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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. @Ibn Sina The concept of energy as it is given in physics is misleading in terms of the absolute truth of things. Every moment is an explosion of energy from nothing. Infinite amount of energy is being created from nothing, in every moment. What physicists have done however is notice patterns of motion and change in the universe. For example they notice that as the chemical bonds form, there is mechanical force and work. There is a certain order to things. They've defined energy as the "capacity to do work". Every event that occurs is the generation of infinite energy from nothing, but this conceptual construction called the "capacity to do work" remains constant across all time. The principle of conservation of energy, as it is formulated, is nothing more than the recognition of a pattern of how things move. In reality, all the movement/change requires energy being generated from nothing, but scientists haven't defined energy in that way. And I think that's perhaps a shame things have been defined this way. This is why I like to use the word "work" in its scientific meaning as often as possible when thinking about physics.
  2. Everything is nothing, nothing is everything, everything is nothing, nothing is everything.....
  3. @Name What you are being asked to do in this work is "drop" these certain ideas/beliefs. In the case of the beliefs relating to yourself, you really are not "a,b,c,d,e,f " and only a direct experience will show you that the ultimate nature of reality (which is yourself) can't be put into a label like that. I'm more interested about what you said about gravity. Whether or not gravity is true is irrelevant, what's important is that you have clarity about the exact process in which your mind forms its beliefs/ideas about the world. Contemplation/inquiry is good for finding the root of your beliefs, Peter Ralston is my favourite for this. Some would say gravity is a "relative truth" but not an "absolute truth".
  4. As long as you do real life meet ups to compensate
  5. @brugluiz I haven't gotten much value out of big 5 besides the observation everyone has their own placements on several different (what is usually gaussian) distributions of traits. It's interesting stuff for sure. Despite the fact it has 5 scales of measurement, I'm actually not too intrigued by the model due to the fact it doesn't tell me much about a person that I find particularly interesting. The information it tells you about the person is very general. There are 101 different ways someone can be agreeable/disagreeable in my experience, and so to hear such and such a person is agreeable, the information offers very little interest to me. The model definitely takes a behaviorist approach to personality. This isn't inherently bad, I just find it uninspiring with little depth. What I find interesting in personality theory are peoples fundamental cognition or fundamental motivations. Hence I like Carl Jung's concept of Psychological Types, and I like MBTI to some degree (although I have criticism of MBTI). Enneagram has some interesting information as well. Within MBTI, I like the concept of cognitive functions. Which is what Jung developed. What I don't defend so much is the chronological ordering of those functions into 16 different personality types. I find those 16 patterns extremely interesting and think there is value is studying them, I would just not take them too seriously.
  6. It feels as though my meditative states are far too different from my normal states of conciousness that I get massive ego backblash during any meditation session. Depressive feelings, yucky feelings. Whenever i meditate, im usually quick to zoom into the bottom of my experience as much as I can. And when a small glimpse of no self kicks in, my mind goes crazy in reacting to the state. Does anyone else here have similar issues? That their meditative and ordinary states are just far too different? Or that they realise too much too quickly? To preface, ive probably meditated an average of 1.5 times a week for the past 1-2 months.
  7. I did some inquiry and meditation today, examining thoughts like "I am thinking" and then asking myself "How do I know I am thinking?", or I would hold 3 fingers up on one hand and 2 fingers up on the other hand, asking myself how I know there is a difference between the two. And for whatever reason it created a shift for me and me realise how there's nothing to hold onto, and its stirred some negative emotions. I can't even recognise who or what I am, since thinking is so confused. I suppose I just have to go into those negative reactions. At the end of the day, I'm just seeking psychological security. Why else would I have been motivated to do any of this? I say I want the truth, but I only say that I want the truth because wanting the truth is supposed to bring happiness. Obviously I've heard in theory that to seek security through fixed concepts in a world of flux is one of the main causes of misery. But to experience first hand how much work this sort of thing requires, how there's nothing to hold onto, is a different thing. I just don't see how its possible to transcend the mind when it's so powerful. For reference, I haven't been meditating regularly for a few months now.
  8. @Dinsdale Yeah i should try different practices i suppose. Thanks for the advice sage.
  9. @Leo Gura In practice, does committing to meditative practices "full-time" amount to becoming a monk or living like an ascetic? Can one live like a monk in modern society? Is full time commitment compatible with life purpose?
  10. @CreamCat haha it really be like that. It's one thing to "know" that everything is just in one conciousness theoretically but when you deeply feel it, it really shatters everything, even if it be for a short while in some state.
