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Everything posted by Ocean

  1. Go for a walk. Focus on your breath while doing so and relax into it, enjoy the thoughts of the confusion but don't beileve them. Come back and report.
  2. I'm very open to that blindspot comment, as my errors became more important than my beliefs. And yet after rigorous testing and failings (like posting here) the answer always comes back the same. On some level I was hoping for a more substantial reply to confirm I'm as deluded as everyone else when it comes to this. And from what happened, it's wasn't flippant or simplistic in the slightest. It was very challenging and complex and there was a lot of wasted time as I was holding on to things I wasn't even aware of. I'll leave now unless someone else engages and is curious about all this silliness.
  3. You've asked a lot of questions, many which one wouldn't need to ask or worry about if they were serious. They are just more ego distractions to save itself and keep the mind active on the wrong places. Good questions don't look like them. A lot of it can be summed as just going alone, starting again as you've never read anything and finding out for yourself. Use the foundation of an approach (who am I, neti neti, is this true) and discover for yourself. Maybe if you uncover what it might (not) be, go back and check what they are saying matches the same recognition. You'll then maybe see how they themselves are unknowingly supporting the illusion by talking and describing it as much as they do to their followers. Regarding the bold, yes, they are all distraction. Fun ones. But distractions. They are what some call, spiritual materialism. It was a playground I was familiar so i'm not saying they are not real per se, but one important discovery made me abandon them all. They all pre-suppose and promote 'separation' and the big one pre-suppose and promote a personal and others identity. I had to throw them out, and yes, you kinda do have to be ruthless with this as ego is attached to a lot and maya is a trickster. It will very hard if one has as spent years in a place that supports a false self.
  4. I should know better but it seems like i'm having to get involved. Ah well. The operative word in the above is 'research'. If you are teaching others about this, it should come from a place of knowing. This is what I meant in a previous post/thread of it could be the blind leading the blind. Just in this one area. The whole assisting and guiding people to become better versions of themselves and enjoy life more, you're doing great at. Not that you need a piece of random text on a forum to say so. I'll now repeat what I said in the previous deleted post, as to, hopefully, make one last pointless point.
  5. Thanks for the reminder. It was a fun attempt nonetheless but in the end, it's not what people want. It's not my platform and I don't want to spend my time ruining the movie for others. @Leo Gura As Uncle Ben use to say, "with great power comes great responsibility"....wait no, sorry, that was Stan Lee, wait, or was it? Ah heck it's all the same thing in the end. Enjoy.
  6. For clarity, after the fact, those words are themselves poor descriptions. They're close I guess, still not it though. Nothing can be. Thats just more noise and one attempting to use a shared language. You'll have to throw them out too if you want to get to the bottom of things.
  7. This is usually why important aspects get ignored. It's not fun to strip away things close to us. One can miss the very obvious because of these stories and descriptions. It's always there and never can be anywhere else, so just look. Some might be disappointed in a way because there are no bells and whistles, just a clear recognition. Things like letting go, surrendering, trust, and even love/acceptance are all byproducts of this recognition as one settles. Putting those before the cart is all mind/maya. But don't believe me, or anyone else, find out yourself, I'm now just as bad and misguided as everyone else. I'm maya. On the plus side I'm foolishly attempting to describe whats it is not. Which is helpful process all must take alone without any support or help from others. Again not so fun, so most will ignore if they're enjoying life rather than seriously curious about it. Dropping the chase for enlightenment can be a massive weight of ones shoulders and leaves one to truly pursue the joys and lows life has to offer. As this is personal development forum some might want to leave all the enlightenment nonsense and put their energy on something that really matters to them. In the end, you'll do what you do. As i'm doing now, so just relax and have fun, we might as well.
  8. @Heart of Space Words are important here, they point to something. The video is still filled with personal identifications and loaded separation concepts. It's a very, very noisy video, whether it's from thoughts or speech - and one who is identify with it rather than seeing past them. Silence and simple recognition, even if descriptive thoughts arise. It's also that, but it's not. That's just noise. All perfect still, until....
  9. @Butters The more improved/aware the person you become, the better you'll be able to help those around you by example (rather than preaching). Self-development is a selfish process until its not. Enjoy the ride and be friendly to yourself.
  10. This is why one should settle before even attempting this. Years maybe decades. You might be leading people in the wrong direction, even with the best of intentions.
  11. This is why most miss it. It's very simple and if anything, can be disappointing, as the beliefs that followed about it don't match. It's just always there and everywhere no matter what is. Nothing special in the slightest. There was a testing phase and then relaxation. Then just life continues as it was, the same albeit very different. If there are fireworks, and therefore not constant no matter where 'you' are, it was just a nice experience. I like experiences but it ain't the end. The danger in the video is that it might set it up into something it might not be, best to give people the tools to get there so experience is first hand without any assumptions about it. With assumptions there will be just more work to do.
