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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. @Leo Gura What makes the likes of Peter Ralston or Jed Mckenna see and describe enlightenment as almost this "one thing", or on all or nothing terms? I've listened very carefully to your interview with Peter on YouTube where you ask him about relative vs absolute, and the possibility of a deeper experience. To which he says that's another distinction made in the relative. And so any sort of discussion goes around in circles forever. Or to reference Jed Mckenna. He makes a distinction between mysticism and enlightenment. Says that spiritual union bliss is still maya, and it doesn't last forever for anyone. He claims that enlightenment isn't somewhere you visit from "here" , but that you visit "here" (maya/dream/duality) from "there" (enlightenment). What's going on there? Obviously I can't expect to get the answer from you that I then adopt as a belief, I'll have to see for myself. But your thoughts on why Peter takes that viewpoint so strongly would be worth listening to. Or why you take your viewpoint so strongly.
  2. Probably amazed we didn't become extinct when the nuclear bomb was invented.
  3. Perhaps you're right. We won't know for sure though and no need to take the risk haha. Them being intelligent enough to visit and observe us doesn't tell us anything more about their psychology, culture or sensibilities.
  4. @KingEnergy Right now I've been losing a bit of weight. Credit due to David Hawkins, his advice has helped me. Although I don't know if it's his advice or just me anyway. His take on this is that essentially, most our desire to eat is surface level "Pavlovian Conditioning" that can be overwritten without too much effort. When you feel "hungry", you stop calling it hunger and let go resisting it. Trying to force myself to let go, I've gotten in a few wars with myself which isn't good for anybody. But overall it's worked. We don't need to eat nearly so frequently as we think. Another strategy is to eat when you aren't "hungry". That way you aren't re-enforcing the false conditioning. But if you eat whilst operating on that false conditioning, you're making it stronger.
  5. @rav @purerogue Lmao, this dialogue is indeed a common pattern for us in this work. Regardless of which of the two sides you take in framing things, what matters is what relation you bear with what you're saying. And what doesn't necessarily matter so much is the content of what you say.
  6. @mandyjw To answer the question without rambling, yeah truth is important to me. I love it? Could be. I don't know what I love. Small tangent. Unfortunately the phrase "don't know", or "not knowing", in English has negative connotations. Something Ralston noted in naming his book. @Danioover9000 Let's hope so and see :pray_emoji: . One day I'll play that series.
  7. @Leo Gura Very good point. I'm surprised something so simple didn't occur to me. @kai0 Yes, authenticity is of utmost value regardless.
  8. Fair. I need to see that at the end of the day this is a story and I've bought into someone else's ideas. @Dlavjr Indeed, it is a very confusing thing. @Bulgarianspirit How did being good ruin your life? Both of us have created this generalisation of "people are like X" as a primitive reaction to hurt.
  9. Very good question. I don't know the difference to be honest. You're right in thinking they're sometimes one and the same and are connected. The conceptual nature of a "need" is indeed a construct. But on a down to earth level and relative level, it's obvious that there are gradations of how "actual" a need is. The most clear cut case being the need for food and drink for material survival. Sometimes we talk about needs for our own survival, and survival is a deep topic. You can think about it on many levels. Physical survival (good medical health), emotional survival (which will involve feelings of belonging, loneliness and intimacy) , conceptual survival of the ego's sense of self (metaphysical) . ** This pattern of conflict between needs and attachments mirrors itself in the tug of war between meeting your needs for "self actualisation" versus transcending your needs for enlightenment. If one doesn't get enough of their "attachments"/"needs" met, they often end up lost in neuroticism and cannot develop the mental clarity to even try to transcend their needs. Hence working on both ends is often important. I use the word 'often' to emphasise that you are your own person, and whatever tends to be the case with others doesn't determine your own path. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** I have not the direct experience to talk as an authority, but my heresay is that physical health is in very large part determined by your beliefs, mind and consciousness. With this being the point of view of David Hawkins, who thinks that to cure medical ailments you need to pay attention to your experience without giving it medical labels. As well as saying things which cancel your belief that you are suffering from X disease e.g. "I am not subject to X. I am an infinite being who is only subject to what I hold in mind".
  10. Tuesday 15/09/2020 I can't figure out the meaning of illusion. Suffering, one confronts and somewhat lets go of suffering, and it somewhat subsides and alleviates. I'm trying to look at what the suffering is made out of. I can confront it, somewhat alleviate it, but nothing deeper is being seen.
  11. Like @SirVladimir said, it's a direct response to stage blue. And stage blue can be retarded Take a look at fundamentalist islam in the middle east, or medieval Christianity, if you want to understand what stage orange is reacting against.