  11. Alan starts off the book by explaining two main paradigms that westerners have gotten themselves into. The fundamentalist religion paradigm, which tailed into the materialistic paradigm of the universe. He then goes onto to describe that both belief systems are essentially the result of man’s search for meaning/security in an apparently meaningless universe, and questions why it is we seek such paradigms to buy into. The book goes on from there, questioning the very deep foundational assumptions we have that cause our confusion. We are constantly looking for ways to isolate and divide a “self”, which can stand apart and be fixed in a universe of constant flux. When we say life is meaningless, what we really mean is that we cant find some static concept/abstraction/idea/belief to make sense of a world in flux. Alan is amazing with metaphors and is perhaps the best articulator of non-duality I’ve ever seen. The book is quite upbeat in tone, in contrast to some other teachers who’s style is more dry. He articulates with great precision how the attempt to sustain and create an ego is a contradiction. It amazes me that despite this book being written in a more Christian traditional/religious era, Alan could still see with great clarity the issues that are inherent to typical rationalist views of the world. https://antilogicalism.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/wisdom-of-insecurity.pdf I personally prefer having a paperback.
  12. Hopefully Leo makes an MBTI video. I personally find mbti to be something I misuse, by essentially clinging to the "sensors are dumb" stereotype.
  13. I've been having this deep fear emotion located in my stomach which I find difficult to fully explore. Its the emotion I found when inquiring into my misery, loneliness and suicidal thoughts. Today, it's still here. But for just a few moments occasionally, it has a different form. The feeling is then a complete deja vu of how I used to feel in high school sometimes. I haven't meditated on what it IS, but it's definitely associated with this weird longing and melancholy. The type of longing and melancholy someone who's love stricken has. I felt this feeling strongest when I had a crush in high school, but the feeling has somewhat mixed with other things. I have a hunch this is related to past emotions of alienation during teenage years, and those initially non-harmful emotions have changed form into something causing psychological hell. All these developments that I try to do or make happen, and the end of the day it's boiled down to consciousness practices. And technology is my way of turning my attention away from deeply negative feelings, fluctuating between strong and subtle, in my 24/7 experience. So clearly that has to be addressed.
  14. Alan Watts was quite inspired by J Krishnamurti as well. He says things so directly and plainly. You might find it hard to act on what he says when he at least superficially criticises all these practices like yoga and meditation, renouncing all forms of authority (including himself, if you look at his personal story you'd see this) and religious groups or organisations which promise salvation. But then all the while, he is emphasising what those practices want to achieve most. It's actually extremely funny. So meditate, do yoga anyway. I love this guy so much. I have to make notes lol.
  15. @Serotoninluv Everyones met a person or two like Trump lol. If you're on their side they shower you with unbelievable amounts of praise, the second they think you're not on their side they go back to their malicious behaviour. They will literally refuse to admit that they've lied until the end of time, even when presented with the truth. I don't know how to deal with such a person, since my family member is one.
  16. I can't believe it. It's literally nothing. Why am I so happy but so melancholic at the same time? Everything I see and touch and feel its somehow nothing. wow. Im surprised I can even exist with everything thats here. It's as if a bubble popped. Is this even me anymore?
  17. For whatever reason, there is often a gap between our understanding of our topic and the extent to which it can be put into words. Put the issue of the map is not the territory to one side, as that is not what my focus is. It is so often the case that “we know” something but then you hear someone else put it into words so well. It’s as if another person has come to you and magically pulled out that which is on the periphery, subconscious levels of your reality and brought it into direct conscious recognition. There is an inherent healing property in putting into direct awareness chains of thought which were always in your experience, but the chains of thought were background noise that had an identity which was not precisely known. The awareness from articulating something clears the fog of it being a background chain of thought and brings into the light of your awareness. It’s why people like journaling, writing diaries, to do lists, talking therapy, and etc. There are fuzzy, background chains of thoughts which are messy and aren't in a form which is easily moved into direct recognition by your awareness. So there is a benefit in being good with words.
  18. Alan Watts certainly uses the medium of speaking well. I've consumed Alan Watts audio plenty so I prefer reading him.
  19. @Koyaanisqatsi Yeah Alan Watts is good Read a book of his. https://antilogicalism.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/wisdom-of-insecurity.pdf
  20. I don't know. Maybe you could try downloading that dual-n-back game if you want? Another tip. If there's something/(some activity) you're passionate about (e.g. Life purpose) and having a higher IQ would help, do the activity you're passionate about and perhaps the brain will follow. The brain is flexible, so it can be trained for the different activities you care about. What that means about IQ I don't know. Supposing IQ metaphysically existed, I wouldn't be too surprised if it could improve.
  21. @Leo Gura How necessary are human relationships (friends, family, lovers)? Can loneliness actually be overcome? I feel as though you might have previously said that the neurosis preventing someone from developing deep relationships is easier to overcome than the fear that drives the need for human relationships in the first place. If someone feels like they don't fit in with the people around them due to their niche combination of personality type and interests, what are they to do? Would you say it comes down to developing charisma, in the sense that you are an authentic version of yourself which is visible to others? When it particularly comes to making sexual relationships you seem to encourage pickup artist practices. But that seems like it's a bit inauthentic and involves being fake to other people. Your thoughts?
  22. If anyone does go to it, please do write about it if you want to