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Everything posted by AnTe
@kuma first eliminate the negative self talk that was learned from people judging and talking down to you and replace with positive self talk like congratulating and thanking yourself for jobs well done. it's not simply validation, you're actually basing your personal values and self worth on other people's opinions. this is all learned behavior that once recognized can start to be invalidated with questions to yourself such as... who's words are these? where did I learn/hear them? why do I use them now on myself? also, remember people can't see into our heads and only see what we choose to act out. we've always been our biggest judge...
AnTe replied to kieranperez's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura what does the embodiment of unconditional love look like and mean to you? -
AnTe replied to kieranperez's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura yes that's how it starts but once they found the highest truth, they surely know and desire to make an impact. just as misery loves company, so does love and must be shared to be truly unconditional. it all starts with our personal reality, then we can consciously share with the collective. we must honor both/all realities we exist in together to be aligned with truth. -
AnTe replied to 1liamo78's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@ColdFacts don't hang onto words so much is Leo's point. I've said many times myself use words to express yourself but never let those words use you. if you need a more accurate way to explain it so that you can relate, it's not that God was bored but lonely and wanted to be able to examine/experience itself from infinite different perspectives. -
@How to be wise yes the world needs help but not indirectly with just words but directly through us leading by example from our personal experiences and planting seeds. we're all here to learn from and help each other which we're already doing just not efficiently and for the wrong reasons.
@EvilAngel it sounds to me like you live too much in your own head and you're expecting people in the present to treat you like the people from the past. it seems it's coming from self doubt which is also preventing you from trusting anyone else. your brain is trying to see behind people's words to their true intentions which you can't know until you've realized and accepted your own. also refrain from placing too much value on other people's feedback because it's never going to be 100% accurate unless you diversify and piece it all together yourself based on your personal experience of course.
@Yahya also mistakes shouldn't be taken as failure unless you give up or don't attempt. as long as we persist we will eventually succeed at anything and sometimes we'll even surprise ourselves of what we can accomplish.
it's not so much about learning politics unless you're planning a career in it but learning how things and people actually work so you can know where you stand. meaning, are you willingly or unwillingly contributing because I sure assure you were all contributing in one way or another even if we're not actually doing anything consciously. we have to be aware of all aspects of our lives which means personal and collective to be able to consciously live and make the choices that are aligned with our path/experience.
I understand and have been there until I started connecting the dots and seeing how it all relates. literally everything is explaining the same thing from diff perspectives which we have to filter through and connect it how it best makes sense to us based on our personal experiences. it's all related in some way even if it doesn't seem that way at first. its not only about knowledge because knowledge is useless without experience to back it up which creates wisdom.
no you're not wrong but it goes wrong when it becomes too personal, then it's no longer about the people but only your own insecurities and short comings.
they didn't say it but their works and words showed that. it's irrelevant and counterproductive saying that to religious people who have been externalizing their power for so long. these spiritual people of the past learned something very important, that you can say more through actions than words. the only true way to lead is by example which they primarily did but most were looking for God outside and that's how they interpreted it. we are God as individuals but only in our personal experience and reality but together we are God of the collective reality which is why we need each other.
yes the world is both light and love as well as violent and harsh. it's both but it's up to us which we choose to prioritize because awareness of it won't be enough until we align our thoughts with actions to make some kind of difference. that difference can be in ourselves by transmuting our violent and harsh tendencies to something more loving and of light. life's an experience of self exploration and growth, so everything is lessons teaching us and helping us grow. its not really about the world but the individual first then we can connect with other individuals through relation which unfortunately is easier when it comes to the abundance of darkness.
it's not irreparable, low self esteem came from learning to trust other people's opinion and judgments more than ourselves. not to mention everyone's been lying to us since we were innocent children who were honestly expressing our observations and due to other people's denial this made us consistently doubt ourselves. we also learned to compare ourselves in effort to gain external value rather than building internal value which we then present to the world.
it sounds like you're currently using stress as your motivator which seems to be working for you at the moment. once you become more self aware and accept your strengths and weaknesses, you won't have to stress so much as it'll start to fall into place naturally. effort is necessary of course but stress isn't once we've had enough experience. you don't stress tying your shoe laces anymore do you?
I know it sounds scary but it's not how it sounds. you're absolutely in control because it's your perspective and self doubt that's causing this. I suggest working on ways to repair your relationship with yourself so your ego isn't working against but with you. you have a power struggle going on inside you that's tearing you apart from inside out.
it's because you're most likely already your biggest and harshest critic so are taking other people's words and actions personally. people can't see into our minds they only see what we act out and most people are judging based on their insecurities just as you are, projecting this to the outside world.
I understand and loving yourself has to do with acceptance and appreciation of your life and experiences. this will happen once you re-examine your past properly and learn to see lessons in every experience that happen for you rather than to you.
those are emotional attachments and unprocessed memories which will be hard to let go until you're able to see all perspectives and realize it wasn't really as personal as we thought.
msg me, I can prob help you as I've been working on emotional intelligence for a long time now. I also manged to process and put my past behind me for most part.
books can only provide knowledge based on other people's perspectives and experiences. when we apply this knowledge through trial and error to our lives only then can we acquire wisdom...
what you're referring to is an emotional attachment to a past issue. you most likely feel regret because you can't accept value for the lesson in the experience. we usually keep recreating and reliving the experience until we're able to see all angles of the situation and finally answer the what, how, and why it happen. it's easy to look back and see it from our own perspective but harder to see it from the opposite perspective much less the neutral unbiased perspective.
@Faceless, thoughts and words are meant to be used not to be used by them.
@Faceless, decisions are made based on conditioning but we can choose to recondition ourselves like many of us here have.
experience and self reflection then comparing notes. look for patterns and similarities rather than differences and you're bound to find some truth and answers.