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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. You could say that that karma states that you get what you yourself do. We could say that from the non-dual view of things karma is true since everything that happens to you is what you do, since you are everything/reality/god. But, I want to look at the use of the word karma in the more typical sense. Where the word "you" is just referencing the ego. Do you think karma then exists? Is there a mechanism in the universe called karma which is a mechanism like gravity for example? (obviously one of them is more observable and "scientific" than the other). And how does this mechanism called karma then work? Is it based upon simple "good" and "bad"? If I commit some heinous crime then I get punished for it by society. But societies treatment of me after I commit a crime seems irrelevant to the existence of karma as an actual law of the universe since of if I was in a different society (or even in no society) I would not be punished for the crime. So all in all, im tempted to just think Karma as a law of the universe from the perspective of the ego is false.
  2. @Sage_Elias I would but it would be a little too fucked up, in general and for this forum.
  3. @Ibn Sina I don't know, its hard to comment on extraversion since I'm not extroverted. I don't know how it feels to be an extravert with a different cognition to my own. But like everyone else said, I doubt introversion is a sign of higher cognitive development. Also make sure you don't conflate extraversion/introversion with somewhat measurable traits like "openness to experience" , "neuroticism" , "conscientiousness" or "agreeableness. Im referring to the big five traits model.
  4. @Brivido So when you closed your eyes, you saw visual hallucinations/peturbances ? What are they like? Like if I close my eyes and rub my eyes, does it look like that?
  5. @Aakash On what basis are you to assert a numerical quantity to measure how conscious of God you are?
  6. @moon777light
  7. It's all so good, what did I do to deserve this love?
  8. Touche @Shiva @Nahm @ajasatyaall good points. Insights feel different to beliefs.
  9. @Leo GuraWhat do you mean by "understand" here exactly? Most of the time the word "understand" is used in reference to a conceptual grasp of something. So in what sense is the word "understand" meaningful here? What's the stance you've personally taken in how you talk about the various experiences you have? For example, how are you to talk about various psychedelic experiences. Whats your overall attitude towards the issue of communication? @Nahm What do you mean by there being some realisation that is not yet in the "recognition of being"? Why is it not in the recognition of being? In what form is this "realization"? The common element I'm getting from all these responses is the feeling of "eureka". @tsuki Good response with you framing it as a shift in being, need it be said that the riddle isn't the insight itself @mandyjw Well two things come to mind, obviously the insight itself isn't the words you use and also like you pointed out just because someone uses words doesn't mean there's a "belief". Theres a problem with how the word "belief" is defined. I imagine that even if someone is enlightened, they'll still function in the world and use certain metaphysics to operate without "believing" in those metaphysics. Yet to an outside observer the difference between them "believing" what they say versus them "not believing" what they say cant be ascertained. Problem also arises with how you define "you", who is it that is having the belief. If you look at psychological literature there are all sorts of labels about the different parts of you. Terms like "id" , "ego" , "superego" , "shadow" , "unconscious" , "subconscious", these terms all exist because we can't figure out who we are and what constitutes ourself. What part of you has the belief? Different parts of you would have different forms and different ways of "believing"?
  10. @Leo Gura So you're saying an insight is something which you feel, rather the something you "think". Because whatever the insight is, it cannot be verbally communicated.
  11. Anyone else have a similar thing happening? I very rarely take armodafinil, but in the last several times I take it it just makes me more sleepy. There's this thing called the "The Stimulant Paradox" for people with ADHD where when stimulants are taken, they have the opposite to expected result. https://allpsych.com/disorders/neurodevelopmental-disorders/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/adhd-stimulant-paradox/ So it seems that sometimes modafinil would help with ADHD for some people. However, this paradoxical effect of stimulants can sometimes cause people to feel sleepy I speculate, does anyone else here have any similar experiences? I've only found one other person online who's mentioned modafinil making them more sleepy.
  12. @Ampresus I used to meditate sitting on my bed with no cushion as well. When u sit in ur bed like that, your weight causes the mattress to dip such that there's extra strain on your back to keep your posture. I felt like there was a torque trying to get me to fall over and lie down on my back when meditating. I just sit on a pillow on top of my bed, it's much easier. As for how long you want to meditate... Its entirely up to your goals. If you are serious about changing something or making progress youll have to just do a high volume of mindfullness. If I sit on a cushion it takes longer for my legs to hurt as well. For making progress, here's a quote from shinzen "My standard answer for both of these questions is to suggest that people utilize what I call the Three Accelerators: Trigger Practice, Duration Training, and Challenge Sequences. The Three Accelerators have the effect of “pushing the envelope” of one’s practice." https://www.shinzen.org/duration-training/
  13. @Inliytened1 yeah I pretty much I agree with you there. There's just so much talk about God this, God that.... Language is used to discern things, distinguish things, so if there was something that EVERYTHING had in common you could not describe that something with words even if you tried. Like maybe leo said once, it goes even more beyond trying to describe the taste of water to someone who hasn't tasted water. Yeah the dynamic here doesn't work compared to a monastery.
  14. Fair enough, leaving the forum isn't a bad move. What were your concerns about how this forum is run anyway?
  15. Ironically enough all this thread does is support the case that this forum is bad when the thread was created to stop the forum from being bad. This is not an attack on your level of conciousness @Anton_Pierre I just think this thread is "meh" in my subjective evaluation. I joined this forum in like December 2017. I don't know why, but recently the forum has just gone to shit. I don't feel like it always was this way. Very few users on here that I actually engage with meaningfully or who I think write thoughtful posts. I think part of what's happened is that we're talking in circles, speaking about the same topics over and over again, so people just get lazy in their responses. Whether it is ascribable or not to me projecting my own psychology onto the forum, it feels as though there's very little engagement with the individual when responses are written. It feels like I'm hearing drones parrot teachings things rather than hearing an exchange of feelings. But regardless of what I wrote in the above paragraph, it feels like something which I cannot verbalise has changed about this forum. Maybe I've changed as well. Who knows.
