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When I look at what determines the price of currencies or stocks I see a lot of abstraction, and I can't tell what's generating value. All these demand and supply graphs, number of people selling and buying, it's not so evident where the value is coming from. Although if I think about, I can imagine people earning money through other means than abstract stock trading. And those people will participate in the market. As transactions happen, through the price fluctuations, profits will be had by some , and losses incurred for others. Where the physical path ( 1 dimensional line with people as points) money takes to reach someone's pocket would be complicated to write down. Or be a matter of perspective since you can frame it however you want (within the constraints of the system) . Since it is the market which contains thousands of elements/people as points which produce the collective appearance of price fluctuations? If GDP (or the appropriate metric) is always getting larger, then perhaps the profits will appear to exceed the "losses" (but the problem becomes then about how loss can be defined outside of those reductionist terms)? Despite whatever illusion of things monetarily growing, you're not creating things and you're leeching. So whilst investing is an important part and principle of economics , it can become toxic? -- Kinda seems like all forms of owning (e.g. Investing) will result in money being "funneled to the top". *I imagine Marx or someone has fully explained this a million times better. *but obviously that doesn't mean you can't have private ownership in some system you build. And there are obviously healthy forms and unhealthy forms of business, creating value vs exploitation.
@SamC Part of arrogance is the desire or drive to prove yourself. This isn't a bad thing inherently. But what can get labelled as arrogance is simply knowing you're more advanced in something. Since modesty can have sexual connotations, I prefer to use the word "humble". A lot of what gets swept under the rug "humble" are character and personality traits which are bad. "Being humble" is good when it means that you are observant and take in your surroundings, open to learning more from what's around you. But that doesn't mean you don't dismiss stupidity and play dumb. " I can't fake humble just 'cause your ass is insecure " - Kendrick Lamar
lmfao replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Loving Radiance Thank you @_Archangel_ Yeah, I'll just keep doing like that for now. It's been working as well or better than anything else so -
Trump's movement Even though the song is about ending duality and returning to an infinite singularity of God, it's still a funny meme.
lmfao replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hey guys, looking for guidance on how to do concentration meditation where you're focusing on the third eye (it's mentioned in lesson 4 in the book). The instructions (after you've taken your meditation seat, done other things in your routine before this, intertwine fingers) Focus on the back of the head Imagine you are looking forward from the back (of the head) to the point between the eyebrows (Bhrumadhya) I've tried doing this some times in the past. And it's worked well for deep experiences. But I'm still confused about how to do it! How do you "imagine looking forward" from the back of your head? This only makes sense when I'm paying attention to a volume/slice through my head, like a rod, which passes through third eye. Focus on third eye ofc And another thing is that when your eyes are closed and vision black, you can sort of pretend your eyes are further back and focus on third eye? How do you do it? When I'm meditating, I like to know if I'm meditating on a cultivated image of my experience (imagining is often cultivating an image, same with kriya pranayama breathing) or something else. -
What's good about this event is that the Trump supporters world is being torn apart right in front of their eyes. Large stubborness requires a proportionally large catastrophe for sanity to return. Sometimes a system is sent on the path to self-destruction, a supernova, a wiping of the slate, before something fresh can start. Many cases in history of ideologies far worse than this dying in a blaze of glory. A different type of system which may self-destruct is the severely depressed or suicidal person. But the supernova needn't be a physical death, sometimes is though. -- After this latest incident, some of the most hardcore trump supporters will be questioning themselves. I really don't know whether impeachment or no impeachment would be a good thing. My 2020th post, how perfect.
lmfao replied to somegirl's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@somegirl Lying is swimming against the tide. It takes twisting, contorting and straining. -
lmfao replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Someone here Jed Mckenna describes solipsism as the killer of philosophy. Since it shows that philosophy can never rise above speculation in the search for truth. -
@Tim R Rather than forming your conclusion, you first have a "position" (emotion, stance, charge, angle) which you justify with the intellect in retrospect. And then you pretend the intellect was what made the conclusion. Humans are emotional creations with a limited faculty for reason. This holds for all people. With Jordan Peterson, his words will just serve whatever position he wants to take. It's still him doing that, even if it's unconsciously done.
