker interpret for you what I wrote
  21. Japanese people have said that there are certain emotions that they can feel when they speak Japanese that the can't feel when they speak English and vice versa. What does that tell you? Moreover, mathematics is a fictional system used to explain reality all the same as science. "two apples" you hold in your had could just as easily be called "100" apples or a thousand, three apples, four and so on. It's endless. Science is only a pseudo-science because it BY COINCIDENCE explains certain aspects of THIS reality but not EVERY POSSIBLE REALITY, nor every phenomena in this one.
  22. @Society of the Spect It's all about context. There is no real context. There's no such thing as happiness. All context is ARTIFICIAL. THERE IS NO INHERENT RELATIVENESS IN ANYTHING. The words that I'm typing don't mean anything. The words you speak everyday don't mean anything. They are no different than the barking of a dog. With that being said, you've entirely missed the point of me telling you not to ask gurus how to make sense of your life. Delusion is nearly infinite but not quite
  23. @YaNanNallari I have no motivation to argue against you. I have said everything that I needed to say. I am not trying to take anything from you or anyone else. The fact that I even posted this is incredibly selfish and I understand that now. Believe whatever you like