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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. @The0Self Here is topic pick up i didnt think about dates i agree with those i think people try to compenzate with money with lack of game which is territory to be used and a simp for life..
  2. @Arcangelo Why did she deserve that?
  3. @Razard86 i mean all relationships are spiritual act, where 2 people want to become one(but fail) but what i meant you are using too advanced insights to explain something its like you are talking about rocket ships to the moon to me while im talking to you how im trying to build a wooden toilet to survive ? You need identity for quality relationship there is no go around that having no identity and being inside those big insights having a relationship is a joke at that point imo...
  4. @Arcangelo On what do you need to spent tho?
  5. @The0Self Good job! shame that people only know about game through pick up its so much more deeper and beautiful and point is not even women ?
  6. @The0Self Its the sweetest when you dont need sex so she needs to prove to you if shes worthy of the d...since game is all about positioning you position yourself that she must have sex because if she doesnt she will lose you and she will be crazy to do that because you are one of a kind but im not there but its gonna happen
  7. @The0Self my bad i read it wrong, what you said is excatly what ive been thinking, what should be because guy with game doesnt go for sex or go for dates to have sex its either obvious or its not even the case...
  8. @Roy @The0Self You manipulation masters ?
  9. @KH2 Yeah having game is a must
  10. @KH2 I mean you can say that but socially inept guys make it big like Nikola Tesla,Bill gates etc. All great stuff we have are born from non conformist socially akward geeks usually, but they learned to be social but still they would suck with women and socially neverthless....
  11. @vindicated erudite thats the thing connecting with yourself is key i used to think dates will be the reason to connect but its not doesnt matter what date you have its you thats the attraction of date so you basically hiding behind ideas...
  12. @vindicated erudite i was curious to see whats your reason...? My reason is to show her why i would take her somewhere to show the different sides of me basically like you said its centered around me and its about giving the experience with me... So basically deeper issue is not knowing yourself enough on that level to do that which i dont know myself enough to do that ??
  13. To post an idea first i need to know whats the point of the date in the first place?
  14. Its a peer pressure thing, virginity shaming was always a pointless game but it has some truth to how socially and life capable you are but it might be also pointless argument because to have sucess with business doesnt match with being sucessful with women or socially (if thats what someone messure sucess)so at this point i dont get it...
  15. @Breakingthewall girlfriends are not therapist
  16. @Someone here Because of your level of thinking that you have right now you can't be a man by you following be this be that,you will never do it because if its just that you would be it already... So you need a coach to show you what you are missing, you cant do it alone because you dont know whats stopping you....
  17. By getting coached by a man...
  18. Salute to the new mods!
  19. @Leo Gura I dont get how is this not non duality one conciousness that has infinite possible dreams inside it i dont get how's different?
  20. @lxlichael ?‍♂️
  21. You are still playing games with what you are saying, real enlightement is not for everyone its complete seeing of a dream,you saying just stop playing game like its a piece of cake, we are talking about death here...
  22. @Someone here By replacing it with trust in yourself which starts with valuing your own thinking for yourself... I mean its a whole process its alot to it but its basically why women seek men because they are beating at their own drum... There is a practice to set it all off but i dont think you ready for this ?
  23. Perfect life is realizing that there is nobody who can tell you or there is nowhere the rule or guru who can tell you what perfect life is but you... Perfect life is designed to your own unique authenticity, everything is made for you from you...
  24. He can see what others cant ?
  25. There is lot to it but how i see it... guy will slut shame usually because he cant sleep with her and other people can ,basically if she would sleep with a guy it would be alright or because of low self esteem where that guy wants to be special to her but he cant...