  12. Found it on my shelf. Curiosity got the better of me. Section 2: Love Chapter: Love and Psychotherapy. Page: 162, near the bottom of page. (my version) He talks that love for therapist is natural and any good therapist would love them back, but as any normal parent would for their child. He mentions this is an important point to work through (love transference) and should be discussed. Bring it up I say, don't be embarrassed, you're there to get support and he will not care and it will make any future romantic relationship all the more stronger and healthier if you do bring it up now, rather than dwell in something not fully understood. Use the book line, or just say "I think I might love you, and i'm not sure if it's romantically or like you're my dad or something, haha"
  13. Maybe pick up a copy of a book called "The Road Less Travelled". I hope it's the right book as i've read few in my memories. He was a therapist and mentioned that this was a common occurrence. I can't remember what he says the reasons are but I think it's along the lines that it's hard not to fall in love with people who put so much time into hearing and generally being there for someone else in a non-judgemental way. This wasn't romantic love but rather a different kind, and people can mistake the two. Please read it though for the exact insight. Look in your library as it's kinda popular or flick through a copy in a shop and find the section. Also, maybe when in a session say that you read it and ask if thats ever happened to him - he may guess what's going on from that and help you out indirectly so everyone can save face. PS: regarding the line.... hard not to fall in love with people who put so much time into hearing and generally being there for someone else in a non-judgemental way. Put this into practice into any new relationship you seek, while not expecting in return and they may end up loving you too, whether you want that for romantic reasons will be up to you.
  14. @Monkey-man@Monkey-man Are you not passionate about discussing this lack of passion? All words and thoughts in the end. Reminded me when I swapped anxious for excitement back in my memories. Thoughts are the trickster here, it will play with you making you passionate one day and not another. If you're having insights about the nature of things let them settle and if it means being with lack of passion/excitement so be it. Not that big deal unless you tell yourself it is.
  15. @Mighty Mouse Although it's very clear what you are saying, this person needs help from the game/world/dream/whatever perspective, not Truth's - as you may have mentioned it spoils things in many ways and maybe best keep quiet. I'll attempt to the do the same.
  16. If it's not a constant, it's not enlightenment. Experiences are just experiences. Thoughts about what enlightenment is don't really exist per se. It's like a recognition. I'm aware Leo is playing a role where he's attempting to describe things, but in many cases that will get in the way for others and lead the person describing into further narratives of their own enlightened self - even when it says to itself, it can't get enlightened. There's a nice Taoist saying, “Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.” ― Lao Tzu, Tao Teh Ching Which mean, yep, by being here i’m losing something and gaining something else.
  17. Yoga and meditation are the same in many ways. Awareness. Is your body old or is it young? Is this experience? If he didn’t have a following, look like he did and therefore no credibility, would you believe him. There a great documentary about a guy that faked being a guru and created real changes in others. I forgot the name, if anyone can chime please do Found it: http://www.kumaremovie.com/
  18. As others have pointed, who cares what he or me say. Find out for yourself. Unless you’re looking for excuse to not folllow a passion? How would telling others not to follow theirs a benefit. A life lived with joy and passion seems like a life lived well, even if it’s short. Those that do, enjoy life, and that’s becomes even better when we’re not tied down by the beliefs of others...hence the joy of Truth and not getting in our own way to see it
  19. Working with knowledge, humans are aged when the spaceship we’re on travels around our energy source of a sun. It happens 35 times and some rules are applied. Osho seemed cool but noise got in the way, as it does most people, including me and posting my nonesense. Enlightenment is a change in perspective at its core, heavily wrapped around identity of the individual and the world the think they live in.
  20. Sleep can be used as death training in many ways. It can also be used for entertainment, I personally have flown like superman in lucid dream experiences. Cool memories/experience with feeling. I once read that, what you would call a monk, do an exercise while getting sleep which was to dissolve all thoughts of the day in white light so it won’t impact dreams and the morning state. For you know, reasons! For a while, when more busy, I would play out my day in reverse and attempt to remember things that happened. Some famous historical dude use to ask himself a simple question apparently, “what good have I done today” In the end, simplicity wins. Eat when hungry, sleep when tired.
  21. I know that experience, free moving and going with the body. Tai chi and Qi gong was a thing for me for a while but I found my body wanting to move differently, tensing muscles randomly and just dance in a way with no rules. Life also gave me a book called dynamic tension. Principal is that you use your force as weights in a way. Example would be to put your fist in the other hand, at shoulder level and push and resist yourself. Use one hand to push the other to resist. Cool old book and a unique find. And yeah I agree, spine is super important along with the nervous and lymphatic systems for overall health. For me when doing things, focus on the muscle groups while working on them helps - including everyday walking and standing. Relaxing into things while also very attentive and ready to move.
  22. It’s about focus and return. If you have a problem, spend 20% on the problem, and 80% on the solution. If you want to be healthier, plant food and exercise 80%, 20% being lazy and junk food. If you want financial success, 80% on business, work/skill improvement. 20% distracting and entertaining yourself. Many businesses rely on 20% of their client base for the majority of their income (80%).
  23. Yeah it’s a hefty one. Did you get the Zen body being book - I guess to say a little about. Yeah, got a few Bruce lees book. We was strong as feck and wasn’t bulky. Big muscle people seem so stiff to me. Ask them to do some gymnastic style moves and they can’t. I find myself playing sports/activities and doing random things like slacklining and juggling. Balance and coordination type things. Have you messed around with slow movements for Bodyweight exercises. Very meditative.
  24. I agree it’s a distraction, if you want more i enjoy divine cosmos.com - purely for entertainment purposes. Things seem to heating up. For a more practical perspective, aliens would have the same consciousness as us, although with different knowledge and experiences. They might themselves be so locked into their own ego personalities that they don’t see the Truth of their connection to the all, while being nothing at the same time (depending which direction you focus on)