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  1. It’s a drug. So it is not your everyday experience, so to speak. Best to work with what you got. Article quote: "Our aim was to identify the precise areas inside the brain where the drug is active. We thought when we started that psilocybin would activate different parts of the brain. But we haven't found any activation anywhere. All we have found are reductions in blood flow" A fall in blood flow suggests that brain activity has reduced. The areas affected were those parts of the brain that tell us who we are, where we are and what we are. When these areas were dampened down, I was no longer locked into my everyday constraints...” Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-12122409 This is all at a relative level though, which is part of the absolute. Again, work with what/where/how you are,...unless doing it for the experience which you know will pass and maybe leave you wanting more of something that can never be real.
  2. @Nahm Maybe it's better asking "whats life like?" Using the words 'your experience' is where you might be having issues getting some to talk about it. It's not really an experience, as experiences come and go, and are usually happening to someone (in time). What this is, is constant, everywhere, all the time...life living itself. As a byproduct, things are perfect, even when they appear not so, it's relaxing as you're not fighting anything anymore or saying it should be different than whatever is appearing in front of you- including the occasional thoughts that may pop up. When it comes to others, you play your part and pick up and drop beliefs at a whim so the play keeps on going. You learn to avoid telling people that it's a (lucid) dream because it stop the scene in it's tracks - which spoils the fun for all parties. All in all, things get a lot lighter and not serious in the slightest. There are possible downsides, without any drama for a person, emotional reactions seem to settle meaning extremes of excitement (and sorrow) become less. (It's strange trying to put it into words. One really has to think and make up stuff to bridge this, as without doing so one doesn't think the above all the time, as in one sense, thats still not it and it muddy's the truth - best to experience it for oneself)
  3. @Joseph Maynor Good luck. Just make sure your ego doesn't start a cult of some kind with all that mission talk. Far too many deaf people leading the deaf. Added: I have to say, I haven't had the feeling of embarrassment in a long time and yet when I read your posts it seems to flood my body. Thank you for that, interesting feeling and a nice memory so to speak. "I'm only telling you that for your own good" as you like to say, even though it was unnecessary and could be hurtful to your current identity .
  4. Maybe take some time off and come to terms with things. The fact you reference that this is a life a purpose means that your ego thinks it's enlightened as it's on a mission. Even though it is telling you it can't be enlightened, maya is a trickster, and many have called you out on this yet you choose to ignore it. Look at your own posts as if it wasn't you that wrote them. You have two choices after reading this post if you defend your position once again, that can only come from maya and you're lost again in her, if you settle with it and ask yourself, "Could this also be maya speaking?" and do some work on it, you might come out the other end a bit earlier. Maya plays with everything, including enlightenment, which means you will only respond one way.
  5. @SOUL There is a difference between negation and being negative. You can only really negate about whats it's not as talking about it is fruitless - as it leads to more seeking. Negation leads to grasping in many ways as it reveals it without requiring to know what it is. All you really need to focus on whats it's not. It's also dawned on me and reminded me something which I have been at fault too. That is when talking about all this one has to be very delicate with what one says. It's said that one should even wait 10 years before trying to teach others because there is still the settling in period and we may be expressing things in a way that is a disservice rather than service. Say the wrong word to the wrong person and you'll end up discussing how dirty the fingernail is rather than their direction to see the lightness of moon oneself. And yep, my finger definitely needs a manicure, as do most.
  6. @Timotheus Not a fan of using others to make a point but it's a nice quote: “Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves.” ― Nisargadatta Maharaj
  7. Maybe, but that's not how it will be applied by most. It's '...my dark night of ...my soul'. People are having them left-right-and-center these days anyway so maybe something new is required of the recognition of being nothing and coming to terms with that.
  8. @Shin Sorry Then again...it's the little things that we miss that can have a big impact. In that case, can there be an individual soul, if there is no separate self right now? Sounds like an ego/personality to me that wants to remain even after death.
  9. Get rid of that '...of the soul' bit. 'Dark night' is all you need as an expression as it dosen't support ideas which could be incorrect. Looking into the void has to happen but depending on how one has approached it, could be a shrug or a longer adjustment. It will pass nonesless leaving the 'sunny day' of everything.
  10. Remember show and tell? Telling people of your new toy didn't amount to much, but showing them, and then telling about it ,that was something we could grasp. In money matters, show her (that goes for everything else in life too). Tell her you're going to save up for something 'but you keep spending the money/need more organisation' - So "i heard this thing" and went to the bank and created a new savings account (just for that toy/experience), and that every month you'll be putting a few bits of money into it. Call the account something cool, like "SkyDiving Account" Outside sources are better than personal ones to justify it - more agreeable apparently. "I read this..." or "Friend x did this" and you're copying it. Gives her permission to copy too, plus gives value to outside learning at the same time which seems important to you. This is different level of communication and it won't be manipulative if you're really doing it for yourself first and others second. If it's important to them, they'll copy, if not they won't, but at least you're be saving up for that thing and have something fun to look forward too.
  11. What was the question? I thought I bridged the idea of the appearance of what some might call in the business 'heart enlightenment' to 'deepening' after after. If anything it could be just called body-enlightenment maybe, as your body expands to everything, not just to the thing dangling below your eye-line. As you mentioned though, its always best to find out rather than ask questions or assume/speculate with knowledge/feelings. Everything will take care of itself after the fact, including so called errors being corrected, such as your mind/heart division which was collected from the outside.
  12. @Blissout You find that most conversations people have are based around these issues. No problems, no worries... For a while people found themselves saying towards me: "You're very quiet, is everything alright?". "Yes, yes it is, and you?" I must seem very boring.
  13. @Shin Poor use of words, heart (good for his crowd though), but the deepening thing is where that might fall into. If all separation drops, well, it's hard not to 'love' (or maybe better, appreciate) the shit out of everything - and everyone that appears - because its all the same. Even though it implies duality, if there is no you, 'relationship' to everything has to change/shift to the new paradigm and depending what pops up when it pops up that might take time - even though from the perspective of enlightenment, it doesn't take time, as past, future and even the present have very little bearing on ones life unless it's needed for the ego to play it's part.
  14. Write it out on some pen and paper (not computer). Work through and get it out your head. That way you'll be able to see what happening a bit more clearly. It will show how illogical your mind can be, even more so when you come back to have a look what you previously wrote. Its always good to 'throw up' our thoughts on paper where they can be examined. If you leave them in your thinking, they'll just spin around and develop with no grasp of what the hell you need to get passed.
  15. It’s normal. Keep going. Remember humour (rather than seriousness) and not to take it personally