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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. Pretty much man. I have found that if I'm trying to reach a high consciousness state, I must initially put in mental energy and be proactively surrendering. What is happening here is that I am trying to to stop trying. Once I am in a meditative state I can then stop trying to stop trying. That's because trying to to stop trying is a paradox. The cessation of trying requires that you do not try to achieve this cessation. Whatever you do, do it mindfully. If you stick to that commitment you may find that in some situations you will naturally be inclined towards the "higher consciousness" choice. I'm talking from personal experience here. Listen to the video I linked my nigga.
  2. If anybody is interested in hearing an extremely profound talk on the whole idea of Enlightenment and improving yourself, here's one: In a different video Alan Watts phrases the issue of waking up by saying that to ask how to become enlightened is the same as asking "How do I get to here?". Getting to here is very tricky, hence people meditate and do conciosuness work. It's perfectly fine to chase Enlightenment, so long as you realise that Enlightenment is about accepting and being at one with the present moment and Enlightenment isn't about the acquisition of some golden material or golden spiritual goody.
  3. @kieranperez that's some deep stuff my brother, I feel you. I don't know your life situation and I myself barely have a life purpose so I don't really have anything to tell you. On the surface it seems simple, and should be simple. You just do what you find interesting. All I can really do is just try to relate to your experience from my own. Right now I'm in university studying physics. I really like maths and physics but despite this I have huge motivational issues. Hardships in life launch me into a spiral of suffering and I lack the motivation to look to "meaningful" sources of joy and instead turn to low consciousness sources of joy (e.g. Video games).
  4. @Leo Gura @Leo Gura I remember you put this video on your blog: The student responded to his koan by yelling "Mu" yet master told him his answer came not from emptiness. When you say "Mu" is the answer to all koans, are you perhaps saying that it isn't the phrase "mu" which is the answer but the answer is anything which exhibits that you've been in contact with emptiness? So does solving a koan depend on your ability to convince a master that you're coming from emptiness? Like if I had to present an answer to what sound one hand clapping makes I'll just shout "Pop" or something to show that the sound happens and comes out of nowhere despite no cause. Idk what I'm talking about at this point lol. Edit: or better yet, if I was a smart ass I might just answer the riddle by clapping both my hands to show that what is two is one and what is one is two or some shit.
  5. @Leo Gura do you know what the sound of one hand clapping is?
  6. @MM1988 There's a correlation between those two things and there's also a link that is partially causal between those two things. The way I see it, only a subset of people with low consciousness end up depressed. But if you're depressed, high consciousness will inhibit depression.
  7. EUGENICS HERE WE COME BABY. Imagine if in 300 years time or something every person born has an IQ of 200 and is ultra non-neurotic
  8. @Hellspeed Are you referring to the charity workers becoming addicts to money? Or are you saying that the recepeients of charity become addicts? If its the latter case, I don't think funding humanitarian aid for starving African children is gonna create addicts. Neither is helping the disabled, disease stricken or extremely poor gonna create addicts.
  9. I dont know how accurate/true the video is, it's just a perspective im linking to you
  10. @Rilles the idea that charity CEO's get paid too much is an ignorant claim, according to this video Very good talk I watched a while back.
  11. @Leo Gura what kind of abilities are we talking? Sounds fun
  12. I'm looking forward to the day my entire existence is made obsolete by AI *sigh*
  13. @kieranperez Sounds like you already might be in an existential crises
  14. The keyboard jihad will never end. Now if you'll excuse, me and my keyboard are about to go destroy some egos and open some third eyes. I'll become the zen version of Ben Shapiro.
  15. Disclaimer: I am no way shape or form advocating physical suicide. I know this might sound like a silly question and I feel as though the answer won't be known till I do work, but I'm asking it anyway. I feel like it's starting to hit me that this whole Enlightenment stuff is serious shit. Whenever I talk about Enlightenment there's a tendency for me to compartmentalise stuff and forget I'm talking about the nature of all existence and reality itself. I remember I was meditating yesterday and had just a few moments of clear perception. It freaks me the hell out because it was like I was never there. I'm just feeling scared now after that experience. It felt extremely beautiful to me yesterday but right now I'm just freaking out for some reason. My mind is just racing with the thought "I don't want to die" and I'm just having a existential crisis. I'm wishing I never did any of this meditation or consciousness work in the first place, because it's making me think that I can delude myself into thinking I'm alive but I've always been dead and have just been an empty void. I feel like I'm going insane. I'm just feeling a wave of negativity. I know that the way I'm phrasing it is silly and unuanced but I'm just curious about people who are completely enlightened (if such a thing is 100% possible). Are these people like talking corpses? All these words can come out their mouth and it looks like they're alive, but they're really dead?
