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About lmfao

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  1. Ken Wilber Inteview On Jordan Peterson
    Ken Wilber Inteview On Jordan Peterson
    What difference did you notice on the forum, if any, before and after the Spiral Dynamics model? Is it political by the way?

  2. I just dropped out of college. Lets talk about alternatives
    I just dropped out of college. Lets talk about alternatives
    This a good plan. The question is whether you can be disciplined enough to pull it off.
    Earning $50k in cash is not so easy unless you get the right kind of job.
    Consider becoming a merchant marine. It pays real well and gives good time off. Or you need something else of this sort.

  3. The Problem With Hyper-Individualism
    The Problem With Hyper-Individualism

  4. Getting phone numbers that lead to nowhere
    Getting phone numbers that lead to nowhere
    So I started with pickup in May. In the beginning it was really difficult but currently it is very easy for me to connect to girls in a fun, open and carefree fashion. 
    My close rate with a phone number is very high so I should be happy but I'm not. All the phone numbers I get lead to nothing. I send a text: no reply. I call: they don't pick up. 
    People on this forum told me to create more comfort and vibe more. A guy can only do so much in 10-20 minutes. I think my emotional connection building skills are OK. I'm really interested in them and I don't get the feeling they just give their number to get rid of me. That happened only once or twice. 
    So currently I have like 6 girls I acquired recently. Last couple of days I tried to text them or call them. None of them answered me. I'm collectively being punished for something and I'm totally blind to it. 
    I have already worked on 
    Building emotional connection Throwing in some negative emotional spikes  Being funny Outcome independence and being carefree  People told me abundance would solve my problem. I have abundance in phone numbers but it isn't leading anyway.

  5. Masculinity
    See my book list. David Deida is a must-read.

  6. Often feel like a boy instead of like a man
    Often feel like a boy instead of like a man
    Be more of a leader, socialize more, be with more women, do challenging things in life, start visualizing yourself as a man.
    Or, better yet, start visualizing yourself as God. Being a man is overrated
    You shouldn't feel like a man, you should feel like a God.

  7. How to do a cold approach?
    How to do a cold approach?
    RSD videos is what you need.
    Someone give him some links.

  8. I feel very down after yesterday's night
    I feel very down after yesterday's night
    Yesterday in the afternoon me and a couple of people went to the amusement park (we were 3 guys and 6 girls) which was quite nice. The purpose of that was so that me and my friend (or both) can practice our social skills and getting out there socializing.
    So basically I wasn't really happy all the time there and it was very hard for me to lead. It was like this one girl (I'll name her O) was leading the group, and she was also younger than all of us in like a year or two. It felt a bit shitty but alright.
    So now the night came and we decided to order pizza when we came back to the city, we met at the other friend's house, and things started taking a shift there.
    It was all nice and everything and we later went to the basement to have some fun and play games and shit. But then I felt really drained, like it just hit me.
    I was really frustrated that my friend (not the one that invited us to his house) was just killing it with O (they were playing billiard meanwhile).
    I felt so behind and I really envied his success.
    This is my better friend, the one with whom I talk about intimate topics like relationships and friendships kinda stuff. He didn't even read or watch anything about relationships. This guy was acting like such a man. He really made her laugh, he was acting quite dominant towards her, he was able to change moods to be also more serious and real, emotional.
    The reason it annoys me is because I just secretly feel I should have been better off:
    I am learning about this (watching videos and Leo's videos)
    I practice meditation (to ease my mind and connect more with my emotional side)
    I do exercise
    I am passionate about developing myself
    And without bragging, I'm quite attractive and muscular (I've been tolled that as well).
    So around that time I was just very tired already, and one of the girls just decided we should play an intimate game that we all sit in a circle and ask intimate questions. Now the weirdness is at its start and it will peak in the end.
    They asked "when was the last time you cried" and bro, the people seemed to be able to let go quite easily and get in touch with there feelings. How? How the fuck are they able to do it?? I swear to god I was super uncomfortable and very annoyed.
    Man how did this meditation help me? I felt dense, and super frustrated and dead inside that I can't let go my true feelings with other people.
    I don't care if they are 'less conscious' than me. They obviously seem to be doing much better. You might say 'but deep deep down they are suffering'. Dude, like, they might be having their own problems but they are just surprisingly better than me at being more open, letting go, mindful and they even don't put in the effort I put.
    Oh and also I said one thing and they all tolled me "how cute" after I said that I teared a bit from the beauty of nature. I felt like such a beta and worse.
    After this frustrating game, things took a very weird turn. They were starting to talk about kinkies and sexual stuff (we didn't even drink). It got to the point of all us taking this BDSM (shows you how much percent you are submissive, dominant, vanilla, slave and more in bed) test and Rice test (shows you how "pure" your mind is).
    I felt like such an innocent person and such a beta, low value person. Very bad feeling. The girls were sometimes laughing and even my friend a bit that I asked some questions that I didn't understand their meaning in such a blatant way and they seemed to laugh that I'm "innocent".
    After I finished those tests it was just so fucking weird to share results. At that time we were all out in the park already (the only boys are me and my friend, and he was far from us resting on a swing) and 2 of the girls were comparing answers with me and it was uncomfortable so I said to go to my friend so that I feel more comfortable that there's also a guy.
    On the way back home we went me, my friend and O. I purposely took the wrong turn and continued with them until my friend's house and then turned back to my house. I did this just so I could go just a little further out my comfort zone. They were quite killing it together and it was hard for me to feel included.
    Anyways, I came back very shitty back home, feel very beta and I'm really pissed off and frustrated from this fucking life. Putting all this FUCKING HARD WORK. Know one even cares as much as I do about self actualizing and those topics. I can't stand those people. I always seem to be behind everyone. Always. Once in my lifetime I want to feel like I'm the master of life with all the experience.

