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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. Pardon the coarse title but I came across a whole new rabbit hole of ideology and conspiracy thinking when on the interwebs I'm talking to this person about their spiritual beliefs. Conversation started with me asking what a "starseed" is, since she thinks she is one and buys into it. This girl believes in this system where most humans in their past lives lived as aliens. There are all these difference races, and you can find out what race you were. She thinks we was a reptile in space. She thinks that the "God" of the bible is a hivemind of 144,000 different gods/elohim and that this God is involved in an extraterrostial space war, and that she's neutral to this entity, although in her past life she was abused and controlled by this God. What she said is in quotes I CANT . I JUST CANT LIKE WTF IS ORION WARS. THIS IS SOME DR WHO SCIENCE FICTION. My fucking brain. It hurts. I can't. Like I have no words. My mouth is left wide open by the ludicrously of their worldview.You know when someone is so crazy and or so far away that you have no words (I have more quotes and beliefs from her but don't want to post too much out of respect and privacy. But she has an elaborate story about what race she was, the exact happenings of a particular space government, genocides which occurred in space, wars, etc) ---------- https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Main_Page https://bibleproject.com/videos/elohim/ WHAT IS THIS NEW RABBIT HOLE. WHY DOES IT EXIST. --------------- I'm gonna keep talking to this person now and then it's interesting. Maybe I'll uncover something, I have no clue. ----------- Back to the main question at hand What is up with these new agers and whacky space belief systems? What the hell is going on here? Why does or how does anyone end up in this shit? I'm not familiar at all with these new age circles, whacky space shit. My brain is literally just fried by this shit. I discovered a whole new world of wackiness and peculiarity.
  2. @X_X I'm trying to get in touch with my own death too. Awareness of death is a universal spiritual practice. I think your question is the same as asking "How can I stay mindful?", it's an ongoing process. If it was easy to stay mindful there wouldn't be the need for any of this. Death awareness goes together with an intense awareness of the present moment. That this moment is it, and you aren't beguiled by thoughts about future and past. We all live our lives in denial of death, distracting ourselves from it. That denial of death allows us to be consumed by distractions and scattered attention, untill suddenly you're lying down your death bed, realising you let it slip away. By taking death out of life, hiding it, it allows us to live unconsciously. Death is the ultimate reminder, the ultimate imperative to not remain in the dream state. Typing this all out, it's been a reminder to me to remain vigilant. "momento mori". @r0ckyreed had a good suggestion.
  3. @Keyhole Fair enough. I probably won't go out my way to do lots of research and practice for experiencing aliens. It would be a tricky journey, and my main focus is enlightenment. If it comes up it comes up.
  4. All the free information and novelty, I think it taxes the brain, dopamine more specifically perhaps. As far as explanations go for dummies, drugs are addictive due to dopamine system being abused. Apparently, its a statistical fact that smoking is more addictive than other hardcore drugs. Because with smoking, you can take puffs very frequently 24/7. And some other drugs don't have such a frequent and regular input, hence less addictive. But the Internet, that's like taking puffs very frequently. Every scroll, click, etc, your brain treats it like a slot machine. Since you have to sift through information and posts you pay attention to from those you won't pay attention to. So there's uncertainty in reward - - - - > dopamine high of a gambler. Obviously that's a little bit of an exaggeration with calling every scroll or click a slot machine, but in the grand scheme of things that's how it works when put together and flowing. We've all had that experience of scrolling and scrolling, looking for something. That's the slot machine at work. And the when your dopamine is wrecked, your motivation and ability to take action is worsened
  5. @Preety_India I don't know how it was for you in India but my cousins in Pakistan were exactly like this with over the top flattery and compliments lmao
  6. @JayySur The Donald indeed has some good people skills. He's amassed a following and a crowd. Donald talking in regular conversation is a likeable talking salesman. They butter you up a bit, feed your ego a bit of reinforcement. It's a way of saying "hey, you're like my tribe or family" and building a bond. A very simple thing that is apart of socialising Everyone does that buttering people up and reinforcing people's self esteem to them as well, but not in the same way that Donald does it necessarily. Because with some people like Donald, their flattery can be over the top. It's overcompensating, those people can be the snakiest.
