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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. @Shawn Philips comparing yourself with others and the world at that age is not so wise...
  2. @Bob Seeker Game is what i am,everything that comes from me,everything that is thought by me,everything that is influenced by me for me ...
  3. @Someone here ofcourse you have to follow the laws and stuff(truths of society) other than that its free for all..
  4. @Someone here Yes that's the point there is no actual truth no scientist, no priest,no professor ever told you THE Truth, its all partial there is only one truth present moment... So its your job yes to find your own truth and forget about truth where everything will be connected there is no such thing, but humans tried and i tried it always fails...
  5. @Someone here Truth cant be grassped with mind if you shut off mind thats the truth, everything else is partial truth...
  6. @Someone here Well because something that hurts you will help the other guy or girl.Best example is mother wanting best for her child but instilling behaviour that will hurt him but those helped her.What im trying to say everyone is different and has to think for themselves about what he should be doing or not,realizing no society,parents cant and wont help you on contrary they will hurt you so antidote is individual thought,scepticism,following your self and just using others as idea searching... What you trying to get to is everyone doing the same thing believing in same and living same life like there are actual truth out there if you follow that you eill have great life.Year ago because im logical had to see there is no such thing as finding best thing and that will turn out best for me...individual truth wins always but you have to take into account others which should be secondary..
  7. @LordFall So true if we can see it, then women can see it on steroids and immidietly put him in a box where he wont come out..and beating around the bush being friendly to get them at the end of semester is manipulative im not againts the guy im trying to tell how it is...
  8. @TheGreekSeeker ill intents to tell him that hes boring women, that he should be able to express himself better and stop pretending that hes all perfect with no flaws just women are too shallow to realize it? okay im assuming
  9. @TheGreekSeeker Im not here to fit into your standard and ways you want me to be, im doing what i think is best some people will hate it some will love it...but harsher approach is best is exposes the ones who truly are about something and want to grow versus someone who just pretends he wants to grow and being about something they are not...i mean if someone has such a fragile ego that cant take criticism then he wont amount to anything in self actualization, it is about 100% brutal honesty to can flash and flex your external resaults all you want but whats really important is can have all the girl in the world and still be underdeveloped loser,academia is perfect example you just become succesful brainwashed puppet after all the years won but you actually lost..
  10. Because there are personal truths combined with "actual" truth that are partial combined with absolute truth which nobody sees... There cant be a truth that everybody agrees on because from different perspective comes different truths.. Like from what you will call bad they see their own truth and ways as the truth which are in conflict with someone we consider good.. If you could truly see bad side you will believe in his truth and vise versa...
  11. @TheGreekSeeker How you speak is how you see yourself so how he is writing shows everything,you cant say women are not submissive these days and seriously make me believe that comes from attractive man...compassion and understanding? Its ruthless out here what will compassion do make you feel better im done ?‍♂️
  12. Better is why are you so special and lazy that we need to prove to you anything ?
  13. @Hardkill Now prove to me why im disrespectful and why would i believe you i have all the qualities of the non toxic honorable man ? Dont call me toxic and disrespectful because ill get offended... 99% of so called self improvement is self stroking ego 1% is tough painfull honest pushing and digging executing...there is so much bs in whats being said like you have went through hell to be charismatic and cant take some criticism from some guy on the internet i shouldnt have said anything and be quite thats best just cant stand lies ???
  14. @Hardkill Doesnt matter if you look like supermodel or hydra with 5 heads thats the point i can see who you are by how you speak its nothing close to charismatic and if you didnt know nobody cares about what you been through i can assure you you havent taste hell ive been through but who cares about that? Nobody....
  15. @Hardkill dont belive me think for yourself and do what you are doing im not your dad...
  16. @Hardkill Proof is in your writing and i guess if my breath is bad im only one that cant smell it..
  17. @Hardkill That was super boring,you dont know how to express yourself so they will see you as boring ,because you are seeing yourself as boring without knowing it...
  18. Its really effective if you have problems with posture and movement restrictions..having friend to explain it to you is a bonus because hes using some advance terminology to explain everything... Functional means everything that is specific for something, in this case functional means on ways you gonna move more efficiently and having better posture so when you workout you dont have so called energy leaks,so you can make the most out of workouts(better movement better gains)and painfree other cases plyometrics are functional for someone that wants to be explosive in legs for demands in their sport... Courses are a bit pricey but i recommend it and it works almost instantly because its rewirting back to how your body should be from all the sitting around etc.
  19. @Eyowey That's basically the opposite of what the lesson is...
  20. Have you watched wednesday?
  21. Chase yourself simple as that...
  22. @CultivateLove Okay you take a bus ill take bike ,we will meet at bar at this street at this time,probably that will be my opinion that we end up at same place with different means, mindblowing stuff... If you have cult mentaility watch out because we dont operate here like that...
  23. There is no purpose out there you create it... What you did is you created a thread, for the purpose to ask what purpose is thats all there is to it... You wont found absolute purpose...