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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. @trenton there's a good website/app called "Freedom" which allows you to manage what websites and programs you want blocked on your PC. You have to pay for it, but I've found it worth it. It let's you manage what apps you want blocked on your phone (Google chrome being an app) , but you can't block specific websites the same way. If you want to make the blocking as irreversible as possible for the time period you've picked on your phone, block access to Google Playstore and block access to Settings
  2. @KeyholeThanks fam ?, im guessing and hoping you're talented too. All the communication with 12D Aliens. That would mean we're both on a fast track to literally nothing, lmao. __________________________
  3. @Lyubov Nah, Sadhguru is all about spreading mainstream appeal to spirituality. I don't think he's actually trying to teach everyone how to become liberated. I've heard him say openly that he isn't, but that he's giving everyone a way to slowly get there and not regress in spiritual progress they've made. He used some analogy that most people are playing a game of snakes and ladders, with enlightenment being the goal at the end. And he seems himself as giving teachings which remove the snakes. But it's up to you how quickly you reach the last square, he doesn't see himself as teaching you how to get there. Since he's hindu, I'm presuming he thinks you'll get another lifetime or something to carry over your progress in this lifetime. I'm not sure I believe that You know, psychedelics aside, sadhguru might unironically be quite close to Leo in his view of things. Sadhguru is always talking about chemistry, the "science of bliss" , getting the correct neurochemistry, all that. ____________________________________________ (idk how to delete boxes on mobile)
  4. A rather cliche question I know, but what does that make the meaning of human life then? We're constrained to not become this singularity of consciousness. Someone can live their life just surviving, and then one day you die. I've seen that my true nature is immortal. But the human life is the limited thing which ends. I don't know if there is a point, it just is. I'm assuming solipsism is false here, but animals live their lives and they suffer. They haven't the capacity to realise truth, e.g. A donkey, so they're trapped. Why the trap, why the suffering? During moments of insight, I'll temporarily see that my suffering never really existed. I'll wonder "how on earth did I ever perceive or think there was suffering"? Its this weird thing where when you look at it good enough, it disappears. But maya comes back and the state doesn't last, at least it doesn't for me anyway.
  5. Right, I understand what you're saying better now
  6. Just make a thread whenever you have your ted talk or release a book ?
  7. I find the talk about spiritual talent quite unsettling, since my emotional reaction is hearing someone telling me that I have no talent. And I'm defensive of the notion of talent as it's talked about here because I don't want to believe it and internalise it. So I won't believe it. This talk about talent, and a few other things like states and etc. You can call it me projecting my insecurities (which I can accept) or just not being the right thing for me to hear right now, but it doesn't foster the correct mindset in me. Hearing it talked about this way invokes in me the mindset of playing a relative game which is all about material acquisition of spiritual goodies. Maybe what you guys is saying is 'true' , I don't know, but it doesn't help me to read it since I think it creates an incorrect mindset (Yes yes, no one is forcing me to believe it and this is just my reaction).
  8. It seems like this book won't come out till at least March next year. When that happens, we can gather around again lmao to discuss.
  9. Tfw your rock solid reality is stripped away from you twice with both religion and science.
  10. @RedLine I'd say that love with a lowercase l is characterised by clinginess and neediness.
  11. Oh no, not this again. I'll let David Hawkins explain himself on what he thinks about pure zen types or Ralston types (not that I agree or am passionate about a numerical scale, but the realisation of love aspect. ) --- I'm enjoying this Brendan video though. I definitely agree that trying to use a hawkins scale or something very seriously is stupid I like the bottom half of the model, courage and below. It's kinda like a rough heuristic. I kinda feel like I've "verified" some of the bottom levels. And these levels of consciousness circles are a big trap. -- None of what I've said is related to the crux of the matter, of absolute vs relative, degrees of understanding reality. Just about some of these circles being a trap and not believing in the models.
