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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. The standard for proof here is physics and materialist paradigm. The actual proof that death is illusory (and that you are actually immortal) can't be made by one person and sent to another. It happens when you see your true nature and have an enlightenment experience. Because your true nature is indapendent of content and contains all, its a complete tautology
  2. @PureRogueQ That's precisely it. "Subliminal level" that's a good way of saying it. All this content is literally right in front of us but we skim through or deny its existence, and somehow it works
  3. I know this might sound like a rude tangent, but after reflecting on all this gender stuff a bit I realise women have it hard and I feel bad for them. Both male attraction and society judges you by superficial looks and appearance. If society pressured me that I had to wear makeup I'd say fuck off I mean if I was a women I'd probably force myself to be lesbian tbh
  4. Right Yeah I think this is what has stopped me in the past from just becoming full on incel mentality. Because when everyone (and yourself included) is so much full of shit, arguing a lot over the small fractions is just petty and egoic. If you're able to be "objective" it you'll see its fighting over crumbs. Because all people are liars
  5. These threads always blow up and turn into conversations like these. It's inevitable though since it is a different domain from other sub-forums here. It should be allowed to happen though imo without too many thread locks, because this is just one of those things where people will have to argue I'm definitely gonna bookmark some posts this thread
  6. I think this is unfortunately true on average. It's like they want you to lie and play a particular game with them. From my POV it just comes across as needy, neurotic and annoying. This is just one of those gender differences thing I suppose. That isn't to say women can't complain about what they find annoying about men, ofc
  7. Wow that's all pretty factual tbh. Why have an incorrect or false world view over truth. Liberating yourself from what's collectively projected. Ofc if you can't get "liberation" and can't happen easily, I don't believe in faking saintliness. But go after what's false regardless, etc The truth is, I'm more so unsure or conflicted. Because of what level and place my psyche and consciousness is. A tension between old/neurosis and new. Contradictions, but not in a good or "resolved" way. Dissociations, shadows, etc I oscillate a lot between this sort of selflessness "love" that you get in "A Course in Miracles", and between being cold/ruthless and ambitious as articulated in a book like "Thick Face Black Heart". Because I don't know who I am -- I have a needy or scarcity mindset "from" ("from" projects blame away to something external as being causal, so "associated" is better) from being an outcast and perceiving myself as bottom of dominance/social hierarchy, which I was/am. Its a very deep insecurity
  8. Hahaha. Patiently waiting for the day I get into a fight and get to chuck dust in someone's eyes. At this point my best chance might be to just carry around an umbrella. Using it as a threatening walking cane, ready to impale whoever looks at me funny on the streets.
  9. From my POV (and many others), the whole sexual game is something with winning and losing and rewards. Not even saying or justifying that POV as truthful or accurate, just saying the POV I have or lots of people have in general. Which you're aware of. Let's not forget about the construct/truth of Dominance Hierarchies that our founding father Jordan Peterson entirely invented alone. By default we view and see the world as dominance/social hierarchies, resources. So this is a larger thing you're looking at "transcending". Running on energy fields of neediness, scarcity, etc... First step is always honesty rather than false suppression Being at the bottom of a dominance/social hierarchy in any manner can be brutal, you get no mates
  10. I guess those are some bad philosophers then "Fuck out of here deontology boy"?
  11. I'm not so sure about that distinction of intentional vs automatic thoughts, but I somewhat understand what you mean. There are often thoughts in my mind which happen but I don't fully acknowledge or realise they're there. It's like when you hear or read a fact or some new information, but you don't register it or take notice it. Its on the periphery of your awareness, and your mind skims over it or without processing the ramifications or realising it is there. Sometimes I forgot that everything in my mind is in my mind. So an example which clearly demonstrates what I mean by having thoughts you're unaware of. My mind often visits physical locations I know of in real life in my imagination. Whenever I talk to certain people or talk about certain topics, my mind enter that same location. E. G. Maybe the street just outside my childhood primary school, the house of this old couple who are like my grandparents etc I have one close friend, and whenever I talk to him my mind enters a few specific areas in a house I used to rent in. And my mind did this millions of times without my consciously registering it. On some level I knew I always did it, but my ego never said it out loud or I never fully made it conscious. It's very bizarre. Those thoughts were vivid and engulfed my imagination, and that paradoxically makes me less aware of the fact I was having them. And I think we all have things like that. Things our minds think, we're only semi aware of it though, but it is there.
  12. Interesting thread. In the UK self defence isn't a thing. Carrying pepper spray is classified as carrying an illegal firearm, it's quite ridiculous.
  13. I hit the essence of it. The emptiness and nothingness which carved my womb, and historically runs in my life story. It should have been obvious to me that this was it. Oh Allah, you were but another whacky element in my mental wonderland. I remember staring at my ceiling, thinking how terrifying an existence of forever in heaven would be. And then when I was still in Pakistan and realised I was an atheist, true emptiness and nothingness flooded over. Why am I here? Why is there something rather than nothing? WHY IS THERE SOMETHING RATHER THAN NOTHING!? _ Emptiness and nothingness, emptiness and nothingness. An indescribable mental state with no words. Dancing phantoms and ephemeral shapeshifting entities. The unconscious is boundless in contents. Myriads of flashing colours, figures of dark and light, sinister and angelic, all holding hands in a circle, laughing, crying, dancing, twisting, arising, passing ; all by nothingness and of nothingness. Nothing but nothingness ; a terrible terrible solitude, as ghosts and phantoms of all dimensions and colours torture me in jest ^ Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger --- I now realise even more strongly how much I value this video game. The crystallisation of what I feel, Zelda Majoras Mask. The analogy and symbolism everywhere. And this deeply, deeply chilling and beautiful nostalgic song. Through listening to this song, the floodgates to my unconscious are opened When I hear this song, free form words, stories and images just naturally form. "Active imagination" is the technique they call it, I should do it more. It feels right for me
  14. Sinking and sinking, what lies beyond there? Beyond the wall of darkness what is there? Beyond all imagination, being and non being. But if there's nothing besides what is, what is our seeking? Contorting, twisting and floundering in the dark? AAA Serendipitous fools travel up the ocean floor only to find fossils. There is no Rendering to be frozen for the matrix conveyer belt was only imagined to exist begin with. Circumnavigation is but a dream as well . Where does that leave him? Those figures of grey light are indistinguishable from shadows and ghouls. That cavalry soldier of light I saw down the driveway, what did he want? Who and what was he riding to?