  9. Struggling with Blackpill
    Struggling with Blackpill
    Actually you can't.
    The most I ever approached in 1 month is around 800. And that was in Vegas during the summer where I was clubbing every night, 5 hours per night for a month straight with zero days off.
    5000 approaches will take most guys 3-5 years at least. It's not just about quantity, it's about quality and quantity. Quantity alone won't cut it.
     Obviously approaches must be made obeying all the core principles of attraction theory. Not only must you flirt, you must have the literal intent to bring her home for sex that very day! You talk to her for 5 mins and if she is cool you are ready to go fuck as long as she goes along.
    You must lead, lead, lead, and close. None of this let's be friend bullshit. Burn sets to the ground. Make her reject you.
    Your approaches can't just be quantity, they must be QUALITY!

  10. Can you meditate your way out of depression?
    Can you meditate your way out of depression?
    @lmfao Working out can help give you more energy. Running, yoga, anything physical. When I get depressed, my body feels like it just kind of shuts down on me. I don't have the  energy to even lift my head sometimes. But what I do when I am able to be aware of this happening is, I yell at myself in my head, 'get up! you need to move right now!'
    I personally like to clean as a release. I get up and start small, just picking up things here and there as I slowly gain more energy and motivation to finish. I think the idea is to get your body moving to create more energy, but to do something that you can set goals with, in a way. For me, my goals are one room at a time, and the further I get, the better I feel about myself and everything because I am moving and getting some much needed things done. 
    You have to trick your mind into feeling the way you want to feel. Start small, "Rome wasn't built in a day, but it burned in one". You have to give yourself realistic goals that you can achieve along the way and as you get stronger and more capable of understanding your emotions and accepting them as a part of you, you can make your goals bigger and more challenging. 
    You know what your limits are, so push them at your own pace and enjoy the journey.  

  11. Have a seriously bad sleeping schedule. Tips?
    Have a seriously bad sleeping schedule. Tips?
    Going for a walk or a run outside in daylight really helps your biorhythms and improves sleep. Also take vitamin D, in the "morning" or soon after you wake up only. 
    Look up tips for jet lag to get back on schedule, you're essentially doing the same thing. 
    Sorry about your friend, that's a really rough and jolting thing to have to go through. 

