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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. Social media doesn't seem to interface with the human brain well. We evolved for however many millions of years in nature, and we've been using our thumbs to type on phones for how long? In this digital age, men are even more poorly socialised. Interactions between humans rely on sending out the proper signals. Signals which have now been weakened, hijacked or completely removed now. --- What got me thinking about this #MeToo stuff recently was that in this gaming community I followed and was apart of for a while, Smash Bros, a bunch of stuff came out where respectable figureheads were found to have relations with minors or just sketchy things going on. And it's good things like this come out. That people don't feel scared to come out and do share. A cleansing. But the environment of twitter is so toxic. Everyone is retarded, jumps the gun, neurotic, takes no action or takes extreme action, whines, trolls, and etc. In an effort to weed out all the "problematic" (I use that word in the social justice sense) elements, innocent bystanders get lynched by the mob. You can't mention a single alternative perspective without being vilified or straw-manned. But I have a feeling this is just humans in general. You get misinterpreted by both sides regardless of what you say.
  2. @Serotoninluv amen @Opo I mean depends on education levels and etc. I think there's just been a little more of a disconnect with nature. And yeah. Old people are just old. @Apparition of Jack Yeah, the car analogy is good.
  3. It's not that there is criticism but just the way it happens. The knee-jerk reactions like you said. If someones feelings are hurt by having their reputation in their lifelong community destroyed in a split second, you can't invalidate that by calling it a "fragile victim mentality" no more than I can invalidate the victim of sexual harassment by calling them a fragile victim. I'm not equating the two, I'm just saying you can't invalidate it. You can't start a mature conversation otherwise. You'll probably think I'm being nitpicky or something, since you already agree with that but are just trying to point out the flaw in what I said and make me look inwards. The general point I'm making is that virtual communication is terrible in many ways. I'm guessing you think this is overall positive though in the bigger picture, and that this is the messy process of ego backlash and change and etc? In which case, I'm lacking perspective and am caught up in the trivial
  4. @Lindsay If a statue of slave owner Jim is hanging around and Tyrone gets pissed off seeing it in his local area, and I was chilling with him, I'd be like fuck yeah destroy the statue if you want. But if it becomes a public affair and dumb ass movement, then no I don't think so.
  5. I don't know to what extent social media websites should be allowed to block certain speech, or allow certain speech. So I don't know if this was right. If you consider all these different websites together, they form a monopoly over communication and hold the fate of humanity in their mind. At this point, these websites are so large that they aren't just private companies who can do what they want. That said. Preventing harassment and bullying is a good idea. ----- Also, this fucking video you linked in hilarious. "People at chapo always made this joke.....if the /r/the_donald is ever banned, Chapo would be as well. That would be the enlightened centrist altar at which Chapo was scarificed"
  6. @Kross Enter into the cloud of not-knowing my friend.
  7. @Zec You're asking if you should do self-actualisation work before meditative and consciousness work? Up to you. I use however many tools are at my disposal. Productivity hacks, psychology hacks, serious inquiry, meditation, diet, exercise, whatever it is, I latch onto whatever I can to climb. Maybe you can approach meditation as definitionally being the opposite of escapism. In which case, you've been tricking yourself into thinking you're meditating when you are not. --- If consciousness work is nothing about truth and happiness, then what could be a better foundation than honesty? --- Similar to you, I'm wondering how to deal with my shadow. I've found it best for myself to not think too much about what phases a human goes through in integrating the shadow. Because I end up constructing false expectations in my head. Expectations ungrounded from reality. Keep it the shadow work simple. Look at what's hidden and repressed and work with it. Don't need to think about anything else.
  8. "A Million Thoughts" by Om Swami tells you what constitutes a formal meditation practice, gives you an idea of what the serious path looks like with at least a few hours of meditation a day. If all of you here have been listening to Leo talk about how ineffective meditation is, how much effort and etc it takes, then look no further than this book to learn what it means to meditate properly.