  15. @knakoo Read through that blog post, it was really good, thanks for sharing. Genuinely a bit eye opening. The pearl and clam metaphor explains it really well. The post also made me realise that I was trained to cuck myself and my masculinity growing up, but recently the shadow has been re-emerging and I'm going through that. For some odd reason, in recent days I was back to my cucked myself, so I'm glad I found this post. Now I will consciously be alpha. I probs have some dissociated/shadow personality thing going on. Woah that makes a boatload of sense actually, it fits what I've seen. Oh no..... guess I've got a lot cut out for me . I was even more hyper logical when I was younger, makes sense why I got no pus
  16. I had a breakthrough moment, but it wasn't enough. Depressive energies exploded and burst into something else. I should have done more with it but I didn't. -- I've now realised that I should probably reflect on paper every time I do something stupid, as its probably the only way I can learn otherwise. I ate a lot of food late at night, and now my stomach hurts and I feel like shit. Classic example of easy choices hard life. Before I did it, I made a mental note consciously of what/why I was doing. I'm pretty sure my mind was just really anxious and uneasy, and by habit went to eating. -- I'm not sure if my brain is imagining things, but it's fun when I'm listening to new music and I realise "oh shit this is similar to this other thing in my memory", and I just have to find the name of the song I know which I was reminded of. What pisses me off though is when I can hear an old song in my head by memory and can't remember the name. Because you can't always find songs by searching for lyrics, sometimes you just remember the instruments. Or the lyrics are foreign. I'm no musician with exact terminology to scientifically describe what's similar. Maybe it's just the smallest similar thing that random neuron in brain recognises in this one off occasion. But it is also a comparison of impression, rather than literal content as well. Everyone will make different associations or notice different things, and pieces of music always overlap. Just by pure chance as well when listen to enough. Often times overlap is only 1 or 2 seconds. -- Back to my current sensations, feeling waves of nausea which I suffer from due to overeating. Damn its painful, because I'm lying down as well and acid reflux and indigestion
  17. In my chain of depressive feeling, the limit on one end of the scale as your depression gets worse and worse are degrees of an energy that gets most strongly crystallised in a phenomena called "psychomotor retardation". Psychomotor retardation- "a slowing down of thought and reduction in physical movement". The reduction in physical movement is inexplicably large inertia to move your body, paralysis of body and mind. A hellish state I've been in many times in the past. If psychomotor retardation intensifies to abnormal degrees in a person, they will become paralysed and incapacitated. It is the slope and scale of hell to depression. And I can feel waves of this energy washing over me, and I mostly feel powerless/apathy arising with these waves but slight tinges of fear/panic. Apathy is the (matching piece to) psychomotor-retarding energies, and it dominates over anxiety/fear as such. If I push and probe, I find repressed fear. But I don't know how to bring it out. I've already unconsciously locked it away. Alright, lets push....the fear and anxiety Digging out this suppressed emotion, it's like trying to expel a massive poop/turd/shit from your body when you're constipated. You try to push it, you move it a few centimetres but as soon you run out of energy to push after a few moments, and the turd recoils and retracts back inside . I might black out or white out in my awareness if this suppressed emotion is as strong as I think it is. I am extremely scared to think what might happen if I dont suppress. I have to put down the pen and paper, and the laptop. And push/feel/open with all my might.
  18. Very good question to be honest. Leo's video got me thinking "Why is asking why so important? Why would it yield truth? What's going on?" . What is this "investigating" or "contemplating" I'm doing? I do some journalling or contemplating sometimes but dont understand what it is. Is it logic or....?
  19. It was a great video ofc. I've been thinking recently about the distinction between judgement and discernment. Moralising/judgement ---> Discernment "Morality is a shadow of right action" , some say. "Right action" being related to things that taoism or zen talk about with "Wu Wei"
  20. 0:26 every time Leo uploads
  21. @Emerald which songs do you mean by their big 3 hits? So long as you listen to Little Dark Age Album we're good. For me it's the only album I can listen all of without skipping songs. Ofc I still like some songs in other albums. Two creepy/nice singles are "In The Afternoon" and "As You Move Through The World". They don't touch When You Die though Ah right, cool
  22. What was it like socialising so much, and in a sense pushing yourself to be extroverted? Is socialising and being around people still draining? Did you become an extrovert in a sense or are still an introvert?
  23. I don't know if there exists a goal outside of aiming for happiness and bliss. I wonder if aiming for happiness makes me miserable. My current truth is one of suffering over addictions and other things. And obviously life is pointless, so things can only be done for their own sake. But overall what I'm seeing is that one has to be okay with pain and suffering There's no such thing as an objective analysis about whether my life is worth living. What stops me from apathetically ending it all is the small part of me that wants to watch life and whatever small glimmers of truth of unfold. In regards to what I wrote in the first paragraph, I saw my mind making a lot of jumps and taking positions. Very rarely do I have the awareness to see what assumptions or baseline emotions are present in my experience. So maybe try more of that, perhaps intensity will build.