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lmfao replied to lmfao's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Like a lot of people are saying here, it's fantasy bullshit. I was just shocked to stumble upon this rabbit hole mid conversation with someone and realise they weren't joking or talking metaphorically, and that they literally believed all this. If you wanted to further rationalise it, jungian shit about projections probs. Already present archetypes/(archetypes being patterns of survival and being common to the humans) which are being presented and explained in an alternative story and myth to the myths I'm used to seeing. If you like to think of things in that way. -
lmfao replied to lmfao's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura I am stuck on the idea of objective reality in a way. Am lacking in experience with what this imagination stuff apparently is. Although I do have strong experience of reality being dream stuff, but that state of consciousness was temporary. I'm seeing two different yet also linked things here, beliefs versus 'imagination'. I have the example of being a fundamentalist muslim. I used to strongly believe in the doctrine, and had mystical experiences from engaging in prayer. So my beliefs and my dedication to them, they created experiences which validated it. Christian mystics who pray intensely can get some "actuality" of their beliefs to manifest through their dedication, whether it is a vision of Jesus or something. So if your beliefs are strong enough and you're (concentrated?) on them strong enough, you can get things to manifest or be imagined I guess. That said though. For 99.99% of people, belief systems like Islam or Starseeds won't manifest things into reality with as strong as an existence as, let's say, this chair or computer in front me. Like there are levels and degrees to this manifestation/actuality shit. But that doesn't mean nothing is manifested through these beliefs, but I get focused on and see that most belief systems and their effects on perception on people aren't powerful enough to compete with the material reality I see in front of me. But I guess that's a bias I have perhaps. That I consider the imagination of a chair more real and true than the imagination of perceptual distortions on reality from belief systems. These belief systems, they literally warp and change your consciousness. And like you said, this goes deeper into the whole believing and imagining I'm a human thing. ---- Another particular example I've been curious about is chakras. I don't know whether it's because suggestions of chakras were implanted in my mind that I get experiences where my chest or forehead tingles. Experiences of chakra and kundalini, I wonder whether these things would exist whether I believed in them or not the same way this "chair stuff" exists whether I believe in it or not. I don't know. -
@The Don Donald and his party didn't do enough about Covid. He's chronically lied, denied reality and more people died than they needed to. When coronavirus first came, Trump didn't have the capacity to act intelligently. Because that would require admitting that this virus is a threat and that everyone needs to act meek. Fascists don't act meek or submissive to even a virus, it would be seen as a sign of weakness. That's narcissistic he is, that he denies reality and facts. Juvenile psychology. Trump and his supporters engage in active misinformation and fake news campaigns. They relish in making facts irrelevant to discussion. Whenever a good democratic talks, they talk in terms facts and figures. Facts about healthcare, wealth, judicial court statistics and policing statistics. Republicans on the other hand don't engage with reality, it's emotional hysteria. Wanna know why they attack journalism so much and deny reality? Why they spread fake news articles all the time? Because if they engaged with reality, their shit policies and positions would fall apart (except for their opinion on guns, they're right with that). Republicans want to live in a post truth world. If republicans had their way, abortion rights will be taken away. They don't see a problem with authoritarian police and black people being oppressed. Yet you've brainwashed into this fake patriotism, thinking authoritarianism and oppression represents freedom and liberty? Give me a break, you're full of shit.
Good post, very accurate. Here's how you can troll back the far righters ----- STOP COUNTING VOTES IT'S FRAUD NOOOOO PLEASE STOP
lmfao replied to Gneh Onebar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Facts, dude's a warmonger -
To be fair to them, I could see all of us doing a group prayer session if Joe Biden was about to lose lmao.
lmfao replied to SonataAllegro's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@SonataAllegro Good question. I would like to know as well. Also. Sadhguru's audience is that of normies. He doesn't try to teach everyone how to become enlightenment. He teaches higher quality of living. And if those are his goals, and he's assuming you have a normal temperament, and he might just be deluded, then i don't follow his advice. -
My understanding is that Trump supporters have bought into a strange narrative that Trump is a man of the people. That he will shit on all the liberal elites. I'm not sure who these "Liberal elites" are and what they hate about them. This feels like my guess of Nazi Germany in a way. Rather the Jews, we have the Liberal elites. A fictitious enemy weaved of misplaced energy. Where that energy is coming from I don't know. Trump got his popularity through mocking the liberals. But why how that worked, I don't understand the mechanics of. It's a weird phenomena probably structured like the start of a fascist revolution. What the Trump supporters are worried of, it's not a large step away from a narrative that is essentially identical in structure to "The Jewish question" or "The Jewish problem". --- I'm impressed by David Pakman's language. He described trumps followers as "magic/mythical", tribal and then describing a stage red/blue mindset.
