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Everything posted by lmfao

  1. @Milos Uzelac I read all that shit you pasted. But what do you think? Now, I don't care about making someone leave or join whatever union. But do you not think Hungary's anti-gay laws are anything but regressive and evil? It's seeking to diminish people's education and knowledge about LGBTQ issues. Why do that? Do you think it is untruthful to tell kids that being gay is okay? Why would you think it isn't? I'll preface by saying I don't give a shit about whether the EU is right or not in trying to force Hungary to change. Do you think there is virtue in Hungary's "anti-gay law"? {I'm not asking you to use woke language with "virtue", I mean what the word meant before woke faggots hijacked that word} -- Article then talks about the culture war, and the war against populism. It's a rant about how liberal globalists wish to take over the world, atomise society into a collection of disconnected and lonely individuals. It's just a bullshit rant of whatever. The article seems to praise Hungary for their laws banning education of homosexuality as a victory for populism. Does this make populism incompatible with free knowledge and education of the people?
  2. @Thunder Kiss Lmao alright, that's pretty funny. Money solves everything apparently!! -- My impression is that throughout much of these threads Leo is giving the simple, approximate truth to the matter of attraction and getting laid. I like that, and that's what pragmatically taken away. These discussions and thread fill up so quickly every time, because the entire topic of relationships goes into full discussion every time a thread is made. Can't be helped I suppose, happens in so many consciousness threads as well. -- @Striving for more Just tell someone to fuck off without censoring, it's fine. If you're gonna say fuck off, say fuck off
  3. @Etherial Cat Idk any music lingo but it has an odd rhythm in the background, maybe "swing"? I heard it from playing Guitar Hero 3, love it so much
  4. @Gesundheit2 Read it with fresh eyes as a story, before hearing other people talk about it. I read 1984 first before I knew much of people obsessing over it. If you're looking for other types of dystopia novels, different from 1984, try Philip K Dick.
  5. How about this, "Ontological Nihilism", you can look that up. Don't know if you'll find much theory though. Probs cuz there isn't any for some that radical.
  6. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/mauvais-garçon-bad-boy.html Snippet of lyrics translated: I saw the "Hot!" icon by this thread and couldn't resist clicking, so pardon the intrusion -- I think a lot of how we understand people and situations is ultimately projection. The word "projection" entails something bigger than what most people realise. Most people use the word offhandedly or casually in a pop psychology sense. The world is like a hologram. However you interpret it is what it becomes. Changing your interpretation of it doesn't seem to be an intellectual activity though, and it's not easy. Maybe there's something beyond "projection"
  7. Friday 23:41 09/07/2021 Writing date and time again, this will be a more faggy entry....I supposedly "came out on top", I won, I received praise for my social victory. And I didn't realise this happened until it was over and other people thanked me. I felt like I had some things released by catharsis from my psyche.... I felt at peace, I felt high. However, I'm in inner disharmony. I unintentionally get praised as a mini-hero in this political game, but I feel unsatisfied and empty. What's worse, now people may look up to me as some sort of leader or figurehead for the "group", for I represented them and their feelings in that situation. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE TRIBE... I don't want to be the figurehead for the tribe or group. I'm afraid that if you saw the real me, politics would force that you disavow me, and it would be painful for all of us involved. Getting the spotlight and admiration like this, it isn't good. If I act riskily and on my whims, it will incur negative consequences for my friends, and so I don't wish for that. But perhaps I can find some sort of peace or resolution if I keep digging, keep being honest. Fuck politics. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. What should I do. I just have to stop resisting these conflicting thoughts and feelings. I should talk to ______ about my feelings and thoughts honestly at some point.... You were shaking with anxiety during that confrontation, but you went through it anyway and said what you needed to say....You went through the fear and pushed through......But now the consequences are this. Situations keep changing and evolving in ways I can't keep track of. Let go of narratives that you are either a victim or tragic hero. You are ultimately free, and that's the truth you'll find all sorts of narratives to deny. You are free in both your actions and how you feel about situations. - - Edit: I feel at peace, I just wish I could punch those cunts in the face, sigh. Does this mean I am yet to improve or grow? Am I to forgive and love the enemy? Conflicting feelings. I don't want to go all faǵ mode for a bunch of power hungry nîggers....Maybe I should reach out and establish communication or say something to them? No. First of all, the current impulse to reach out is falsehood and programming. What you must do is work on letting go and resolving the feeling in your heart and mind first.
