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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. Screw you bitch, I should be the one asking asking you this. How do I know you're real? Prove it to me right now !
  2. @Michal__ Have you changed, or are in the processing of changing, your eye color?
  3. @Eren Eeager It's a shame because the Quran is close to being a lot better. It emphasis tawheed and oneness a lot, but it contradicts all wisdom in that by creating the duality between humans and god. And you aren't exactly told to realise the oneness of yourself with your external surroundings.
  4. Perhaps it is the accumulated pressure of resisted feelings that causes brain chatter
  5. @SpYITB Yes, it's a very hard hitting post, very truthful to my own experience and insights. My last enlightenment experience, it was awareness of immortality (and that there's no one here but me) which scared me the most. And this post has reminded me of it, my brain has kind of chosen to forget that experience I had since it was traumatic. Even now, I can sense I block myself from feeling that truth as it is. Even when I was a small kid, the idea of eternal life in heaven scared me. Terrified the living shit out of me. I just hoped God had a button I could press to just "switch off" and die because eternity is madness and scary. I pray to God that upon dying and living my life to its natural completion, I just die and switch off forever. But after that awareness of nothingness being immortal, I can't say I'm hopeful.
  6. Touché. Investigation of science leads to the investigating mathematics for me now. All physics and materialism images, it is sum of parts thinking. It is dualistic barriers and partitions erected in physical space. Space as it is on a piece of paper or 3D space, you draw lines with a pencil and can draw shapes. But the sum of the shapes never exceeds the space to begin with. Sum of the parts thinking, meta-generalisation of "principle of superposition". --- Does a ball move or does space move around a ball? ---- Physical space and drawing lines in it seems to be mental image I have for what the substrate is behind materialism images. But pursuing whatever analogy here is now a dead end, another angle to move onto.
  7. @actualizing25 you are noticing something. However, I will say that what you're calling "the path of understanding" is superior to "the path of enlightenment". Because in the latter people are mindlessly adopting someone else's, or some tradition's, formula or method for finding truth. Unless you are inherently detached from the mythologies and beliefs which become inherent to many of these traditions you can absorb yourself in, you'll be deluded. That said, learn from them, and if there's a vast gold mine, then stay in that gold mine as is neccesary. But remember, this tradition and its concepts isn't the only place or step by any means.
  8. How can I tangibly understand science as being limited when in my ordinary life, physics is the reason my phone or car works? If I crash my car badly enough, and injure my physical body badly enough, I'll die. Biology is the reason I'm able to exist as this organism as I am right now. You yourself acknowledge the biology of psychedelics and brain chemistry, and how psychedelics are that critical to your teachings. Is the logical explanation that, science as I see it simply an occurrence within God/nothingness? And that there's no contradiction? It's just that "science" and different mathematical formulas aren't the crux of reality, but rather it is a relative thing compared to the direct consciousness of Nothingness which this is all happening within?
  9. Wow this was absolutely beautiful. Time to face my first enemy tomorrow, when I tell my mother the truth about my religious beliefs. Edit: The deed has been done.
  10. @moda__ Play a single player game. Like witcher 3.
  11. @Chi_ The concept of this video is hilarious. I couldn't have asked for a more funny crossover. This is what's lovely about Sadhguru's style. He can communicate with just about anyone. Even if I don't think he's the best teacher if you're serious about spiritual work.
  12. I've found snippets and clips of his lectures on YouTube. I saw that on his official website, his full lectures are essentially completely held secret by a ludicrously high pay wall. With there being hundreds of lectures, but each lecture being twice as expensive as one of his books. Although there is a book form of the content in all his lectures, which just means that it's the audio format they protect. So I'm now thinking about books. There are two which stick out to me from the get go. His "Letting go: the pathway to surrender", and his "Healing and Recovery" book for various illnesses. I'll perhaps go with these two for now. David Hawkins is an amazing sage, I'm a little apprehensive about his model and use of numbers for levels of consciousness. I've heard these things about muscle testing and am a bit apprehensive to say the least. But that said. Other books I've thought about are power vs force, truth vs falsehood and devotional non-duality. Not sure to what extent those first two books just mentioned overlap in material.
  13. @Leo Gura the seeing of things as a 'mental activity' of God's mind...or the seeing of things as being created... Maybe this is outside the realm of most of what I've experienced. With my peak states being more about no-self and isness rather than this process called imagination or creation. Because to my logical mind, creation sounds like an imposition on is-ness. Where the word implies a cause and an effect, an if and a then. A becoming, rather than a being....... This chain of thought is going nowhere, scrapped.
  14. @Leo Gura What's the significance of the word imaginary? That it's fictitious? Or is it a reference seeing the process of creation being done? Or something else?
  15. @Parththakkar12 it is the "doomer" meme. This nihilism and apathy permeates the atmosphere in the memes and Internet communication of so many young people. I think the doomer meme is one of the best representations of what's being talked about. It's in the rick and morty meme. In the "gamers vs society" and "joker" memes. It's also in incels and red pill. "coomer" meme, dopamine instant gratification. Can't you feel it all being and coming together?
  16. @Someone here It's intention and effort. In my experience the method doesn't really matter. We all know what needs to be done but we don't do it. Your method doesn't matter. The universe will set down the keys you really need in front of you. My most recent mystical experience came in the form of a dream last night. In my dream, I was captured by terrorists after being shot. And I was scared I could die at any moment. And the genuine fear of death, it shocked me into intense gratitude and appreciation for life and the present moment. So within the dream I entered a mystical state. Knowing that life can be taken away just like that. And I woke up feeling refreshed with a good day. ---- I hesitate to give this speculation, but I shall anyway. It feels as though any method only unlocks and unleashes whatever you yourself "built up" and "accumulated". However the effort can be done and built up, ready to be unleashed, in doing the method as well. I haven't quite made sense of it. This is my experience with methods of meditation and kundalini yoga. Albeit I'm no regular guy with these things as of late.
  17. The only thing I get pissed about with Google is when I'm searching for information on a topic and I'm met with a brick wall of search results consisting of pop journalism and opinion pieces. To be able to sift through the garbage quickly, it's a skill to have and I need to develop.
  18. @Thestarguitarist14 yeah season 1 of Psycho Pass is the gold. Makishima made the series. Season 2 had 1 or 2 moments but not the same at all. I haven't seen S3
  19. Evangelion is THE non-duality anime imo. For a philosophical anime I'd say Psycho Pass is my favourite.
  20. Yeah @mandyjw makes a good point that you should think about what you should eat rather than thinking about what you shouldn't eat. Pursuing healthy food. Whether you should beat the pig or hug the pig or both, I don't know. I'm still figuring myself out.