  9. I went through a phase watching prison documentaries and etc. What's stood out to me since is a very obvious point that my mind never payed attention. This motion of "respect" that people have. All of us with egos have this about us. We hate to feel belittled, we hate speech which insinuates that we're dumb or cowardly or inferior in some way. When it comes to those jail inmates however, from what I saw, it's almost as though respect is the currency they operate on. Any form of perceived deceit, any sort of stepping on toes, could be enough for many people to consider murdering you. That's how important it is to not be disrespected. To defend their respect is more important than an increased prison sentence. Extremely inflated egos. I suppose what gets me interested in this is that I see myself in all this. The shadow or egoic nature of mine that I'm not honest about. If I'm ever "shadow possessed" I can relate to this mindset. --- I might add an edit to this post or add another post when I ask my friend who's been to jail what his thoughts are on this notion.
  10. All of us here have talked about these various things. About how there's nothing but now, you are god, everything is a dream, everything is imaginary. But looking at the tone of how we all talk, go on about our lives or in our posts talking about the past and the future and events like they're all real I don't think it truly all sticks. It was maybe 2 weeks ago that one day I had a very strange mode of consciousness. Like I was hit by a truck out of nowhere. I truly felt and realised in a different way, that this is it. This is it. Nothing else. No past, no future, just this. It faded away gradually, I forgot about it for a bit, pushed it down, but here it is back again. My lifestory, the people around me, reality, feels like a groundless dream. There's my mundane experience, and this is it. But it's freaking me out. I'm not in some psychotic manic depression, right now my anxiety is actually relatively low and I'm very calm/even if you were to see me talk or behave in real life. But this terror is still there. I'm staring at death. Complete impermanence. Staring at the complete futility and absolute meaninglessness of everything. It's not going anywhere, it's not doing anything. There's no goals, no ambitions, no hope, it's just this. The meaninglessness, the fact that the meaninglessness is absolutely irrefutable. Pointless. The step ahead is complete self annihilation and the fear holds me back. It involves sacrificing everything . Absolutely everything. My sanity, my connection to my family, but most of all me me me . Yet there's this world around me. These ideas, people around me, ideas that anything exists at all, ideas of and thinking about events. Causality, human drama and theatre that I get absorbed in. And all of this is falling before my eyes? It's not real? Everyone here talks about how it's not real, it's all imaginary, but have you actually felt it? Do you know what that actually means? This is no joke. This is serious. Can anyone relate? Is anybody there?
  11. @Display_Name Yes. wakey wakey. @Mu_ Yeah you're right dude. It's so hard to not go mad or jump to conclusions. Verbal sorts of inquiry are useful for me but they end up at me reaching what I think is an impass and I panic a bit. But then I stay with it and realise that what I previously framed was false. @mandyjw "It may be that they just don't seem important enough to what we think of as us." Right. @Johnny5 I don't have much to really say. I said what was on my mind. Humans are flawed. Opinions are egoic. Part of maturity is to be unashamedly egoic at times. If I wanted to create a separation between my ego and my true self, I'd write everything in quotation marks so as to denote distance between the two. But that's a childish game if taken to extreme.
  12. I went through a phase of being obsessed with watching documentaries about life in prison. Perhaps these are good sources for you to examine this domain of behaviours. This "law and disorder in Johannesburg" documentary had this gem of a man. Louis Theroux has amazing documentaries.
  13. @Nahm I can't easily articulate it, but for some reason I viscerally dislike you. I think you put out signals which remind me of signals I've seen from people in the past who are fake. That is to say, some sort of mechanical response is triggered. I get pissed off you don't validate my ego and criticise it. But then you always validate and embrace cheesy declarations of love, whether sincere or superficial, no questions asked. When false positivity and false virtue is rampant everywhere in the mainstream, you appear like another perpetrator of it. So I assume you're a hypocritical advocate of sunshine and rainbows. Now the dislike is mostly gone after airing out my mind, and what remains are contradictory feelings of calm and anxiety. The anxiety likely being an overactive fight or flight response.
