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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. @winterknight btw I love the fact that you're doing this. It's the kind of thing you can do as a joke.
  2. The question I want to ask you is : "What question should I ask you?"
  3. @winterknight why didn't you answer my previous question?
  4. For any given topic in nutrition, you have 1 million different opinions floating round. It's as if you have studies which back up every single possible point of view (with a few exceptions). If you ever use google to search for something , it's like you're being flooded with information and do not know what to read and not bother reading. "Experts" are to be found left, right and centre on every single issue. Money corrupts the living fuck out of nutrition science like hell on top of it. I just want wished there existed more clear cut science on health related issues. If I'm interested in researching a physics topic for example, the only "concerns" I have are metaphysical/epistemological. That's not the case here. To eat meat or not eat meat, low carb or high carb, low fat or high fat. The only thing I know is safe is to avoid eating burgers and pizzas and much down on some broccoli. Edit: Can a mod please move this topic to the health, fitness, nutrition section.
  5. @now is forever interesting indeed my friend.
  6. I wager 1 million virtue points that I can abstain from actualized.org far longer than you ever could
  7. Around the time I was 13 [I'm 18 now] I had on and off periods of being religious. I come from a Muslim family. From a young age I was always asking "why?" when it comes to philosophical or religious questions. So when I was 13 I naturally started questioning Islam but what ended up happening was that I convinced myself extremely strongly that Islam is the truth. I had a logical argument in my mind which led to the conclusion that Islam is 100% the truth (through "proving" that the Quran is from God). When I was extremely religious, I had this deep feeling of serenity and ease with everything and everyone in my experience. My logic was this: reality is governed by an all powerful all loving god, so everything that happens is will be perfect. Reality is perfect. If God is all loving there is no need to be fearful of anything from him. I just find reflecting on this interesting, since it has showed me that even with false beliefs I still had a form of high level happiness. The state of consciousness I had back then feels long gone now. I know that this is probably just coincidence, but this event stuck with me when it happened. I remember I was about to eat a sandwich was right in front of me, and there was an English Quran in front of me. I thought "God if you have any words for me show them" when I opened a random page from the book, and the first line was a sentence where God is telling someone (probably a prophet in some sort of religious myth/story) to enjoy eating and drinking as a blessing. I'm mentioning this memory I have because it reminds of a time when I was experiencing a weird, good feeling. Another funny thing is that I had this belief that I could feel the state of my soul in my chest and I literally had the feeling that my chest/heart area was clogged and heavy whenever I did something I considered a sin. I would focus my mind whilst reciting arabic and thinking of god, and I would physically try to breath out the negativity from my chest, and the feelings of heaviness would disappear from my experience. I just felt the need to reflect upon these experiences because I can't make much sense of them. A state of mind where I was absorbed in religion and felt extremely good whilst doing it. The feelings I had were so surreal and foreign to my current experience that I don't know what to think about it. Even if I reach non-dual states from meditation I never get the same feelings. I find it so puzzling to think back to the times I was religious, because when I was religious I was living in a completely other reality of beliefs and emotions that I can't believe that I was ever like that. The quality of my higher consciousness experiences when religious were of a completely different flavour to the experiences I get from meditation.
  8. @Nahm God is always taking different forms I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. @now is forever my previous comment is stating that irregardless of what is true or not true about her past, I think her YouTube videos are cool.
  10. @now is forever true or not true, rape or no rape, I find some of her YouTube videos fairly good.
  11. @now is forever fair enough. I have reserved judgement on the whole thing.
