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Everything posted by dlof

  1. My advice would be to ditch Co-star and start learning real astrology from someone like Chris Brennan on the Astrology Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheAstrologyPodcast/videos ^Top tier resource to learn astrology But as a beginner you might need to go through the typical phases and eventually you'll find Co-Star to be massively inadequate.
  2. Hard not to, God is unknowable by the human mind.
  3. I completely agree, NDE's disprove the dogmatic thinking and many other elements of stage blue. My point though was that in several of these experiences it was shown that people who follow and love God are more evolved and developed than materialists. Referring to my original post, in one particular experience, a group of "bible thumpers" were shown to have a good heart as they love God and wanted to spread the message. It was shown that they were more evolved than those with just a materialistic paradigm. He was also shown that this Yoga guy who was thought to be crazy was actually more developed than the 'bible thumpers' as well which shocked the atheist NDE experiencer. So I wasn't saying that NDE's are equated to stage blue at all, instead I was pointing out that in many of the experiences, stage blue people are shown to be more developed than stage orange people, if you take dogmatic religious people as stage blue and atheist materialists as stage orange. But from what I gathered from Leo's replies, it seems my understanding of stage blue and orange may not be entirely correct... what I've taken from that is that perhaps the 'bible thumpers' weren't stage blue after-all and perhaps the atheist wasn't stage orange. I can't say I completely understand that yet, but that's my take-away so far.
  4. You'd think so, but honestly if you start getting into stuff like Near Death Experience research you can see how most scientists are actually unable to approach real science if if threatens their materialistic paradigm. A paradigm which is as flimsy and as "woo" as the craziest New Age stuff when you give it the most cursory thought.
  5. imo AI is the antithesis to consciousness. A robot has no free-will, it only does what it's programmed to do. Whereas free-will is the action of spirit directly influencing matter, probably through quantum interaction of the void with nanotubles in neurons in the brain. The spirit can send signals down the levels through the mental, astral and etheric realms to synchronisitcally fire off your neurons in patterns which would seem like "coincidence" from a material perspective, since it's using the laws of synchronicity. That's real mind over matter, or more accurately spirit over matter, and it happens all the time when you exercise your free will. Another example of this would be alchemy, transmuting lead into gold. Basically what's happening is a high charge of etheric energy is imprinted with the astral imprint of gold, and since atoms are popping in and out of existence all the time, they "coincidentally" re-order themselves into gold atoms. This is the kind of stuff the spirit is capable when it works with a very high etheric charge. AI is none of this, it's purely materialistic. You know when you're meditating and you observe your thoughts. Those thoughts are like an AI, it's not you. By merging yourself with AI, you'd just increase that part of yourself which isn't the real you and supercharge it to grotesque levels until it drowns out consciousness completely. You wouldn't be able to achieve true miracles working with the higher dimensions of existence, you would only have materialistic advancement while technology progresses. And down the line you wouldn't really be experiencing anything at all because there would be no consciousness there to witness experience. So yeah, I don't see that as a higher stage of development at all, instead the worst kind of devolution.
  6. Hrm, yeah I've got to think about this. You'd think that loving God is pretty high on the spiritual evolutionary scale even if it comes with some bible-thumping along the way. The endgame of scientism and materialism would be the complete destruction of consciousness as you merge completely with AI, basically the lowest of the low from a spiritual evolution standpoint. But I can see how being objective and empirical is higher than being dogmatic though. Like I'd put Hermeticism in that catagory and Hermeticists like Franz Bardon in there. They have an almost scientific approach to spirituality which is definitely of a much higher order than bible-thumpers. But as far as I'm aware there's no room in orange for that level of development so I assume is more yellow or something. So that brings me back to having trouble at seeing orange higher than blue. Perhaps I'm just having trouble ranking this stuff, like I can see elements of orange which are lower than blue and vice versa, so have trouble seeing one as higher than the other. Ok that's probably my issue, being empirical is certainly better than being dogmatic no qualms with that. Many of today's scientists remind me of fundamentalist Christians in their dogmatic adherence to the cult of materialism, so I guess that would be kind of a blue thing even though real science should be an orange thing.
  7. I definitely feel better when vaping rather than smoking, but my lungs still never reach 100%. I think I might be sensitive to VG, so I use need a higher PG to VG ratio for the liquid. Either way, it's better than smoking cigs. lluks_dnomaid
  8. There's different traditions out there when it comes to spiritual development. I follow Hermeticism mainly through a modified version of Franz Bardon's system. In Hermeticism, we have various bodies. The physical body, etheric body, astral body, mental body and akashic body. They're all important and serve their own purposes. There are also the 4 elements: fire, air, earth and water and in Hemeticism, everything in creation is a combination of these elements and akasha. Even God is said to radiate these 4 elements in their purest and most powerful forms, fire as omnipotence, earth as omnipresence, air as omniscience and water as omnibenevolence. Akasha is the great void of emptiness and this community is mainly geared around working with Akasha from a Hermetic perspective. On the lower levels, i.e. from our human experience, the elements form parts of the personality. By doing certain exercises or being in contact with Akasha, the elements in the astral body can be dissolved as a side-effect. The astral body is largely responsible for your emotional life, so as the elements become more dissolved so does your emotional experience of life. Some Hermeticists advise have a strong elemental structure in the bodies before doing hardcore work on the Akashic plane. You can start building up the elements in your astral body by meditating on the elements within nature. The degree in which you will evoke the element in your astral body is directly proportional to the degree in which you can *feel* the particular quality of the element. For instance, with fire, the degree you can actually create the feeling of heat while imagining a forest fire or volcano cone will determine how strongly the element of fire is being produced in your astral body. With air, it's the feeling of weightlessness and clarity. With water, it's a feeling of coldness and flow when you imagine say a stream or ocean. With earth, it's a heavy, solid, enduring feeling as you connect with a mountain or large stone. Earth in particular will help strengthen and bring cohesiveness to the astral body, but it's important to practice these elements equally. It's also important to continue consciousness work (Akasha) as you work with the elements otherwise parts of your personality can get out of control. Here are some resources on elemental balance from a master Hermeticist: - http://www.williammistele.com/lifeforce.htm - http://williammistele.com/fourelementsbalancing.pdf
  9. I think paradox is actually a component of higher-order truths and hints at their hyperdimensional nature and the limits of viewing these truths from a 3d perspctive. I believe that if you could see these concepts from the vantage point of a higher-dimensional perspective, they would be linked somehow in ways we cannot fathom from our 3d perspective. Often people who have DMT trips report beings, often hyperdimensional elves, showing them 'impossible shapes' or 'paradoxical shapes' which contain great beauty or truth but would make no sense in our dimension.