  14. @Nahm Yes. Far from some ending. Self to examine, motivations and unnoticed material. Things are fusing together. Can't find resolution to it, maybe even calling it as that is the "problem". Pay attention to thought, don't pay attention. "Everything just is how it is so don't worry" becomes a mantra to calm yourself, but what is the energy then fueling the inquiry and skepticism into the thought in above quotation marks. What's fuelling the inquiry into the inquiry then. Loops and struggling. Notions invoking time become "flattened" , misleading word maybe, into something clearer. Becoming a walking a contradiction or trickster figure. But even that is yet an another visage. I've just gotta relax this whole panicking. Get the swing of things. Maybe I'll go eat what sadhguru would call a "negative panic food", or just some food, to calm the incessant contracting. Because albeit my disjoint writing style I haven't gone psychotic, just having a complex state of consciousness to remain calm about. It's annoying that my natural expression of words doesn't make much grammatical or verbal sense.
  15. @meow_meow I'll probably read your journal yes, I think you can relate. I am scared of doing any inquiry and meditation like you were. But I'll do it. Edit: Wow, that video was scarily accurate. It's the point of no turning back. Can't throw it in reverse. Jesus Christ. "Head caught in the tiger's mouth" @Someone here Very true, brainwashed myself yes.
  16. Devil's advocate position relative to this forum on police brutality. Albeit there's plenty of material on all this, I think this is a pretty good depiction of what a reasonable skeptic of all this would look like. I think the video shows the importance of statistics. Even if you think the particular statistics someone provided are bad, or misleading, there's the importance of having good statistics. In contrast to bad statistics or no statistics. ---- Sam Harris has always been a bit too status quo for me. He's painstakingly linear but meticulous with logical speech. He's boring because of it. His views on foreign policy, islam and religion show enough his lack of wholistic wisdom and his western supremacy. Since the west is stage orange, it's inevitable he propagates the west. I think he's very low in neuroticism, and is almost the opposite of someone who thinks with empathy. He's pure reason and facts. He's a one trick pony with one lens though. But that low neuroticism is an unambiguous strength about him that makes him excellent as a clarifier, and it's a nice mentality to see.
  17. Tuesday 23/06/2020 17:14 Venting about my rage and shadow issues Random entry of me reflecting on my emotional issues. So I'm thinking about the times that I've lost control over myself. That includes the time I'm low and depressed. But it also includes the times when I'm acting on charged emotion and am triggered with rage. I have weird rage issues. I am generally an open and friendly person. Most of the time I'm very gentle. But if someone finds a way to trigger me badly, do I get triggered badly. I will go off. I can have periods of time where I'm shadow possessed by rage. I wonder if I'm a grown grizzly bear who feigns being a harmless cub, but will act passive aggressive. Whilst the imagery is self-indulgent and narcissistic perhaps, in some way it holds. I'm in denial of my own evil, and hence have no control or proper order for these aggressive energies. I am not a psychopath. I'm not a sociopath. I have the capacity to be deeply empathic, despite being on the spectrum is this complex and nuanced way. But sometimes I get high off my own rage like I'm on crack cocaine. An unintegrated shadow part of me wants to destroy and even torture my enemies. I never let the shadow drive me berserk, but at times like this the aggression just strongly flows through me and leaks out in all I do. Making me irritable and cold. And the thing is, I've romanticised and admire the dark sides of me. I admire the destruction, the seeking for retribution. I don't do anything physically, but mentally and sometimes verbally I throw a massive narcissistic tantrum. --- Anyway, I'm gonna go do some kriya yoga.
  18. Join an MBTI discord server, plenty of nerds there with too much time on their hands. They'll probably be willing to type you. Go onto https://disboard.org/ and type "MBTI". Sift through the servers until you find one which isn't toxic or full with clueless snowflake zoomers. A few of the servers are full of degenerates and 4chan faggots but you'll relatively easily be able to dodge that. These bad sorts are few in number, so this warning is more for the sake of briefly describing the landscape of those circles.