  12. Methods For Healing Complex Trauma
    Methods For Healing Complex Trauma
    6 months of deep inner healing behind me. 
    I knew what I was getting myself into when I started this. I knew it wasn't going to be easy or pleasant. I was scared out of my mind. But I knew it had to be done. And this whole lockdown situation seemed like the perfect opportunity to dive in deep. 
    I will not go into details; but basically, I've been severely traumatized in my past. On many, many different occasions. I went through some dark stuff. Physical, mental and emotional abuse. Drug abuse. Debt. Starvation. At some point I was pretty much homeless... and a fugitive in a foreign country. 
    So yeah... Needless to say; my nervous system got fucked. I stored all that trauma in me. Never really dedicated myself to healing it at the core. I was only trying to deal with or mask the symptoms.
    So here's a few pointers/suggestions if you happened to be on the healing journey:
    First you need to gain some understanding on how all that trauma affected you. It affected you on all levels of being. Mental, emotional and physical. 
    So what I would recommend is that you split your healing process into 3 parts. That way you will automatically gain some clarity and a sense of direction. You will eliminate the confusion on what it is that you're actually healing. You will understand where the 'disturbance' is coming from and how to respond to it.
    On the mental level; you're probably experiencing hardcore cognitive dissonance. You're constantly doubting and second-guessing everything. You have difficulties with deciding anything. You lack focus and have a short attention span. Mental fog. Endless negative thought loops. Rumination. Flashbacks. Memory loss. Etc...
    On the emotional level; well, pretty much everything. And sometimes all of it at once. Grief, shame, fear, guilt, sadness, anger, pity, envy, jealousy, regret, despair, devastation, loneliness, etc. Lots of anxiety and depression.
    On the physical level; headaches/migraines, pain in your bones and muscles, sleeping and eating disorders, poor body posture, lack of energy, feeling burnt-out, restlessness, grinding your teeth, biting your nails, poor hygiene, various digestion problems, etc.
    So here are my tips: 
    1. Educate yourself 
    Learn about (C)PTSD. Watch some videos, read some books. There are many great resources out there. If you've been a victim of abuse; learn about your abuser. Understand where they're coming from and why they behave the way they do. It will help you during the forgiveness phase, too.
    2. Shake your body!
    Oh man. I can't describe you how helpful this was when I started practicing it. You see; your nervous system is on fire. It's inflated. It's basically freaking out all the time, while you're trying to act cool and remain calm. So do this every morning, first thing - as soon as you get up from your bed. Before you even brush your teeth or go to the toilet. Set your timer on 5 minutes and just randomly shake your whole body. Really get into it. This will pull you out of your head a bit and connect you to your breath and body. It will release some of that negative energy.
    3. Stretch 
    There is a lot of tension stored in your body. Doing a full-body stretch or even some yoga can help you release a lot of that tension. It can ground and center you. Anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes is great.
    4. Hot/cold showers 
    Obviously good for your blood flow. It's like a nice reset button. Showers can both energize and relax you.
    5. Candle meditation
    There are many forms of meditation. I found this one to be most beneficial during this period. It helps you with your focus, concentration and your attention span. Simply sit in a completely dark room and stare at the candlelight for at least 15 minutes. Whenever you notice yourself getting lost in thought; bring your attention back onto the flame and your breathing.
    6. Screaming into a bucket full of water 
    Another gem right here. I figured this out when I was in such deep pain that I simply didn't know what to do with myself. The only way out was screaming on the top of my lungs. I didn't want my neighbors to hear me, so I came up with this solution. It helped a lot. Not only when I was in pain, but also when I was numb and couldn't connect to my emotions at all. Watching the water being drained once you're done can be very therapeutic, too. You can imagine all your pain and trauma flowing away with the water. The only thing you have to be careful with when using this method is not to harm your voice. 
    7. Punch some pillows
    Ideally; you'd have access to a punching bag... But if you don't; a few pillows can work too. There's a lot of anger and frustration stored in your body. Gotta let it out somehow. Summon all those nasty feelings and punch the shit out of something. Maybe even curse at it a bit. You'll feel better.
    8. Walk
    A nice 30 minute walk can do a lot. Let alone a 2hr walk. Even if you have no motivation to do absolutely anything... Try forcing yourself to go for a walk everyday. Let that be the one thing you must accomplish. It will help you put the rest of your day in a perspective. It will provide you with some mental space and clarity. Your body will be thankful, too.
    9. Jogging/working out 
    In a sense; this is on a higher level already. I know damn well it's impossible to get yourself to workout or run in your darkest hour. That's why shaking your body is a nice link in-between. So once you do gain some strength and motivation you can hit that gym or develop a workout routine at home. The benefits are  pretty obvious.
    10. ASMR
    Oh boy do I love these. I pretty much listen to ASMR videos every night before I fall asleep. Your main focus during the healing process should be on relaxing your entire system. And this stuff is incredibly soothing. Find the videos that you like the most and make a nice little relaxation routine. These are my two favorite YT channels;
    11. Binaural Beats
    Yet another way to soothe and massage the mind.
    12. Cry. A lot.
    I cannot tell you how many times I felt like shit throughout my whole day just because I was avoiding those tears. This is the meat and potatoes of your healing process. It's how you release all that stuff you've been suppressing. It's how you make peace with whatever happened. It's how you forgive yourself or anyone else. In tears.
    Sometimes it can be difficult to connect with that part of you. You wanna cry but you just can't. This is where the screaming into a bucket method can help you, too. Once you scream it all out; those tears will come. But also; music can trigger you into crying too. Not just any kind of music, of course. So choose wisely. Make a sad playlist that speaks to you. Here's some music that hits the spot for me;
    https://youtu.be/os5Z-rtQitE - this whole album is just incredible. Very deep. Very therapeutic. Here's the whole thing;
    https://youtu.be/np2HtyhjUhY - another gem
    https://youtu.be/u4XevlloPY4 - and another one
    https://youtu.be/ycYewhiaVBk - and another one
    13. Breathwork 
    I'd say this is essential to the healing process. You can trigger a lot by simply breathing consciously for longer periods of time. You can also learn how to locate the trauma in your body and slowly breathe your way through it. I'd recommend you find some videos on YouTube and follow along. It will be easier for you not to get lost in thought and maintain a steady rhythm.
    14. Talk therapy 
    This can be another great option. If you find someone that resonates with you and you can open up yourself to them freely; that would help a lot. Simply talking it all out can make a huge difference. And if you pay a professional; it's their job to listen. They do not get involved emotionally like your friends or family might. So it will be much easier for you to feel heard and understood. Preferably, find someone who's specialized in this area.
    15. Be creative 
    Try finding a way to turn your thoughts and feelings into something. A way to express yourself. I know it can be extremely difficult. Trust me - I've been making music for 15 years, non stop. But when this stuff hit me; I could not do shit. I could not even begin to articulate all those thoughts and feelings, let alone translate them into a song... But I sure tried. It was all crap and I never finished what I started writing...But it was something. I was being creative - and that's the only thing that mattered. If you don't already have something; try picking up a new thing. Sketch, paint, write... Whatever allows you to express yourself.
    16. Socialize
    It can be tempting to completely isolate yourself and cut off all connections while you're going through this. And while on some point that may be beneficial or even necessary... In the long run it will do you more harm than good. So start interacting with people. You don't have to let anyone too close or open yourself too much... Just do the basic, surface - level stuff, here and there. It will energize you and give you a broader perspective.
    17. CBD Oil and Oxytocin 
    I have yet to put my hands onto these, but I hear great things. CBD is great for relaxing your system. I'd suggest you get the non-psychoactive version. Oxytocin is basically known as the 'love hormone', and if you've been traumatized; your system needs this stuff. I'd suggest you to be very careful with supplements though. Know what you're taking.
    So there you go. That's what I got for you for now. Might add some more later...
    While I already came pretty far and healed quite a lot; I am nowhere near done. This stuff has been holding me back for ages. I am unable to move forward and accomplish my goals until I am healed. What keeps me going though (besides my highest calling) is the fact that I already survived the worst. I am safe now. No one can disturb my peace. 
    However; peace will take some time to get used to.
    Hope someone finds this helpful.
    Much love and respect.

