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Everything posted by Elzhi

  1. As a final word, I would advise EVERYONE to leave the US ASAP. The world as we know it is coming to an end @E v i L
  2. @I_Like_Thing a fundamental misunderstanding? Of what? You mean all of a sudden the United States Chief law enforcement officer doesn't have the nuclear launch codes? Or the ability to initiate a war without actually gathering Congressional approval, thereby formally declaring war? Oh and so these past two months I haven't watched Trump break the law and violate his office while going completely unchecked by congress? So you mean all of a sudden the Republican Party is going to take disciplinary action against even after failing to force him into completely divesting from his business interests? I'm guessing they're probably gonna start calling him out for flagrant, repeated dishonesty, huh? They're probably not preoccupied with feeding their insatiable greed, right? I mean its not like they de-funded the EPA by a third or anything, right? Its not like they're not repealing all of our environmental regulations or anything. Its not like they're building a pipeline that will undoubtedly leak and destroy our water supply and the incredibly fragile neighbouring ecosystems. Its not like upsetting that balance will have a domino effect on other wildlife and human beings as well, right? Its not like maintaining the fragile balance of our ecosystem is essential for perpetuating human life right? Its not like large portions of the Great Barrier Reef didnt just die off within a single year even though these calculated losses werent expected to happen for another 30 years. Its not like corporations are now permitted to dump waste downstream right? Oh and congress definitely didn't just recently propose a law that will make it nearly impossible to file a class action lawsuit. I'm pretty sure those poor people will find some way to get justice. Oh and those laws being proposed that make protesting a punishable offense, I must just be imagining those. Its not like Habeus Corpus was repealed under the Obama administration. I mean its not like the President can now all of a sudden throw anyone in jail indefinitely without a trial, right? I'm sure that Trump will probably stop trying to silence his opposition by discrediting or deporting them eventually. I bet the media will somehow prevent him from creating alternative facts that serve his self interest at some point. It seems like that's been working pretty well. Its not like half of the United States is going to perform endless amounts of mental gymnastics just to defend/deflect/spin any of his questionable actions. Its not like Trump is a pathological liar with a fragile ego and zero integrity. Its not like he can pretty much lie about anything, right? And here i thought that Trump wasnt being easily manipulated by tabloid gossip, Fox News propaganda, and Steve Bannon. I mean its not like the slightest assualt to his ego could set him off or anything. It seems like he's doing really well at insulting the leaders of our allied nations. That should turn out well. I mean, I'm sure his own party which has demonstrated that they don't care about his incessant lies and allow him to continue to be president will do something about this at some point. I'm sure. This doesn't look disastrous at all. I'm sure everything will be fine. You got me, I'm just some alarmist l "ibtard" overreacting to the Trump presidency.
  3. Trump and Kim Jong Un are CHILDREN. That's the simplest explanation i can give you for why there WI'LL be war. I don't give a fuck about your apocalyptic theories.
  4. This is like the same argument i have with climate change deniers. Meanwhile the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem is dying off due to climate change. People wanna keep acting like the shit that's happening right now isn't scary. They're too complacent. Trump has already beaten the media. He can make up whatever facts he wants and they can't do anything about it. It's so Orwellian it's not even funny. Meanwhile every other politician will sacrifice our planet and other people's lives just to make an extra buck. This country is done for. Period. There's no conceivable way that the US rebounds from this. Anyways, remember this conversation when you're starving to death and have no drinking water because corporate interests have polluted most of our water supply.
  5. @Emerald Wilkins I'm heading to San Diego and then the Mexico border. It looks like Tillerson is threatening N Korea and has completely thrown out any diplomacy. Dunno if you're gonna stick around but anyways, I wish you the best
  6. @Martin123 Yeah I sorta made a thread about this stuff about a month ago or so. You might be especially interested in reading page 2
  7. @Emerald Wilkins Please @ me also. It seems as though Trump may have already attempted to deploy the National Guard in order to deport immigrants. Although the story is iffy, it was based on a draft memo released by the Department of Homeland Security.
  8. @Emerald Wilkins Earlier you mentioned that all the events that have taken place are in line with a sort of "checklist" of things that your guru said would happen. What other details, if any, specifically along that checklist of things have already transpired? What is the sort of timeline for these events and what's supposed to be next in line?