@Forestluv he's pretty intelligent when it comes to working up a crowd, manipulating and insulting his opponents.
lmfao replied to Gneh Onebar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@John Doe The inbreeding thing is pretty tragic. I know people who've married their cousins and their children have turned out with problems. I know this old woman, two out of three children ended up dying young and had disabilities. Idk about India but its fairly common in Pakistan -
@Chrism I see it as a lesser of two evils sort of thing. I'm open to being wrong. My current thinking is that default human nature, as it is right now, wouldn't do well in anarchy. Humans, me included, are currently too selfish to not end up in ugly conflicts and wars. And how will criminals be punished? People will turn to vigilantism, excessive punishment or no punishment. I also think that you'll end up with more corruption and things worse than government. If you remove government, armed groups of thugs will form. And they will fight with each other non stop for control over territory. And these groups of thugs will be like dictators, will be brutal and far more corrupt that regular government we currently have. And here's the funny thing. Eventually you might get one group of armed thugs which kills all the other groups of armed thugs, and then that one group controls everyone. Where are we now? Back to square, we have government again. Except this government is not democratic and is far more degenerate. You might say to me "don't you believe in the infinite potential of humans, isn't this view of yours pessimistic?". I do believe in the potential of humans, I just don't think anarchy is the route and it won't work. Humans can still grow psychologically, we can still transform government into something higher consciousness. I see humanity regressing in terms of intelligence and higher consciousness values. Standard of living decreases, there's even more corruption as armed groups of thugs call the shots. Imagine having to pay money everytime you dial 911. Or imagine having a ruler who can do ANYTHING without consequence. If Trump decides to rape or murder someone, he can be criminally prosecuted provided there's enough evidence. There are checks and balances for people who abuse power. Is it perfect? Absolutely not. But it's better than 0 checks and balances. Standard of living will be lower. No maintenance of roads, etc.
And so if we're given this democracy, it's important we read the instruction manual about how to use it. Yes or no?
Anarchism doesn't work. Rather than human consciousness upgrading, things will degrade. I understand the arguments of many anarchists. It's just deontological idealism.
It's going to be 76 days of hell until inauguration. Whoever loses, no side will concede and they will fight till the end. There's this debacle with mail in ballots, undelivered votes, votes arriving before or after the 3rd November, etc. Maybe Trump will complain the votes were counted too slowly or something. Riots but no civil war. Alex Jones and loads of conspiracy theorists were partially correct.. That there will be "80 days of hell" after the election results. Although, Alex Jones is looking like he might wrong about Republicans being declared winner and Democrats would contest it. As of making this post it's looking like it will be the other way around (I might end up being wrong though) Some of them think that Dems and GOPs will be in such conflict that the UN army will come in and oust trump though hahaha. I don't think its that extreme but there will be unrest. Regardless though. I feel like a winner will be declared, someone will be declared president by the deadline for a new term. The conspiracy theories are that both Biden and Trump committed fraud so that they could contest the election if they lose (and blame fraud on the other person). We will see what happens. If you want to go Lefty conspiracy mode on all this. Both sides will declare themselves the winner (Democrats being the real winners) , massive unrest and almost civil war. Then the army who is pro-Trump will usurp the country and put him in power.
When I talk to most people, I am not convinced they are good for the sake of being good. They are good because they are scared of others. I don't automatically believe or trust in people's, or my own, self proclaimed thoughts and feelings about things, because I lie and act on programming, and I see it in others. I may scream, cry, be offended about something, but what is hurt may just be an image. And the image is to be overcome. (I'm not trivialising my own suffering to trivialise the suffering of others that I cause. I'm just elaborating on how I don't trust people's beliefs and world view.) I can see that there is a selfish reason to being good, that you cultivate relationships and bonds that you value. But I wonder if anything lies beyond that. Guilt is useless, shame is useless, being scared is useless. I see that my entire life I've been a coward and liar. If karma exists I'm not conscious of it. If love is the answer then I am not conscious of it. When being social, I now realise that I've always been a liar and manipulator. But everyone else is as well but doesn't see it. I will do my best to not lie I just wonder, what is beyond the transactional and selfish nature of being social. I think I've uselessly been thinking out loud or framing questions which get me nowhere. Underlying this attitude seems to be hurt and being closed off, but a path towards it I can't see. Perhaps I will wait untill I find a way to get LSD or something one day. I just occasionally enter a state of being where I have no remorse or can't have a conscience.