  8. But yeah, it really be like that in some of those areas
  9. We haven't taken over the country that much you bloody racist! Not even close to half! {Census seems to say pak+ind is only around 4.5% in total} I'll show you "weird".....It's the least we deserve after being colonised by them. Jokes and my outrage aside. We're a sizeable presence yeah. I wouldn't want border control removed completely (which is not a possibility to happen anyway, so this says nothing about my pragmatic politics). I have no position on immigration generally though, I can listen to arguments equally on either side. I'm grateful for the existence of immigration, means I wasn't raised in the third world. The dice roll of birth almost made it so
  10. I guess that will just depend on the trip for that person right? I've never taken psychedelics, but I've talked to people who've taken psychedelics but there's almost zero spiritual aspect to their experience. This could be for multiple reasons, one reason I speculate being that they had 0 spiritual intention or dedication, and hence they didn't actualise any spiritual insights. A big factor might be this though. Certain psychedelics are guaranteed to give you very intense strong ego-death experiences, whilst other psychedelics are variable whether they produce non-dual experience or not {I haven't taken psychedelics, just from what I've heard}. If what people say about psychedelics is true, you'll be able to go much further than just see the ox, if you do psychedelic practice correctly.
  11. @UDT With your own personal conduct, express your freedom there. Regardless of what the politics or current trends are. Perhaps be sensible about not getting in trouble with the law or going to jail though, if jail's possible. As far as thoughts about what this means about broader society, I couldn't tell ya. Interact with people in dialogue about this and you'll learn what you need to know. You'll find all sorts of NPC reasoning on this topic. Folk who reference spiral dynamics as a crutch for their positions are perhaps worse. For not only have they given up using first principles, but they have a sweet and enticing model to take over their thinking. If a model is too good, it's an even bigger trap. But besides all that, I have plenty of criticisms for the model itself. I actually think it's a joke to treat the different stages as if they're identical qualitatively or in essence. In response to criticisms I give spiral dynamics, people will proclaim they agree with me that models are limited. But those are mere words; they'll continue to use spiral dynamics to judge everything anyway. _ _ _ _ _ The matter of free speech is clear to me. I find the concerns SJW's have about speech to mostly be retarded. I saw someone write this line of reasoning, which gives just one perspective or angle at the problem with PC reasoning. Lets take the word "nig***" for example [yes, "hard r"].
  12. A thought is a thought. I'm munching and eating these fennel seeds but they've gone stale and they hardly taste bitter anymore. If they're not bitter are they still working? The clustering of dots, the propensities, they're not in my favour! If I want to break my habits of addiction and laziness, I can only start now. Make contracts such as "You can listen to this tekking101 video whilst you do your posture exercises". But that alone isn't enough. The mind always desires more and more.One can't just omit the bad, they must chase the good! Your eyes, they are strained. Give them a rest from computer.
  13. I will hopefully get serious once again
  14. That video is a bit slow Clockwise when I first looked at your video. Then it switches back and forth. So weird
  15. When it comes to the Big 5 outlook on extraversion, with it being correlated to positive emotion, I have this video in the backwater of "watch later". Haven't seen yet Yeah good point man. But I don't only use the word neuroticism in the big five 5 sense. Alright so this all follows from you making distinction between state and trait. That's a good enough lens and I understand what you're saying, I can't say it lands or resonates with me. State vs trait, a specific scientific example of appearance vs essence duality. Also of people just asking the question in general, what's the difference between what you do and what you are? Brooooooo you could have just kept it.
  16. Sounds like bullshit. But if it isn't, I don't care and it doesn't mean anything to me at least Neuroticism can masquerade as introversion though, that's something to realise. Maybe you guys have seen this as well, I know I have. The introvert can play off their neuroticism and unhealthy withdrawal from life as introversion
  17. Some people simply don't think much. I overthink. And I find myself surrendering my thinkingness sometimes as something I strive towards, and just acting outside in the world regardless of mind. Maybe extroverts, sensors, feelers, they can do some of this easier! So it's not all good or bad on one side.
