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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. @Chumbimba Yeah it's pretty weird. Some people label this as "left brain" vs "right brain". Left brain stuff, I feel like I'm binary in thought and material, trying to exert my will on the world Right brain, I want the flux of my consciousness and the world to slow down so I can keep up with it all. But then well, you kind of see it goes together or, I get stuck in a different area instead by jumping around with my mind.
  2. @Lyubov Truuuuuuuuuuuuuu Conservatives don't know what year they want to regress to. It's just that well, there are only 2 parties and so you lump in a whole bunch of different people together. Like capitalism wise they want to go the 80's. In traditional values, some of them want to go back to the 50's or even further. Corporate democrats probably worship Bill Clinton as some golden era.
  3. @Chris_1982 yeah what cetus said as well. But also yeah, this happens for me. I don't know what it means either. But if it happens enough and becomes normal you'll stop being surprised or interested in it. It will just be another regular thing. If you love this chakra shit I recommend kriya yoga. I'd reccomend it to anyone tbh. There's "third eye meditation" as a primary concentration practice. ---- A lot of sensations are in flux in the body but you don't notice it. That includes the forehead But if it isn't noticed how do we know it is in flux? It's like asking if a tree falls in a forest and no one is there, does it make it a sound. One could perhaps argue that being conscious of your experience changes the sensations and how quickly they vibrate. Either way, who knows.
  4. @bmcnicho Right. This is what I thought also about biology and intelligence or personality being a limiting factor. I don't know what I think now. I think certain types of personalities (where you can maybe include different types of intelligences as part of the definition for someone's personality) are more likely to question societal norms and not be sheep. And then be advanced at a higher level above social norms. But normies in general don't question or see differently. But if it becomes trendy and socially normal to be yellow, then maybe the normies can be dragged up to yellow. So you ask who is yellow but not fairly advanced cognitively? Bear in mind people like this could exist but it would be difficult to spot if they did. If you're advanced cognitively, you can more easily articulate yourself to others, and then someone can spot that speech and say "aha that's yellow". The version of yellow I've seen and have is relative to my personality and other people with similar personalities. Higher in openness to experience, more intellectual. Perhaps getting everyone to yellow is a task in increasing people's open mindedness. Yellow being about being multi perspectival at the end of the day. Which is about openness.
  5. @bmcnicho Part of me is pessimistic and has beliefs about "inherent human nature" which are unfounded. Pessimisticly thinking that humans spiralling into dumbness is as fundemental to the nature of things as entropy always increasing. But thats a story I used to have. So to answer your question yeah I think everyone can reach stage yellow.
  6. We did it guys, we've found the wisest sage on the planet to give us fatwas on this topic of meditation. Who else but Elliot Hulse is the ultimate authority on this contentious issue?
  7. Now if you're inquiring into this topic as part of some formal practice, well then the answer would be you can only talk about what's in your direct experience regardless of what science says. e.g. when you close your eyes, you assume the outer world doesn't exist. --- I'm not an expert on the phases of sleep. We aren't dreaming when deep sleep occurs I suppose ? Even if we aren't dreaming, and even if we aren't awake, it's possible there's still consciousness even if it is profoundly different from waking or dream consciousness. I don't have any memory of deep sleep because otherwise it wouldn't be deep sleep, correct? But I then can't use my lack of memory to justify saying, I know for certain there is no consciousness during it. The state of consciousness is just such that I can't examine or analyse it in this way. Scientifically, people's bodies aren't inactive when they are asleep. Their brain still has activity, their body is doing things, resting in the yin and darkness. Perhaps the state of consciousness and the ego in it is so extremely warped in structure and mechanism we have no way of being aware of it and remembering it. This waking state where I'm aware of myself is a state of consciousness, perhaps this is a state of consciousness where you have no awareness of yourself ! There is a lens through which yogically, sleep is seen as "death". Sadhguru thinks this. I don't think this (but I don't think it's false either, in certain contexts I agree with the lens ) , but I'm sure its a lens you could look at if you want. I know that in Islam, there's the idea your soul leaves your body whenever you sleep --- What if deep sleep is like being an embryo in your mother's womb? We have no reference for understanding such a bizarre thing. Maybe if I/we did psychedelics or were intense meditators such a thing would be a little more sense-able. Sleep walks the line between life and death. As do foetuses walk that line. Interesting stuff. Life and death are powerful things to examine.
