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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. @Lyubov Nah I'm exactly the same bro. I don't play multiplayer games as much online anymore but whenever I did I easily got salty (not salty from regular shooters, just salty in games I felt mastery and competence in) I used to play super smash bros a lot competitively and that would get me salty. I would throw my controller hard on the mattress or sofa. Gears of War also got me salty. I never played chess much, but that game did make me a bit of a sore loser. Not sure quite why. Superimposing ideals on my experience that become the condition for happiness.
  2. @Pouya I think I have a boomer mindset about this forum. I have a more fond feeling towards my memory of this forum than towards this forum (thinking 2018-2019). I interpret/feel the vibe/energy here as being more stagnant. But the cause of that I don't know. Could just be me. I project/interpret things as having been more visceral and "real" before, more lively. For some reason I remember some of them older members who don't post much anymore as being bold in speech, it was fun.
  3. @Rasheed none particularly imo. You can jump around from "lower pleasure" to "higher pleasure" in terms of choice of intoxicants, but the differences are superficial and you find yourself having the same problems over and over again.
  4. Recently got the workbook that instead of the main text, since it was on Leo's booklist. In this book you're going through one "lesson" a day, and applying it. It'll give you an idea and you are to apply that idea to what you see during the day. e.g. here's lesson 1 https://acim.org/workbook/lesson-1/ I just find this method of applying these conceptual ideas weird. I'm giving it a go regardless. But the book says that even if you disagree with a lesson or your mind actively resists it, merely applying it even if you don't accept it is fine. The book says it isn't asking you to accept these things and just believe them, but the way these exercises are structured seems to contradict that. Thoughts? At the end of the day it comes down to your mindset and the relationship you create with a given idea. Any concept or idea is as dogmatic or liberating as you make it. Your relation with it is what characterises it rather than the it itself. Regardless though, I am interested to see if anyone here has done these workbook exercises and how its worked with them. I think I just naturally feel a bit weird since I'm usually against " woo woo" stuff and just put up resistance. And it makes me feel weird and uneasy. I've always been the sort of person who disliked affirmations or cheesy things. Maybe its a sign the demonic entities in me are shrieking upon being doused with holy water. When I can simply use the lessons presented as alternate perspectives or as ideas which negate a previously held idea. Good teachings give you concepts which negate your currently held concepts.
  5. @arlin It could be an illusion. A distinction between consciousness and not-consciousness has been made.
  6. Good chart, it's a little misleading with the yellow category though. I think a lot of people can fall short of what's called here "the antisemitic point of no return" without being "dangerous to yourself and others". 9/11 conspiracy theories and fake moon landing ( which is in the 4th box) are not on the same tier as people who think 5G is causing Covid, for example. The latter being an extremely severe violation of epistemology.
  7. Oh yeah this enlightenment stuff sounds amazing. No anxiety, achieve cosmic bliss 24/7. Let's see what it's about....hmmm okay that was a little strange let me try again to see what's going on....Ah I'm confused, let me just reverse and re-evalua- HOLY SHIT I WANNA GO BACK. THE WORLD IS CROOKED, I DON'T MATTER, MY LIFE IS A LIE.
  8. @Lews Therin It can be fake woke and fake green. Easy to preach peace and love when you don't have to struggle. Something as minor as no food for a day will turn a Westerner into a savage. What you need is to build character.
  9. @Preety_India Do you like Sadhguru? Yes or no?
  10. @Leo Gura I think your audience is more likely to be full of conspiracy theorists, since we can be non-conformist and explore weird rabbit holes. Your channel and content being an example of one from the perspective of a blue pilled normie. Also, I think people realise they're living in a false reality but project it outward. There are degrees to conspiracy theorist fans. I'm probably similar to someone like Joe Rogan who'd be like "Yeah that could be true" but forget about the theory the next day, and it doesn't consume their thinking.
  11. Can confirm that this is factually accurate. If you ever try and force your penis to the limit of edging, porn, desensitisation,you'll end up in the zombie state. Not a place you want to be. Also, even if Leo says porn is fine, that's just like, his opinion man. It's up to you. I know that for myself that my porn use is an addiction and not purely a function of "nature" , so that should be enough for anyone considering to do nofap. In practice I don't do nofap. I do "less fap" I have heard Leo validate the existence of porn addiction before in his addiction video. Idk what it's been like on this forum.
  12. I should watch Leo's Toxic Life Purpose video before I decide on this career
  13. My doctor said I recovered very quickly quicker than anyone in the history of the China virus for 74 year olds. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. It was beeeaautiful.
  14. Hey guys. I've had a bad sleeping pattern most of my life. I'm 20. So my pattern usually becomes me sleeping at 8am, and waking up at 3pm or 4pm. I'll end up fixing my pattern through brute force and a lot of trial and error. The corrected pattern will stay in place before it slips back in place. I've had this never ending pattern of swapping between only semi-bad sleep and extremely bad sleep. Whenever I fix it, it reverts back. Recently, my pattern was started to slip and become bad again. It became even worse than normal on the day that I found out one of my best friends had died (he went missing, later body was discovered in a river, don't know how he died). I went from sleeping at 3am or 4am, before this bad news, to now sleeping at 9am or 10am. Yesterday I slept at 12pm and and woke up at 6:42pm. I'm typing this at 05:49 am as I speak. Bad sleep ruins my whole day and mood. Any tips? My pattern isnt just a little bad, but extremely bad as a default. I guess I'm gonna actually go to a doctor about this one.
