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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. @Leo Gura If all there exists is perception and experience, then in what sense is it meaningful for you to use the concept of "why" and claim that there is a "why" to existence? Supposing reality is love, do you say that there is a "why" as to why reality is love?
  2. @Mezanti yoga, meditation, self inquiry, psychedelics, therapy, exercise, spending time outdoors.
  3. Yeah, the whole with religion thing is too true. Reminds me of the problem of authority really. If we say that authority and hierarchy really do exist in the stage blue sense of things, then who is to teach the teachers? And then who will teach the people who teach the teachers? It goes on indefinitely. I suppose there exists democracies with the idea that there is no ultimate authority, there's just a network which has the input of many different organisms/things.
  4. Wednesday 21/08/2019 I ended up eating a bunch of cookies today with milk, I probably consumed around 800 calories. I decided I would look at myself mindfully during the process, to see why I find tasty food addictive. I can't really figure it out. The sensations of the process aren't actually all that enjoyable, yet I felt an urge to indulge anyway. This applies to all addictive behaviours really. I use them to escape not feeling bad but then I can't even put on my fingers on what is "good" about these sensations. Masturbating feels good but I don't know why. Anxiety feels bad but I don't know why. I'm just trying to see whether there is some intrinsic quality about sensations causing pleasure and sensations causing suffering. Taking the "suffering is a thought" view for now. I can't tell if the only thing to find out is that my "negative thoughts" have their existence correlated with the existence of certain sensations for unknown reasons, or whether there's something deeper than just a correlation between two simultaneous happenings. There's this annoying catch 22 that its almost impossible to observe yourself being unconscious because to observe yourself being unconscious requires that you be conscious and hence not unconscious. It's clear that one of the other only alternatives is to forcefully stop an addiction and my internal system will be so disrupted that a shift in consciousness in perspective will happen. But I can't do that, it's too hard.
  5. @Leo Gura Regardless of whether it is the truth or not, since your response to many things people on this forum say is "You're not conscious enough to realise this" then lots of people including myself are going to have their ego triggered. Because what you're saying is an attack on the person, even though you may be speaking the truth in what you say. For most topics other than spirituality, or in real life, this sort of response isn't typical of what one would find acceptable in normal life since we're always trying to have an exchange of concepts without thinking about things like level of consciousness. And although this response of yours "You're not conscious enough" may be true a lot of the time when you say it is, a situation where you are not open to the feedback of others has been created. I'm not saying you are right or wrong, just that this is how the situation is. This is just an inevitable part of this work is seems, being unable to respond to people in ways they will accept.
  6. Jiddu is a sage. His life story is quite rough as well. He's quite a funny/interesting guy with his approach. His teaching is something people would probably call "masculine".
  7. Yeah it is. It's been updated twice in the time I've had it.
  8. I'm just thinking, which psychologists or what books have the best writings for deep psychology. Is Carl Jung the answer? I was recently thinking about shadow work, and I know of the book Shadow Dance. It recently came to my attention how strange/weird it is that I have this deep-rooted shame/guilt that I don't know very well. I have some things in the recesses of my mind which are hidden away. I don't know how to look my past in the eye without feeling as though I'm a puppet to unconscious forces.
  9. Here's a good meme for you on these epic modern day intellectuals on the right hand side.
  10. @mmKay Upon the arrival of self conciousness, our intelligence increased and we became aware of concepts such as the future and time. But for many of us, our own intelligence has turned against us. For what use is planning for the future and remembering the past if it leaves us unable to fully in the present? An animal doesn't worry about such things, it can live fully in the now.
  11. @Leo Gura Why do you make all these long videos and make so many concepts? Any sort of mystical state I've arrived at is by "seeing through" thoughts and abandoning dualistic labels. The more clarity you have about reality, the less you think you can talk about it, is my experience. Yet it is that you use words like God and love all the time. How are you not deceiving yourself by constantly using these words all the time? You look as though you're in another trap.
  12. If there were gurus who were spitiually talented, I think J. Krishnamurti would be one. He makes the process of becoming aware sound so simple and easy. I get the sense he hasn't had to work extremely hard as some other masters/gurus. I could be wrong. I found his way of talking strange sometimes, I find it dry. Perhaps he could just be very masculine. I'm in love the way both he and Alan Watts talk about time. Looking at the illusion of time has always been amazing to me. I don't know what time is, how it is flux could exist if time doesn't exist. I don't know whether flux even exists.
