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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. It's especially annoying if the leg numbness isn't detected until you stand up because by the time you've stood up you've already fallen over.
  2. @non_nothing Thank you for the answer. @AlwaysBeNice Good reminder @Joseph Maynor dies but doesn't dissappear? Sounds interesting. @Leo Gura I just watched your video, it was pretty good. @Scholar Beats me.
  3. @Leo Gura thank you for advice, I just hope what I'm feeling will pass. I'm just gonna try my best to remain mindful. I can tell my mind is going crazy a strong, irrational thought story. Seems like the "dark side of meditation" has just ambushed me.
  4. @winterknight @winterknight @winterknight Are you a talking corpse?
  5. I think what I'm about to say is tangiantial to what the OP is referring to but I'll say it anyway. From my experience, there are two ways you can lose your sense self. In a high consciousness state is obviously one way. However, if you've ever sunken into an extremely low consciousness stage you'll still have a sense of self but it will be the case that your psyche is filled with so much shit that you can't tell up from down and so you'll be suffering despite you having a hard to grasping your sense of self. I think back to many times I've binged TV, porn, video games and lost myself in the process. You lose track of time as you are hooked in the addiction. Even though I had lost myself in some sense, all that had really happened is that my consciousness sunk so low I never even noticed a ego! But this ego stilll generates massive suffering.
  6. @VioletFlame I wonder as well what demons Jordan Peterson has. One thing which might be revelant is that he had severe depression in the past which makes me feel bad for him. Random thought, but Jordan Peterson reminds me a lot of my dad. My dad was raised and born in Pakistan, but was very well educated and moved abroad. Even though he's intelligent and has become much more open minded since he first moved to the west, at the core of his psychology is unshakeable blue which can't be gotten rid of. And I think this story of having unremovable blue in your psyche is a story true for millions and millions of people on this planet.
  7. @Serotoninluv I can't remember which exact post it was, but I remember you were wondering about the appeal of Jordan Peterson. I find him appealing now, just less so then I did before. I really liked @Joseph Maynor 's post on liking half of what he says and not the other half. For one thing, Jordan Peterson is an intellectual. Logic is very appealing and fun to listen to for many types of people, including myself. And here's another thing to consider. Irregardless of spiral dynamics (well SD can be linked to his message around the point I'm mentioning in this sentence but I'll discuss it later), Jordan Peterson just asks people to take responsibility for their lives and get their shit together. And this is very appealing for young men, particularly young men who've found themselves in my situation. I understand his demagraphic because I feel I can relate to them. Introverted, nerdy, intellectual, semi-autistic teenagers who feel lonely, depressed and miserable. Jordan Peterson gives what appears to be a solution. Whilst the origin of the philisophy and much of the philisophy itself behind his advice is regressive, there are indeed some very positive aspects of his advice. Alright, so imagine the demagraphic as I have described it in the above paragraph. Jordan Peterson realises this problem in the current youth, but on top of just asking people to find their life purpose and passion in life he adds on ideological baggage. He thinks that passion and life purpose cannot be found in the absence of objective meaning. But if I just replace every instance for which Peterson refers to "objective meaning" with the concept "subjective meaning" I find myself liking Peterson a lot. Because people in the demagraphic whom Peterson is targeting do indeed need to get their shit together and pursue what they find subjectively "meaningful". You can take good pieces advice from his 12 rules for life book. One thing that you might find interesting is that the demagraphic I described for Jordan Peterson already have huge blockages to green. Men in general tend to have blockages to green, and so it is that among a certain subset of men you'll find the homosapiens who have the hugest blockages to green.
  8. @Emerald I think you might be on to something when you say that Jordan Peterson's monologues are an excellent way for people to connect the dots. I think @Outerand @Matt8800are correct in saying that Jordan Peterson is right in his criticisms of his political opponents. After reading a lot of this thread I can't help but feel that too much of this discussion is comes from a spiral dynamics level of analysis. Not every human tendancy, belief, interest, hatred is best explored by referencing spiral dynamics over and over again. Spiral dynamics can be useful because you can point towards a specific stage when descring something, and the good thing is is that these stages have already have a lot of theory behind them so when you point to a stage you are backing up your point with lots of theory. My problem is that I think people on this forum treat spiral dynamics as more tangible and concrete than it actually it is.