  8. Maybe try things which will seem fake at first. Only by playing around, falling over and getting hurt do children learn the boundaries of the world and their bodies. Likewise, not untill you push yourself into danger and play will you even get an inkling of what this self that's to be authentic even is.
  9. "The end times" is a biblical prophecy. It is the "the day of judgement", when all human souls shall be cast in either heaven or hell in accordance with God's will. I've never known what to make out of religion's thoughts about heaven and hell. The only facet I can see is that it's an exaggeration of karma, if you think that exists. In certain ways at least karma is no more mystical than cause and effect. But this stuff about a particular "day of judgement" and "the end times", like there will be a particular time and day God will judge all of humanity. Complete bullshit, and whimsical metaphors which are just getting rediculous. But stuff about a day of judgement aren't even seen as metaphors by a lot of folk, even though they're shit metaphors, but seen literally.
  10. @Soulbass Only one attitude has remained the same for me across all my life, and that's " reeeeeeeeeeee normies " . Everyone just looks so crazy from my POV. Never caring about the bigger picture or deeper meaning. And I'm sure most others feel everyone around them is crazy, albeit I don't have empathy or open-mindedness to appreciate.
  11. To not answer this question with "Mu" or with a zen quip. Although such an attitude is probably worth trying. I've gone too much the other way.
  12. @John Iverson Idk. For spiritual circles, it's one of them things where on one hand you see lovey dovey stuff about cultivating positivity, and then on the other hand you see stuff which is a lot more raw and nihilistic. By alternating so much between different opinions on other similarly polarising topics, I just see no piece of advice as good or bad. A piece of advice which is good for one person is bad for another.
  13. Just to clarify what the models are. The four letters in the MBTI system is nothing but a code for your functional stack. The "16 personalities" website is dishonest and is big 5 traits, pretending it is MBTI in it's marketing. ---- MBTI isn't about having 4 dimensions of measurement. It's about cognitive functions. The 4 letters are just a code for different stacks. It is still meaningful however to talk about each letter individually in general terms. You are correct in seeing a correlation between MBTI and big 5. Perceiving/Judging is more to do with conscientiousness and sensing/intuition is more to do with openness, which are two independent traits in big 5, albeit the mapping isn't perfect.
  14. Shit's just bizarre, loads of folk are stage blue masquerading as stage green. Krystal is just weird. Her show which tries to make equivalent left and right populism. --- Random piece of funny news, even Richard Spencer endorses Biden.
  15. My PTSD got triggered today. What is probably my core trauma was triggered by a seemingly random event with a close group of online friends. I can't be bothered to explain details. The most intense part of the PTSD attack has faded. I felt such terror letting myself be vulnerable, to other people as well. But at least I did it. That way I can have as few regrets as possible about how I handled the situation and will hence have fewer ghosts or doubts haunting me by being honest to the appropriate people. I need to just calm and catch the emotion early. Focus on just accepting the emotions coming out. Focusing on the content of the thought isn't the way. The emotion flow surging is. My day was going so well today. I was productive, worked out, did yoga, and then BANG, here I am.