  13. I feel bad about watching porn
    I feel bad about watching porn
    Of course there is more getting girls. Those were just a few basic elements, oversimplified, not a comprehensive map.
    Pickup boils down to: going out & being social frequently + playfulness + confidence + seduction + leading + handling logistics really well.
    Sounds like you're seriously lacking in:
    Communicating with sexual intent, man-to-woman communication Leading Handling logistics Not having those things in place will kill 95% of your results.
    Leading and logistic are CRUCIAL for results. You can increase your results by 10x to 100x by mastering those two things. They are not easy to master.

  14. How come there is no Difference between Pain and Pleasure?
    How come there is no Difference between Pain and Pleasure?
    It's too low consciousness for me to want to read.
    The most conscious people are the most selfless and therefore least interested in fighting or manipulating.
    In a sense, consciousness makes you disinterested in struggling for survival. So the most conscious people are often the first to die. The most egotistical people are often the last to die because their entire existence revolves around avoiding death. Which is the whole function of the ego.
    The power of high consciousness is not in that it gives you extra powers to avoid death, but rather the ultimate power: not being worried about death because you know it's an illusion.
    If you are going to evaluate higher consciousness from the standpoint of survival, you are missing the point. Higher consciousness is an escape hatch from the game of survival.
    In the domain of politics the most ruthless and power-hungry end up winning, because they are willing to crack any number of skulls to get what their ego desires. But in the end, all these people end up down-falling. Just look at Trump as a prime example. His massive ego allowed him to win, and also caused him to lose. That's precisely the trade-off with selfishness and deception. It works, but it only works in the short-term.
    Precisely because women sleep with men who need sex the least.
    Pickup guys, since they get so much sex, end up needing it the least. At least they need no girl in particular. And this ironically makes them the most attractive to girls.
    Pickup guys are often addicted to sex, but the key difference is that they are not attached to sex with any one particular girl. Which makes them appear highly attractive from any one girl's POV. It works this way in sales too. The more options you have the more sales you will make and higher the price you can charge for your product.

  15. An IRL encounter with the darkness of scientific materialism
    An IRL encounter with the darkness of scientific materialism
    Hello forum, I have been a long time lurker but decided to make an account to ask this question. I would really appreciate if @Leo Gura would have some advice on this situation.
    My cousin who is the same age as me in our early twenties, has been suffering from depression, self-mutilation and multiple suicide attempts over the last few years. she has taken medication and therapy which didn't work. 
    Let me clarify that she has always been into science and rational debating stubbornness. So she is a materialist.
    her immediate family told me the clinic where she is currently at is giving her electro shock therapy as a 'last resort'. I inquired as to what would happen if this 'last resort' did not work. They told me that euthanasia was being discussed.
    This shocked me to the bone. Apparently in my country it is possible to get euthanasia even if you are as young as in your early twenties. And the cold hard way the clinic just sees it as an option they can take. I know this clinic must be highly materialistic just like all mainstream clinics. meaning they only give medication and physical therapy, and if that doesn't work they offer euthanasia, basically saying; "if our materialistic medical treatments don't work, killing yourself is your only option", Further reinforcing the story of my cousins suffering and hopelessness.
    At least in stage blue societies, people who suffer get recommended to turn to God to start their self-transformation. I have no Idea how I would turn my cousin to the likes of spiritual contemplation and introspection. I know for a fact her suffering and cold materialism are tied. She sees the world as a cold clockwork. The best idea is to maybe send her this video from Actualized; Either "What is Spirituality" or "Why reality is not material". Would this be a good idea?
    Side question: Is the fact that my country offers euthanasia to young people, an example of toxic stage green?

  16. Being a nice guy versus being an arrogant dickhead
    Being a nice guy versus being an arrogant dickhead
    Go approach 5000 women and go on dates.
    The pain of women rejecting and dumping you for your weakness will make you strong. You are not going to learn this skillset other than through massive pain and rejection.
    Get rejected so much you stop caring. Die inside from all your mistakes.
    Rapport is built AFTER attraction already happened.
    You need to learn basic pickup theory. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel. Attraction theory is 100% known and proven. Just study it. There is zero mystery to what attracts women.

