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Everything posted by dlof

  1. There's a good explanation on Montalk.net here, in his article entitled Realm Dynamics In our dreams, the experience is taking place in our own subconscious and so things are easily changeable and malleable. When you wake up, you're in a reality which is shared more with others. So in this reality things are held together more by the collective subconscious as there is a lot of overlap between people which means that things are more stable and enduring. But if your subconscious is sufficiently powerful, you can change elements of this shared reality. Note, it's easier to create synchronicity and seemingly 'miraculous' changes in areas of this reality which are just observed by you, because then you are not needing to impinge upon other people's shared consensus reality bubbles. Yeah, I think there's a lot of parallels there. In the dream there's a flood of consciousness into the subconscious, and a similar thing is going on with awakening in reality. The sense of freedom you get in the dream / the sense of freedom from awakening, the ability to control the dream when lucid / sidhis from increased consciousness in reality etc.
  2. I believe the label should be dropped as you progress up the spiral. Like you could say Nazism on the lower levels is about persecution of other races. And then as you move up, it's about living space for the German people... and then you could theorise that on higher levels it's about living space for all people and equality for all. But at some point you have to drop the term Nazi because it bears no resemblance to what is actually going on in the way it is manifested in reality.
  3. I've been studying astrology (real ancient astrology not the newspaper column kind) for 16 years so far and see it primarily as a study of the ego structures. I just had a look at Leo's chart and it's pretty clear that he's built for enlightenment work. There's a couple of of the strongest aspects in his chart: Saturn sextile Mars [Gift of discipline and hard work] You possess the gifts of endurance and perseverance, the willingness to work hard and seriously to achieve your objectives. Once you decide you want something or make a commitment, you'll do it "even if it takes forever". Self-discipline is natural to you and you instinctively realize that any creative achievement is "10% inspiration, 90% perspiration". You choose practical, realistic goals and pursue them step-by-step in a well-planned, orderly way. You like to concentrate on one thing at a time and do a thorough job. You enjoy working in solitude, and often feel your best work is done when you are alone. You may find that you go from one transformational situation to another, never really settling into any one thing. Yet you have the endurance necessary for the long haul. (https://astromatrix.org/Horoscopes/Planet-Aspects/Saturn-Sextile-Mars) Mars sextile or trine Saturn: With the sextile and the trine, there is an effortless ability to labor consistently toward one’s goals and virtually never throw in the towel. Out of this group, you’re most likely to see struggle and hardships as a positive opportunity for growth. Still, your familiarity with the hard knocks does give you spells of melancholy that need working through. (http://astroarena12.blogspot.com/2015/02/mars-saturn-aspects-workhorse.html) Sun opposite Pluto [Necessary destruction of the self through enlightenment] When Pluto aspects a planet in a birth chart, the stage is set for a style of avoiding or realizing the spiritual truth of who we really are. An element of ourselves, represented by the aspected planet, becomes the battleground between conscious and unconscious forces, between nirvana and samsara (peace and suffering), and between self-love and self-hate. A planetary function in aspect with Pluto must undergo severe experiences, but through these purifying fires the planet can become a vehicle towards enlightenment. ... Pluto can be appreciated as a force which, although brutal, serves spiritual awakening. You could say that Pluto is the only planet that loves us enough to put on full-length rubber gloves, stick its hand all the way up our as-, remove the deepest causes of our suffering, and show them to us. Pluto's spiritual nature is to strip away from us every deep-seated and negative tendency--to strip away all that is false to reveal what is true. Pluto seeks to bring us to a mindful silence that can witness how we run away from our innermost freedom. The heaviness that comes with Pluto can be seen primarily as the acting out of the resistance of the ego-mind to deep peace and true healing. ... The healthy Pluto-Sun individual can be an example of overcoming a wounded self-belief through devotion to allowing the real Self to shine through oneself for the good of all. The enlightened Pluto-Sun person has chosen to let Spirit guide one's activities, rather than trying to make things work primarily on one's own power; the psychological 'I' now takes a back-seat as the humble vehicle of a higher Self, open to a plane of more perfect inspiration, love, power, and creativity. Worldly ambition has been transformed into devoted spiritual aspiration, and the weak/arrogant personality has yielded control over to the power of one's true Center. One can then be a witness to just being, and letting God do her miracles when she wishes. https://web.archive.org/web/20180208161252/astrologyforthesoul.com/moses/pludoaspctx.html
  4. No, the birth time is needed to determine the Ascendant and resulting houses and an accurate position of the Moon and would give more precise details on other elements of the chart. The planets involved in the aspects mentioned in this post would not change depending on the time, although they might be highlighted even more.