  16. So many formal rituals and beliefs they have, a shame it is that their practices hinge upon dogmatic thinking. If prana does exist, and if there is some sort of hidden science to spirituality, I don't think its crazy to rub human ashes on your body when meditating. And the whole thing about using human skulls as a cup to drink from, I like it. Buddhists do it too. Things like eating dead human flesh, eating animal faeces, leftover food from a garbage dump, animal urine. Such a thing probably works for them raising conciousness, it sure as hell ain't healthy for their physical body. Because these teachings are done in the framework of dogma, these bizarre practices will be limited in far they can take you because you have fundamentalist belief structure.
  17. It's a common occurrence for me and for anyone meditating, you sit down for a long time and neuroses inside of you just start bubbling up faster and faster. The physical pain in your body from sitting down for a long time (especially if ur doing a SDS) may or may not serve as a catalyst for your suffering, but regardless of that your mind starts to almost go crazy with suffering from the mere process of doing nothing and sitting down. And when this happens, I feel the intense urge to just jump and lunge out of my seat, but I often just stick it through till my timer goes off. It's sometimes like there are explosive thoughts you can't do anything about. A random thing I do when I feel a stagnant with suffering is to just say to myself verbally in my head "its ok to have pain and suffer" , to try and avoid the trap of suppressing things when meditating. How to raise your consciousness without suppression of yourself is probably the greatest paradox out there. It's kinda related to idea of how desire is the root of suffering, but to desire to get rid of suffering is still another form of desire which makes you suffer. Anyway, so what should one do when the neuroses inside them starts building up intensely? My impression is that the approach in various traditions is to just stick it out, never lose faith in the situation not being all that bad, and eventually the stormy clouds will clear up.
  18. There is often something special about the first component/element of a system, so I wonder if there is anything on Beige you wanted to say. Maybe you'll end saying that Beige shows what we're all doing in its most obvious form: survival. And further developments from beige to stage X are all about more sophisticated forms of survival. Purple + Red would be fun videos.
  19. @Leo Gura How do I enter literal hell realms? It seems that most people who claim to have visited them were having near death experiences, in which case I wouldn't deliberately visit them. Only other thing I can imagine working is psychedelics.
  20. @Tom T I'm no expert in food but I think that if you pay enough attention to what it feels like to eat quorn you'll notice that it's hella processed. How good Quorn is for your health relative to red meat, I don't know.
  21. Thursday 27th June 2019 04:08 Ever since receiving some bad news about my university not allowing course transfers for what I want I've been having a bad mood recently, but I've calmed down now and I'm collecting myself so things should be fine. At most, it should mean I'll be spending 1 year longer (or 2 but I hope not) to get what I want with the added bonus of a theoretical physics degree. Although the area of research I wanna go into is mathematics, but right now this is my best option and that is to finish my physics degree. My meditation routine has gone to shit for the past week or so. I need to reel it back in. There's so much neuroses trapped inside, I don't know where to start or what to do. Too many things to do but I struggle to get myself to start 1 task. At some point, I have to confront it head on and suffer like hell. I must become fine with the suffering, and not fear suffering. Should I fear suffering, try not to become fearful of being fearful of suffering. Once that state of effortless ecstasy is realised, everything reveals itself. I think I should start my own handwritten journal for myself, something about writing words with your own two hands feels more satisfying than pressing buttons on a keyboard. It's as though handwriting has a certain flair, character, human-ness and idiosyncratic nature to it that I'm attracted to. In contrast to this digital form of transcription where the thoughts and emotions off all authors blend together to form this grey, dull conglomeration of binary digits. One's own handwriting is like a fingerprint, unique to you. I think what it is, is that I've always had a particular taste for things that allow for people to express themselves and reveal their inner colours. Something that feels "authentic" to me. I think this part of me is perhaps linked to the introverted feeling function in MBTI, but also introverted sensation function perhaps. I like the feel of paper books in contrast to digital books, in some ways I have an aesthetic preference for the non-technological ways of things. I want to sit next to a real fire burning coal or wood, not a fake holographic fire which is just a radiator running on electricity. I like the sensation, physically and emotionally, of things that feel "real". I hate all things standardised and cookie cutter, causing the world to lose its differentiating colours and dissolve into goop. In other words, I want to fucking live! I hate herds of people who all walk, talk, think, dress and act the same. I hate the idea of working in a office cubicle, in a room filled with 1000 other cubicles which are identical in their monotone dull look. I hate the idea of becoming slaves to the system, the idea of losing yourself in favour of becoming another cog in a machine; anything but that is fine with me.
  22. @Revolutionary Think I can't think of any politicians who are as strong and explicit in what they want to do. It's just that he really is a man of character, if he ends up becoming the democratic candidate and he runs against Trump, you can call it gg cuz Yang would win. That's because Yang doesn't stoop to a low level. Only Hillary could have failed as badly as she did in the previous election.
  23. @Revolutionary Think Idk if Leo really does like Bernie in preference of Yang, one possibility is that Leo thinks Yang has no chance so he's gonna push Bernie. Yang is yellow and ascended as fuck though, not a shill at all, very honest, uses facts and is straight forward in conversation. He's a democratic on the left advocating for some extreme views yet he still finds a way to have very civil conversations with right wingers who end up liking Yang. He's a man of the people.
  24. #yanggang lets grab the bag son.