  13. Thursday, 01/08/2019 I'm a bit bored right now, typing for the sake of it really since I'm waiting for something to happen in half an hour. My meditation routine for a while now has been quite bad, but the times I do meditate have been great with mystical states. All my mystical states have the theme of reality just being the creation of something from nothing, the word spontaneous doesn't do justice to how spontaneous it is. Not sure what I've done to get lucky with mystical states really. There's an issue I've been noticing in examining my low conciousness behaviours. When I'm in a high state of conciousness, I sort of forget how and why it was that I was ever in a low state of conciousness. When I'm in a high state of conciousness I'm still not always in the best position to observe little low conciousness things since I am not in a low state of conciousness. Getting a sharp picture of your habits requires high conciousness, and that's what I need for low conciousness habits. The best thing to do, is for me try and prolong the state of high conciousness for as long as I can. In catching myself slipping I can get a more vivid picture of low consciousness habits. Another random thing I've been doing is conscious body contraction. Instead of conscious body relaxation, I keep my muscles tensed for a while and observe it consciously even when it feels so uncomfortable to do so. I try do my bad habit of tensing in a conscious way deliberately so as to see the mechanics of the habit more clearly. In the end, I never did cut out wasteful Internet use. But I know, and have felt, that if I want any sort of greatness sacrifices have to be made. My embodiment is so rediculously bad, and real behaviour change is needed. On the plus side, I've felt that my meditation and conciousness work has in a way fueled my interest in maths and physics. Especially since right now I'm studying more foundational and ground-zero topics in maths. And then having an amazing moment of just not knowing just makes grasping the actuality of things feel rewarding.
  14. I see Leo or other people here typing insights they've had, I've typed "insights" I've had. But I don't see them as any different from beliefs. Right now I am communicating through the domain of assumptions by using language, and in our assumptions these insights we get from consciousness work just help as pointers. Would you say it is no more than that?
  15. Alright, I will take that notice on board. Ok, this is good food for contemplation. Also, nice example lol.
  16. The universe can understand on top of perceive too, hmmm. Whenever people talk about meditation or practice non-duality, the overall impression I've got is that it's all about reaching a place of pure perception. You're just seeing what is. Are you saying there's something beyond "what is"? But how can that be, if everything that "is" is just "is"? I'm guessing it's maybe possible to deeply/vividly see instantaneous mechanisms of creation at higher levels of perception, and that's why you talk about understanding. This is far beyond any direct experience ive had ,so yeah. I wonder, what is going on when I'm able to know how to turn on a facet. The power of insight baked into language eh? I probably won't get that for a while. Ok, I guess I see your point more.
  17. The deeper you meditate and closer you look at experience, one will come to realise that it feels as though everything is coming from nothing. But there is something misleading about the phrase "coming from", as it implies that there is some sort of (actual process)/(lag) to creation. Even when one hears the word "creation" ones mind can't help but imagine a process which takes time and consists of multiple steps. It is the most spontaneous, instantaneous thing you can imagine, the way there is something coming from nothing/(the void). It is beyond what you can think of, and even words like "spontaneous" cant quite grasp how spontaneous this process of absolutely zero lag is. You really do just have infinity stacked upon infinity. I'll reference the metaphor of a line. A line by definition is an infinite number of points. And a line can be cut into an infinite number of lines (each new line having an infinite number of points), with each of those newly generated infinite number of lines having a further infinite number of lines. Each of these new lines is just another line which can be chopped into an infinite number of lines. ∞/∞=∞, and we can divide infinity by infinity over and over again and all we'll get is infinity. Imagine a single point to represent the infinite amazingness of spontaneous creation; something from nothing. Any sort of interval of time, any sort of event can be like a line. And this line is filled with an infinite number of points, and each of those points are infinite in of in themselves. Each line breaks into an infinite number of lines. Infinity x infinity x infinity.... and even more "computations"* are going on, which each computation being infinite itself. So like in our experience we have wave after wave of an infinite number of points, with each point being infinite in itself. And when you get a small hit of just all this creation going on, you feel the infinite love/bliss. *(again you can reference the first paragraph for why the word "computations" would be misleading in the same way I described why the phrase "coming from" is misleading) NB: I wrote this for myself as well after my meditation session just now and wanted to record what I was feeling. And don't let this description limit your thoughts about what infinity is, I just hope somebody out there has a similar enough brain to me and can perhaps get something from the way I've framed things.
  18. @Leo GuraBut how can understanding exist if there is no one for there to understand anything? How aren't these insights mere thoughts which trick you into leaving the realm of not knowing and pure perception? This might be a on a tangent. I remember a while ago on your blog about recent awakenings, you said that at some point, skepticism must stop and one arrives at the "truth". And you mentioned that you are well aware of the fact that it looks like you've decided to just cling to something since you got bored/tired of seeking. But I don't really get with what you're saying. Like what does it mean stop skepticism? Isn't the "final" state one can enter a state of pure not-knowing?
  19. Wow, this is so true. I suppose I've had an aversion to the idea that psychedelics are needed to reach the highest degrees of consciousness, but I suppose that is just me making the assumption that there are no shortcuts to spirituality. There is no reason to assume that there are no short cuts in this process. Just because everything is perfect doesn't mean reality owes it to me to make it easy that I become aware of its perfection. In fact, biblical descriptions of hell could be real and it'd still be loving and perfect. For now I'll continue sticking to something analogous to the "American Dream", that with enough practice and diligence I'll get my goals.
  20. @Leo Gura Which people, and what neurotransmitter/brain differences do you believe to be significant? Or are you making the assertion that there are brain/neurotransmitter differences without specifics due to the observation you've made that talent exists in this regard? Aren't the people who do the practices seriously just conscientious? Or does the word "serious" here refer to their ability to actually dive deep into the practice?