  5. Yeah, it's something I've been struggling with for a few years. There seems to be like a tug of war between meaninglessness and life-purpose. I still think that enlightenment work can help get your priorities straight, help you lead a more heart-centered life and live for a purpose. But I'm thinking at this stage that you might have to create a purpose out of nothing.
  6. I recently watched Leo's videos documenting his May retreat, and he mentioned that during one of his experiences he discovered that reality is meaningless and the feeling of being one-consciousness is a lonely experience. While I haven't had an experience as intense as a 5-MEO trip, after deep meditation on emptiness/void I often have a strong feeling that everything is meaningless combined with a strong feeling of non-attachment. This usually leads to depressive feelings. I think it's a threshold of some kind where you have to resolve a paradox. Notice how in this state you aren't feeling 'love', which many say is the purpose of creation. Often people coming back from NDE's say that for instance and so do various prophets/sages etc. Perhaps in the state of pure emptiness, meaninglessness and solipsism, the only choice is to love 'yourself' and hence all of creation. Maybe that's the answer. What do others think?
  7. I thought I'd recommend a system that I have been using for over 10 years, it's Robert Bruce's N.E.W. Energy Ways. I started opening my chakras in my teens using visualisation techniques. It took a very long time to see any results, most of the time it felt like my imagination and it didn't really get me very far. But when I started practicing Robert Bruce's system I started getting results extremely quickly. This system requires no visualisation, instead you use what he calls "tactile-imaging" which is more powerful than visualisation by several orders of magnitude. I'm in my 30's now and by practicing on and off it has transformed my life. The base results I've got from practicing are: - Increased vitality and libido for days after practice - Greater personal magnetism from increased energy And because I used the system to open my higher centers, I also experience the following: - Regular out of body experiences (I used to get this at least once a week on ocassion) - Occasional prophetic dreams - Clairaudience (I can hear entities on ocassion, as clear as anything physical... like wearing headphones) - I can see etheric objects and fields. For instance: in a pitch black room, under the convers and with my eyes closed, I can see the outlines of my hands quite clearly - I can feel the presence of higher entities when I connect to them. e.g. if I visualise the Buddha, I see light and feel a sense of freedom and expansiveness. I meditated on the cross of Jesus before and saw physical light in the room and felt hot blissful oil being poured over my head into my body And more, it's basically changed my life. The main thing about this system is that because it's much more powerful than visualising, you have to follow the guidelines for working on the energy body, which is mainly that you must open and work on the secondary energy centers in the feet, legs, hands and arms first before proceeding to the primary energy centers (Chakras). The reason is because once you open the chakras, you create a higher energy demand on the body. The body is used to just using energy to fuel your daily activities, so when you start opening the chakras where is the extra energy coming from? If you don't work on the channels that fuel your chakras first then the chakras will burn off your natural energy... this is why you see lots of weak looking people with psychic abilities, it's a tradeoff. So that's important and he guides you through working on the secondary centers... infact if you just work on those you will experience a lot more vitality, magnetism and higher libido, and you can open the higher centers if you want to experience spiritual phenomena etc. Here's the full system which you can start right away: https://divinetruth.com/www/en/pdf/People/Other/Robert%20Bruce%20-%20New%20Energy%20Ways.pdf Or the same thing broken into different pages: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/content.php?130-new-energy-ways
  8. That's really great that you've started practicing this. If you do even just 15-20 minutes a day, you can start getting some powerful results in just a few weeks even. Your sensitivity will increase over time so it will take less time to generate powerful sensations in the body, I'm at the stage where if I do this for just a couple of minutes on my feet they start to get really hot with a very powerful pulsating and buzzing sensation through them. Don't worry too much about seeing the part of the body in the mind if you can't help it, the main thing is to develop feeling that part of the body with tactile sensations. Seeing won't hinder unless it distracts you too much from feeling. What you can do at first for practice, is when relaxed, is use your physical right hand to brush your left hand and pay attention to how that feels. You can do that a couple of times. And then try and replay the sensation using your mind only, like remembering how it felt to brush your hand like that. With practice you won't need to touch your body first and your etheric body and mind become more sensitive to eachother and it will be easy to start feeling strong sensations in your body parts after a short period of stimulating with your awareness. It will never feel exactly like your fingers brushing your physical body, but the sensations will get stronger over time and eventually they will be very real and you will be able to feel the energy pulsating strongly in your body parts and the associated effects. Just remember to only work on the hands/arms or feet/legs/hips at first as he discusses in the material for safety reasons. I'd be interested on how you progress with this over time!
  9. lol, thanks I take that as a compliment. It's free, it's not my system and I'm rarely on this forum so there's nothing for me to gain by sharing this with you. I'd just like to see more people practicing what works instead of wasting time on visualising chakras and things like that.