lmfao replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Someone here I doubt many people on this forum will understand this issue much better than you to help. And even if they did, it might not help. -- I still have this same problem of yours about solipsism. One thing I'm realising is that my mind can be very volatile whenever I have some insight, or whenever I have some altered state of consciousness. "From" my recent state of altered consciousness, my brain is doing a lot of activity I'm not conscious of. So much negativity coming out, fears of others or self not existing, panic, creation of thoughts, etc, I can sense all this extra activity is going on. Even if I'm not willing to dive into it fully. I think it takes a level-headedness to be able to get overall perspective when your mind is doing all this shit. A tolerance for uncertainty. Being present with the uncertainty. But that's not easy, and I haven't done it much. -- Keep moving forward, deconstruct more, no matter what. Be honest about how much work or unknown you have. Because partial deconstructions/seeings which lead to someone jumping the gun on knowledge/insight create errors in perception, and closed mindedness. -
lmfao replied to Batzon's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Batzon I've been unprepared or am blown away by what I experience through meditation as well. I think it's because if you experience a state very different from your normal waking consciousness abruptly, contextualising it is something which will fuck with your head since you experience very fundamental aspects of reality being different. But perhaps there is no "gentle way" with these things. When the floor you're standing on gets pulled away, well then you're in free fall. I think maybe the only thing to do is to learn from these cycles or whatever experiences. Slowly you might get better at not getting so volatile from meditation experiences and various shadow forces. I'm trying to learn and get better. -
Monday 04/01/2020, +1 03:43 Just finished meditating. I cannot tell what is me or who is me. Who is or what is it that moves my hands to type, who is speaking, who is thinking. Normally when I reach a state like this where my notion of sanity and time is threatened, I'd panic. I wonder how I'll handle it now. There's a lots of activity and a bigger processes at play here I'm not fully conscious of which can create false interpretations and fears. ▽ (Might write about the some time, whether on here or in my paper journals) God I'm such an idiot, I should just be regularly meditating by now, since 50% of the time something interesting happens. But my fears are/were there of not being able to contextualise and handle the experiences I get from meditation. Just need to stay grounded and calm, I'm not levitating or facing an imminent abduction from aliens to stick a probe up my ass.
Also for practical advice, maybe try using this video, and applying the forgiveness to yourself rather than someone else. I know I definitely need to try this again, and learn how to do the technique without a guided video.
@xxxx A lot of us will have done things in the past we are ashamed of and haven't fully forgiven ourselves for. I know I for one do. To be honest, I don't really understand what forgiveness is. Whether it's forgiving myself or someone else. I think a part of forgiveness, whether it's to yourself or to others, comes from understanding everyone's "human-ess". Universal patterns we all fall into. I have sometimes seen my own "evil" to be the result of an innocent misunderstanding, of myself and reality. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do". As hard as that is to stomach, when you extrapolate that to all cruelties in the world.
Sticking to the definitions here, I might take an angle you didn't expect. But it's entirely relevant and deconstructs the POV someone who uses this phrasing might have. You're already aware of what this phrasing means to most people, so I needn't repeat that. An unknown unknown. That means that there's something we don't know, and we don't know that we don't know. If you believe you know or understand something, when in fact you don't, that will create an unknown unknown. Because you won't even be aware you don't know, due to convincing yourself that you do. "The wise man is one who, knows, what he does not know". Which means that to decrease the number of unknown unknowns, you have to become aware of how little you currently know. The trap would be to have a lot of things you regard as "known knows", which makes you unaware of your own ignorance, hence an unknown unknown. Discarding and seeing through most of what you regarded as known often gets called "emptying the cup". -- So whilst most people can regard unknown unknowns as "out there", in the words you used, a lot are also "in here".