  18. @7thLetter All I'd emphasise is the point that you know for yourself that you prefer introverted intuitive people. You can know that without getting into arguments about whether extroverts or sensors are dumb. Of course you can if you want to, and there's literally no problem with you saying they're dumb. But watch where you're going, and why of you're doing it.
  19. I'm mostly just stumbling into this sub-forum, and I have nothing to add. I read some of the stuff here maybe to absorb a bit knowledge but it's casual and just random scrolling since it's not helping me. I have a lot of self-actualisation work in general to do. In that sense I have a different overall vision in mind other then "how many bitches can I get? ". Although that's undeniably a thing which seems funny. But things regarding family, friendship and socialising in general are basics I'm concerned with. This meme of nice guy vs strong is pretty interesting, I've run out of thoughts about it. It's maybe the case that my personality oscillates between dickhead and gentle person, but I don't even take that thought seriously now. I just have to remind myself that I'm inventing stories or narratives for things I don't understand. For example, after I was done praying today, I felt a shift in my awareness and felt more "warm" and loving. When I feel like this, I'm a more polite and friendly person. On the other hand, yesterday I felt very different."Shadow possessed", testosterone fueled as hell, selfish, impulsive, horny. I'm finding it hard to not call myself something other than Dr jekyll and Mr Hyde with this all. I can only keep going I suppose. I have to discard all images of what high or low consciousness is {ie high consciousness meaning you're a doormat}, or images of what a "man" ought to be. Only then can I stop being confused. Self-actualization and consciousness work, two way street I have to remember, not exclusive Edit: Alright I think part of the answer has come to me. If my consciousness elevates and gets warmer, that has associations of childishness and innocence to me. More specifically, it connects me to my emotional memory of the past which I'm disconnected from in a dissociated way. Therefore, part of my politeness and betaness when my consciousness is warmer is due to me running on the program of being a child. [I know that even this story I'm giving now doesn't suffice completely, but this revelation popped into my mind] I have dissociation to my past and past personality, likely due to trauma/hurt I blocked off and couldn't face. So it's all apart of finding more and more unconscious aspects to myself
  20. @Someone here What's wrong with invoking time?
  21. @Brandon Nankivell Well, I don't wear my mask unless I have to. Which means I wear it when I go into some shops/buildings, otherwise they'll kick you out. I'm not going to lie that I'm medically exempt, so I wear the mask. Some people are used to it and feel physically comfortable with wearing their masks even when they're walking alone outdoors. That's not me. Maybe you can look like a ninja if you cover your mouth in a cool way but otherwise I don't get why people do that. I kinda dislike just putting on the mask for show alone. For example you see people wearing a mask but they don't cover their nose. They want to pretend to be wearing a mask. Even if covid becomes a small threat, masks will become a part of the culture forever probably. Which is makes me go "oh noooooooo" No, but maybe you can learn something about human psychology and culture from how masks are worn and debated. People just "go with the flow". Some will have NPC reasoning on deck and ready to use. I intellectually understand this idea that making people more obedient to the government will make them more likely to accept authoritarian rule, but in this situation the theory doesn't resonate with me or induce anything from me. I'm just a blank and have nothing to say.
  22. ooooooo like gravity :0 . Good aesthetic. Purple. Magical and psychic Good image
  23. You've slept off some of the brain fog and have awoken. The dust has settled. I feel certainty now in the direction of my transformation. Its a deep dive into the shadow, becoming an adult and an actual person. I have a hunch, intuition, more certain than just a fantasy now. The fruits of actualisation are far, but I understand now. Obviously the daily routine must change. The diet is first. Change in physical appearance like loosing weight are an aid. ... Abandon the David R Hawkins model. Forget about models of selfishness and selflessness. However, I fundamentally still don't know how to handle the shadow which I dive into. It's the direction I must go. I have to stop resisting the feeling of it, is an under looked at facet. Keep doing ACIM. There is no contradiction. You can see that God has already layed out before you the supporting structures and leg work of your path. It was done automatically, "it was the culmination and peak of everything you held in mind" - no, I can't take credit. Everything can only happen of its own accord, "I" alone am powerless perhaps? -- Back now to practical considerations. Avocado and egg for 1 meal today... Idk about after that. You know which two people to humbly turn to if you want to learn how to cook in general. Blessed. Alright there's no getting round it bro, you're gonna have to get off your ass and exercise. Amp that testosterone and physical form game.