  10. There are 3 main types of energy in traditional chinese theory: Jing, Qi and Shen Jing is the densest and lowest form, and is very powerful and resonates close to the physical plane. Qi is in the middle, it's in constant motion through the meridians of the body and resonates quite closely with emotions Shen is the most subtle of the energies and is to do with the mind and spirit When you feel very powerful with explosive vitality within you ready to tackle anything, that is when you have high concentrations of Jing. This also correlates to a high libido and abundance of sexual energy. As Black Flag mentioned, Yin and Yang are reliant on eachother, and really you want to build Yin energy to fuel the Yang. It's kind of like a spring, you contract first in order to expand. One of the most powerful ways of building Jing I've found is Gary Clyman's condensing breathing technique where you basically condense Qi into Jing inside the central channels of your body. The videos are below... (be aware Gary Clyman is a character, perhaps too much Jing.. but personality aside the technique is very powerful)
  11. This is a really hard idea to put into words... I'll try. So we're all one consciousness and our separate selves is just an illusion. I am you, you are me, etc. Why then were you born as you and living this life now currently in 2016? As consciousness, you could have been born as anyone at any time in history, but for some arbitrary reason you were born as yourself in this time period. Doesn't that seem odd? I can't quite put into words why, but that just feels really bizarre to me for some reason. Like right now, you are you in 2016. You're not me, you're not Steve Jobbs creating Apple, you're not an Egyptian King building the pyramids... you are you in this era. How arbitrary! Why you and why now?! If we're all one consciousness, this must mean that at point you must experience being consciousness locked in the body of everyone that has ever or will ever exist throughout time. So right now you are pure universal consciousness living out a lifetime locked in the body of yourself. But since you are really just pure universal consciousness, you must also have the experience of living my lifetime, King Henry VIII's lifetime, Steve Jobbs, Donald Trump's life etc.... everyone! Isn't that bizzare? Am I missing something?
  12. Exactly, and I find that so weird because apparently there is only the present moment, so it seems extra-strange that in the only moment that exists you are living the life of an arbitrary person in an arbitrary time when you could have been anyone at any time. Surely you should be experiencing everyone and everything at the same time... either that or that there is something extra special about your lifetime because you are locked into your body in the present moment which is the only moment that exists. But neither are the case, which makes it so weird! Yeah "if they exist at all"... that's where things get crazy. It would almost be easier to assume that consciousness is only living through your perspective and that everyone else is an illusion without the sense of being locked in their own consciousness like you experience. But that still begs the question why the focal point chose such an arbitrary medium, such as yourself, when it could have chosen anyone else at any point in time! You know I just find it so weird that out of everyone who exists you are currently experience reality as yourself. But since time is an illusion, you are currently experiencing being me and also that dog down the road. But for some bizzaro-land reason, right now, you have the experience of being locked in your body for your entire lifetime and you can be sure that you will wakeup every morning as the same person every single day! My head hurts now.
  13. If you are going to do this, I'd recommend doing a Qigong standing posture so you can get the health and qi benefits of Qigong while you do it. Here's one of the most simple standing postures in Qigong (Zhan Zhuang):
  14. I've been wondering about non-neediness lately, in regards to relationships and in reference to Leo's video on attraction. I can see this working, and I've noticed some very specific instances when things have turned around immediately when I've caught myself feeling needy, changed my mindset and then had people do a 180 and react positively. There's just a couple of paradoxes I'm trying to wrap my head around with this: 1. Sexual desire increases attraction I've noticed when I have very high libido and my desire for women is very strong, I become a lot more attractive to the opposite sex. How does this relate to the mechanics of non-neediness? Because when my libido is low, I don't desire sex or women but loose that magnetic attractiveness. Is there a difference between desire and need? 2. Impetus to move out of isolation Let's say you're in a circumstance where you are currently isolated, like you moved abroad where you don't know anyone and are working from home. Let's say you've gone half a month without physically talking to anyone. You think "enough is enough, I'm going to go out and start making connections"... this is born from a need for human contact. But if you attempt to rewire this urge because you don't want to need anyone, then you will continue to live in isolation and months down the line might actually go insane. So I've been wondering what's going with the principle of non-neediness in the above two examples? So far, what I can think for number 1 is there is a difference between desire for emotional connection and simple desire for sex. The former is more complicated and demanding while the latter is more basic and primal. With sex, we instinctively understand the value so if you desire sex in another, they immediately know they will get something out of it (sex). Maybe the tradeoff isn't as clearcut in emotional needs. In regards to number 2, maybe it's about going out and forming new connections from the desire to give and share... but then I'm wondering if you can ever really be authentic about that and if you're not just lying to yourself if you were in this situation. Any thoughts?