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About TeaMasterDrinker

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  • Birthday 05/10/1991

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  1. If your asking if MDMA has special qualities outside of traditional psychedelics that make it worth it to try, I would say absolutely yes. However you need to research the risks associated with the potential neurotoxicity and abuse potential to see if its right for you. I've used the classic psychedelics, mushrooms, LSD, DMT, 2C-B in varying dosages for years and have found them incredibly fascinating and helpful in my life and spiritual journey. I was always weary and hesitant to try MDMA because of the potential neurotoxicity and comedowns I've heard about. After lots of research and waying the risks, I decided to try it at a music festival for the first time and I was absolutely blown away by the effects. I found that the empathogen effects were on a completely different level than psychedelics and made it seem like psychedelics actually miss a very large part of the human empathy experience. I almost learned more about my girlfriend in that single night than I had in the previous 8 years we were together. It gave me the ability to completely dive into other peoples bodies and see their perspective and feelings without my own biases or world view. It completely eliminates fear and social inhibitions. I took 100mg that was tested 95+% MDMA by ftir spectrometer (perks of living in Canada!). I had no noticeable hangover, or nothing more than I'm used to from other psychedelics. However, I would say that the amphetamine part of MDMA, has a very forcing quality to it. i was running around and talking with complete strangers at the festival and doing things I wouldn't normally do as I'm quite introverted. They were great conversations and I had tons of fun, but I didn't necessarily feel like I was in control. I can see where the potential for people with PTSD or anxiety could benefit a lot with talk therapy as it allows to you bring up all your emotions and past experiences and talk about them without fear, anxiety or shame. It's easy to tell that MDMA has a very different mechanism of action within the brain than psychedelics, and I would never do it more than 100mg once a year. When I was researching peoples experiences on reddit, it sounds like people do way too high of doses way too often and eventually damage their serotonin and dopamine systems in the brain and MDMA usually stops working or loses "the magic" and makes them depressed. If definitely seems like less the better with MDMA, once every couple years and keep doses reasonable around 100mg.
  2. @Peo 2C-B is generally more manageable and less ego shattering than LSD or mushrooms. It obviously still needs to be respected as it has potential in higher doses. Over the last 18 months I've experimented with 2C-B a handful of times and have come to really enjoy the experience. Since it is a phenethylamine, it is quite different than mushrooms and LSD which are tryptamines. It overall has a much less grand metaphysical headspace, but still increases curiosity and wonder. I really enjoy the body high and mild mind space as I lay on the couch and contemplate and listen to music. I do notice more empathy towards others and find I can still socialize reasonably well. I'd say it's more similar to LSD than mushrooms, and even with that being said it's still more of a gentle and forgiving of an experience than LSD. I find it is much more chill and won't do as much of the heavy lifting if your looking for spiritual insights, i find LSD and mushrooms are more effective for that. For reference I've generally done 12mg and 25mg oral doses, with 25mg feeling comparable to a 100ug LSD trip. I'd recommend around 15mg for your first time unless your quite experienced. Just be careful with dosing because every increments of 5mg, which is hard to reliably measure, can change to intensity quite a bit. I always mix it with water or orange juice. Of course, make sure you get it tested so you know exactly what's in it!
  3. I've definitely tried this in the past, not everyday, more like 3 times a week, but I just didn't see any results. Like I mentioned before I may have given up too seen before seeing results so I will give this another shot. But also, just for clarification, what exactly in this exercise is actually contributing to the endurance. Is it just the practice of breathing calm and focusing on the sensations of the whole body and not just the penis, or is it continuous stopping at the point of no return and squeezing the pelvic muscles and restarting that train the endurance? Maybe both?
  4. Thanks for the response @Roy She recently has really gotten interested in trying to sort all this out, so she has purchased a vibrator and like I said she's been doing an online course to try to remove her blockages and open up. I'm supportive about her masturbating and using a vibrator but I think the blockages run deep and she's still a little bit awkward about it. I guess if it doesn't get better then a sex therapist will be an option. She's also tried her first mushroom trip and she had a pretty good session with lots reflection on her past. I think we may be able to do the unwiring and acceptance of her past if we carefully repeat these sessions. I am very intrigued by this. I've read David Dieda's Way of the Superior Man and similar books and this was a common technique. I'm a daily meditator and I spend a lot of time doing Vipassana. When I tried being hyper aware of my body and slowing my breathing during sex it seemed to work slightly but inevitably the impending sense of no return always appeared too early. It's very possible I kind of gave up on this too early because I didn't notice results quick enough. How did you crush and conquer this by getting in touch with yourself? Was it through repetitive practice during sex or meditation or a different practice?
  5. Hello everybody, first post here. I'll give a bit of my background for context in this post. My girlfriend and I have been together for about 5 years and we have always been very open with each other and have good communication. She came from a religious background and a fairly stage blue family from a small town. I've always considered myself a bit of a hippie and from a stage orange family. I was introduced to psychedelics when I was 17 and began spiritual practices when I was 23 (I'm 29 now). It wasn't until I saw Leos videos a few years ago that I seriously combined my psychedelic experiences with spiritual practices as well. Any who, I was able to introduce her to psychedelics and spirituality and I feel she's made significant progress towards green. Our main challenge with our relationship ( I think) is our inability to have long, deep, passionate, satisfying sex. We've talked about it and because of her upbringing she still feels shame about her body and sexuality which makes it hard for her to open up, let go and relax during sex. She's never had an orgasm before, not with me or her previous boyfriends or during solo masturbation. And that breaks my heart. I've worked on foreplay quite a bit, which we do anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes, but when it comes to penetration I can only last from 3 to 5 minutes on average . Our sex is still fun and weekly but we both know it could be way better. With all that being said, I've let this issue go on for way too long and I want to do something about it. I want to make it my mission to be the first person to give her an orgasm. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Any quality reference to material for men to be able to give better foreplay and longer endurance in bed would also be great. She is currently taking an online course from Kim Anami (the well fucked woman) to increase her sexual confidence, openness and ability to orgasm. Kim Anami also has a course called Sexual Mastery for Men which I'm contemplating. Has anyone taken this course and noticed good results? Thanks in advance,