lmfao replied to Loving Radiance's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Loving Radiance Sounds like you're fine and experiencing whatever facet of life, as valid as any other dimension someone else is exploring. "Narcissism" is a spectrum I guess, and my memory would have me believe I can sense seeds or faint amounts of it in people. But I'm also learning to withold those judgements and keep an open minded. Because I personally very easily fall into the trap of getting cocky by prejudging things. I think you're excited like a child, gorging your mouth full of food. I can relate, because I'm doing the same thing, in similar and unsimilar ways. I'm just hedonistic about having as much variety in my experience and surroundings as possible. It's why I deeply resonate with chaotic archetype characters in fiction. It's a good step up from depression and (memory-driven)-stagnation, and the only way I can escape boredom, but I can go overboard. Entering the old compulsive loops I was trying to avoid. -
I've just been wondering about it recently. I have lots of different addictions in a sense, but perhaps a lot of them lump together under a fewer number of abstract forces. With porn for example (just one example), a few times I tried this approach of saying "okay, just do it, but be conscious and pay attention to the process". I mean it made me aware of a few things, muscle tension patterns, made me interested in asking whys and go on a mini googling spree to research theories as to why X fetish or etc exists. But i'm not sure if such an approach of mindful indulgence works, for me. Which is why I'm now open to forced abstinence being an important part. I'll write a bit about my thoughts on how enlightenment or truth relates to self-actualising ___________________________ A few days ago I was doing a lot of intense writing and journalling with myself. Trying to examine all my emotions and trying to see what was "absolutely true" beyond all relativity/speculations. Examining all fears about life being meaningless, solipsism, time and death. It's very difficult to open up to this and examine your fears fully and objectively. You end up with a lot of "I don't know" in verbal format, but also sometimes you use one concept/framing to negate the other concept you have. I then had for some minutes or hours a sense of "clear sight" with current experience. I have no better way to describe it Why I'm saying this though, is that it made me realise that the absolute truth gets you nowhere and you get nothing. "Spiritual Enlightenment" changes nothing. The relative world still exists (and requires solutions at that level?). The relative world being my life as an ego, costume, personality, bad habits, flaws, shadow, lack of life purpose. Those things exist, before and after truth. "Whatever is true was already true, so nothing changes". Whilst that might vaguely make sense intellectually, once you experience it that quote makes a lot of sense.
@Nahm good point that thought doesn't solve thought, could say to not see that is a starting point for all resistance and problems. Hmmmmm Yeah, it is as you surrender taking a position on anything. There'll be judgements and positions you take on things which are taken for granted/(being axiomatic), untill you then notice it and question it.
@dflores321 I guess it's building that awareness which becomes the problem. Becoming conscious about how everyday you take a swig of poison of your own volition. Poison is an extreme word, perhaps it could be more mellowly described as settling for mediocrity and being half alive. -- One random thing that's crossed my mind about all this is considering "what channel are you watching". "Don't watch a horror movie, change the channel" is something I once heard Sadhguru say a long time ago. For some reason it clicks and resonates now. In regards to improving your life or improving yourself. And so putting yourself in different spaces, through forcefully abstaining or whatever other external means, it's changing your channel. --- @Gesundheit Well ain't that a funny a question. It's basically asking me if I really want to quit this addiction or not in a bouncy and clever way. People who are addicted to cocaine have to actually pay money for their addictions. Since you said "porn addiction" and not porn entirely ever, for sure I'd take the $1000. But I wasn't immediate to answer it, because on some level I enjoy my poison and am scared to give it up.
I've never seriously got into, but it seems like a spiritual approach to building yourself up with these things is the building up of "concentration power". Like training a muscle. But of course one needn't say that's the only approach, but it's perhaps something to try or to do alongside other things. I get you. Change is still possible with these things, and it might depend how seriously you want it. Which "I do want" seriously , but perhaps the habits and entire coping scheme which is also me doesn't want.