  17. How to purge and do shadow work safely
    How to purge and do shadow work safely
    I’m not really into this sort of gimmicky postmodern adaptation to Jungian thinking is it gets, as I just put it, a little too gimmicky. 
    The fact is, you cannot do “shadow work” on your own. Shadows are created in relationship. They must be healed in relationship. You don’t ever not have a shadow. Anyone who tells you they don’t have a shadow or unconscious dynamics going on anymore is straight up fooling themselves. There are different ways of thinking of what the unconscious is. It also would be useful to challenge the very distinction of the unconscious itself. 
    If you want to do “shadow work” go to a psychoanalyst. Shadow work doesn’t at all necessarily heal traumas in the body that may drive the energy of many of our shadows (which, it would useful to make clear that that is just a way of thinking). Trauma work doesn’t at all necessarily heal shadows and shadows don’t at all necessarily heal trauma or attachment issues. 
    You’re going to save years of delusion of trying to do this work you simply cannot do on your own if you just go to an analyst. I mention psychoanalysts because the very notion of “shadows” and the notion of the unconscious came out of psychoanalysis. It is so incredibly sophisticated and it is nowhere near as mechanical as the new age spiritual and personal development communities make it out to be. 
    Shadows, to be succinct, are “the me that I can’t see”. If you say you can see your shadow, it’s not a shadow. Period. The unconscious truly is unconscious. Whatever might be made a distinct object that we might say “arose out of the unconscious” (which is a debatable claim) in engaging in such a process is no longer. It has now be identified and “made conscious”. Which, to put it another way, we could say the mind now has created a form of knowing about something that was not previously there. 
    Also, all projections, whether coming from you or be coming toward you from another, have a hook to stand on. I’ll give a personal example of me on this forum. There’s a lot of projection on this forum. Which I’m sure anyone whose been on here long enough can vouch for. This is understandable because it is an incredibly indirect form of communication. So much so that we actually are left having to use our imagination of the person we’re texting over the internet and are actually interaction with our own imagined perception of the person who is not present. Anywho, back to the example. I have a tendency of being very harsh, direct, and brutal in my feedback on here. I had a tendency to really express and project my own disgust when I read things that I not only saw were not only bullshit, but I also experienced as disgusting. I got feedback through peoples implicit reactions on here where people told me to calm down and also projected downright fantasies of how they imagined me to be. The truth was a mixed bag because there were plenty of false fantasies they clearly had of me. That said, they’re projections had a hook that I conveniently ignored because I couldn’t see it. That hook, which I see more now, had truth to it. There’s a quote I heard attributed to Byron Katie that I’m very fond of in regards to this point that goes “we don’t talk to each other. We talk to each other’s projection. But only 98% of the time.” Another example of this is a more collective shadow example. In 2013 Time Magazine released a study that stated that the millennial generation are statistically 2.5 times more narcissistic than the “me-generation” of the 1960s. Now, isn’t it ironic that the millennials, particularly liberal millennials, passionately hate the most narcissistic president we ever had? This is just a perfect example of this. Both are genuinely narcissistic. Both are blind to what’s inside them and project that onto an other that serves as a hook. 

    From the Gospel of St. Thomas:
    ”Jesus said: if you bring forth what is inside you, what you bring forth will save you. If you don’t bring forth what is inside you, what you don’t bring forth will destroy you.”

