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Everything posted by Lise

  1. Hello! I was wondering if anybody has experience with being in their senior year in high school and doing the life purpose course at the same time? As many high school students, I take my schoolwork kind of seriously, but at the same time I'm spending around one (maybe two) hour each day on distractions (although it's not TV-series, more like documentaries). Will it be strategical if I sleep less, and do the LPC? In return I'll maybe get a motivation-boost, drop my distractions and do even better in school? Or should I wait with the LPC until the vacations, and do it then, and mainly focus on school this semester? Any experiences? Comment: I only have a few months until graduation, in addition to that I live in a country (Norway) where it is necessary to deliver good results all of the time to get good grades. Also, to enter university this year I have to apply by 15th of April (in other words: pretty soon!). All replies will be deeply appreciated! Regards A confused 18 years old girl.
  2. Fuck it, I'll just do the course I will probably thank myself later.
  3. @Girzo I was thinking about just trying something out (architecture, product design or some kind of engineer), and if I didn't like it, I could quit. I was also thinking about taking philosophy, but only as one subject, so I would have some time to think, and ponder about life (and more time to take the course!) I'm probably stressing to much, hehe
  4. @Lorcan Ooooh, thank you for the insight! I've never really thought about school that way!