I doubt it. Predicting that the results of an election will be contested is hardly controversial. It's already happening. And the rest is me offering speculation. At most a thread lock buddy.
It's going to be 80 days of hell until inauguration. Whoever loses (and its looking like Trump), no side will concede and they will fight till the end. Alex Jones and loads of conspiracy theorists were semi-right. That there will be "80 days of hell" after the election results. Ofc Alex Jones is looking like he might wrong about which party would be declared winner and which would contest it. Some of them think that Dems and GOPs will be in such conflict that the UN army will come in and oust trump though hahah. I dont think its that extreme but there will be unrest. A winner will be declared, someone will be declared president by the deadline for a new term. The conspiracy theories are that both Biden and Trump committed fraud so that they could contest the election if they lose (and blame fraud on the other person). We will see what happens
I guess legalising psychedelics could be a single issue voting style lmao. Blowing people's brains out with spirituality.
Yeah but a lot of that has been proven wrong rn. I'm using the 538 map as well but its obvious that it isnt to be depended on solely rn.
The results so far have been pretty rough lol. Florida and Ohio lost. Arizona looks like a win though. Wi, mi and Pa look scary at first glance, but I have no clue whats going on with what districts and which type of votes are being counted first.
lmfao replied to Psychventure's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@The0Self Jesus christ man. Don't worry, you're not crazy. Life's crazy. I'm sure I could have been locked up in a hospital if a few little variables changed and butterfly effect, considering how destabilising this all is. No yeah, I was driven by suffering and being in a hell state of mind. I was just sitting outside in my garden, reading, put the book down down (because reading wasn't helping me feel better), and inquiring when extremely desperate to escape from my hell. What was your strong experience like? My main problem is instability so like, I'm just taking care of the physical and social world. The spiritual and existential world will always follow me, I probably couldn't avoid its calling if I wanted. So I'll just let that happen. I feel there are points of no return, where what's seen will never be unseen. And you'll always invariably be drawn to it again. But you can't really describe it someone else or someone who hasn't felt it, because it seems outlandish and like a fantasy. The daunting, but perhaps lovely thing, is that you can't turn away from it. It hits you over the back of the head. Ramana Maharshi: "Your Head is already in the Tiger's Mouth. There is no escape" -
lmfao replied to Psychventure's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nah I'm not liberated. Yeah it was inquiry likewise here. Good if it was permenant for you I guess? (Unless you're in a weird dark night of the soul from it). The state of consciousness was so different and alien to my normal state of consciousness, that my brain has sort of "erased it" from my memory or suppressed it. The experience was so weird that my brain has compartmentalised it into fantasy and dissociated from it. Time and self felt radically different. My perception of vision was distorted (not hallucinations but there was distortion. Everything felt like a dream/fantasy despite it being reality. Maybe things looked like they were whiter hue or my eyes would space out, I can't remember) , and trying to remember this all, I think it's like a drunk person trying to remember a black out. The quote "truth is stranger than fiction" can chill you to your bones if you experience certain things. I looked at myself in the mirror and didn't feel connected to it. I think that feeling is the "trauma" I'm defending myself against. No one for sure but me can know what I was going through, so no one can advise about what I should do, I'm just simplifying my life, taking care of survival first. -
lmfao replied to Psychventure's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Psychventure There is the seeing of one's own true nature. Of being infinite nothingness. And if you see it well enough, you'll see that this infinite nothingness (which is everything) is immortal. And so it is that I know that this nothingness will never die. Physical death is an illusion. Me, Mujtaba, my human self with a name might die. I don't know. Whether I have a "soul" which will reincarnate I don't know, but that's a lower order structure to structureless infinity/nothingness. My true self won't die. Naturally this is a scary thing when seeing. I was traumatised by the directness of the experience and my mind keeps itself distracted from seeing this constant truth. -- The prospect of living forever terrified me a lot when I was younger. I used to be a very religious Muslim. And I thought about Heaven. That I would be there forever. And forever feel terrifying. And I hoped that God at least has the decency to give me a button which I can press to just sleep or die. Continuing on with what is nonetheless just an intellectual chain and making myself feel comfortable. If I already have existed forever, then what is there to fear for the future. -
@Carl-Richard Bruhhhh I'm legit saving this thank you