  12. I've gotten so absorbed on devices like my phone or laptop that even holding them feels like my perception of space-time is distorted. Like a force field being twisted. Spend some time in nature, and the brain fog lifts a little. You form a symbiotic relationship with your phone. You fuse with it, e.g. frequently googling answers. You merge your consciousness with this thing. It's almost like an extra unit installed into your brain. And that analogy will only become more literal as technology advances. Isn't Elon Musk's company working on that "neuralink" thing? -- I wonder what being unfused from technology would feel like. I just use it so often. I don't like having been fused with it. All about having a conscious relationship with it and removing all addictions, at the end of the day.
  13. The important point I've found is to not assume superiority of a higher stage. More complicated than that. Spiral dynamics is mapping changes in people's paradigms. But they're still paradigms. In a sense it's also describing culture/history rather than being descriptive of the inherent path a human psyche will take. I'm open to the stages being abstract objects which have truth regardless of culture/history. But since I see a lot of it being derived very empirically from history and culture, and just stating how culture has changed, I question whether you're really understanding the universal mechanics of growth or evolution from it.
  14. Sun 29/11/2020 They say time dilates in hell. I haven't been in hell, but it feels like I've been in this state for a while. But that's the nature of various illnesses and mental ailments, you get the perception they will last forever, unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel.But it honestly does feel like I've been like this forever, with whatever whacky perceptual filters are on my consciousness. Back in July, I made the commitment to quit antidepressants because of emotional blunting. I've gone from 100mg to 25mg, and the flat emotions are still here. And I'm getting very fed up of this state. I'm definitely gonna speed up coming off, I can't stand this purgatory. I've felt like a walking zombie for far too long, idaf about this SSRI shit anymore. Today, I'm not going to take the med, and do it on alternating days. 25,0,25,0,25,0...follow that for a week..And then maybe I'll leave a 3 day gap a few times. Good riddance. I'll maybe type more here, I don't know.
  15. @flyingwhalee Thanks for the advice. I'll try to use minimal force next time.
  16. When doing Kriya Pranayama, you're supposed to constrict your throat when breathing in (ujayi pranayama breathing). As well as constricting the throat, you're using alternate muscles to breathe in it seems. Maybe not different muscles for breathing but it's at least different. Somewhere in the diaphragm you have to put force/pressure into it. I find that when doing this, I get exhausted afterwards and it's quite strenuous. I feel short for breath when doing it as well ( I try to do 12 in a row without any normal breaths in between) . Is it normal to be short of breath? What's going on? Carbon dioxide build up? -- With Maha Mudra, the inhalation is supposed to be around at least 10 seconds (the book says up to 15). There's no instruction in the book about how to breathe for it, but to achieve a 10-15 second inhalation you have to force or manipulate your breath in some way. I find it strenuous to force it this way, putting pressure in my throat or diaphragm to do it. And then ofc Maha Mudra is strenuous because of holding the breath, constricting the anus and concentrating with the ohms. -- Did Kriya Yoga today. After doing Maha Mudra, I still had Kriya Pranayama to do. Whilst doing Kriya Pranayama, my throat was involuntarily vibrating constantly and making my breathing jerky. I realised I was straining too much, and I lowered the pressure. Even still, my throat was vibrating, twitching and jerking. Probably throat twitching because I had been using those muscles a lot, even when doing maha mudra. Because I don't see how you're supposed to breathe in for 10 seconds What's going on? Is this just tiring? After doing Kriya Yoga today I feel exhausted
  17. @28 cm unbuffed If you're seeking to make progress on whatever it is you're talking about, I recommend you drop the show and be radically honest with yourself. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, no shame in it. I get the sense that you're still unconsciously pretending something or are not acknowledging something in your experience. You're acting out a theatrical performance right now. Nothing is wrong about that, but if you want to make progress or resolve your issues and not just waste time with entertainment, you have to drop it.