  18. Heavy metal detox -- Deep info on proper chelation -- Convinced by user to post this
    Heavy metal detox -- Deep info on proper chelation -- Convinced by user to post this
    I've said things on it enough times. Leo can do the rest. There's nothing else I know that I haven't posted/commented here.
    Copied and pasted comments are in between the ----------'s. The rest is additional information.
    Disclaimer: ALA referred to here is not the omega 3 fatty acid, alpha linolenic acid. It’s alpha lipoic acid. AKA thioctic acid. I don’t have any experience with chelators besides ALA and DMSA, but DMPS certainly seems to have merit as well. ALA must be taken no less frequently than every 3 hours, and DMSA must be taken no less frequently than every 4 hours (i.e. e3h is even better) — both must be taken at this frequency for at least 72 hours straight, otherwise the chelation round was not only unsuccessful...you may have just damaged your body and likely your brain. Anything other than these 3 chelators, zeolite, and in rare cases, EDTA, for chelation, is dangerous and anyone advocating it has no clue how chelators work. The double thiol group acts as a loose but effective hook of sorts — a lone thiol group will just spread metals around haphazardly (possibly causing damage and stress), without latching onto them and actually taking them out of the body. ALA, DMSA, and DMPS are double thiol chelators that are safe when used correctly.
    Andy Cutler’s writings, and his posts and wikis on onibasu are where you go for further info.
    I didn't feel anything off 600mg ALA + 100mg DMSA e3h for 30+ day rounds, fwiw.
    I mean, I didn't get side-effects. The brain fog and fatigue went away.
    And ALA only affects mercury (and arsenic, which is not as big of a deal). DMSA chelates lead and mercury.
    Btw 64 hours is too short. That's cutting it way too close -- healing/damage ratio is positive by the 72 hour mark for adults, and maybe 60 hours for small children, but you might as well get the ratio as high as possible... Aim for 96+ hours; preferably 7-14+ days. The longer the better, provided you keep copper under control. You CANNOT take ALA for long cycles without zinc (and preferably molybdenum too) 4x/d, or you will be profoundly overloaded with copper.
    It is very, very risky, unless you do it right. It cured my chronic fatigue but I did it all-in, hardcore style. 6 month cycle with only a few 3-7 day breaks. With every ancillary carefully selected for copper-toxicity control, alarms so I'd never miss a dose, etc. I never had amalgam but by God there must've been something in my body because damn it worked.
    I dosed ALA and DMSA every 3 hours around the clock for months on end. Started at low doses and worked up to 600mg ALA / 100mg DMSA e3h. Falling blood levels cause redistribution, so the key is to not let them fall, ever, until you inevitably have to go off -- at which point there will be damage, but the goal is to have the healing net-outweigh the damage. Break-even healing/damage ratio is achieved between hours 60 and 72 of a cycle. Once you make it that long, you know you've succeeded for that round, and you should continue to milk it as long as you can handle to get that ratio up. Thus, long rounds/cycles are much more effective, but harder to deal with side-effect wise... and it carries the risk of oxidative stress from the DMSA, and copper toxicity from the ALA (avoid eating nuts while on ALA). I didn't really have side-effects. As soon as you miss a dose, that round is over, you need to take a break, and if the missed dose occurred before hour 72, the cycle was basically not successful.
    It can be especially helpful if you have anything significantly greater than perfectly healthy amounts of mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, and even iron in your system. The copper overload induced by the ALA very effectively purges iron from the body -- something that may be quite helpful if one has eaten a lot of iron-fortified foods in their life.
    The reason chelation studies haven't shown much in the way of curing chronic fatigue is simply because they dosed every 8 hours. DMSA must be dosed every 4 (or less) hours to prevent falling levels, which alone is responsible for the redistribution damage and prevents the healing/damage ratio from being a positive number.
    You can get it done a lot faster if you do long rounds. Let me explain...
    The minimum round-length is 72 hours in order to be reasonably certain that the healing/damage ratio is a positive number. The longer the round, the higher that number. Falling systemic levels of the double-thiol chelator are what cause redistribution, which is why you have to take the chelator so frequently, and why longer rounds are far more efficient -- your levels don't fall until the very end of each round, when you stop taking it, therefore you should minimize the amount of times you have to do this, via going as long as you can handle. The only reason not to do them for long stretches is an inability to handle it.
    A 3-4 day round and a 3-4 day break every week will clean out sufficient mercury/lead within 2-5 years (closer to 1-2 years if you did 1-2 weeks on / 1-2 weeks off) -- the same thing can be achieved with one 6-month round, though you shouldn't actually do it that long. I basically intended to do one 6-month round but there were a few 5-7 day breaks (each initiated upon accidentally missing a dose) so it ended up being essentially three 2-month rounds, in the end -- that's all it took. I recommend planning on a 6 month round and just taking a 7-14 day break each and every time you inevitably accidentally miss a dose.
    And btw, each 50% increase in dose results in an 18% faster rate of mercury excretion... Since taking larger doses results in comparatively less redistribution, taking larger doses (ramp up as you can handle) will not only speed the process up a bit, it may also have a bit of a buffer effect, protecting you from times when you miss a dose by 30-60min, which should rarely happen, nonetheless. For the majority of my largely-uninterrupted 6-month cycle, I was taking 600mg ALA and 100mg DMSA every 3 hours.
    E.g. If you take 100mg ALA every 3 hours for 72 hours running, that would be a 3-day (72 hour) round (or cycle), which is the absolute minimum length the round must be, since you damage yourself every time you come off, but damage while on-cycle (on-round) is minimal -- it's almost all heavy metal excretion (no redistribution) while on-round. The break even healing/damage point occurs after 60-72 hours (of consistently taking the chelator every 3 hours), so it would be to your benefit to do rounds much longer than this. The fastest route would be a 6 month round, but I don't think that's ever been done and it's not advised. I essentially did three 2-month rounds with a 1-week break between each.
    Doing it for long stretches at a time significantly decreases the total amount of time you'll have to spend on-round before you clear out all the heavy metals you need to. However, copper toxicity can be a problem with ALA, so you'll need to take both zinc and molybdenum 4x/day -- twice a day is insufficient. Even taking 7.5mg zinc and 250mcg molybdenum (the appropriate amounts) 4x a day each will not stave off copper toxicity forever. And oxidative stress can be an issue with DMSA so you have to take antioxidants.
    Does that clarify?
    Those were all the relevant posts I could find. That's literally all I know, but I'm happy to answer further questions if you need clarification. Again I don't know all there is to know about the subject, so I doubt I'll be able to provide anything else. But perhaps there were some posts I missed where I went into some other details. Good luck!
    Remember the zinc and molybdenum 4x/d when using ALA. I'm not sure if it's best to take breaks on the zinc/moly in between rounds, or to keep using them off round -- that is one example of something I am unclear on myself -- there seem to be pros and cons to each option -- it's very likely neither choice is gonna kill you though. I'm not the arbiter of truth on this.
    ... EDIT 5/24/2021 — additional explanation for the above paragraph. After your final round you should definitely continue to take the zinc/moly 4x/d for some time (probably at least a month), to purge residual copper, which will likely be quite high at this point. When you’re no longer planning on taking more ALA, there’s no reason not to do this... ALA causes some zinc overload but not nearly as bad as it does copper overload, and nothing purges copper quite like zinc... On ALA, you want to take just enough zinc to keep copper retention somewhat under control (30-50mg daily in 4 divided doses; it actually won’t even prevent copper overload, it’ll just slow it down, lol), and too much zinc will just exacerbate ALA’s zinc retention, so it’s a balance... But once ALA is no longer in the picture, if your copper is high, you can continue the zinc for a little while with generally no issue. Since the zinc is basically a limited resource in the scenario of ALA use (as in you shouldn’t take too much of it because it’s only a matter of time before your zinc levels become too high as well), additional means of reducing copper retention would be very wise, such as molybdenum (1-2mg a day in 4 divided doses), stimulating bile flow, and avoiding dietary sources of copper (such as nuts) — the zinc is not optional though, as those options don’t come close to the anti-copper affect zinc has (related to the metallothionein mechanism).
    There is some evidence that ALA depletes biotin in a hazardous way if you don’t consume extra in the diet or by supplementation.
    And never EVER stop DMSA before ALA. It will cause net redistribution into the brain. Stop them both at the exact same time or stop the ALA before the DMSA. If DMSA didn't have a slightly longer half-life than ALA, stopping them both together would not be safe -- but DMSA leaves the body slightly slower, so it is safe to stop them concurrently. This would not be the case if using extended release ALA, but you should never use extended-release ALA to begin with, since the absorption rate differs at different points along the digestive tract, and it hasn't been studied enough. Do not use extended-release anything in chelation.
    I don't know this, but I have an intuition that it may be prudent to start with a few DMSA-only rounds to reduce body mercury content, so that when you eventually introduce ALA, it won't start with the potential, temporary issue of a net increase in brain mercury -- though even if you did start with ALA, that issue would only happen if mercury concentration was greater in body than across blood brain barrier, and even if that was so, the issue would of course only be temporary -- after all, you're aiming to eventually get essentially ALL of it out, indiscriminately from everywhere. But I'd imagine even temporary increases of mercury in the brain are not desirable. This is a bit of a nod, it seems, away from ALA-only rounds, at least in the beginning, but Andy Cutler didn't mention that issue, to my knowledge (idk maybe he did), and he probably knows best. So I wouldn't worry about it.
    And if you want to go by the book (so to speak), time on should equal time off. That's not what I did, but that's what I'd advise as a measure of safety.