  9. I can't help but feel that this question is like asking "tits or ass" and the answer to the question is always "both"
  10. Ooo lala this thread looks juicy with 456 posts.
  11. Seems like TV can be used for good sometimes lmao: If you haven't already listened to Alan watts, just know that he had a TV series uploaded to YouTube on top of the other audio recorded lectures of his. ------------------------------------------------------ I accidentally embedded this video and can't get rid of it.
  12. @Leo Gura Yeah boi @Strikr you flatter me @SoonHei I like your way of thinking @Rilles spot on dude @Flammable at least you get what I mean. You articulated it well when you said time is happening in a meta-entity.
  13. Even if you don't believe in the following perspective, entertain a Newtonian world view ( sometimes called "newtonianism") or a better way of phrasing it might be to say that I'm asking you to just entertain certain aspects of Newtonianism. I think that certain aspects of Newtonianism and science as a whole are pointers towards a wholistic, SD stage turquoise view of the world. My explanation might be long winded but I'm just putting it out there to try give my overall point some weight. Imagine the universe to be an amalgamation of matter [matter has recently been discovered to be a form/expression of energy] and energy (kinetic energy, potential energies,"light energy", etc) shuffling through space and time. Not only have matter and energy been found to be connected (e.g. Increasing kinetic energy of an object increases the objects mass), but the motion of matter through space has an impact on the rate of change of time. E.g. People moving quicker will have time move more slowly for them relative to people not moving so quickly. Consider the three natural sciences: biology, chemistry and physics. If we are being reductionist we can say that biology is the obersevation and study of complex phenomenon in the realm of chemistry (cuz humans are just made out of atoms and energy), chemistry is the obersevation and study of some of the complex phenomena in physics, and physics is an attempt to observe the natural laws governing reality. In simpler terms: biology is chemistry and chemistry is physics. Everything is physics from this point of view. Suppose that there exists these laws of physics. Everything is an expression of these laws, and everything has some sort of relationship with every other thing. Another way for you to consider interconnectedness, notice how whenever we write these physics equations, a single variable (e.g. The algebraic letter "x" that we write in an equation is a variable) is completely defined by a number of other variables. E. G. E=mc^(2), F=Gmm/r^(2). Even if the existence of physics equations are formed by creating dualities in reality these equations are still pointing towards the universe just being a single entity composed of a vast number of interconnected parts, and these parts have no meaning and substance to them in the absence of every single other part in this single system. How else could you create these equations? It's a physicists dream that there exists a hypothetical equation describing the exact state of the universe, with this equation needing the input of every single conceivable variable. Because every single variable is important. The atoms in the cup in front of me has create a gravitational field which extends to infinity in every single direction. The EXACT, EXACT position of every single tiny, tiny particle of mass in this massive, massive universe plays a role in determining the exact state of this universe. All these trillions of objects have their gravitational fields interact with each other and we get a resultant, impossible to model, single gravitational field across the entire universe. Not only are there gravitational fields. Electric fields, electromagnetic fields and there's also the strong nuclear force fields and weak nuclear force fields. Each of these fields are as complex and amazing in determining the exact state of the universe as gravitational fields. So looking at science, we can get an awe inspiring view of reality. We have a chaotic, complex universe in which everything is trading information (e.G. trading information through the various force fields I mentioned earlier) with every other thing and every single thing only has meaning and definition relative to every other thing. You as a human are constantly being bombarded with information and data from the universe around you, and this information and data becomes you. ----------------------------------------------------- You don't have to read this second section here, it's just a random tangent. Read if you're interested in physics. I'm finding it extremely hard to articulate what I'm thinking here with the right words because converting images and intuition to words is very difficult sometimes. In my second paragraph I used the phrase "rate of change of time" which some of you would have noticed something funny about. I think that physicists don't phrase it the way I do but I think that anyone familiar with calculus will know what funny thing I'm curious about. You'll be wondering, rate of change of time with respect to what variable exactly? When we use the phrase "rate of change of x" we are usually referring to the derivative of x with respect to time. But time itself is the variable we are trying to see the "rate of change" of. Let's suppose that I'm moving super fast and you're moving super slow. For every single second that passes for me, two seconds passes for you. What I'm extremely curiuos is, what is the thread that connects these two situations? If one second passes for me, two seconds passes for you. There is a correspondence between us. I wonder if this points towards time being nested inside of some higher variable and it is this higher variables which can allow the simulatenous existence of two different situations which have time flowing differently. Like ponder, how is it that time is flowing differently? The rate of flow of some variable is usually measured by using time. E.g. Velocity is the rate of change of displacement with respect to time. The rate of change of most variables is taken with respect to time, so I wonder how it is that we can find the rate of change of time itself. Fuck, this is hard to word.