  12. @now is forever I just found this quote from Tael Swan's book: In 1989, I was invited to visit the home of a girl who attended the same kindergarten class as I did. Her father was a member of a satanic coven in the area. It was there that I caught the attention of "Doc". I have had to change his name for the purpose of this bio for legal reasons. Doc was in his fifties or sixties at the time. As it turns out, my parents knew him casually already. But unbeknownst to my parents, he was a member of the Blood Covenant, but he had infiltrated a local Satanic coven. Doc was a sociopath with multiple personalities. The only personality that most members of the community saw (including my parents) was a super intelligent, charismatic and successful "do gooder" type of personality. Because of his multiple personalities however, Doc lived a double life. On one hand, he was a likeable, intelligent, local health expert [sic] was obsessed with the study of the human mind; on the other hand, he was a sadistic, [sic] psychopath who attended cult rituals in his spare time. I do not know if he and my parents had crossed paths again before this point, but having developed an obsession with the idea of possessing me, he followed me in his truck when I was riding my pink huffy bike alone one day, pulled me off the bike and raped me for the first time inside a local Mormon stake house.... To spare you the graphic details, from age six to nineteen I was tortured physically and sexually in cult rituals. I was raped, deprived of food and forced to undergo three abortions (all fathered and aborted by Doc himself). I was photographed for sadomasochistic pornography, sold to men for sex out of outdoor gas station bathrooms, kept in basements and in a hole in the ground in Doc's back yard [sic]. I was exposed to electro-shock programming, forced to undergo isolation torture and left overnight tied up in lava caves in southern Idaho. I was drugged chronically by Doc with anesthetics (all of which he had unlimited access to due to being a vet by trade). I was chased through the Idaho and Utah wilderness by Doc "playing" tracking games in which he would hunt me, and I would undergo consequences (like having my rib cage cut or being raped) if I was caught. And I was used as a lure to other children that ended up being hurt and on occasion killed. (This biois reprinted virtually word-for-word in chapters two and three of Teal’s second book, Shadows Before Dawn.) ------------------------------------------------------- That sounds bad if it is true. I found this website which writes the transcript of an interview with this "Doc" person. http://thetruthaboutcameron.blogspot.com/2015/10/the-complete-interview-of-teal-swans.html?m=1 The interviewers here hold an "anti" Tael Swan view.
  13. @now is foreverforever. Is Tael Swan's lifestory quite bad? What are some of the things that happened? I'm asking cuz I cba to watch an entire interview lol.
  14. @Preetom I agree, good post. Dissolving the self through a lower consciousness endeavours is impossible I think, at least in this lifetime. I see the pursuit of lower and lower consciousness just leading to more suffering.
  15. What are your thoughts on the question I have asked? Do your experiences with enlightenment and non-dual states have anything to say? Any intellectual arguments? Even if a strange loop is not a completely correct model, are there any properties /characteristics of the strange loop model which you think are appropriate for this situation? In my mind came the idea that one way you can choose to describe a high consciousness person is to say that the person has no resistance to "the will of the divine". This is a fancy way of saying that they don't give resistance to their thoughts and feelings and they are aware of their existential nature at all points in time. Such a person might feel everything to be effortless and automatic. Am I wrong in thinking of the Buddha as someone who acts "automatically"? When I say "automatically" in the context of a high consciousness person, I mean a person who acts with a clear mind without hesitating or fumbling. An extremely low consciousness person, which we can model as a chimpanzee, will act on pure animilastic instinct. I don't believe that chasing lower and lower consciousness states will lead to a 180 degree flip into Buddha. I do think that's its possible that chasing higher and higher consciousness states will result in the this person exhibiting highly refined versions of automatic behaviour, and the behaviour will have some similarities but also important differences from lower consciousness automatic behaviour.
  16. I've been having this thought for a while now. If you are ever meditating or are otherwise doing any sort of consciousness work, try to feel deep into the present moment. Whilst I will probably not do an ideal job of articulating "truths" that I feel I've experienced, I will try anyway. All of reality is just raw experience/consciousness. The entirety of reality in the present moment has no cause. Now is forever, and you are always in the present moment. At any point during your existence as a conscious being, you exist in a situation which has no cause. The existence of a cause requires a past but the past doesn't exist in your present moment existence. There are all these thoughts, sounds, sights, bodily pressures in your consciousness which are in this uncaused, completely spontaneous present moment. Reality is in a situation which you literally did nothing to achieve. This is true for all waking moments of your life, and the higher the degree to which your awareness "can see this truth" the higher the degree to which life feels effortless. I believe that this truth I am pointing is formulated within the concept of "Wu Wei", as I understand that particular concept. I feel the need to type this out after finishing my SDS session.
  17. @Preetom ninja emoji indeed my friend. I liked your "in appearence" and "in experience" examples. When thinking further about the foundations of reality, things become incommunicable and language no longer feels like a suitable medium for assessing "truth".
  18. @moon777light Challenge accepted biatch *A few moments later*
  19. I may disagree with your first sentence (although this disagreement may be minor and could perhaps just be the result of my interpretation of what you are implying by using the word "religion" being different from what your intended meaning is) but I like those quotes.