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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. Sorry to say its usually a waste of time to help, only if he really wants it ,not you wanting it for him and hes tagging along...
  2. The more you see lies in yourself and how mind decieves you the more you can read subtle things that others are doing, where they lie, it becomes funny because they think they can lie but its seen from miles away... Women are good at this men need practice to feel and logically undrestand this subtle signs and ways..
  3. @onacloudynight When you mention dating market immedietly i can read you as easily influenced guy with no sense of self,no original and critical thinking,gullible is the word, you believe in this nonsense like dating market and now that will affect your action and your direction of life in this case dating...hiding behind that so you avoid inner work to not see how weak you are.. You will also missjudge my message because your level of thinking is working againts you not for you...
  4. You taking accountability and realizing how skewed your thinking is
  5. Easy... push comfort zone towards something worth to you,almost every day and that's extremely hard to follow , thats probably single most important reason why there are few "extraordinary" people... Sacreficing feeling good to be extraoridinary on daily basis...
  6. @Razard86 That's a really broad queastion but i can give examples Weak is being in reaction,being overly emotional(affected easily),passive,not being able to assert yourself(no spine),giving excuses,victim mentality(others are the reason) etc. Strong is opposite not making excuses taking accountability,being driven by his own codes rules of sucess,going for what you want not being affected by outside because inside is created by you,strong sense of identity and direction...
  7. @Razard86 i had that experience i thought that is quality of a weak men being inspired by a woman to take action instead already taking action more than anyone can inspire to..
  8. @Emrie You are giving me plottwist after plotwist ? What i meant is that if you dont offer value to someone or they like you to have sex with you, if there is apsence of either of those 2 things, people around you dont care about you, so you should not care about them because it stiffles your growth focusing on stuff that wastes time like that... But if you are feminine then first part applys there are mostly insecure,creepy,inexperienced guys around because its tough to be a man... So you have to deal with it and when you see weakness like that you move on...
  9. You dont hate men you hate males big difference... You seek experienced guy with game that knows what hes doing and those are rare, so you have to deal with this.. To become a man it takes alot of effort,skill and knowledge where some are either in the process of becoming or forever stuck in male weak mindset and being... As a woman you dont grasp how much one has to work for to become calibrated man etc. But you dont need to know(but for your sanity is good :)) im just opening your eyes if you dont know already... EDIT: I thought you are a woman writing this Why do you care what they do i mean ignore them and get rid of loser friends, nobody cares about you like that if you dont do something for them, so its a waste of time to think about them and not focusing on yourself...
  10. By realizing that you are defining yourself with past you! with past knowledge,level of thinking etc. Which is not you right now and now you learned what you should avoid those mistakes in the future...
  11. I was playing 1 min chess(where you dont need to think much) was looking at the board(btw my eyesight is relatively bad) and suddenly my eyesight started to become sharper and better i could see everything perfectly... I had to keep up on the play,it helped me with that ,but suddenly board started to distort and move a little ? I looked at the side and i saw that i started to have light psychadelic hallucination(i didnt take anything, happened on its own) Vision was like that classic psychadelic inifinty gifs where you can clearly see the subsence of whole reality(conciousness) At that moment i could see how im creating everything(this you cant understand you can only see it).. I knew how everything was imaginary at that moment it was cleastar clear nothing is real not me+reality (finally understood what you guys been saying its imaginary in direct experience) Fear came and sat there because i was losing sense of reality by its own but it calmed down.. Its crazy how psychadelic trip could start on its own and you are at mercy of it it can take you where it wants and show you anything... Didnt want to focus too much on one particular thing because it felt like i would get sucked into it and leave body behind ?? Wanted to share this so if happens to someone to remember to just breathe everything is Gods will....
  12. I stopped reading after a man is womans direction whats up with that ??
  13. You look at that stuff when you dont have game then it matters ,but actually it has some truth to it but with someone with game it doesnt matter... Women look into that stuff and ask you for zodiac signs like its 100% truth its little silly...
  14. Yeah that qoute i got a girlfriend is pedestalization, you wont lose neediness because you dont see yourself as someone worth pedestalizing... You shouldnt even have to mention that you have a gf because shes in relationship with you but thats more advanced mindset ? Pick up should be coupled with inner work of Game which you are not doing and it wont go away, because mind is looking at outside for solutions..
  15. @Swarnim i get what you are saying because i also had music on, it was way better to listen to it too, just clear "in your face" type effect little bit magical also...
  16. @Razard86 Many of us should be blind ?
  17. Nobody needs to prove to you if enlightment is this or that find out for yourself or focus on things that makes you happy... Asking all this queastions shows you are not serious about this so dont even go there its not all sunshine and rainbows... Whats wrong with being unconcious? nothing dont do it...
  18. @Arthogaan Because i still want to experience human life before i completely die and surrender... Spiritual work is slowly killing yourself as an ego illusion that make up your whole life right now,not ready to give it up ?
  19. @Arthogaan Stopped doing practices 2 years ago
  20. @Carl-Richard Thats scary tho it goes up forever and there is no end! just because im attached to human experience, didnt experience it like i want to, its not scary if you know you exhausted human condition..
  21. @amanen It comes down yes but it moves the illusion barrier of outside/inside more and more every time with each mystical experience... @BipolarGrowth Its like rollercoster ride little scary at top and fun going down