  7. Yep. The algorithms and etc might be a big problem. The people I happened to find were actually insane, and it's unfortunate that it's only the crazies who speak. I obviously won't link the social media thread for the sake of anonymity. They're just children. They unironically tried to tell me "transphobia" (thinking sex=gender) is not even an opinion and got angry when I referred to such people as having their own points of view or opinion. They said that if someone THINKS sex=gender they shouldn't be able to work as a doctor or teacher. Doesn't matter if the person is respectful and professional with the trans people in their class. Most people have that level of respect for another person. But nope, they want this1984 orwellian shit. And the crazy thing is, they get all the likes and support for saying that. By their own logic, they could fire half the Muslim immigrants who work as doctors. But they conveniently ignore those points I make. Their logic is retarded. Why don't we fly to Africa and fire every sexist doctor? We'd cleanse the world of sexism! For extreme SJWs, the females are animus possessed, the males are anima possessed of the extreme SJWs. When a female is animus possessed, they become inflexible and rigid. And these simps and beta males, they see angry female and submit. I'm not making this situation up. A fat bald dude who's only posts on their profile are literally about Star Wars, Communism and Che Guevera quotes is telling me that I'm complicit in the murder of trans people because I don't want a professor to lose their job over an innocuous twitter argument. This guy is a walking reddit post. --- I've learnt things for in the future now. If I see something unfair happening, I'll speak up. I just won't bend or play their games and get dragged down to their level of dirt. You know what they say about wrestling with a pig. A lot of normies are scared to say anything. I'll lyse, and lie around, their echochamber, so at least there's someone saying "fuck off" to them. Because they are disconnected from reality and cause harm.
  8. The reason I'm thinking about it. Some professor at my university sided with a TERF on some debate on twitter, and now people want him to lose his job. People hadn't even seen what he wrote, or what the debate was, but they knew they wanted this guy to lose his job ( someone anonymously said on a community page they found a professor doing this, but didnt give any more details than I've stated in this post) Had a discussion with someone in the comments. They think that If a doctor or teacher is 'transphobic' (to them this will mean that you think sex=gender) they should be fired. Wtf is that bullshit? By that logic you could fire half the muslim immigrant doctors in your country. I'm a lefty, anti-prejudice to all minorities. But when I see this braindead stuff, I lose faith. People are incredibly stupid. Like idk if 90% of people are literally capable of stage yellow. Educated or non educated, it doesn't change that much. They just become more competent parrots for some ideology. What's the best way to calm cancel culture? What's the pathology going on? These people are mindless robots who gather in mobs of support when you push the right emotional buttons and say the right buzzwords. I know this applies to other political groups as well, but I'm curious about this phenomena of cancel culture specifically. I'm familiar with dealing with dysfunctional blue and orange, but not for dysfunctional green so much. It gets on my nerves a lot when communalism is a proxy for maliciousness, a type of hypocrisy that annoys me. Seeing these two extremes between fascist Trump supporters and whimp snowflakes who want to cancel everything. Does nobody think for themselves? Left or right, most people act like they're computer programs.
  9. I can't forcefully make people see things, those sort of expectations don't work. I need the mentality of speaking from my truth rather than trying to show someone how they're retarded, because I'm retarded by engaging at the level of trying to prove them wrong Don't worry though, I'm well aware of "which side" I'm with overall. Can't get attached to the bickerings of people or every incident. I get annoyed by this stuff because for whatever reason, some of these snowflake types are the perfect key to trigger me, ironic when I criticise them for the same thing. When people resort to emotional hysteria and tribe mentality, like I see with niche cancel culture folks, that's my shadow as something I dislike greatly. Don't get it confused, the emotional hysteria and tribe mentality of conservatives pisses me off as well. But the particular flavour of this small niche crowd of fanatics is a trigger. At the end of the day I'm very individualistic in temperament and am skeptical of my own and other's emotions. Because our emotions are often fake, and we all lie like hell. It serves well for truth and spirituality but not so well when it comes to this tribal shit.
  10. @Keyhole Good reminder, thanks The way I see it, censorship often shows a lack of trust. It breeds so much mistrust. To assume any utterance of any "bad" word or phrase is indicative of malicious intent, means that one walks thinking everyone has malicious intent. The level of mistrust in a room in a language controlled one, vs a free one, is night and day. I want to be in a room where there is real honesty and acceptance, not this fake shit from the woke crowd. Just kidding, the only problem is Soros and his zionist friends ; ) @Osaid noted friend.
  11. True, I guess it's all apart of the process. I'm just amazed by the diversity. We have psuedo-fascism on one hand, yet these cancel culture people are so unpragmatic and disconnected from what's required to heal. But just gotta accept the war going on. --- @Osaid Sounds like a good book
  12. @Roy True, very good advice. Just gotta let it go. I think cancel culture triggers one of my core traumas or fears, which is mob mentality. The idea of being lynched by a mob with group think, or being oppressed by group think. And so I get angry when I see it happening to others. That people are so unfathomably dumb.
