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Everything posted by lmfao
lmfao replied to WorldlySavage's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Vowsh uploaded a video DEBUNKING this whole foods fool -
lmfao replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@_Archangel_ Thanks for reply, I'll keep pushing. What's "the double position"? -
lmfao replied to Cosmin_Visan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Cosmin_Visan I saw you had a paper called "I am" If you're reading this, let that phrase "I am" eat away your understanding of reality. Besides "I am", or some simple paraphrase like "is", what else can you know is true for sure? Subtract everything you don't know to be true, and become empty. -
Hank Hill if he took a psychedelic
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Only difference between me and him is that I'm not racist to muggles or muggle-born wizards. Well, I try not to be anyway. --- I took another one of these Harry Potter house tests from an official looking website, gave me Slytherin there as well. I guess when answering these questions, I just go for things that reflect gaining personal power and autonomy.
Insert smartass comment that there's no end, beginning , game or god.
lmfao replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I have a question about Maha Mudra, as well as Kriya Pranayama more generally. When doing Kriya Pranayama, you're supposed to constrict your throat when breathing in (ujayi pranayama breathing). As well as constricting the throat, you're using alternate muscles to breathe in it seems. Somewhere in the diaphragm you have to put force/pressure into it. I find that when doing this, I get exhausted afterwards and it's quite strenuous. I feel short for breath when doing it as well ( I try to do 12 in a row without any normal breaths in between) With Maha Mudra, the inhalation is supposed to be around at least 10 seconds (the book says up to 15). There's no instruction in the book about constricting the throat or anything, but to achieve a 10-15 second inhalation you have to force or manipulate your breath in some way. I find it strenuous to force it this way, putting pressure in my throat or diaphragm to do it. And then ofc Maha Mudra is strenuous because of holding the breath, constricting the anus and concentrating with the ohm's. -- Did Kriya Yoga today. After doing Maha Mudra, I still had Kriya Pranayama to do. Whilst doing Kriya Pranayama, my throat was involuntarily vibrating constantly and making my breathing jerky. I realised I was straining too much, and I lowered the pressure. Even still, my throat was slightly vibrating, twitching and jerking. What's going on? Is this just tiring? After doing Kriya Yoga I now feel exhausted -
Only sharing this. Don't know, myself. I've always leaned towards deconstructing attachment in the form of "love".
Seems I'm slytherin. I could see myself being ravenclaw as well but this makes sense. Some part of my shadow is quite arrogant and elitist, so this is in line with that. Also, Hufflepuff is the most bland house lmao. I feel like everyone who read the books agrees.
lmfao replied to Cosmin_Visan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Cosmin_Visan This forum has gotten more dogmatic/lazy over time. But I don't know you, so what I'm seeing may not be the same as what you mean. -
lmfao replied to Flowerfaeiry's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@mandyjw Nice childhood story. Adam and Eve is certainly very interesting. Good questions, I don't know. What my inquiry that day led to was wondering "Is fear desirable?" or "Should I abandon all fear?". Shouldn't I be fearful of things that can cause me physical harm? For example. If you're not careful when driving or walking near or road, you could die if you make a few wrong steps. When fear is so deeply ingrained to this level, how can I hope to fully overcome it? ---- About the Adam and Eve thing. Whilst the story was good for communicating what you wanted to say, you were also considering the story in of in itself, so I feel the need to examine that story. Yahweh, and the Bible in general, is a mish mash of a lot of things. He ranges from pure ignorance on one end to enlightenment on the other end, depending on what part of the bible you're in. And so I don't readily take in mainstream interpretations of these biblical stories, since so much of it is humans projecting their shit onto "god". --- What if Eve never sinned in the first place but believes she sinned? What if reality was never dual but was believed to dual? What does this make us? What does that make this? What nonsensical crap am I even saying at this point. I feel like you could invent a Koan out of this. Or write a rumi poem. -
lmfao replied to Flowerfaeiry's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Flowerfaeiry I had an idiosyncratic insight the other day that any notion of sin or karma engenders fear. We carry unconscious guilt and shame over thinking in one way or another, we have "sinned". Which causes fear that "god" will strike us down in vengeance. The "sin" may be just a shame towards our existence. We believe we have sinned, and so we walk around being fearful of universe, because we're trying to be on guard from god's wrath. This manifests in hyper zero-sum game attitudes towards the world. Where nothing is free or easy, and everyone is always out to get you. -- Whatever beliefs me and you have accumulated and swept under the rug of "karma" aren't true. Maybe some advanced Yogi out there understands what it means in a non-fearful and loving way, but for us, we don't. So it's best discarding it as bullshit. --- The angry god in the old testament and Quran is so fascinating, feels like I'm seeing the unconscious parts of humanity brought to light. The mindset of someone in hell is that they are a sinner and are worried that they've killed god and are divorced from him, because they believe they negative karma or have sinned so much in the past, things are hopeless. In believing you have sinned, you invent and create that conceptual reality for yourself. -
lmfao replied to blankisomeone's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Phoebe's my favourite of the gang right after Chandler. -
lmfao replied to blankisomeone's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@blankisomeone I fucking love friends, that shit is my childhood. I watched this episode not too long ago. Ross is whiny and annoying all the time. Hilarious how Phoebe at the end lost respect for Ross. "Don't get me started on gravity" -
@mmKay I'm not gonna defend astrology because I think it's bullshit but if you talk to the astrology crowd they'll say zodiac sign alone is nothing. What's important are these charts, and you need to enter the exact location and exact time of your birth. With as much as 30 mins or 1hr being a massive difference to how they'll read your chart. I talked to some astrologists to read my chart(s). Some of the things they said were true but some things false or a large stretch at best. One guy said the next 6 years of my life will be "self discovery" before my life enters a phase of romance or love for 7 years. We'll see if he's right, I won't be holding my breath or hoping so.