  16. Writing a journal post to give my mind some peace since I can't fall asleep Just in day to day life more frequently now. Recently I've started to be able to see more clearly how I resist from moment to moment. Things which I couldn't see before are now bleeding into awareness. Some of these things I detect are weird things I cannot name, I can only feel and release. I don't know what these "things" are, but it might be akin to direct/actual experience of what we call "structure of the ego". It's an extremely interesting and subtle thing. I find myself taking subtle positionalities, and whilst I don't know what's exactly going on, I see enough to be able to start letting go. I can see just a little more what ego is. And I can try to let go of the things I detect, to very various degrees of success. I will latch onto a thread, try to let go and expand as much as I can. But the thread hasn't been fully let go of. It would be more accurate to say that sometimes it feels like hitting a brick wall before I can even unwind a millimetre of the thread. I detect what's there but dont see it clearly enough yet to understand or know how to let go. Sometimes I can't tell what is letting go vs what is being let go. But I just do what I do regardless. ---- Also, I'm taking an attitude of strict discipline in my daily life now. I'll see how it goes. Using Google calendar to schedule the day. My mental health, addictions, life purpose, career, studies, it's all out of whack yo. My kriya yoga has been slipping lately. BUT. imma now do zen meditation and kriya yoga everyday. I'm reading three pillars of zen. Just doing very basic breath meditation per that instruction. Also reading mastering core teachings of Buddha, and other books, too many to say. Suffice to say I'll slowly figure out the Buddhist methodology. And I'm reading A course in miracles. Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, let the grace of these three powers give this soul salvation
  17. I started reading three pillars of zen. I havent applied it yet, but the first type of meditation they teach is counting breaths. It's not that I'm new to meditation or anything, it's just been a while since I meditated on breath and didn't just do kriya yoga. But I will
  18. I have youtube premium but youtube still sucks with copyright takedowns and demonotising youtubers, whether the channel is large or small. Even channels with 100's of thousands of subs struggle in appealing take downs. The optimal strategy to get your videos back is to literally spam youtube with emails (or even spam mentions on twitter) over and over again, and even then it will probably take you months. Even copyright aside, anything remotely controversial gets demonitised.
  19. @Alfonsoo Many of my family members and friends are fundamentalist muslims who were born and raised in the west but are still suckers for stage blue religion. Some of them are highly educated, but they're still religious. If someones psyche wants to compartmentalise topics, it'll do that. I once heard a story about a creationist who was an excellent cosmologist. Part of me still finds it depressing. The Quran is written in the style of high stage red and low stage blue, yet many of the people who still believe in islam fundamentally calibrate to higher stages of development. --- Between stages in spiral dynamics are interesting dovetail regions, where something or someone exhibits characteristics of two stages strongly. Tiny little random detail
  20. Morality is plato's shadow of something. What that something is I don't know. What it is a shadow of still might be something in the domain of the relative, I have no idea.
  21. @ColeMC01 There can be a contradiction between those two things, or there may not be one. It changes. If letting go is done right, which is the thing most people are referring to by saying that phrase, then there isn't a contradiction. Being an emotional conductor, that's acceptance of your situation. The letting go is the letting go of resistance to accepting reality fully, which includes accepting the emotions you feel.
  22. @Florian Everything Leo has said is just his opinion. Like anyone else. Talent still isn't a thing which is understood or can be pinned down. There is a grey area to this topic which can be seen. As an example. Let's suppose it's someone's dream to become a world class physicist. Their IQ is 130. There are other people with the same goal who have an IQ of 160. Will those 160 IQ people just outcompete the other person? There are hidden things about people that most of us don't notice and think about. People are shallow, we all want instant result and can only see the blatantly obvious in a reductionistic way. Everyone runs on finding quick fixes, wanting results without sacrifice or practice. Most of society operates on a fixed mindset on steroids. That only the ultra talented or blessed geniuses can compete. Maybe this 130 IQ person has a unique form of processing and cognition that makes him qualitatively different from everyone else, yet he appears slow at first from the outside. But he's quietly building himself up, and unexpectedly strikes. People are too quick to judge capabilities and can only think with a single metric. Fixed mindset. This applies to any area, spirituality in this case. In the theoretical ideal, is talent very important? Very well could be. But 99.9999...% of us including me are not nearly conscious enough to judge what this theoretical ideal is, so you're better off discarding a lot of your ideas about it. If we have the tendency to call everyone who succeeds talented, to reaffirm this fixed mindset, it's circular no?
  23. My personality has been changing quite a bit in the past few months. In some respects its the natural course of things but I think it's possible I've opened Pandora's box a few too many times whether it's spiritual experiences, meditation or contemplation. But I've inexplicably become a lot more driven by "winning" and conquest. So it's served as a good motivator, I never used to have as much motivation as I do now. I'm still low motivation but it's more now. I find myself getting pathologically high on my own ego. I conquered a fear I had two days ago for example, body was full of adrenaline, and the adrenaline highs you can get are an intense pleasure. And it's guiding me well compared to before. The price I pay is irritability, impatience when things are inefficient or not going my way. My neuroticism is about the same, I'm just more active and the neuroticism becomes anger rather than sadness.