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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. @no_name how much time you are spenting to learn and implement game?
  2. @Jannes they give you alot but in the end nothing really @Tyler Robinson last one on psychadelic half year ago i think more than 10 without psychadelics through years of grinding spirituality @Razard86 for a 60y old who has his life foundation figured out and now is ready to kill himself with love i dont see the apeall atm its death...
  3. @Jannes not a fan of it anymore its all empty promises life will never be perfect like they say its always a tradeoff of some sorts and transformation is always painful as f no nice mystical experience do anything...
  4. @Jannes More and more i think spirituality is a complete bs this accepting love thing thats not sustainable its naive...
  5. @Razard86 that is like a vicious circle, you dont know what you want,so you cant know who you are, not knowing who you are you cant love yourself... For me that is a lack of passion so they suffer and bored i dont think they are choosing that because they cant see they have a choice...
  6. What if depression truly comes because you dont have anything to desire
  7. Your mind is looking to make competition againts other versus competition you have with yourself.. You dont make your own competition for yourself so you look outside people to give you that and it becomes too much because not everyone is in same level and same category and everyone is different,with different paths and aims...
  8. Nothing related to this either is allowed...
  9. Because its a skill you dont go to college and ask why should i spent years to learn this skill. Game never sleeps,never ends...
  10. @Manny thats just one part of it,i dont know the guy but working wont make you a man thats like saying going to the gym and getting muscle will make you a man.. Resaults wont make you masculine Its other way around,from inner who you are,you are doing and the resaults come from that,not focusing on doing and resaults... This works but you are not growing you are getting outside resaults thats why you can have all money and be miserable etc.
  11. @Manny You cant control that if you dont have inner work nailed down ?
  12. Didnt watch it all but correct me if im wrong what is he saying if you fix your life becoming succesful in every area you will be good to go?
  13. @ChrisZoZo It can come off that way, i just know how it is,so i know its a tough thing to crack, for example if you think there is something more important than you then you ironically wont help the planet because you are rejecting yourself You make it sound like walk in the park...
  14. And its really challenging to get out of this, whole social matrix depends on it and it takes to focus on yourself first alot of further awareness and insights etc. Its a sickness in my direct experience...
  15. Okay but if you really wanna help planet then you need to help yourself first helping other with little favours is okay but nothing really comes out of it just in deeper psychological sense it robs you from focusing on you so from that position you help others...
  16. @ChrisZoZo When you wake up you wont be looking to save planet because you will see its perfect as it nothing would change mind development is crucial plus awekening
  17. @Gesundheit2 You are too intelectul and rigid for me Read his threads
  18. @ChrisZoZo You cant help people you are not in position to do that...thats deception,so you dont help yourself so you wont ever be able to help anyone... Its so easy to go around helping others while your life is falling apart because mind likes it,keeping you off growing yourself..
  19. @Eyowey Yeah first contemplate then supplement it with others povs.. But read that thread again and see why its low quality i really couldnt tell if its a troll or not...
  20. @ChrisZoZo It takes exceptional human to get to a level to really care about planet and help it...we are putting here planets sake and most of us cant even pay bills... Its really hurtful to care about planet before yourself and thats why planet wont be saved...only thinking and caring about planet not being developed to really help it... You saying care about the planet is that same problem, go help planet saying others to care is deception of the mind, that wont make you focus on yourself so you can mybe help planet in 10 to 15 years...if your focus will be fruitful to elevate yourself
  21. @Gesundheit2 we need to determine what doing it right means and what is a positive change its different for everybody,mybe from your pov some mod made a bad decision mybe he is seeing things you dont its complicated matter at the end of the day... Edit:most annoying mods are the ones who dont explain to you why they did what they did and dont warn you before ban...
  22. @Gesundheit2 Lets swap our positions so i can see how you would do it that's only fair
  23. @r0ckyreed well said ?? Edit:teachers,mentors are only ones who help elevate your level of thinking and help you see it for yourself