  12. @andyjohnsonman If I insert myself into your situation, I would say that what is you're calling silence isn't true silence. There are many things unnoticed and not investigated still. For the life of me I still haven't figured out what the fuck a physical body or bodily awareness means.
  13. SSRI's for me blunted emotion. Common description for this is that you "feel like a zombie". So that got me to want to stop. I've been tapering off very slowly, but even then it's been a bumpy ride. The withdrawal of these drugs can be rough, in addition to the side effects whilst taking them. I'm almost paranoid that I've "damaged my brain" but I don't allow myself to be that pessimistic about it in the long term. Withdrawal for me involves muscle weakness, severe dizziness ( https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20144124/#:~:text=Dizziness is the most commonly,to be vestibular in) and agitation.
  14. "A Course in Miracles" is where I go for non-dual Christianity. I only have the workbook. If anyone here thinks it's worth buying the theory, let me know or explain why it's good.
  15. David would be writhing in his grave if he saw the state of conservatives today. His politics just shows ignorance or lack of knowledge. His lack of understanding causes him to project partial perspectives as a full picture. He sees postmodernists and leftists, sees their ego as narcissistic. But all egos are narcissistic and self important. Then he selectively uses the domain of the absolute to invalidate one side but not the other. His muscle testing is what puts me off the most about him as well. I'm just amazed that someone like him is convinced of such a thing. But I shouldn't be too shocked, not all people and teachers are the same. He shows you a path of illumination regardless. I didn't buy his maps of consciousness book because I was apprehensive about this numerical model of his, but it is nonetheless referenced every few paragraphs in any book of his. I don't hate the model though, it's cool. I can't figure out how on earth I could validate such a thing. The exact sequences of things, the labels he gives. The only way the model could make sense is if your consciousness is distributed across multiple levels/numbers at once. But if ones psyche is that complex, then it will present itself in a confusing way, such that discerning whether the model holds or not practically unviable. ^The same criticism can be levied against spiral dynamics, and the resolution to that applies here I guess. But to me personally this particular model is harder to see or grasp.
  16. @Leo Gura I swear, no matter the teacher you always know some dirt on them . So what silly ideas does Leo Gura have?
  17. @Galyna blessed. I'm in a so called dark night so this is good wisdom.
  18. @Gesundheit You're not wrong to feel there's "something strange" with how disagreements or discussion works. You're right that Mods usually agree with Leo. For me, whatever angle you go about this stuff it will come back to topics like love, god and psychedelics (with ralston being a symbolic figure and good example in discussion). Here's the discussion I see being replayed. A: "You can become conscious of God" B: "God is a word and concept, don't get attached". I get a bit annoyed when one of those perspectives are called right and the other wrong. Nobody making the points they should make. Some of the people who say B aren't and haven't been "conscious of God". And think its just a meaningless story. They just haven't seen that facet of things. However. Some of the people saying B are "conscious of God" but they know that this work is a continous process of discarding labels and entering not knowing. And they way you do that is to stop with the labels. But I see people advocating A failing or not mentioning the distinction between those two sorts of people in B. If that distinction was made there would be a lot less nonsense. Some of the people in A know what is required for not knowing (even if they don't state this distinction) , but some people in A who don't understand this distinction will be stuck and stagnated. And they need to B to stop being stagnated. But instead of B being seen as an antidote that some people need, it's ignored and seen as delusional. And when that happens, you're in a belief system and couldn't be further from truth.
  19. David Hawkins is a GOAT. I recently bought 2 of his books at once, he's very easy to read and it all just flows.
  20. Monday 14/09/2020 00:20 Wonder if I'm going crazy or the point of any of it. Wondering whether I'm imagining and creating spiritual meanings and experiences where there are none. And whether there's just this nothingness. I've encountered this feeling before and each time it feels alien and dangerous. Whether I was muslim, atheist, or now "spiritual", the experience and feeling encountered is the exact same. Feeling lost, confused, sad and scared of meaninglessness and nothing.
  21. When I read this thread, I see someone condoning an attitude of not stopping or thinking you've reached an end with words like emptiness or love. I talk from my POV. I'm not the one with a vision for what this place is. Or the one thinking about how these things steadily rise and effect the whole atmosphere. The way that everyone who isn't me engages with certain things isn't something I factor in either.
  22. There is the "three-fold training" in Buddhism. Morality, concentration and insight. As Daniel Ingram describes it, "insight meditation" involves paying attention to how sensations arise and vanish. You are instructed to notice sensations in your experience at a high rate, 1-10 sensations per second. This high rate is very important. Through insight meditation, you're building an awareness of impermanence through seeing your sensation to not be solid. You look at sensations as they expand and contract, rise and fall, and their general flux. This is distinct from concentration meditation. Concentration meditation on the other hand almost looks like it's trying to build a solidity/continuity to experience. You pick a singular object to be aware of continuously.