  19. Questions about "How survival shapes who you are" video
    Questions about "How survival shapes who you are" video
    There's no shortcut to Just do it
    I try to replace feelings of love I get from hearing approval with my own internal love generated by my spiritual connection to consciousness itself.
    In a sense, cut off external feelings of love and reground your sense of love directly in consciousness and being. Or you could reground love into the doing of your art/work. Also, I remind myself that people who praise me are usually not very conscious and only do so out of selfishness. If I was a rapist no one would praise me. And there is no reason why I deserve any more praise now than if I was a rapist. So people's praise of me has nothing to do with reality. It's just their self-biased projections -- which I have little interest in. My love cannot be grounded in the projections of others.
    That's very common.
    However, that can lead to a genuine passion. Or not. It depends.
    But it could be meaningful to them. Or it could not. If it is not, then obviously there's a problem. But if it becomes genuinely meaningful then it's less of a problem.
    Usually a passion is not something that raises much doubt in your mind. If you're very doubtful about it, then it probably isn't your passion. But if you just love the thing for no good reason -- that's a sign of genuine passion. You love it for its own sake -- that's passion.
    But there is also a kernel to the psyche's personality which does not change, it only gets obscured like the sun on a cloudy day.
    Again, it depends. The person could have stumbled into a second passion or even a higher passion. You can have multiple passions and you can also find higher passions than your existing ones. But it's also very common that a person will talk themselves out of truly pursing their passion (like art) because it is not as practical or "realistic" as something like business. They can also be interested in business, but deep down they know that business is not truly as exciting as art. But they are too scared to drop business and go all-in on art. So they talk themselves into settling for business.
    Becoming an artist requires way more courage than becoming a businessman.

  20. How did Modafinil Work For You Guys with ADHD/Fatigue
    How did Modafinil Work For You Guys with ADHD/Fatigue
    It's good that want to get to the root cause and that you see modafinil more as a temporary solution, rather than something to rely on long-term. I've struggled with chronic fatigue, brain fog, ADHD, digestion issues and anxiety all my life until I changed my diet and lifestyle. 
    Eliminating damaging foods and products, incorporating healthy nutrient rich foods, incorporating detox foods and supplements that especially detox heavy metals and virusses were key in changing my health.
    Eliminating damaging foods:
    Eggs All animal products Soy Corn Dairy Gluten MSG Processed foods Citrus acid Vinegar Incorporating healthy foods and habits:
    Lemon water 16 Oz upon waking up Drinking 16 oz celery juice after 15-30 minutes  Drinking a smoothie with detoxing ingredients 1 Banana 1 cup Orange juice Frozen red berries 2 cups of (frozen) Wild blueberries (wild is important) Handful fresh cilantro 1 ts barley grass juice extract powder 1 ts hawaiian spirulina 1 ts dulse flakes or powder (If you can stand the taste) flax seeds for omega 3 Filtered water Limit fats for a while for enhancing detoxification (Ideally all fats) Limitting fats also means limitting protein -) most protein sources contain high fat Limit salt (ideally remove it for a while) Consume high quality vegan protein powder daily For the rest, eat mostly healthy carbs like fruits, vegestables and herbs. Look at the link below for dinner and lunch ideas ideally buy organic stuff, but conventional is ok If juicing, buy a slow juicer instead of high speed -) more vitamins and minerals and more juice/less product -) less expensive long term Drink a lot of water Supplements that were helpful in my healing was:
    B complex (b12 as methylcobalamin) Zinc sulfate liquid Magnesium glycinate D3 Lemon balm Ginko biloba EPA & DHA (Plant based) Ester-C Melatonin Most of these recommendations follow medical medium guidelines. On his website, you can find recipes for dinner and lunch that follow the guidelines. It's when I started this strict diet, I've noticed my energy increased dramatically. Instead of feeling weak, tired, brain fogged, I started feeling motivated, sharp and had tons of energy. I suggest trying this strict diet for atleast 3 months and then see how you feel. If you want to be more flexible, by all means add some variety, it's not meant to make you feel bad because it's so strict. Just for the 3 months, be strict with it because you want to allow the body to have the maximum ability to heal and have all factors in place for getting rid of all the heavy metals from the deepest parts of your tissue. 