  13. What's key to this work is a phrase called "grounded openness" I got from Ralston. Most people rarely even approach the true essence or master any of those words, let alone both those words. Despite those two words being seemingly paradoxical, they completely go together in their true essence. If you're completely grounded, you have to be extremely open since you know how much you don't know. You can find many people all over the Internet who are high in openness, whether they're intellectual or artistic, etc. But they are often not grounded. I've seen many examples of this. One pattern I've seen a few times is when I see people talking about non-duality, spirituality, psychology, but you can completely see that this isn't real to them. It's almost like they don't believe what they're even saying. To them it's a whimsical fantasy, very different to an earnest truth seeker who is dead serious. Extremely wishy washy, aimless and dithering. A lack of sincerity and vitality. The lack of vitality and 'immediateness' is due to the fact that they don't have direct experience with the topic. Another pattern I've seen of high openness people are just verbal autists, who are completely stuck in their own head of concepts and logic that they miss what's right in front of them. Like, they get into the dumbest semantic debates and are completely disconnected from direct consciousness, emotions and their body. Completely stuck in concepts and arguing with concepts, and have no capacity for anything else. Conspiratorial people and believers of fringe ideologies aren't that high in openness in my experience. They're just misguided. On average they're more open perhaps, but many are not.
  14. @blankisomeone Many a poetic, emotional and thoughtful people have committed suicide. If you felt your life was reaching an end or conclusion, anyone would become existential and emotional. Often times the people who are most disturbed and in suffering are the most existential and romantic. (Careful not to draw an arrow of causality there) You see, there's one big romance all humans invariably have. And that's the ego. Deep down, we are in love with our life story and our own journey. We don't find anything as interesting as ourselves. And this is universally a source of emotion, poetic ramblings, etc.
  15. So you were a monkey then and a monkey now? ---- Meanwhile, on planet zeta reticulum X-96E "Dude, I had this crazy ass vision I was an intelligent ape in a past life" "Stop speaking nonsense, only Squirrels have the faculty of reason "
  16. @Keyhole Holy fucking shit that was intense lmao. I only got up to 4. there, you wrote a lot. << Was everything in these brackets something you were channeling?>>. When did you write all this? . Also, what is channeling? Is it letting an energy possess you and run wild (so there's minimal premeditation, hesitation, or input from the regular personality otherwise), whilst surrendering the other energies? That was quite articulate and lateral, with the sheer volume of images and metaphors you were throwing at once, pretty impressed tbh. I'm not sure if it's just me, but I got disturbed vibes from your large post. Depersonalisation / derealisation / dissociation vibes I feel from it. How are you feeling? Back to what you wrote in your first two messages as well. What are these high level "downloads"? Is it where closed doors in your consciousness open up, and you experience a new quality(s)/dimension(s)? I've had that before, but that I don't visualise or feel or sense other entities. I've had insights before or mystical experiences, so I'm trying to probe what exactly is meant by this whole alien thing. Where does the idea of entities or aliens come from? I've heard people see elves and aliens when on DMT. So I get that aspect, but is there anything else which points towards these entities? Is this your main experience of them?
  17. The split second Biden is in office, it's back to talking about these establishment liberals.
  18. @Roy There are these permutations of doomer thinking and conspiracy thinking that are common now. It goes together a little a bit with this "post-truth politics/world" we're in. People are so distrusting of journalism and facts that any all attempts to assert something are seen as pointless. It's a gross error. And in the absence of facts, where both sides are seen as equal, people resort to emotional hysteria, picking a side to shit on the other. I kind of hate that a particular kind of conspiracy thinking has become more mainstream. I preferred it when conspiracy thinking was limited to YouTube videos about 9/11, not how it is now. Where normies have hijacked it and it's become nothing but a political tool and applied to literally everything.
  19. Another sort of poetic line on this topic. If something from nothing is happening now (you can see nothingness in your experience right now and the somethings), then something from nothing can happen "later" and so you can still have experience after death. This leap of logic into "later" though, it's more of a mind opener. The main thing is about seeing the nothingness and somethingness now.
  20. @DreamScape What was this energetic direct experience like? And what were these intuitions before you heard the conceptual knowledge from others? @PurpleTree I've had visions of being a being a tall black man and on another occasion of being a female caucasian who lost her baby in accident . I don't believe any of it or think it's true though either. Interesting you had a vision of being on different planets though .