  18. @Seed I'm a 20 year old male, and I get annoyed when my family members call me cute. Being the youngest of the family, I hate being called cute or treated like a child. So I can relate to this brand of annoyance and can perhaps somewhat directly relate to what you're saying. I'm glad you made this thread, made me reflect on it myself. Looking at myself right now, the anger comes from 2 things (not disconnected things), 1) Believing that if others call me 'cute', my identity and my self is at danger. I feel threatened that I will perceive myself differently or worry that I will believe what they say about me. So I wish to escape other people's comments, because I'm scared of believing them or taking them in. , 2) I want other people to perceive me in a very particular way, I want to have a self image and reputation others buy into. But I need to let go caring what other people think about me. And that's a self esteem issue. And I need to be assured in myself, so that I'm not so insecure in myself that I believe in the labels other use to describe me, and I won't have to be defensive if I'm self assured. Centrally, this is a self-esteem issue. --- If you are brutally honest with yourself, your ego wants to murder and beat up anyone who disagrees with you or opposes you. You need to look at it honestly and directly, but realise that it is also quite innocent deep inside. Just a lovely child.
  19. @Endangered-EGO There are a few different places people can come from in trying to understand free will. I've mostly moved on from just believing in the story (that my mind still believes in but I don't buy into) coming from my pseudo intellectual newtonian paradigm view of things. I went from muslim-->atheist, and when I first heard Sam Harris criticise free will, it sparked a realisation and I felt like my world of beliefs was being torn apart. A dark time, but an ultimately good and necessary time for expunging old belief systems about my sense of self. But then I ended up becoming overly negative about it. I'm glad you made this thread, because it's brought to my awareness black holes of despair in my psyche that I pushed down but are still there. And I still haven't resolved it, the step forward being one of surrender I sense. I haven't surrendered that negativity fully, but I sort of stopped caring about the question. I can think intellectually with all these things, but it doesn't bear a relation to what I care about. I'm in my first person experience, I can make the choice to move towards towards truth or away from truth. And I'm still egoic in wanting to force my will on the world. ----- The way I approached the question in the past was just one place, a lower place perhaps. Questions about free will can be addressed from a higher place, where you identify with awareness and clear vision rather than identifying with concepts like physics and determinism like I did. And if this thread of contemplation has gotten you passionate to explore, keep going with it.
  20. If someone is mentally traumatised really badly, no combination of linear, rational factors will heal them. At most they are just enabling factors for actual healing. If you hear certain people's stories, you will think "how on earth can they recover from that?". Very twisted things. But they can be healed. They can only be healed through a "miracle", through love and profound mystical experiences.
  21. Exodus 34:14 In the Old Testament, we have "Yahweh". Yahweh is this powerful fellow who thinks he's god but acts like an angry child having a tantrum a lot of the time. ------- The ego isn't god (it is, but this is misleading to say unless you be careful about it or grasp it. Otherwise you wonder why it is you can't modify the laws of physics or perform magic tricks). But unfortunately, people have projected much ego onto their understanding of god. And it permeates these holy scriptures often.
  22. @28 cm unbuffed Why did you title the thread 'cynicism' ?
  23. @Strangeloop The end result of a contemplation sometimes ends up being a sudden shift in awareness such that the previous held duality you thought about and tussled with no longer matters. You see the framing of the duality as erroneous to begin with. Also, if there are answers, ime they are very idiosyncratic and are the solution that applies to you. Someone else can arrive at the exact opposite answer but it's the truth they need, and you have the truth you need. This is another way of realising the fact reality is radically subjective, strange-loopey, and what's important can't be captured by the verbal answer that you give. It's about what the concepts you're using are animating within you, what relation you bear with them and their function.
  24. @Cosmin_Visan The perspective or angle I take is this. What this spiritual work is about is peeling off the filters of false knowing and faulty perception. You don't have to believe anything people tell you about "infinite intelligence" or whatever else you criticised. In your previous posts however you made an error in how you approached it. You skipped genuine engagement, learning and instead went straight to mockery which achieved nothing. You should be smart enough to know why criticising people having glimpses of "infinite intelligence" (if it's real) by asking them to bridge quantum mechanics and general relativity is absurd. Your absolutist metric of intelligence is narrow and completely arbitrary , and you aren't open to another level which surpasses the cultural mainstream. For an analogy. As you know in maths/physics, an infinite object needn't be infinite along every dimension (of perception or possibility), and there are different sized infinities. And that analogy completely aside, you asking to bridge quantum mechanics and general relativity as your metric is a joke.