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Everything posted by SaltyMeatballs

  1. Have u considered trying subliminal messages?
  2. Should be fine white/yellowish powder. Did u order HCL or freebase?
  3. Easier said than done. Do u have any tips for remaining mindful throughout the day? I have tried so many things lol, awareness is very tricky. Lately I have discovered just how beautiful doing nothing can be. I sat for 2 hours yesterday and 1hour before bed doing absolutely nothing and it felt better than watching my favourite TV Show. So many insights came up. And I agree that there is no past or future, everything happens in the now. And the now is so wonderful if u just surrender and simply be. Awareness alone is purifying to the soul.
  4. @astrokeen I would suggest doing a great deal of strong determination sittings of 1 hour daily. That way you train the mind to accept everything as it is so when u face your death on 5meo or other psychedelics, it will be a smoother process.
  5. @cirkussmile What job did you quit and what is the bigger picture you are talking about?
  6. Currently regressing back into old habits. Past few weeks have been a constant struggle against old addictions and thought patterns which I thought were worked through.
  7. Today is 120 days since I have completely stopped fapping and masturbating. I can feel a huge difference in my energy levels and so happy to have made it this far. The journey is worth it trust me!!
  8. 21 M. Never Had a long term relationship. Only one night stuff. I don't have the desire to go out and meet women. It's not because I am scared or frightened, I genuinely don't feel like it. Does anyone else here feel the same way?
  9. @Solace I feel like I need to work on myself. How can I love anyone if I don't even love myself?
  10. Since my last retreat 9 months ago, I have been able to maintain a daily practice of 1 hour strong determination sitting. The longest I have done is 1:15. After 1 hour, my mind becomes very agitated and my awareness deteriorates as the mind constantly thinks about the end bell. There is usually no intense physical pain. I try my best to surrender and bring my attention back to whatever I am focusing on. I want to be able to sit with ease for 2 hrs plus and access the deeper layers of the mind. Is it just a matter of practice with time? Edit: I have been meditating daily for nearly 2 years.
  11. @How to be wise Effects pertaining to Vipassana technique .. Increased pain tolerance both mentally and physically Anxiety and depression have lessened to a large degree. However, this is not linear and someimes these feelings come back stronger than before. Morning session help me to stay grounded in the present moment as I go about my day. Overcoming addictions... I have been able to absain from porn for over 110 days. Becoming more aware of my diet and the way it affects my emotions thus more inclined to eat healthy Generally calmer and non aggressive. Increased desire to become a monk/ live in isolation. Loosing attachments to material things and to life in general, suicidal ideations come and go. Saving money by more conscious desicions, less knee jerk reactions. Better sleep!!! Very slowly eroding the materialistic paradigm, get a clearer sense that this life is merely a dream. Taking things less seriously In general. And many more effects which I'm not conscious of or don't remember ... So far not many mystical experiences. I still consider myself as a complete newbie. Hope that puts things into perspective ?
  12. Make sure u get plenty of sleep and drink some Matcha green tea prior to the session. I find that helps my friend
  13. That makes alot of sense, thank you.
  14. I have searched through the book list but could not find the book on Yoga which Leo suggests reading in his video "The importance of real yoga" Can someone please tell me what the book is so I can buy it. Many thanks!!
  15. I would highly recommend a 10 day Vipassana retreat. There you will learn strong determination sittings and when you get back home, you will be able to meditate longer than 20 min for sure.
  16. INSPIRATION > MOTIVATION TO TAKE ACTION > TAKING ACTION > MAKING PROGRESS > GIVE UP > REPEAT The above sums up the game I've played for as long as I can remember. This reminds me of the principle of "negative vs positive motivation" that Leo mentions in the LPC... I usually start projects to improve my life situation. Once I see a little bit of progress, I sabotage myself and give up entirely. I'm very good at starting but terrible at finishing. Who else here can relate to this? Are you the kind of person who mentally masturbates over self-help materials but never takes action? If you do take action, do you eventually give up even though you have made good progress?
  17. Thank you all!!
  18. Hello everyone, I finally summoned the courage to ask for help. Lately my mind has been all over the place and I have lost all motivation to continue working on the course. I assume that most people who start the course feel a sense of excitement and a feeling that nothing else matters as much as this. I felt this way for a few months but i no longer have that fire in me to continue. I am stuck on the Impact statement. I have spent quite some time trying to work it out. I have come up with some answers but they do not resonate or feel authentic to me. My zone of genius = "Becoming the strongest version of myself" I have invested a lot of time into personal development (practical and theory) and I enjoy growing myself. I want my life purpose to be about personal development but as Leo has mentioned, doing it just for my own sake will not fulfil me and I agree. However, the idea of helping other people self-actualise does not appeal to me. Hopefully someone can help me? Please ask any questions and I will be willing to answer them as best as I can.
  19. This one touched me deeply. Enjoy
  20. Try watching how famous people have become successful. My favourite one so far is Jay-Z. It clearly portrays the hero's journey and mastery process.