  14. @Outer I liked that video, old people can be cute sometimes lol Edit: You know, I was supposed to be meditating just now but whilst trying to meditate my mind just got randomly obsessed with a thought I had about science and so I just has had the uncontrollable urge to type all this shit LOL.
  15. @theking00 Maybe it does maybe it doesn't. Nobody knows.
  16. @Kataro7 I feel like the confusion I have in mapping MBTI theory to my personality is indicative of how nuanced and complicated human psychology is.
  17. I feel like being obsessed and addicted with an activity is not too far off of being in the flow state. Take video games for example. Playing video games can easily become an obsession/addiction for me, but occasionally I can enter the flow state if I'm playing the game competitively with full focus and concentration. I don't care if I win or lose, I just find it fun to be get absorbed in the whole thing. Like I've been playing gears of war 4 ranked online recently against amazing players and it's done wonders getting me fully absorbed in something. The same goes for super smash bros when I'm trying to play that competitively. The only barrier with this is that it can be hard to enter the flow when playing competitive video games because frustrating tactics and frustrating game mechanics induce rage and you instead become obsessed with winning or losing. Entering flow in competitive video gaming can be hard if you keep getting defeated by players who waste their lives playing the game 24/7 so they just keep beating you and make it hard.
  18. @Omni Everyone's true self is beyond concepts but lets forget that for now. I appoint myself to be high stage orange or perhaps low green with maybe characteristics of yellow blooming. I think being an INTP makes yellow easier to come by. Even though I'm INTP at the core of my egoic personality and despite my dominant "cold" Ti cognitive function, I've felt myself becoming more emotive which allows me to better access green I think. I feel like Ti and Fi as cognitive functions in MBTI are closer then one might initially think because I feel like I can exhibit both now strangely enough. But I think that I've only touched the surface of green. Or maybe I'm starting to embody yellow and I have a massive green shadow, who really knows. All I know is that spiral dynamics is a secondary concern to me when compared to raising consciousness. But in different phases and in different situations "lower" colours can come out. I can be a tad purple in regards to looking out for people I care about (although that sentence I made might be me incorrectly understanding purple). I wouldn't mind screwing over 10 people if the 1 person I cared about was safe. In the past when I'm at my most miserable and misanthropic and I'm in a shitty mood I have the potential to be full on red because I just ignore empathy. Everyone becomes red when they're pissed off.
  19. @wingsofwax Interesting test. My overall D-score is in the 86th percentile yet my "honesty-humility" score is in the 67th percentile. And although those two scores might contradictory to each other it doesn't surprise me. I'm the type of person who doesn't care too much about having money, power , or control over other people but I wouldn't feel guilty about those things in the right circumstance. I like helping the needy and disadvantaged yet I also don't care if the pursuit of what I want "hurts" other people. 99th percentile self-centredness but I'm surprised by 97th percentile sadism.
  20. @Roch imagine if it's just deep breathing to sharpen up your focus for fucking bitches and getting money LOL
  21. I don't have any good links for finding it cheaply using google. All the cheap websites were doing exclusive delivery in India from what I can see. I'm gonna attempt to use the deep web to get it modafinil/armodafanil cheaply.
  22. I just watched an episode on sexuality from a running series called "Dark Net" and I found it very eerie in how it just highlights dysfunction in society around romance with technology. Men dating and marrying video game girls from dating simulator games. These guys also talk about these virtual girls like they are real and get fully emotionally invested. Very creepy. There's also this guy who gets off on having his life controlled in every way possible by his girlfriend who lives far away from him. It's very sad to watch.