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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. Thursday 03/10/2019 I'm quite ill so I've decided to reflect upon it. For the past day, I've done everything I can to distract my mind and run away from it. Eat junk food, masturbate, watch Netflix. None of it worked. And after so much agonising, I've semi given up on fighting it and the suffering is slightly less (albeit still abundant). I don't even want to drink water because the the act of swallowing hurts my throat a lot, and it doesn't help that every 20 seconds I'm compulsively spitting out saliva and mucus from my mouth. Painful situations really are a double edged sword. They either force you to surrender and give up resisting or they make you suffer unbelievably. It really is quite cruel. On a tangent, it was months ago I was extremely ill whilst travelling, and it lead to me having a delirious break down where the experience was probably what one gets on an extremely, extremely bad psychedelic trip. Sense of self and reality was stripped away in the most negative way possible. I thought I had gone crazy, and everything felt so fake and unreal, as though I was in a dream. I always find myself reflecting on this experience.
  2. Woah, existence. Where did that come from? Pretty funny eh
  3. I'm about to move out and start university. During the last year of uni I didn't cope very well with life and at some points had suicidal thoughts (but coped better once I was back home with family). I would like to think I've changed since then and learnt from the experience but I don't really know. I've already been on SSRI's for a while, but its possible my medication would change if I talked to a doctor (e.g. increased). If I go this route, will using the medication mean that I will lessen my chances of making real progress? Or can it act as a crutch which allows me to slowly face my demons at my own pace? Advice from anyone who's used any sort of mental health drugs and/or has made self improvements despite/whilst taking them is especially appreciated (ofc advice from anyone is appreciated).
  4. @Bill W Mods are gonna pretend they didn't see this thread but then Leo will come.
  5. @Anna1 Thanks @Freakyboo @JustThinkingAloud yeah I'll just have to figure out what to do. @Elisabeth Woah thanks for the long response. Yeah I won't start taking anything more than SSRI's I don't think. Good bullet points. I think finding friendships is a hard thing. I don't really fit in anywhere.My interests and personality type is too niche. Even though I'm doing physics at university I haven't really found anyone I click with. I'm in my second year, I just walk into lecture halls in a random place with no friends, and then walk out.
  6. Are there any particular techniques one can use for walking meditation? If it's a technique referenced in kriya secrets revealed tell me page number or the name.
  7. My intuition is Bernie would land slide Trump if he got nominated. I'd be dissapointed if anyone besides Bernie was nominated from the Democrats. Policy wise, Democrats are on point. Abortion, immigration, education, wages and etc. Although I'm agnostic on guns. The biggest thing I've noticed democrats being right about is health care, the facts seem completely one sided but there's misinformation about it. When it comes to Trump winning I loved the documentary "The Great Hack". Trumps digital presence and marketing was above and beyond Hillarys lmao. Cambridge Analytica used everyone's data. Bernie seems genuinely inspiring. Trump is just inspiring to ethnocentrism. And Hillarys hard core fan base was full of people screaming "omg she has a vagina". I imagine that for many people voting for Trump stems out of apathy. Feminist outrage and policitical correctness doesn't help either. And if someone is bored, they want someone who they think will make waves and shake things up.
  8. Yeah I can't tell either what's true or false about it. I don't think it's been studied. Brain damage is a big deal, but I'm not from a medical background to know if a short term decrease in blood flow and oxygen to the brain will cause damage. For all I know, the altered brain state is good if done occasionally. I'd rather do psychedelics, seems safer.
  9. If Biden was the democrat nominee Trump would win again lmao.
  10. @TrynaBeTurquoise No clue. If I experiment with tapering off I would do it in probs a few weeks when I have settled into new lifestyle. Yeah that last sentence is the most important tbh. The cruelest irony of neurosis is that it is only removed by "accepting" it, the more you feel guilty about it the worse that something becomes, in my experience. Because what's needed is an increase in conciousness, but guilt and low self esteem will cloud your mind even further. Yeah I have the theory... Just the application.
  11. @Radical unfortunately they're dead and we're left with cookie cutter clones of the likes of Lawrence Krauss and Richard Dawkins. I've never seen a more deluded rationalist than Neil de Grasse Tyson or Lawrence Krauss in my life.
  12. Due to apathy and indifference I think some people just wanted an unconventional candidate, Trump, to shake things up. But after 4 years people will see that they still don't have the desire for him.
  13. Experiencing different states of conciousness should help you get enlightened. It may be technically possible to just "be aware" right now and be "100% enlightened" without any prior practice. But it's unlikely. Just practicing awareness of any and all aspects of your experience is what is needed, hence yoga and meditation. @Leo Gura What age do you think it's fine to start taking psychedelics? If someone is 19, how long should they wait to take?
  14. Good video. Ralston talking gets me absorbed into what he's saying for some reason. I watched this one just now, loved it as well.
  15. If you think his videos are good, try reading his books. You will get so much from itm
  16. I've come to notice intense negative emotions in my 4th chakra, physical/spatial location wise I've noticed it. I was doing yoga, and then out of nowhere when I put my attention to that area intense emotions of anxiety and fear arise. And I notice this feeling in my chest frequently.
  17. What are the different ways you can approach books, and what should you do. How to make the most out of non-duality books. Any particular techniques/tricks you use. Maybe you can just make a blog post if u don't want to make a main video.
  18. Yeah purple would be good as well imo. On a very brief note, he could talk about stage beige and its relation to the entire model, as there is usually something special about the first element of any system. After all, everything builds from beige. So what is beige?
  19. Google is an epic tool. You can make a blog post on the topic if you don't make a YouTube video on it.
  20. Did you have a gun with you when you took LSD in the woods with your girlfriend?
  21. @Western Buddha You can find a lot of deep and meaningful tv shows or films. It's all just art. Anime wise, Cowboy Bebop and Psycho Pass are deep.
  22. Is the book super deep/amazing compared to others, or is it just good like you'd expect any other non-duality book to be.
  23. @kira Alan Watts and J Krishnamurti. Alan Watts is very eloquent at putting into words non-duality. J Krishnamurti is very meta and direct so he might confuse someone without direct experience of higher states of consciousness. Such as when he says that when one is completely aware, there is no choice. If you're looking for someone practical on doing meditation sessions, Shinzen Young is good. He has a blog and youtube channel.