I skimmed 12 rules for life, it was just an okay self help book. Nothing special, nothing terrible. He had a few interesting analogies and pieces of imagery though. Lobsters being one. Biggest weakness was that it felt narrow and simplistic otherwise, not very insightful. Also his shadow does bleed into it. I'll be skimming Beyond Order perhaps. Not because I care about learning something useful from it. But because I'm invested in the story of this man Jordan Peterson. I want to see if the way he's thinking has changed. It won't achieve anything, this is just my version of following celebrity drama.
lmfao replied to SoonHei's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Is Narendra Modi a good person? -
ACIM bringing out my past trauma with religion into consciousness I haven't been doing ACIM workbook exercises for a long time and instead decided to read the textbook chapters/theory. Due to Christian langauge and themes in it, it unexpectedly triggered or uncovered trauma or fears I had. Because I was a religious Muslim in the past and all that, it seems I have a lot of left over fears. What I still have embedded in my psyche is a punitive and fearful worldview of god. Afraid that god will strike me down for sin. Afraid of being luciferean in my thinking lest god strike inflict vengeance. Made me then realise that any notion of sin or karma engenders fear. You think you have sinned against god, and hence you see the world as a form of vengeance which will strike you at any moment. You walk around thinking the world always has strings attached, which is further elaboration of seeing the world as a place of vengeance. Because in the unconscious is shame about your very own existence and you don't think you're worthy to exist. Funnily enough, the material in ACIM is about undoing exactly that, and I initially projecting all of that onto ACIM. This is all described pretty well in this thing I found. https://facim.org/the-fear-of-god-and-compassion-for-others-part-1/ -- I was also afraid of being dragged into another belief system by reading all this due to all the phrasing, since I had been harmed by belief systems in the past And then I realised a more general fear I had A general fear of mythology, images, stories, beliefs. Fear of being confused, being lost, fear of my own mind and fear of chaos. The strange terminology of "Father", "Son", "Holy Spirit", etc made me all scared whilst reading, untill I saw this other quote in the book. Made me realise that fear of defilement or of dirtying oneself is ultimately falsehood. Which is a fear that you've killed god. Fear being the opposite of love. And then I thought about how hard it is to overcome fear in practice. But I can't bring myself to abandon fear, I tell myself, because there's a purpose to it surely, etc. The world is that harsh. To be fully loving is metaphysical suicide --- I'm not sure what emotion/state is worse than shame in its pure/abstract form. Since shame is the inherent hatred of one's own existence, and that entails self destruction and suicidality eventually
lmfao replied to Ponder's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lol so much shitposting here, seems fun @Ponder Don't let the haters get to you girl -
lmfao replied to Blackhawk's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I find it really strange that when you google Leo Gura the first thing that comes up is RationalWiki, followed by videos made by this random guy called Andreas Carlund who has 600 subs. -
Self proclaimed Certified PhD MBTI Typologist here. MBTI is a very particular way of framing personality, you shouldn't be hoping or aiming to change your MBTI type for growth or self improvement. Second point, it's all so vague and open to interpretation that to take MBTI seriously you have to impose convoluted mental structures and mappings that in the end bear no resemblance to the structures you started off with and built upon.
Human instrumentality is real but the conspiracy theorists been looking outwards rather than inside (Watch Evangelion and EoE, probably one of the most non-dual pieces of fiction, extremely direct metaphor)
@Conscious life My dude, I think you need to just forget about spiral dynamics. You don't need it and it isn't helpful or accurate. We're talking about non-duality and mysticism here. But hey, I might be wrong in denying the use of models. I think what you're looking for could be in Ken Wilbers formulation of "tier 3" stages in his book "the religion of tomorrow". So, Ken Wilber formulates "growing up" (spiral dynamics, jungian shadow integration) as being separate from "waking up" (enlightenment) I haven't read what he's written much, but my guess (which might be wrong, I'm completely guessing) is that tier 3 occurs when growing up and waking up join together. So you need both factors to reach tier 3. Or rather, tier 3 is defined as arising from the union of waking up and growing up and evolution resulting from that. I preface this all with the fact I don't believe any of it, I'm just delivering someone else's worldview.
Someone's been watching Peter Ralston?