  9. @Maorice If you're going to make claims about what you think the president will or will not do, be prepared to back those claims with evidence
  10. @Maorice That's a shitty cop out. This ALREADY a political discussion and you've already taken part in it with your talk of the "monetary system", Trump's supposed "patriotism", diplomatic skills, etc. I mean, do I need to quote you directly or are you just going to dodge my questions entirely without reason?
  11. @Maorice What Leo is trying to say is that the state of our political-economic system is the result of our society, in the aggregate, being mostly stage-orange. Perverted capitalism did NOT cause stage orange consciousness. It is the RESULT of stage orange consciousness. What you're suggesting is the equivalent of putting the chariot in front of the horse. It's just straight up illogical. The fact that you believe that President Pussy Hands is it it for the "patriotism" is deeply concerning and laughable at best. Go look at his twitter. He says: Any negative polls are fake news. He's deliberately trying to silence any and all opposition that conflicts with the self image he's trying to uphold. Feel free to go visit his twitter page. He's also demonstrably a pathological liar. Do you want me to list out each and every single lie he has stated since his campaign until now? As a matter of fact, you can watch this: The President is driven purely by ego. He recently proposed a tariff on all Mexican imports because the Mexican president is refusing to pay the wall he want to build. Does putting a tariff on Mexican imports sound like an intelligent decision to you? Or is that an economic disaster waiting to happen? If Donald Trump is such a "patriot" why is he openly breaking the law and demonstrating dictatorial tendencies? It's illegal to use the office of President for the advancement of your own financial interests. You can go watch Kellyanne Conway literally advertise Ivanka Trump's clothing brand on Fox News. That's ILLEGAL. And also, where are his tax returns? Why does he refuse to release them? Lastly, back in 2001 when the 9/11 attack happened, it was the direct result of President Bush failing to read and act upon a national security briefing that explicitly said we should anticipate an imminent terror attack from the middle east. Guess who else doesn't read their national security briefings? Also, if you think that he has "successfully" fought across the "economic battlefield" then why do nearly ALL of his businesses fail? Why has his casino filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy more than ANY other US company?
  12. @eskwire I'm already telling everyone I know about wolfpac and joined but I don't know how much good it will do. I think society will collapse. Congress has already allowed President Pussy Hands to get away with murder. They won't check him or impeach him. I'm just bracing myself for impact and trying to enjoy what I can. Although it's difficult to do that when you're so stressed out you can't fucking sleep.
  13. @abrakamowse It sounds like you would prefer living in a cave. Am I wrong? I mean, oneness is cool and all but we're still egoic beings living on the planet Earth. We're not about to "manifest" our way out of this predicament. Sure, I should probably accept that humanity will come to an end but as long as I'm here I'm going to engage.
  14. @Captain Flint Consider this a discussion of what happens when ego runs amok and destroys the fabric of American society. Being self-actualized or becoming enlightened won't really mean much if China blows the United States into the next galaxy. What the fuck is a "life purpose" then? This is what matters. This needs to be addressed. I'm not just gonna sit around meditating and jerk myself off with sexy affirmations and visualizations. Thats just as bad as the masses who are completely tuned out of the unraveling of America which we're currently witnessing. Only a 1/3 of eligible voters in this country actually voted. Most people probably don't even know what CItizens United v FEC is. People are already apathetic and being constantly outraged is exhausting. By the way, even if you don't live in the US you should be concerned too because we're the most dominant/influential economic force on this planet. When the United States implodes it's gonna fuck up a lot of people's money worldwide and their lives in the process.
  15. See, this is why I despise most new agers. Mya this, oneness that. It's such an overly simplistic viewpoint. You can't just sit around on your ass because "life is all an illusion". You need balance. I doubt Facebook can save you from a nuclear warhead exploding outside your home. Even with that said, President Pussy Hands already wants to silence ANY and ALL opposition. Go look at his twitter. I keep saying this, but people are taking this shit WAY too lightly. Wow, I hate you so much. @carlos flores I'm with you but i think it's too late for this. I don't know how much longer until everything falls apart.