Wed 30/12/2020, 20:40 To deal with assholes in real life, I am learning one important lesson for the place that I am at. Ruthless justice ; ruthless action. Neither dumb nor reckless however. Calculated, proportional and logical. Only resorting to primitive and 'unsightly' methods if it has to come to that. Weighing pros and cons of different options, considering the collateral damage, but will still ultimately pull the trigger on something. Many people don't have the foresight to see that short term ruckus and stress of conflict is needed to settle things in the long term, too preoccupied with the reactionary emotions in the present. I can see why they don't see it though, most people are so fucking retarded and ape-like that they don't evolve or grow from experiences. And they don't engage in conflict with the right focuses or reasons. It's all too often you see someone get stuck in a pattern of aggression. It is a tricky balancing act. -- My ego, my costume, I have my fucking boundaries. And I fully accept that and embrace that. "This is how I am" , and it makes no sense to aim differently, since I'm learning with clearer sight these different things in the relative world. Cleaning my slate and relearning. One of those things being my personality, emotional needs, components of stability, dealing with external obstacles. If I am petty and angry, I cannot act or fake otherwise. It would be more delusional to act otherwise. You might call this a "different domain" to self inquiry and grasping non-relative truth.
Tuesday 29/12/2020 23:56 I've got my sleep regular and early, exceptionally rare for me, and have been working out. But nothing changes. Very few people are aware of what actual futility means, and of what it means to see that you're a false self. No matter what I do, no matter what ideology or hobby I pick up, the hidden motive to make these things fill some whole or define me fails. It's painful to see how you're a false character, and it's crazy when others don't see it in themselves.They are totally immersed in the dream, no doubt or suspicion, from the womb to the grave without a hitch. There are also those who explore the depths of their egos in wonderlands of mysticism and paint the spiritual path as one of infinite accumulation. This is false, the path is one of subtraction and self dissolution. I can now consciously admit to myself that a lot of my disturbances have been due to my old self dying. And that's unfortunate because, I don't think this is a good thing, so far it seems like only another hell awaits me from leaving this hell. -- I thought that I was willing to forfeit my life (not physical suicide) for the sake of whatever must manifest. But I see that such a commitment requires entering grief and a lot of suffering. And I don't know if I can ever muster the courage and strength of will for it. There is no point to life, and that's obvious to anyone. But nonetheless, the show goes on. Many a time I try to "stand tall" to the winds of negative emotion, but the oak tree only falls over. And I can feel that the wind will knock me over, again and again, untill I'm willing to simply let go. Let go, and let the feeling grind and rub against my core being. Still need the warrior mindset, just in a different form. Time to Captain Ahab and Eren Jeager this bitch up. The jihad on your life. ?La vida sola vi vivirás ?
@Eph75 True, it really is helpful to be able to navigate certain patterns you see in people and social atmospheres. I think it's just that 1) I've seen that I myself have used SD in a bad way and want to warn others, and 2) in my latter message what I was getting at is that SD should be integrated in such a way so as to be used without straining your logical mind. Integrated with everything else. Where its kept in the back of your mind as one ingredient of whatever your mind is churning.
Psychology can be entirely devoid of referencing spiral dynamics. Psychology is extremely large. Handling emotions, shadow work, thats all best done from first principles, you don't need spiral dynamics. Also, you don't need spiral dynamics for classical psychology like Carl Jung or Freud. Spiral Dynamics is very helpful for politics and culture. It even helps with understanding individuals sometimes, what traps or pathologies they're in. SD somewhat describes what people's metaphysics are. SD is a good descriptor, but it's just one factor to keep in mind out of many others. It should be like one tool or trick you have up your sleeve, among many other tricks. If I label someone as orange, I stop paying attention to them as they really are, and I'm engaging with a false image I have of them. I project my personal history of associations called "orange". And so then, I'm just being selfish, I don't actually care about or am engaging with the other person. It would be better to be like "okay, so using SD this might be one place or angle to send them in". But SD theory itself won't tell you about that individual, how you get them to grow.