  15. He would tweet that no matter what I reckon. I only say this because it's the sort of thing my mum would do, and she reminds in a few ways of how people like Trump talk. You lie about the positive outcome having happened, because other people believing it makes it more likely to happen. He's also a very impatient person. He has no capacity to wait to see what happens. He has to jump to a conclusion immediately. If he's temporarily feeling better for just one moment, he'll probably get excited like a child and exclaim he's close to getting cured. Nothing wrong with that though haha
  16. Sat 03/10/2020 01:03 Meditation doesn't do much for me it seems. Maybe it's because I don't do it regularly. It's soft stuff. I still feel like I'm in the relative. Nothing getting deconstructed. I prefer the Peter Ralston or Jed McKenna style I suppose, it seems now.
  17. If Trump died, it would leave a sour taste in my mouth. Like there were loose ends, or that this social enigma wasn't properly concluded and resolved. Almost like I honour Trump as the villain in some book, and want to see this end "gracefully". I'm scared of the uncertainty and chaos. But would it really be such a bad thing if he died? I don't know. In the back our minds, the devilish sides of us, secretly wish for disaster or chaotic events to happen. I know I do. There's a reason people like to speculate about doomsday and catastrophies. Because a small part of them wants them to happen. --- Someone medical may want to fact check this, but I've heard that if someone does die from covid, it may take over 2 weeks. Or even 10 days. Might be a long wait before we find out! Or a short one. Whether he lives or dies.
  18. @Michael569 I have not seen Lord of the rings yet. I will read it, one day. @mandyjw Wait a second, did you get that insight about moby dick on your own or was it something you heard about from jed mckenna? Also mandyjew, I discovered your YouTube channel. I saw a video of it on this forum like a month ago, liked the energy, subbed. Only recently did I figure out it was you lol.
  19. The real question here is "Would it be better if Trump dies or not?" My opinion is that its better if he doesn't die. Otherwise there will be even more division and chaos. Anyone here have a case for why it would be better if he died from this?
  20. Thanks for the replies all @mandyjw Yeahhhh someone else I talked to about this described my problem as jet lag as well. Whats wrong with vitamin D at night? My body thinks im awake because sunlight on skin makes vitamin D? @RoseBand Valerian root is my sedative. @Michael569 I guess I should try opening up the grief more. I think for me, it's triggered a mini relapse of depressive-like symptoms. @Opo @Espaim Yeah blue light filters all the way. A boring book, good idea lol. I remember my mom used to suggest that to me as a kid.
  21. Just saying it in case, but not all psychopaths are criminals and serial killers. Yeah, some people seem to be biological psychopaths. Many can have an alright upbringing and be civilised into being law abiding. --- I feel like this topic is starting to not really go anywhere. What is your actual question here? Because I don't believe your intention is to just stop at wondering whether serial killers are born or made. Is it perhaps you're wondering what the difference between being authentic and being highly conscious? Or wondering why God made some people born like this? I think @blankisomeone summed it up. At the theoretical max (which I don't know if many serial killers have reached), it's authentically unconscious. It's not common for a human to have this be "authentic" for them. If we were talking about some alien species with different brain chemistry and natural psychology, then the convo might be different. But as far as the human goes, serial killing isn't generally genuine for him. Often it's something they do for pleasure or to escape pain, I highly doubt that many humans will reach enlightenment, overcome all their neurosis, and then want to go rape and murder some hookers. Or perhaps they're authentically unenlightened? Is lack of self-doubt and hesitation what it means to be authentic?
  22. It's deformed ego. All the unholy factors lined up to make a monster. Extremely bad environment growing up, combined with possibly bad genes. These serial killers, the killing is their form of unhealthy coping and expression for whatever negative feelings they have. It's not authentic, it's cowardice to face oneself and face truth. In extreme cases, their level of consciousness is so unbelievably low, they're mentally ill and they may as well be walking corpses. --- Now on a slightly different note. I think one can separate the general notion of murder or killing from pathology of a serial killer (who kills for the sake of actualising some violent or sexual fantasy) I think that for a human, the desire to murder for the sake of murder "isn't authentic".
  23. @Consept What is to be done is the distinguishing of the dogmas from what is part of an investigation into truth. If someone posts about their insights, it isn't there for you to believe them, or for you to just commend them because they delivered poetry that you find pleasant on the ears. For then it's just entertainment and a distraction. It comes down to what difference what the person is saying makes. Leo says "you are God". But the only way to get to there if it's so is more consciousness, the takeaway isn't that I go believing it.
  24. @Yarco to answer the question, yes. Why should anyone invest their energy into creating prejudices about who or who cannot be high consciousness, it's petty gatekeeping. As for those economic things you were talking about. I guess the policy should be different for every country. I'm not gonna assume what covid means economically. I don't know. All I can say is that it'll probably end up being the case everyone handles it differently. I'm no economist, what do I know. I think that in certain countries it might be impossible or not beneficial for the government to impose a lockdown which actually works. I know that in Pakistan for example, those motherfuckers ain't ever gonna comply with an effective lockdown. Kids missing out on school for a year? .... bitch please, they're given a respite before slavery resumes.