  10. I think there's a paradox somewhere in all this which somehow links having an individual free-will with being one with the universe and that's how you get the different tastes of different enlightened beings. Like if you spend time with Jesus, that would be a different quality than spending time with Buddha, despite them both being enlightened beings and one with the same universe/God, there are still individual differences in how this is expressed. Perhaps reaching a state of complete meaningless is the ultimate experience of free-will, since whatever you choose to do at this stage would be completely down to you, an act of original creation.
  11. @kieranperez Well there's plenty of NDE's, many included in those links for instance, where people have experiences on the other side which are on-par or exceeding what you get with 5-MEO trips. Becoming one with God, having omniscience of knowing everything in the universe etc. Those are actually fairly common reports that people come back with after they have died and been brought back to life.
  12. Eckhart Tolle talks about being above or below thought. When you're above, you are closer to the enlightened mind. He says when you're drunk, for instance, you're below thought. But that doesn't mean you're enlightened when you're drunk. Similarly, I think animals are naturally below thought.
  13. @GafaRassaDaba That's a solution which I have been feeling lately is true as well, since I've had some depressive episodes after meditation linked to feeling everything is meaningless. I've had a few signs which seem to indicate opening the heart and love is important to resolve this. I think it might be a sort of test or threshold actually. I watched a video a while ago of a guy who did DMT and discovered that everything is meaningless, he encountered a Jester who mocked him about it and it said "Since nothing matters then kill your friends". It definitely seems like a test of some kind and I'm pretty sure at this stage that love is the solution to this particular cosmic riddle.
  14. That's great, but I'm just curious, what would you say it was about your experience that created this change? If you are shown that nobody is real in your life and that they are all illusions, figments of your imagination, what is it about that realization which makes you more loving to others?
  15. It's the most natural thing ever and you've gone through it many times before already, check out some of these resources: - Notable Near Death Experiences - More Near Death Experiences - Pre-Birth memories (memories before they were born)
  16. Love this guy, Scott Turner. Talking about chakras on the spine and Kundalini power.
  17. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, "Jing" is basically your deep, visceral energy. Having lots of Jing means you feel vital, powerful with a strong libido. When a man ejaculates, he looses jing and that's why you usually feel tired afterwards. As you age you start to have less jing available to you, so you get frail and tired etc. There are various herbs you can take to build jing, some are stronger than others and some are more Yin and some are more Yang. Ideally, you want to have a balance. Here's what I consume to build my jing: Dlof's Jing Potion (very potent) 1 part prepared Rhemannia extract 1 part prepared He Shou Wu extract 0.25 part Deer Antler 1 part Black Ant (yes, this is actually ground up black ants) 2 parts Ginger Mix with some hot water, stir and drink. This builds a deep and powerful force inside you and nourishes your Jing. Note that for the Rehmannia and He Shou Wu, you need to buy them 'prepared'. In TCM, these herbs are prepared in special ways by boiling with other herbs or wine, if they are not prepared then they are not effective, especially the He Shou Wu which is pretty much just a laxative if it is not prepared. So when buying ensure it says 'prepared'. Other supplements Dried goji berries Deer / sheep placenta extract capsules Orchic capsules (bull testicles) The placenta is especially powerful in building both Yin and Yang jing.
  18. Sure, it can lead to rapid progress in a certain direction. Schinzen Young calls it "Strong determination sitting", he's got a video on Youtube about it as does Leo. I'm not really into that kind of hardcore meditation at the moment though. I'm mainly using meditation to help my focus, dissolve troublesome thought structures / emotions. Combining that with the standing meditation helps increase my energy and improve my posture at the same time too which is a bonus.
  19. Personally, I alternate between sitting and standing in a Zan Zuang posture otherwise my legs go numb. This works for me because I get the benefits of the standing posture and helps switch things up. But I understand this wouldn't be hardcore enough for some people who want to push through the leg pain / numbness etc., but that isn't my style atm.
  20. That was actually my point. Nazism / pedophillia wouldn't exist at the higher stages, the label is dropped as it bears no resemblance to what it was, or more accurately it's forgotten and replaced with something else entirely. I was saying it would be the same for feminism.
  21. It can drain your life-force energy, but no-fappers who abstain for months aren't doing anything good either since you can get something which is called 'jing stagnation' in Qigong. According to Taoism, a man should ejaculate a certain amount based on his age and constitution: they say in your teens and twenties once every 4 days, thirties once every 8 days, forties once every 16 days, fifties once every 21 days and sixties+ once every 30 days. This varies though depending on the tradition and the constitution of the man in question. That's just ejaculation though. You also want to ensure that you're not generating particularly negative feelings from whatever porn you use.
  22. I recommend reading David Deida's book "The Way of the Superior Man", it should help you out with understanding sexual polarity. You can probably find a pdf of it online somewhere, but consider purchasing it if it resonates with you.