  19. @The Don So two things I'll focus on. This man and then my thoughts in general. I'm family friends with an Iranian Muslim who was a bit like this guy. Relatively thoughtful and he provokes you in a very gentle and welcoming way. The links he made to religious scripture and the garden of Eden are bullshit to put to one side. The link about how Jews reject the snake but Hindus are somehow invoking the evil snake/devil with kundalini is a fabrication of his ideology. What he said about how you don't need to curl your fingers a certain way or activate your chakras in a certain way to access god was a point which landed for me. --- So the relevant thing being brought up for me is what it means to have a method for enlightenment. You can go into technical detail of all these methods. And then you can think more metaphysically. The paradoxes, the seeking vs non seeking, the domain of the absolute vs domain of the relative. If I am already it, why do you need psychedelics, meditation, proper breathing to realise it? Inquiry along that line is what I see as valuable here.
  20. Nice, I'll try this in some form
  21. @dimitri That sounds like some cheesy shit Sadhguru would say hahhahahah @Ya know Yeah good question. From what I've seen, some of these "Indie games" seem to be have good aesthetic and be a bit arty. I forgot the name of one of these games which seemed really good, cba to boot up my ps4 and check rn. None of them are high consciousness really, it's just about aesthetic. Or maybe I'm saying none of them are high consciousness to justify me playing my low consciousness multiplayers.
  22. @Aquarius What's the problem with just loving your ego? Maybe you can formulate things in terms of good ego vs bad ego. Another point. You want to be able to love others. (Talk about loving your "true self" might be a bit abstract and ungrounded for you so if it was me I would stick with the "others" thread). Why? Isn't your motivation for loving others, in one way or another, still egoic? Despite framing these questions in a rhetorical way, you can see them as prompts and devil advocates rather than presupposing an answer.
  23. It's been a while since I've thought about Sam Harris. Some years back when I was very conscious of the fact that I was no longer muslim, and I had to formulate some sense for my childhood and upbringing, he was the perfect person for me to hear talk. I do think he has often needlessly been attacked and vilified. It's a fate many public figures have to deal with to various degrees and in various ways. I can strongly empathise with him and feel Sam's pain. If I am to make an image for how he's felt hurt by the world. He wishes to be a voice of clarity and sense but instead gets stones thrown at him and is spat on, banished from the town of villagers who don't want to stop being savages. He feels like Ralph from Lord of The Flies. The tribe he wishes to help has turned on him, and that's his trauma. He feels like a biblical prophet that the ignorant villagers have banished and ostracised. What highlights this is his whole relation to "identity politics". I've heard the most generalised thoughts on the matter that he's given publicly. So with Sam, he's an idealist of sorts and likes to think in universalities. He's trying to work towards universalities. He has strong principles which he'll highlight with the occasional hypothetical and metaphor. The metaphors will feel in a certain sense very detached and idealistic, but it shows the vision that he has. What Sam will do is give an ideal like "We should live in a society where skin color is as innocuous as hair color". Or an ideal like "We should aim for a society where you are as happy as possible to be reincarnated in a randomly chosen human of any race/gender/background". He is then very committed to that ideal and vision. He ends up becoming very rigid and stubborn if you push him on a few certain points, I've seen. He becomes tunnelled visioned with his logical ideals. He looks at "anti-racists", looks at the SJW's and their retarded tribalism, and completely pushes out the useful energies in that vicinity.
  24. @integral Eh. Its not that difficult to get an enlightenment experience in my opinion. Like anyone can glimpse something and talk about it. The real game is integrating it and depth of experience.
  25. @Preety_IndiaSam Harris has been very good on the subject of Trump in my opinion. As in he's slapped a bit of sense to stage orange teens on the internet who might have otherwise supported Trump. The only thing I'll strongly disagree with there as well is saying Carl Benjamin is better than Sam Harris. @ParanoidAndroid I think he gets a bit too caught up in just facts as well. Yeah I respect it too. The thing about him is that he's very good at is walking you through things with logic that anyone can follow. So he's a great communicator by being so meticulous. He has more empathy than I gave him credit for, you're right. There's a bit of a clash of temperaments of me and him I think is what it is. If I perceive someone to be going through details very slowly or perceive them to be "missing the point" I get impatient. I can have impulsive and whimsical tendencies which will make me get annoyed when I see someone as meticulous as him. I think what it also is is that I perceive Sam to be dense the same way a woman might perceive their male partner to be dense. His low neuroticism is his trusty shield in battle. @Leo Gura Yes, exactly. He's so comically composed and flat.