  16. @Butters Populism is a hard term to define. Imma just refer to far-right, very heavily anti-immigration conservatives as populist. Bear in mind that in order for us to say whether a point of view has merit or does not have merit, we are invetibaly bringing in our egoic standards to the conversation. That's perfectly okay, I just feel the need to preface it around these conversations because there exist people who will never see beyond the illusion of ego because of their absolutist beliefs about reality (and topics within reality like morality for example). A couple of years ago I watched quite a few videos by the Anti-SJW community so I feel as though I understand populists. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Anti-SJW ideologues acted as a bridge to far-right ideologies. It was from this I grew an interest in the alt-right and why it is they had such irrational beliefs. I'm ethnically Pakistani and I live in England. There are a sizeable chunk of populists from lower class families around in the fringe political parties. The thing is, populism just seems deeply rooted in ignorance and tribalism. What happens is that you very heavily "otherise" another group of people and fail to recognize that the people in that other group are humans just like you. If you're someone who has strong ideological values about religion and culture, seeing another race which has a different culture and religion will very heavily trigger you. Also, populism a lot of the time is just a fear of the unknown. And also there's just resentment which a populist has due to their egoic filter interpreting inequality and unfairness in situations where there is none. Imagine you have your narrow minded view of the world of how things work and how they ought to be. Coming along are these groups of people with different values to you. But you're an ideologue who cannot see relativism. You're stuck in black and white thinking when it comes to morality and culture. Hence you just are hostile to these other groups of people. In order to protect itself, the ego will form ideological groups in order to meet their needs and also in order to try and change the world in the way they see fit. This change might involve gassing Jews at the extreme end of the spectrum. I don't think there's much merit in populism, at least when we compare it to other common world views.
  17. This video popped up in my YouTube feed so I'm just gonna link it. Green is very common among the "bourgeoisie" and you can see it everywhere with many YouTube vlogers. Right now, most of the green that you get in the western world is to be found among liberals. A significant portion of Liberal journalists are green, although with some of them you get orange-green. Green isn't as common in old people as it is in younger people. Tradional Conservative values very heavily demonise green. There's a mini culture war between blue/orange and orange/green and you have ideologues on both sides of the conversation which just makes political discourse just a big load of bullshit. Everyone just wants to prove they're right.... ------------—---------------------------- When it comes to personality traits around green, I don't think it's simple to understand. It seems to me that liberal green types tend to be higher in "openness to experience" than conservatives and also tend to be higher in "agreeableness". However, I do not think that both the traits "openness to experience" and "agreeableness" have to be high. I think that as long as just one of traits is high for a person they're more likely to be a liberal. This explains to me why you get ideological liberals low in "openness to experience" who are intolerant towards other viewpoints.
  18. I was meditating today, and recently I've been more frequently reaching more higher consciousness states (even though earlier today I was freaking out in contrast to how I feel right this moment). I feel as though I exist in a moment which has no cause. It just is. I don't know whether to use the word eternity or infintesimally small to describe it. When I'm at a peak high consciousness state, I start to see through the illusion of perception and words. The existence of any perception or the existence of any thought requires time, but if time doesn't exist for you then how can reality/perception exist for you? When I'm in a high consciousness state, the word "cat" doesn't exist but when I'm in a low consciousness state the word does exist. Sounds, sight, touch, its as though none of these exist when I'm in a high consciousness state. It's as though thoughts, concepts and words don't exist. With that being said, the fact that I still make this thread is very funny. I don't even know why I'm making this thread, in fact I don't know anything. I find things so strange, hence the title of this thread. When someone meditates, does yoga, self-inquiry or whatever, you can start to feel deep in your bones that THE INSTANT you try to grasp or hold onto something that something has gone and/or (dissappeared) /(changed form). And once you are aware of that, the only possible reaction you have is to just give up clinging and be happy about the whole thing. Because the whole thing makes no sense whatsoever and so when you're shown such absurdity (I mean nothing negative by the word "absurdity", positive if anything) the only reaction you can have is to just give up clinging and laugh, you know?
  19. I feel like my consciousness is ascending to the 59th dimension by reading all of this wokeness
  20. @Shiva I'm don't think it's "processing power" that humans have over AI. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/computers-vs-brains/ I see what you mean I think it just might be the case you're using the wrong term. What human brains do possess however is an extremely complex structure with each part of the brain being well connected to other parts. The brain may not be able to send data ("data" is an extremely hard to thing to quantify, hence I haven't gone into detail about this because I'm ignorant on the specifics) at the same speed of a computer but the brain sure has complex infrastructure to do so.
  21. It's especially annoying if the leg numbness isn't detected until you stand up because by the time you've stood up you've already fallen over.