  16. @Emerald Wilkins Also, if you don't mind sharing, which countries and cities did you have in mind for relocation?
  17. @Emerald Wilkins Wow holy fuck I knew I wasnt just gassing myself up. Everybody else is so lax about what's happening right now and going about their lives as if what's happening isn't indicative of an inevitable complete societal collapse. People aren't grasping the implications of the incessant fuckery that has become United States government. I wouldn't put it past President Pussy Hands to start a nuclear war. We're already on the brink of nuclear war with China and North Korea (I would guess) gives zero fucks since they're also ruled by a man-child. I'll start making my preparations...
  18. @Leo Gura Thank you for this. I've been following TYT for some time but never truly got involved with wolfpac. I think now is as good a time as any with the whole impending apocalypse thing.
  19. @Psychonaut President Pussy Hands was "funny" about a month ago. Now he's actually fucking with people's lives, robbing the country blind, destroying political alliances, pushing a fascist agenda authored by his white supremacist chief adviser, undermining democracy/the US constitution, telling flagrant lies to manipulate the dumbest and most desperate Americans, etc. And on top of all that, the other branches of government are not checking his power because they all work for the same corporations. This may be a dream but I'm still very much a part of it so I'm not going to take this lightly and neither should you if you live in the United States.
  20. @Life Coach I was never claiming that I'm on the brink of enlightenment. Probably far from it. I'm realizing now that enlightenment means giving up everything. It's basically the same thing as physically dying. I do have an ego so of course I'm gonna feel a disdain for our president and what looks like the impending rise of fascism in the United States. I along with millions of people around the world have EVERY reason to be angry with the president and the United States political system. Don't downplay this with this "all-is-well" new age hippie bullshit. I'm still an egoic being so yes I'm very angry and no this is not an "over-reaction". If you follow American politics, it's very apparent what's happening right now. Even spiritual gurus like Teal Swan know that the future holds a great deal of change and pain in the coming years. The United States is a sinking ship and I'm trying to find a life boat. You are partially right though. If I really want to deal with this problem, I would have to journey inward...maybe full blown ego death. In any case it's a difficult decision I'll have to make within the near future because the mental instability/depression that all this enlightenment business has brought on has more or less taken my life from me. I've still held my life together and am still on track to being a "successful" and "productive" member of society but that's dirt to me at this point. I could go either way. Back into the fray or walk off the field completely. Maybe I no longer have a choice.
  21. @Phil ...?? Am I serious about moving? Yes. I'm not macho and I'm not a "patriot" so I'm not sticking around for Adolf Hitler 2.0. Oh and I'm black and graduating from college in three months
  22. @Leo Gura @Shin yeah you guys are right about France. I've been researching all day and found out France kinda sucks too. I'm looking at Canada real close. Maybe Mexico even. Honestly I kinda just wanna be dead at this point. A lot of my ego has disintegrated (mainly the fun parts) so I can't even enjoy having cool clothes, casual sex, video games, money, etc. I don't care about any of the stuff that made life worth living before. I just wanna disappear or become enlightened before President Pussy Hands single-handedly destroys this country because he has daddy issues.
  23. I'm mainly considering moving to France. I've always sort of wanted to live there
  24. So I've had a few realizations today... More and more of my ego is slowly disintegrating and I know now that what happened to me back in July was an enlightenment experience. There's really no other way of explaining it. Everything became perfectly still and I lost all sense of my body. It was like looking at a picture. Maybe reality really is two-dimensional... Either way I know now that If I keep going down this road, I can reach enlightenment. But why would I want that? Why surrender everything just for this? Life is already inherently pointless but why completely sacrifice this ego that I've worked so hard to construct? To leave this life behind and never look back? Where do I turn to? I'm having a difficult time even enjoying porn anymore as I raise in my awareness. I had a hard time telling whether my feelings that past week and beyond have been clinical depression brought on by the ever present awareness of the meaninglessness of my existence or a lack of dopamine from staying off porn. Perhaps a bit of both. All I know is that I need purpose in order to continue maintaining this ego, otherwise I'll continue to sink into the void and never come back. It's the decision that has to be made. Am I truly ready to surrender everything?