  21. Tips for ADHD?
    Tips for ADHD?
    This one can be difficult to pinpoint but few known suspects are: 
    * prolonged exposure to environmental toxins like lead, BPA, POPs and other stuff
    * exposure in pre-natal state through maternal exposure
    * being born through c-section and/or not having been breast fed 
    * prolonged vitamin D deficiency 
    * compromised gut health and/or dysbiosis and/or permeable gut 
    * having obstructive sleep apnea or sleep disturbance
    *  excessive exposure to stimulants in childhood 
    Hard to say without doing proper digging. I'd also consider reading "scattered minds" from Gabor Matte, it may be that this has a strong spiritual and emotional component. 

  22. I'm insulin resistant. Don't know what advice to follow.
    I'm insulin resistant. Don't know what advice to follow.
    You could try meat + low sugar veggies like leafy greens and maybe some low sugar fruits like berries.
    If you have a gut bacteria problem, sugary fruits and veggies will certainly make it worse. After you fix the gut bacteria, then you can go for a more veggie/fruit diet. But until then I would avoid them.
    If you have SIBO nearly any fruit or veggie will do more harm than good.
    Liver Rescue assumes you don't have SIBO or leaky gut. But it sounds like you do.

  23. I feel ashamed about being an Incel
    I feel ashamed about being an Incel
    Look at it from a survival POV. if your family didn't fuck people, you wouldn't be here and your race wouldn't be around. There's nothing wrong with humans not being around. There are plenty of potentially beautiful species and animals that could have existed now but don't because they didn't survive. And there are plenty of animals that have gone extinct. The human race will go extinct one day too. Its just a matter of time. All of this human survival is just a tiny skit in the entire universe, an advertisement in a movie.
    So all these thoughts are literally just a side effect of the fact that you exist as a human right now. They aren't important. They aren't special. They don't mean anything other then a byproduct of your existence through to survival.
    What you want is not survival, what you want is happiness, because you're smart enough to realize that survival is a loosing game because you will die one day. These thoughts are all about survival and evolution, not happiness. They have no relevance to what you want. Focus on the thoughts and stuff that makes you happy, rather than survive, because that's what you want. Focus on what woman you want, how you want to make her feel, what a great date looks like for her and you. There's plenty of survival stuff involved in her too, she's also going to reject you or act in ways that are a byproduct of survival, but again you're better then that. It doesn't matter that you're an incel because incel is just survivalness. You're aiming above that, focus on that.

  24. Finally!! I Found My Life Purpose... But, Resistance Is Killing Me
    Finally!! I Found My Life Purpose... But, Resistance Is Killing Me
    First of all I want to thank Leo because the Life Purpose Course changed my life in an unthinkable way, and I actually believe that I wouldn't have been able to discover my life purpose without the program. I literally almost emptied a large notebook of 100 pages. Thanks Leo, you opened my eyes, you gave me an opportunity to see beyond my tunnel vision.
    What caught me by surprise though is that I didn't expect to feel so much resistance. I thought once I discover my LP everything was going to be roses, no resistance, no self-doubt, no distractions, and here I am, talking about it.
    These last few weeks resistance has been fucking me in the ass, violating me with all its power, and cumming in my face... I've been its little bitch and it's time to turn that around, it's time to take resistance by the neck, put it on all fours, slay that bitch and destroy its anus.
    Leo actually explained that we will feel that way but I didn't believe him, my self-deception was that everything, since the discovery of my LP, was going to be easy and effortless and what I found is that it takes twice (or even thrice) as the effort as you may think it would take you.
    The forms that resistance takes in my life is:
    - Perfectionism - I'm a massive perfectionist and while some people think that's good, it's the total opposite, it paralyzes me completely so I take little or no action.
    - Over-planning.
    - Facebook/Instagram scrolling.
    - Google Browsing.
    - Watching Youtube videos - This one is very tricky, it's clear that watching stupid prank or funny videos is just a waste of time and a distraction, but sometimes when we actually watch self-help, self-improvement, business, marketing, etc., videos is just a way of resistance and a way of not doing your work. I took a look at this shit in my life and what I did is I deleted Youtube from my phone and I'm only allowed to use YT on my laptop. I installed an app that hides suggested videos and comments so when I get into Youtube I have no way of distracting myself there, I only watch what I'm looking for. (The app is called "Unhook - Remove Youtube Recommended Videos." It's a Google Chrome Extension btw.)
    - Cryptocurrency
    - And a handful of many other things.
    The point I want to make is many times resistance will be obvious, but also, many times resistance will be very subtle. You may tell yourself "Oh by doing this, by watching this video, by reading this book, by browsing this thing on Google, by creating a perfect plan, by taking a walk in the park and clearing my mind I'm being productive," let me tell you, no you're not, you're just avoiding doing your work.
    Also Don't get me wrong, there might be occasions where you actually need to read that book, watch that video, take that walk and clear your mind, but make sure you're not self-deceiving telling yourself you're being productive when you're actually just avoiding doing what you need to be doing.
    I just want to say, I'm still dealing with resistance and trying to overcome it. If any of you guys want to share an insight, advice, or experience with resistance, please leave us a comment. I would love to hear from you, and I'm sure a few other people would too.

  25. Remedy For Acne?
    Remedy For Acne?
    You must adjust lifestyle/diet to more clean and hydrated and alkaline body. You cant cure acne with external applications alone, you need to clean the internal first in order for the external applications to work much more efficiently. Everything on the skin root cause is caused by internal acidifying bodily systems that are clogged with junk and not well hydrated and stimulated. Consuming more fresh fruits and veggies and less processed foods, exercise, get daily sunlight, avoid artificial lighting and clean your home with more natural eco-products should help and drink a lot of fresh spring, distilled or purified water.